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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  April 15, 2024 9:30am-10:01am MSK

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the cost of oil and gas and gold, it will grow, the entire limit is determined only by how long the crisis situation in the middle east will last, and what scale it will actually acquire, if there is a military escalation, then at the moment the prices for individual types of products and types of assets they can take off simply astronomically. so far, fears about a complete shutdown of air traffic in the region have not come true. the closed skies regime over israel lasted only one night, after which russian carriers resumed flying. but a number of european airlines have suspended flights to middle eastern countries. and thailand's largest carrier said its planes would fly over iran and the region as a whole on their way to europe. worldwide in terms of geography.
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the strait of armud, which is controlled by iran, oman and the united arab emirates. it is called the main oil artery of the world. in the event of a further increase in tension, the main events, experts suggest, will affect this strategically important transport corridor. and it will already be a serious challenge for the entire global economy. if strikes from israel and retaliatory strikes are inflicted on...
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the only reassurance is that most analysts are sure that the global conflict in the middle east is now not beneficial to anyone, as the un secretary general let slip the day before, the world cannot afford another war, which means we conclude that if war occurs, it means that someone in the world needs it.
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at least look at me, when it's all over, alice will return to her time, and you will have to return to yours, i mean, why, we we will act here now, we will change the present, in the name of our common past, which is like the future, we will save your parents, and the personal path and 13 galaxies of all, delicious, very, because made with love, 100 years. home ahead. hello, i'm boris sakimov, and i'm oleg stepanov. and we, the creators of the russia 2062 project of the free thought headquarters. together with experts, we are discussing how we can develop the russia of the future in the next 40 years. see you in the future. watch video everything
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stopped working, install, open, we watch russian channels, all series, movies and cartoons, educational programs and documentaries, we watch, we watch in the application or on the website. we continue the broadcast, the head of magate rafael grossi will speak today at a meeting of the un security council on the zaporozhye nuclear power plant. it will take place against the backdrop of increased shelling of the station by the ukrainian armed forces. last week. drones attacked
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almost daily, and if previously ukrainian troops avoided attacks directly on the station, now such raids are happening more and more often. meanwhile on the facility is preparing to kill the mage's observers. olga kurlaeva has all the details. for almost a year and a half, the zaporozhye nuclear power plant site was considered probably the safest place on the entire line of combat contact. ukrainian militants diligently avoided being hit by drone shells, choosing as their targets the city of energodar and what is located outside the perimeter of the zaporozhye nuclear power plant. on april 7 , the situation changed dramatically, and now there is an air alert... right here at the zaporozhye nuclear power plant site station, sounds almost every day. at this time, being near power units without body armor and a helmet is strictly prohibited. for the first time, an air hazard at the zaporozhye nuclear power plant was declared back in the summer of 2022
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. in the fall, the shelling practically stopped. the projectile was replaced by unmanned aerial vehicles that circled in the sky above the nuclear power plant. ukrainian in april. we have a tank, in this tank in each of them what’s bad is this place, right next to two, for each block, in each tank there is order 500 cubic meters of distilled water, chemically desalted, which is used in the technological process, right? this arrival, fortunately, only damaged the casing, yes, the tank itself remained intact, a day earlier there was an attempt to attack the acid-nitrogen station, a couple of weeks before that the drone fell not far from the fuel storage for diesel generators, who is shooting anyway? well, for me i don’t know, for me
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there are no questions, and on the opposite bank, naturally, since september 22 , there have been foreigners at the zaporozhye nuclear power plant site observers. experts, whether it’s a coincidence or not, but after the foreign inspectors showed up for the meeting, the intensity of shelling from the right bank fell, this is really a deterrent, yes, so their presence here is positive, these are eyes and ears, which, well, in my opinion , must bring an independent assessment, give an independent assessment of the situation that is happening, the ukrainian soldier... the nuclear power plant went to zero nine times, that is, it was disconnected from the external power supply. for us, a block is alive the body and when it completely shuts down, especially for such reasons, it is always at
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least sad. a unique training complex for training repair teams is located outside the perimeter of the curtains. specialists working in the reactor are trained here. that all enterprises are starting to function, everything is fine with us, we work, receive salaries, everything is in full swing for us. anastasia kislaya works at the zaporozhye nuclear power plant in the office management department. observes kabikadze's drone attacks on
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station infrastructure. the arrival was through those windows, well, between the windows, a drone flew in. here we have fragments, elements. for almost 2 years now, and if there has been a long period of calm at the zaporozhye nuclear power plant site, then the city expects daily provocations from the right bank of the kokhovskoe reservoir. the regime of silence, which is announced during the rotation of missionaries from magathe, is ignored by the ukrainian side. during the november rotation, when
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the missionaries were passing by atomgrad, ukrainian drones attacked a residential quarter. one of them flew to an apartment building and flew into the apartment. miraculously, no one was hurt; there were seven unmanned aerial vehicles in total. official kiev is trying to destabilize the situation in the city of nuclear scientists and jeopardize nuclear safety. the ukrainian side is even behaving in such a way that our people, our citizens, simply leave. even from a military point of view today, this makes no sense. there is only one meaning: fear. but despite the constant shelling from ukrainian positions and provocations from the kiev authorities, the energy gift joins the family of russian nuclear scientists and becomes an atom city. the city renovated the swimming pool and opened a unique boxing school in a specialized one.
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the return of schoolchildren to the educational process, recalls how in 2022 in the city where the schools of the city of energodar, she was happy about building all the unions, there was not a single russian-language school left, we were waiting for this. finally we have waited, we speak the language we want, our children learn their native language, no one forbids us how to speak what language, as was the case initially in 1414, an air threat was again declared in energodar, and the air defense forces suppressed another drone. the zaporozhye nuclear power plant
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employs more than 2,500 employees, their safety and the safety of the station is ensured by the rosvardia unit, military personnel of the rkhbz troops monitor the environment on a daily basis, and they are also responsible for the safety of observers from the mht during rotation. in the coming days the 17th will pass and the international nuclear energy agency has developed constructive relations, rosatom is always open to dialogue. international observers record violations without giving their assessment, but the residents of the russian nuclear city are already drawing conclusions, they know very well who is destroying them and who is creating them. city ​​olga kurlaeva, sergey shcheptev, mikhail kolosov and nargodar, zaporozhye
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region. residents of europe will sooner or later give a harsh assessment of their leaders, who sacrificed the well-being of their countries to the interests of the united states. dmitry medvedev, in an article for the magazine , the expert emphasized that the main thing is what exactly the old world will have to pay for fatal errors. the situation in ukraine, according to the deputy chairman of the russian security council, is a special case. there is no talk here about... moscow is fighting to protect its own statehood. we defend our territories, which have always been and will be historical russia. our actions are a forced, but quite effective response to the russophobic policies of the bandera regime and the collective west, its desire to destroy our statehood. the inevitable victory of russia will give rise to a new architecture of eurasian and international security. she should be reflected in the new ones...
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it’s cold, how long will this weather last, and in general, speaking throughout the country as a whole, are cold snaps and floods somehow connected? well, let's start from the center of the country, here at the beginning of the week even snowflakes will be seen, but the same cyclone, which is associated with the cold snap in the west of the country, is now pushing heat to siberia, while the north of siberia remains in the grip of frosts, which of course cannot help the situation in any way with floods. a ship stuck in ice on a tami can be seen in the vicinity of tomsk; a formation has formed on the river ice jam, several are already trying to get rid of it. houses, in tomsk itself,
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a raging river washed away part of the road and the banks and bank fortifications along with the power line. the next video is from the kurgan region, where the tobol river continues to overflow, it washed away two wooden bridges, rescuers monitored their path downstream, in the mound itself it is struggling for... subsiding, but nevertheless still remains at a record high level . in orenburg telegram channels you can come across such footage, brought the house is broken by the current and the bridge. there are thousands of houses in the region, some up to their roofs in water. while some regions of russia are drowning, others are languishing in the heat, in the coastal region, residents stretch out on the beach, thermometers in the region
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rise to +30. but let’s open the synoptic map and say a few words about atmospheric processes. determining the weather. the abnormal warming in primorye was associated with the influence of the warm sector of the cyclone, which is moving along the border with china. it's +40 degrees for the neighbors. the echoes of this heat, together with the southern winds, reached our territory. well, today the cyclone will move east and it will become cooler. the south of eastern siberia is also under the influence of the warm sector of the cyclone, and the north , on the contrary, is under the influence of the cold rear part. another cyclone shapes the weather on the russian plain. the eastern part and the urals are warm. sector, here is the west and central region in the rear in the path of the northern winds. let's open the next map, this is the forecast of the maximum temperature for today, in usye ob, as you can see, frosts persist, while to the south the khante-mansi temperature is confidently more positive, you can see how warm is making its way to vyatka, well, colder air is coming from the west. in the zone of greatest
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temperature contrasts, that is, in the east of the central region, the most intense rains will occur today. on the middle volga , quantity. precipitation may exceed 10 mm per day, moderate precipitation will be in the west, and by the evening with rain, sleet is possible. a cyclone is approaching the mound, today there is still no precipitation, +10 during the day, tomorrow heavy rain during the day +12, on wednesday the precipitation will weaken and warm up to 14°, well on thursday up to 21, by the weekend up to +25. moscow today is under the influence in the rear part of the cyclone the air is fresh, cold, partly cloudy during the day, +8 +11, tomorrow in the morning from 0 to +5, 10-15° during the day. in the middle of the week there will be rain and colder temperatures again, but by the weekend, according to preliminary forecasts, the weather will improve. and i must add that it is very windy in the central region today; gusts of up to 16 m/s are possible in the capital. well, in the area up to twenty. we continue to monitor the weather. credit. sbercard
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colleague danil makhalin. he's coming to me joins. dan, good morning. who 's in the lead? good morning, sash, russians are everywhere , the men have ian nepomnyashchiy, the girls have alexander goryachkin. the next round ended in the russian football premier league, which presented many significant events and brought even more clarity to the standings. finally said goodbye to the dream of becoming a champion at dynamo moscow. in yekaterinburg there was a third defeat in a row. ural, which is desperately fighting for survival, won with a score of 2:1, scoring the decisive goal at the very end. on the ball tyukavin, the hosts responded with accurate shots from mishkich and kashtanov. samara wings, which were stronger than kazan rubin, also came close to the top three winners. the goals of gorshkov and khubulov were the only ones in the match. ended with a score of 2:0 in favor of osenkin’s team. in other matches on sunday, orenburg defeated nizhnenovgorod at home 3:1, and the torch lost to rostov 0:1 at home,
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thanks to a goal by ronaldo. the day before , as many as 18 goals were scored. 3:3 in the cska lokomotiv derby, 7:1 regular defeat grozny akhmat performed by kaliningrad baltika zenit's victory over krasnodar as a direct competitor in the fight for the championship. and only one team. didn’t score that day, it was spartak, who lost 0:1 to sochi. this happened on the birthday of red and white head coach guilherm obascal, who was fired the very next day, apparently so as not to completely spoil the holiday. and baskal took charge of spartak in the summer of '22 and won bronze medals last season. lead the teams in the return match of the russian cup semi-final with zenit on april 17 will be abaskal's assistant vladimir sliskovich in the championship after 23. spartak scored 35 points and is sixth in the table. the amount of the penalty that spartak will pay the spanish coach, according to preliminary information, will be about
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850,000 euros. a real sensation occurred in the german football bundesliga, where for the first time in its club history over 120 years, bayern became the national champion, interrupting the hegemony of bayern, which had previously won for 11 years in a row. the day before in a home match. bayer beat 5:0 werder became unattainable in the table. moreover, the team from leverkusen has not lost 43 matches in a row in all tournaments, this is a repetition of juventus' record among the top 5 european leagues in the 21st century. therefore, the nickname until this moment, which became bayer's second five times never cousin, is now irrelevant. thousands of fans were able to celebrate the victory with the team, but they couldn’t stand it and rushed to celebrate the success right on the field. the club is coached by spaniard xabi alonso, who is just starting his career, and joined the team in the fall. on the twenty-second, when it was in the relegation zone, but at the post-match press conference he was not allowed to say anything to the journalists, his
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own players. csk won. perm bears won the russian handball cup among men's teams for the first time in history. the final of the four tournaments took place in perm, where first the army team beat the chekhov bears in the 1/2 finals, and then succeeded in the main match against the host perm bears with a score of 34-32. cska lost during the match, but was able to return to the game in the end for the first time in history became the owner of this trophy in men's handball. bronze went to the chekhov bears, who... in the match for third place were stronger than the krasnodar skiff 41:25. last season's national champion and cup winner dynamo moscow did not make it
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to the women's final this time. volleyball season and the main rival of recent years , kaliningrad lokomotiv, which has never fallen below second place in history, took revenge for the defeat in last year’s final, again it took five matches to determine the winner of the confrontation, the last one was played in moscow, the more valuable is the victory of lock, who was stronger in four games 3:1, 25:19, 27:25, 24-26 and 25:18 in favor of lokomotiv from kaliningrad. as part of the final stage of the commonwealth biathlon cup , the final race of the season for women took place in murmansk. after finishing the mastart , world champion ekaterina yurlova perkht announced her retirement from her sports career. traditionally, the biathlon season in russia ends in the first half in tyumen or khantomantiysk, but this time
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there are competitions. 10 years ago we returned to murmansk, men, first place in the overall standings of the commonwealth cup was taken by belarusian anton smolsky, who became third in the mastart, losing to tsvetkov and khalili. in the women's overall standings , irina kazakevich won, who was also third in the mastart, losing to shevchenko and goreeva. pilot of the lada sport rosneft racing team leonid panfilov twice stood on the podium at the first stage of the russian circuit racing series. the competition is over. weekend at the fortress grozny circuit in the capital of the chechen republic, on saturday lada sport rosneft driver, manager factory turbocharged car of the superproduction class, in the last turn managed to carry out a successful attack on the main rival and rose to the second step of the scoring pedestal, on sunday, starting from seventh place, carried out several successful attacks and won the bronze competition cup in the smp tcr-rashsha class, the most successful for talyatinskaya
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team. it was friday, based on the results of the qualifying races, the best time of the day was shown by ivan chubarov and his racing lada vesta tcr, the season of the russian ring for the lada sport rosneft team only begins, the second stage of the racing series will take place in early may at the smolensk ring circuit. that's all about sports for now. thank you very much, it was danilo makhalin. and to other topics. a multimedia art museum has opened in moscow after a large-scale restoration.
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entirely, and we replaced everything, the roof, this is 46 tons of rotten roofing, which had to be lowered together with dense buildings in the center of moscow, where there is one access point, imagine how easy it was, and then the same amount of raising new blood and finding people who will agree to this crazy thing, here you are do you understand what it means to replace polymer floors in conditions... look at russia-24 after 13:30
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moscow time. in the capital 10 we continue to broadcast the morning news, here is what we have learned by this hour: over the past 24 hours in orenburg, about a thousand more buildings have been flooded, in total in the territory. region there are more than 15 thousand residential buildings in the water, the situation is now difficult in other regions, the tobol river is rapidly in kurgan, the level on the tom river is rising. moscow calls on the parties to the conflict in the middle east to show restraint. at the same time, the representative of russia at un, vasily nebezya noted at a meeting of the security council: he is observing a parade of hypocrisy on the part of the west, when the root causes of the crisis are hushed up.


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