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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  April 15, 2024 4:00pm-4:30pm MSK

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in paris at the louisviten foundation, of course, there was a tremendous success, the exhibition was watched by more than a million people, it was supposed to close on february 22, 2022, but it was extended, and after the start of a special military operation, france announced, i quote, that it would keep the masterpieces at home during the russian-ukrainian conflict, it was possible to return the sculpture paintings back only thanks to the intervention of the russian president; cars crossed the russian border on may 2, 2022, there were 67 works there. from
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the pushkin museum, 65 from the armitage, 33 from the tretikovka, two from the russian museum, were transported masterpieces 20 days. in summer and autumn , an exhibition of the collection of mikhail ivan morozov from the collection of the pushkin hermitage museum, on the banks of the neva from the collection of sergei shchukin, opens in pushkinsky. there are cross-exhibitions; before this , on the contrary, moscow appreciated the taste of shchukin, st. petersburg, morozov. well, art critics and art lovers compared the exhibitions to see who did better. moscow or st. petersburg, an eternal topic. information picture of the day in facts - this is russia 24. in the studio artyom yamshchikov and olga armyakova. and that's what we 'll talk about in this issue. well, let's start with flood situations. water is capturing more and more new territories. settlements in eleven regions fell into the flood zone.
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water is gradually leaving orenburg, the kurgan region is in the risk zone, and there is a threat of an emergency in the novosibirsk region. floods are expected in the tyumen region, as well as in tomsk, where the flood is gaining strength. the water level in the tom river within the capital continues to rise due to the formation of ice jams. a dam in the city partially collapsed, and more than thirty residential buildings in the region have already been flooded. the first flooding is recorded already in tomsk, temporary accommodation centers are being opened there. about the situation in the region. andrey malanov will tell you more. a large piece of the shore just collapsed behind me. this is part of an earthen dam in the area of ​​the communal bridge. we see how water easily carries away reinforced concrete blocks. the elements are looking for a way out. a powerful ice jam has formed in the area of ​​the river station, and another one remains near the village of kazanka. at a staff meeting with the governor today, they noted that, despite the difficult situation, there are positive ones.
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trends in particular from kalarov to the communal bridge the river cleared of ice overnight in the asht of the black river there was no increase in water level, in the area of ​​​​the villages of baturino and vershinino observers even recorded a decrease of 10 cm. kazanka baturino, the most powerful was a break, overflow, yesterday even the highly cross-country ural three-axle vehicle could not get through this overflow, it was already beginning to be demolished. this morning cars are already passing by. and this suggests that logistics connections with populated areas have been restored. last weekend blasters from kuzbass blew up the ice in the hope of weakening the ice shell in critical places, five explosions, more than half a ton of explosives. all these days we have been working in test interaction with representatives of federal structures and with the leadership of municipalities. this allows us to quickly coordinate our actions aimed at ensuring security. life and health
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of citizens. the ministry of emergency situations reports that today there are 326 household plots and 30 residential buildings in the flood zone, in which 74 people live, including six children. all of them evacuated to relatives or to temporary accommodation centers, which were deployed at schools in vershinino, baturino, siny utyos, kaftanchikovo and kislovka. representatives of municipalities and operatives from the ministry of emergency situations are on duty at the site of flooding. our television company is also monitoring developments. andrey malanov, evgeny lisenok, vesti tomsk. so, in the orenburg region there is a state of emergency at the federal level; more than 15 thousand residential buildings there remain flooded ; more than 1,600 people were evacuated from the flood zones during the flood. water level in the ural river in the orenburg area fell by 16 cm per day and amounted to 11.6 m. it still remains critical. in the area most affected by
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the flood, the water dropped by 60 cm and dropped to about 6 m. large waters are moving towards the village of ilek. the peak of the flood there is expected in the second half of the week. so, our special correspondent margarita semenyuk works in the orenburg region and communicates directly with us. margarita, greetings, what is the current situation in the regions affected by the flood, judging by the news agency feeds, today are schoolchildren in orsk, we were finally able to return to face-to-face classes, is it possible to say that the situation is at least gradually, but nevertheless normalized? yes, colleagues, welcome. in orenburg, the area remains tense, but is gradually stabilizing, indeed there is a decrease in the water level in the ural river in orenburg slowly, but it is decreasing, while emergency situations ministry employees are still on duty, they are helping people evacuate, and i note
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that this is the third time i have flown to orsk head of the ministry of emergency situations of russia alexander kurenkov, together with the plenipotentiary representative of russia in the volga federal district, they met with... an initiative group of residents affected by the flood, also instructed people on support measures and discussed the mechanisms of the commission, which will begin to assess the damage from the flood. i will also note that now in orenburg the water level is 11 m 59 cm, with every hour the level drops by several centimeters, in orenburg more than 10,500 remain flooded. orsk, there is a decline there, houses are also being emptied of water, and i propose now to watch the visit of the head of the russian ministry of emergency situations, alexander kurenkov. we
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a day before the release, we publish it both in the public pages of official administrations and... on other portals, what happens if there is still no economy? if a person is not at home, we fix it, and we come there again. our task is to visit all households within two weeks. evacuation continues in orenburg, so far 1,708 people have been removed from flooded houses, and today the evacuation continues, today we evacuated families together and i suggest you listen to the commentary, it comes application is all, we are going, we are taking both people and animals, we are helping everyone if possible, but there are people who have already served their time, gave birth, the peak has passed, they are already tired, they are asking for freedom
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to hunt on dry land, they were evacuated, but now they sat until the last , we waited, lord, maybe it will pass, but the trouble has not passed, oh, water, it was probably tuesday. well, i can’t say that she walked really quickly, but she came, and so they dragged things from floor to floor, but they just made it in time. rospotrebnadzor keeps the situation under constant control regions with flooding. i would like to note that daily monitoring of drinking water is carried out in the orenburg region; more than 500 samples have already been taken. vaccination against hepatitis a is also actively underway; over 18,000 people have already been vaccinated. i will note that now all the victims are in five temporary accommodation centers, where there are all the conditions and basic necessities in order to wait out the peak of the flood in order to wait for the water to recede and return to their homes, colleagues, yes, margarit, thank you, our colleague was on direct line from orenburg,
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margarita semenyuk, it’s not necessary like this. it’s necessary like this, like this, like this, i understand, like this , at the megamarket, backpacks are discounted up to 50%, we take out loans, it’s easy to apply for them, we’re in a soviet bank, we take out loans, but we got them quickly, we’re in a soviet bank up to 5 million, loans that everyone knows, this has never happened before, russian cold, 150 g of unprecedented, rich taste in one glass. try the real russian cold ice cream, great, incredible taste. you can perform in single skating, but play with a team in football. can dry fires at work and burn in the field,
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the situation was most difficult, the water level in the tabol river dropped slightly, and yet, now, judging by news agency feeds, the water level in the tabol river is near kurgan, that is, capital of the kurgan region, rose by 63 cm in 10 hours and has now reached a record level, well, now we’ll tell you the details according to the latest forecasts, water level. there in the near future it will rise above 11 m with a dangerous value of 8.5 m. residents of the right bank part of kurgan called for immediate evacuation from areas of possible flooding; about 13,000 people have already been evacuated. there are 825 people in temporary accommodation centers, including 156 children. currently there are 820 people in the temporary temporary detention center, more than 12,000 people are in preventive contact. that is, most people leave for other addresses or to friends and relatives. the drinking water
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situation is stable, rospotrebnadzor is doing fences every day, until any interruptions or deterioration in quality are observed. at the same time, recommendations were given to residents, and storing water is the first, second thing, we have deployed two water purification stations, high points, if necessary, we will provide the city with water, including bringing water from other sources through distances, but we have additionally taken measures , water utility. is completing the lining of the main point with a height of more than 12 m, so we hope that the water utility will be operational throughout the entire period. now about the situation in the tyumen region, where the level water in tobol and shima may significantly exceed the historical maximum. according to the regional governor, high water is expected to arrive in a few days. military engineers have already begun blasting ice on rivers to avoid congestion. according to the latest information, almost 200 houses are in the risk zone. mohr said that it was necessary
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to recalculate these data due to the deterioration of the flood forecast. mikhail mishustin is currently meeting in moscow with prime minister of belarus roman golovchenko. negotiations take place in the house government. before they started , a traditional photography ceremony took place. good afternoon. dear roman sanich, dear colleagues, your visit is very timely, just at the end of last week our presidents, vladimirovich putin and aleksandrovich lukashenko , conducted it in detail. negotiations in moscow, important agreements were reached on the further development of russian-belarusian cooperation, on deepening integration in the union state, and of course, the task of our governments is to ensure clear, unconditional implementation of all decisions that our leaders made at the highest level. i would like to
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cordially congratulate you on the historical event, on the first flight into space of a belarusian woman. cosmonaut marina vasilevskaya, our presidents met with the participants of the twenty-first expedition to the international space station, i would also like to note that the first launch of the eastern cosmodrome of the hangar heavy-class rocket took place here again last week, by the way, belarusians took part in the construction of the facilities at this launch pad builders, these achievements symbolize such, i would say, unprecedented level. operations of russia and belarus in the field of high technology, science , along with manned flights, we are actively engaged in space research, jointly introducing them into various sectors of the economy in the interests of citizens, our state in the interests of the union state. despite the increasing sanctions
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pressure, russia and belarus are proactively strengthening union integration. you and i are doing it together. adopted by the supreme state council on january 29 in st. petersburg with the participation of our presidents, the main directions of implementation of the treaty on the union state for the next three years. we give priority attention to strengthening trade and economic cooperation. in the twenty-third year, we again set another record, and the record figures for mutual trade turnover are 4,200 billion russian rubles, or almost 150 billion belarusian rubles. we are accelerating the implementation of twenty-five joint projects in the field of industrial cooperation, i would like to thank you, dear raman santovich, you were the initiator of industrial cooperation, both in the evraz and cis space, but naturally within the framework of the union state. we are increasing the export of belarusian goods to foreign markets using russian transport infrastructure, but last year, in particular
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, transit traffic more than doubled compared to the twenty-second year. up to 20 million tons. as a result of our negotiations, we will sign an intergovernmental agreement on the mutual recognition of electronic digital signatures in cross-border electronic interaction. this is a very important event. let us remember that we worked with them for several years and were able to solve a whole range of problems and complex legal and technological processes. now belarusian and russian entrepreneurs will be able to do so without restrictions. participate in government procurement procedures and perform other legally significant actions in the common markets for goods and services of the union state. another document that will be signed today is an intergovernmental agreement on the joint production of the osvey light multipurpose aircraft, the union state has a large territory, we, of course, need the most
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modern aircraft of different classes, different types, and for the transportation of both passengers and cargo, therefore. we are embarking on such deep cooperation in the field of aircraft manufacturing on the basis of mutual benefit and equal use of technologies and, very importantly, common production capacities. these decisions are of systemic importance for deepening integration in the union state. i believe that this is exactly what the citizens of both russia and belarus expect from us. once again , i cordially welcome you all to moscow. and you have the floor, dear roman sannovich. thank you, dear mikhail vladimirovich, dear colleagues, i thank you for the opportunity, the opportunity to meet today and traditionally discuss topical issues of bilateral cooperation in a constructive and friendly atmosphere. the agenda of our cooperation is more intense and multifaceted than ever; in fact
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, high-level meetings have been taking place very often lately; literally, the next day the president of belarus completed his next visit to russia. we have been given instructions appropriate for their decisions are already at the government level, and i will probably never tire of repeating, dear mikhail vladimirovich, that we are working very successfully, quite successfully on the internal circuit, on the external circuit, despite all the challenges that we face and... testing for strength, as a result of last year, gdp in russia and belarus grew, and this figure is quite
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confident, up to 4%, i know that in the russian federation, this may still be clarified, yes the figure, but nevertheless, there is a percentage more, percent less, i want you congratulations on a better percentage, more, sorry for interrupting. how to count, so now we have turned over the page of last year, we are thinking about the current year, uh, the margin of safety that has been formed in our economies is quite significant, so the coordinated and collective work of our governments on common challenges is probably what is now - main or fundamental for us, and of course, it is quite natural that in these conditions... uh trade and economic cooperation is also developing dynamically, uh mutual trade in goods and services last year exceeded the figure of 53 billion dollars
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, showing an increase of 6.5%. these positive trends continue this year and based on the results of these two months, we are also seeing an increase in trade turnover, even compared to the successful similar period last year. uh, i think you will agree that the impulse has been set very good, of course, the situation is not easy, in fact, every day new problems appear that we are solving together, so, but as we have already told you several times, do this together it is much easier, this is what the main vector of union integration is aimed at, you know that our government bodies have already prepared more than thirty joint plans. implementation of the main directions of the road map for the construction of a union state for the next 3 years, in order to ensure the unconditional implementation of key
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agreements of the heads of state, i consider it necessary to accelerate the development and adoption of these plans as a single package, as i already said, most of these joint plans have been approved, in my opinion three or four, then such
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production capacities for us, updating passenger transport, increasing the production of machine tools, industrial robots, and so on. understanding how large a volume of funds is required to implement all these instructions, we are ready, in the format of a union state, to join in solving these important problems for the russian state, because for russia this is only a plus, this means 3-4 million additional workers and engineering personnel. there is no need to spend money on new capacities; we are ready to share all our competencies. but we have to clearly agree on joint plans, for example, we are already producing a considerable range of aircraft components, we are ready to independently increase capacity in order to
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increase production severalfold, well, let’s write this down in some kind of program, define joint responsibilities and obligations, much the same as we did in regarding the draft agreement on the creation of the aircraft, which will be signed today, i think that cooperation is developing very well. in accordance with the microelectronics program , a roadmap for the creation of four new technologies to develop 88 products for use in various industries. in belarus , the production of metal-ceramic cases and integrated circuits is being organized, and a scientific and technical center for the development of crystal production is being created. well, for example, there is no particular dynamics in the machine tool industry, although a cooperation program has been signed, and as a result, imports from caner are growing. our country, i think that we still need to move more closely in such important areas. the same goes for agricultural machinery, trucks, we are
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fully capable of these positions together. meet the needs of the domestic market, however, according to the results of last year , the share of chinese equipment, well, i’m taking chinese as an example, there are others, in the russian truck market, compared to the twenty-second year, increased from 29.5 to 58.8%. in the segment of wheeled agricultural tractors with a power of 150-250 horsepower, that is, our classics from 46 to 58%, in the market of road construction equipment this figure is in general.
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we just recently accepted a comprehensive program of cooperation in the field of aircraft manufacturing between the republic of belarus and the russian federation, and the agreement that will be signed today on the organization of serial production of a twin-engine aircraft in the interests of national security and technological sovereignty of belarus and russia, and, very interestingly, we have found a form in which russia and belarus are actually investing in this project on a parity basis and,
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accordingly, will... also be joint owners of the product which will be created during the implementation of this important project. our scientists have completed about 60 joint scientific and technical projects in recent years. we interact intensively in the transport and logistics sector. significant work has been done to create new logistics using the transport infrastructure of the russian federation. product delivery schemes have been built using russian ones. we will use the routes of the international north-south corridor. as agreed, preparations have begun for implementation of the project for the construction of a multimodal port in the murmansk region. i would like to thank the leadership of the ministry of transport of the russian federation, personally the minister of russian railways, for active and constructive interaction in all these areas. another important area of ​​joint work, mikhail vladimirovich, is investment cooperation. russian
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federation. is the largest investor in the economy of our country, the total volume of investments in 2023 amounted to 5 billion 100 million dollars and increased by a third to the level previous year, but within the cis, the republic of belarus for the russian federation is only in third place in terms of investment volume after kazakhstan and uzbekistan. the qualitative characteristics of these investments, in my opinion, also leave much to be desired. share of participation of russian investors in capital. only 2% of the total volume of direct investment from russia; in the structure of foreign direct investment, the share of debt instruments is increasing; the share of reinvestment is decreasing. we expect that the package of incentive measures signed today investment activity in the republic of belarus and the russian federation will contribute to the arrival of new russian investors and the implementation of large mutually beneficial projects. by the way, we propose to significantly increase the investment channel for
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sales. we invite russian investors to fill this demand in order to achieve our goals.


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