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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  April 16, 2024 6:00am-6:30am MSK

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almost 40 regions of russia are experiencing large-scale floods in the orenburg region, large waters are moving from the capital to the west, the ilek region is in the center of the disaster, flooding threatens kurgan, and evacuation has been announced in several areas. russia will continue to defend zaporizhzhya nuclear power plant. ukraine,
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this was stated by russia's empty representative to the un vasily nebendya. he called on magathe to do everything to prevent a nuclear incident at the plant; the situation at the nuclear power plant was discussed at a meeting of the sub. the us will not participate in israel's response to iran's attack. writes about this washington post. tel aviv said it would not leave iran's actions unpunished. and the tehran was warned that if israel strikes again, the response will follow immediately. rallies in georgia. at night, police detained 14 demonstrators. the protests were caused by the scandalous bill of tabyn agent, which was supported by a parliamentary committee the day before. the georgian opposition believes that the document is pro-russian. and we begin the event in the orenburg region. there it is struggling with the consequences of the most powerful flood in history. big water is moving west from capitals of the region. ileksky is now under attack from the elements. there the level of the ural river has already exceeded
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critical values ​​and the water continues to remain. special equipment is being brought into the area and the height of the dam is being increased. but in orenburg in orsk the flood began to subside. our special correspondent, margarit semenyuk, is in direct contact from the region. margarita, i greet you, tell us what is happening now in the ilek region, where is the peak of the flood moving, and what is happening in the territories freed from water? yes, tatyana, welcome. truly peak the flood is now moving to the ilek region, two villages have already been flooded there, sukharechka and ozerki, six households and six private plots are now under water, 12 people have been evacuated. now in the alexsky district the team to eliminate the consequences of the flood is strengthening. now they are expecting a group from bashkartastan, tatarstan and samara, these are 144 rescuers, as well as 25 pieces of equipment, but i will answer by noting that now the level of the urals is near orenburg. 11 m 55 cm, overnight decrease by
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14 cm, well, in ilek the water is just rising and the increase of 11 cm is already 908 cm. in orenburg, a total of 13 microdistricts, five settlements and 21 snt are flooded, in the flood zone there are over 5,500 houses, of which 55 are apartment buildings, and also over 10,500 personal plots. 1907 people were evacuated, of which 340. eight are children, all of them are now placed in temporary accommodation centers, i suggest you listen to the commentary, it’s a shame, yes, we’ll come and see when the void leaves, because aliyusha misses school, and mansur in the kindergarten, i note that now the water in orenburg is approaching the residential complex of orenburg, the situation there is not critical, this area is not yet on
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the evacuation list, but at the same time, residents are now trying to build an embankment dam on their own for to ensure that the water does not damage their residential area, i now suggest listening to the commentary, we need to collect all the biomaterial, unfortunately there are dead, drowned cats, dogs, some small houses, pets, birds, this is a special disposal process. one history, then we collect mechanical waste, accordingly , a commission will begin to work in parallel, 51 of them have already been formed, which will come to every home, just say quickly leave a tick about the loss of all essential goods, disinfection will follow accordingly. well, i note that in total 14,562 residential buildings were flooded in the region, of which 141 were apartment buildings and also. 23,000 household plots,
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over 16,000 people were evacuated from flooded households. tatiana. margaret, thank you, oh fight against flooding in orenburg - said our special correspondent. margarita semenyuk. a colossal volume of water is now moving to the mound due to discharges in neighboring kazakhstan , over a billion cubic meters will replenish the already high-water tabol river. evacuation has been announced from several areas. and now the peak of the flood is 10 km from the capital of the region, kurgan. over the course of 24 hours , the river level rose by almost a meter, and last night it rose by another 14 cm. hundreds of houses have already been flooded in areas.
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the yenisei is expected to rise in water. in total the country's large-scale flood affected almost 40 regions. there are about 16 thousand houses in the flood zone. magatta and sensible members of the international community will do everything to prevent a nuclear incident at the zaporozhye nuclear power plant. this statement was made by the russian permanent representative to the un vasily nebende at a meeting of the security council. the diplomat emphasized that over the past week, the kiev regime has carried out a series of unprecedented attacks
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on the territory of power plants, including on the dome of one of the power units. about the meeting our own us correspondent, valentin bogdanov, will tell you about security. the assessments that were made by the head of magathe in the hall of the un security council are perhaps the harshest regarding recent incidents. it is known that ukraine has been shelling the territory of the zaporozhye nuclear power plant for two years now, but the latest attacks were truly shocking. we are dangerously close to a nuclear holocaust, these reckless attacks must stop immediately, although fortunately this one. since they did not lead to a radiological incident, they significantly increase the risk at the zaporozhye npp, where nuclear safety is already at risk. the context in which they occurred is important. in the months leading up to these direct attacks, there had already been an increase in isolated drone incursions in the vicinity of the facility in the nearby town
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of energodar. that is, in a certain sense , rafael grossi today again stood in solidarity with representatives of the collective west, who blame time and time again. in the absence of any retaliation from their curators, on april 7 the kiev the regime, believing in its own impunity,
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again switched to the tactics of direct shelling of the station. first, with the help of a kamikaze drone, a strike was made on the territory of the canteen, in which at that moment... a truck with food was being unloaded, three people were injured, one of them was seriously wounded, and only 20 minutes before the strike, this place was visited by those on the western front. magathe experts, in accordance with the plans agreed upon in advance, that is, they could well be the targets of the ukrainian attack. well, have the courage to say what is behind the attack stood precisely in the ssu, the magathe experts did not have enough, but the western spreads did. continued to spread obvious, unconfirmed lies, for example, that russian heavy weapons are supposedly located on the territory of zaslavsky zavod, this was verified even by rafael grossi himself, well, in this way the necessary basis is provided to essentially
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justify the attacks that are carried out the ukrainian regime on a potentially dangerous object, what this could lead to, one can only guess, however, examples are before our eyes... those who play along with him in this will ask a simple question: why, of the five nuclear
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power plants in ukraine, russia began creating security threats in relation to the one that is under its control. if you are at least familiar with elementary logic, then the absurdity of such accusations becomes obvious. this time , a large number of representatives were present during the meeting, concluding their speech. in the area, fighters from the north group destroyed the position of the ukrainian armed forces. in one of the directions, reconnaissance
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discovered a temporary deployment point for nationalists with foreign-made personnel and equipment. the coordinates were transmitted to the command post and the uragan rszz crew moved to the firing position. the fighters launched a series of precise strikes with 220mm rockets. as a result, the enemy was destroyed, and the hurricane crews went to safety. perszo area, hurricane, targets, enemy, reliable equipment, infantry, equipment, fortified area of ​​the district never had any problems with it, quite passable, fast, maneuverable, crew works great, i’ve been with him for quite a long time, everything is done quickly, commands are carried out clearly and in a timely manner, the guys have the same common goal as everyone else, faster, faster victory. crews of the grad rocket systems struck the strongholds of the ukrainian armed forces under carbon. after
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receiving coordinates from reconnaissance, the ambays took up a firing position and opened fire. as a result of successful combat work , enemy manpower and equipment were destroyed. the topic will be continued by our war correspondent, eduard punikov. crew of rszzo grad 155 marine infantry brigades of the pacific fleet are preparing to travel to the line of combat contact. the soldiers take position. in a matter of minutes they deploy the installation and open fire. special platforms for hail are not required, the crew can work from any position, but it must be remembered that every shot can be detected by enemy aerial reconnaissance, so the soldiers do not stay long in one place, after live firing they immediately turn off the installation and go to cover. hails cover a huge area, these are the so-called carpet impacts. the shells are capable of penetrating even the most fortified... positions, here is footage of a night sortie by the same
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crew: the salvos are also short, because there are a lot of drones in the sky, we need to quickly redeploy. with the onset of spring , it became much easier for the rszzo grad crew to work, since there is no mud and cars can move much faster, but on the other hand, such clear sunny weather means that there may be reconnaissance drones, kamika drones in the sky, so the installations are constantly hidden in the forest belt. this vehicle was repeatedly subjected to return fire. once the enemy hit by, the fighter call sign akim frontline from the first day of a special military operation, he himself came to the military registration and enlistment office and signed a contract, now he works as a hail driver. a durable vehicle, this is the ural , based on the ural, the same artillery mount, well , of course, we service everything, the equipment wears out, but we maintain it, and the vehicle showed itself well, the senior hail gunner with the call sign zakhar also signed a 4-year contract ago, he came here from chitinskaya. region, yes, we work more intensively, we work on the infantry, there, on the galubits, on all kinds, everything, everything that
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he’ll tell you what targets, we’ll hit everything, well, the main thing is not to panic, do everything wisely and don’t get lost, so that everything goes quickly and clearly to the target. firing range, installations are approximately 20 km, combat missions, crews are carried out every day, seven days a week. eduard punigov, alexander botkin, lead the south donetsk direction. in washington. they expect that israel's military response to iran's attack will be limited in scale, the american television channel nbc reported, citing sources in the white house. and the washington post writes that us authorities.
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iran and its terrorist minions. in turn, tehran reported that if israel attempts an attack again, iran’s response will follow immediately. thus , the media of the islamic republic emphasized that this time the armed forces will not wait 12 days. let me remind you that on april 2, israel launched a missile attack on the diplomatic quarter in damascus, where the iranian embassy complex is located. at least 13 people were killed. in response, the night...
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there is a question about whether the politician has immunity from legal prosecution. donald himself trump said after the meeting that he considers the accusation to be interference in the election and an attack by biden. trump became the first ex-president in us history to face criminal charges. and now footage from telegram channels - this is the american state of pennsylvania, where a powerful fire broke out at a plant where they produce shells for ukraine. burnout is known to occur. came on the production line, according to the latest information, the fire has already been extinguished , there were no casualties. and according to american media, the enterprise produces artillery 155 and 105 caliber shells. detention rallies in georgia got so heated, late at night, a protest rally near
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the parliament building ended, 14 demonstrators were detained. those dissatisfied with the law on foreign agents took to the streets. the scandalous initiative, which the georgian opposition considers pro-russian, was supported the day before by the parliamentary committee on legal issues. earlier during the discussion , georgian deputies fought over it. the document itself is, in fact, a calcace of a similar american law. it proposes mandatory registration of non-profits legal entities and media whose income comes from abroad. opponents of the law believe that it will hinder georgia's integration into the european union, and the leader of the parliamentary majority is convinced. that non-governmental organizations undermine the country's security. russian prosecutor general igor krasnov arrived on a working trip to cuba. a number of events are planned, in particular negotiations with the cuban counterpart and other officials. they plan to discuss issues of bilateral cooperation. and as the prosecutor general’s office reported, relations between moscow and havanas are friendly.
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the departments of the two countries have successfully implemented four cooperation programs. carry out joint events. on current issues of prosecutorial activity, now is the time for economic news, konstantin, a new report from the central bank has been released, tell us what’s in it? tatyana, hello, at the end of march inflation continued to slow down. the growth of consumer prices in russia slowed down in march, as stated in the analytical commentary of the central bank. first of all, the rapid decline in growth rates is striking consumer price index compared to the previous month. has been declining throughout the first quarter of this year; in march, current seasonally adjusted inflation was significantly lower than in the fall, but it was still above 4% in annualized terms, while annual inflation remained virtually unchanged and amounted to just over 7.7%. . cv cites high domestic demand as the main pro-inflationary factor, which continues to outpace
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the company’s ability to increase production. however, the regulator still believes that this year. taking into account the ongoing tough monetary policy, which experts believe, will remain unchanged following the results of the next central bank meeting. it will take place next week. when making estimates, this is how the inflation process develops, it is much less dangerous to err on the side of overestimating inflation expectations than on the side of underestimating. therefore, if indeed. the peak of inflation has already passed, this can only be welcomed, but in any case, before making important decisions, including those related to the rate, the central bank will certainly want to make sure... that that the dynamics of decreasing inflation is sustainable. the net profit of the novolipetsk metallurgical plant in the twenty -third year increased by more than a quarter.
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this is reflected in the financial statements. revenue exceeded 933 billion rubles. this is 3.5% higher than the previous year. earlier it became known that last year the company paid an excess profit tax of 5.5 billion rubles. plus, nmlk will be back. to pay dividends after a more than two-year pause, shareholders will receive 25 rubles. for one security . the moscow arbitration court recovered commodity trader glencore almost 115 million euros according to the claim of sberbank. sber filed a lawsuit in connection with the refusal of a western company to pay for the supply of petroleum products due to sanctions. the court decided to recover damages from four divisions of glinkor through shares in a number of russian assets. before that, sberbank. he filed a claim against the trader for almost 118 million euros, which was also satisfied last year. the european union reached a record level of dependence on
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oil imports in 2020. according to recent eurostat data, the figure was 97.7%. a year earlier it was 6% less. this means that at the moment the eu does not meet even 2.5% of its own oil needs. and eurostat experts noted that the increase in import dependence coincided with significant changes in sources of supply. simply put, oil from saudi arabia, the usa and norway is significantly more expensive than russian oil, which has hit the overall statistics. at the same time, production in the twenty- second year continued to decline, the figure fell by almost 7.5%, hitting a record low. well, at the end of the issue i’ll tell you about currencies. the dollar today costs 93 rubles 58 kopecks. the euro exchange rate is 99.79, that's all i have for now. tatiana. konstantin, thank you, my colleague konstantin was with the economic news. almost 40 russian regions
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are experiencing large-scale floods in the orenburg region. the water is shifting from the capital to the west of the region in the epicenter of the ilek region. the peak of the flood is expected in kurgan. an evacuation has been announced there. the water level in tobolee is rising. calculations of reactive systems caused the hail. attack on ukrainian armed forces strongholds in dublidarom, after receiving coordinates from reconnaissance, the fighters occupied firing position and opened fire, resulting in the destruction of enemy personnel and equipment. the united states will not participate in israel's response to iran's attack, the washington post writes. tel aviv stated that it would not leave iran's actions unpunished, but tehran, in turn, warned that if israel strikes again, a response will follow immediately. prosecutors general of russia. arrived on a working trip to cuba, negotiations are planned with his cuban colleague and other officials, the prosecutor's offices of russia and cuba have already successfully implemented four programs
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sberbusiness. burgering tastes better on fire, now sports news, danila, russian chess player ian nepomniachtchi continues to lead the tournament as a second contender. tell me, how did the tenth round end? good morning, nepomniachtchi again played in a draw with the indian gukesh, the two of them with six points are in first place, our russian alexandra goryachkina, who is leading in the candidates tournament, is also in the lead. in hockey, the finalists of the gagarin cup of the current season have been determined, a couple of yaroslavsky lokomotiv will be composed of magnitogorsk metallurgist, who in the final seventh match
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of the semi-final series... beat avtomobilist on home ice with a score of 3:2. the scoring was opened already in the middle of the first period, when metal player dmitry selantyev completed a devastating counterattack with an accurate throw. just 5 minutes later , alexey makeev decided to change at the wrong time and danilo yurov freely threw the spyatak 2:0. during the first period , the driver threw the target into the opponent’s goal only once, but 8 seconds before the end , the second scoring goal followed maxim deneshkin. the visitors started the second period better, but quickly conceded again. denis zernov distinguished himself. only 20 seconds passed, the same maxim denishkin scored a double for the motorist, but the spectators never saw any more goals. the final is being held by metalg from magnitogorsk. the fight between the two best boxers from russia for the title of absolute world light heavyweight champion will still take place. arthur beterbiev and dmitry bivol, who have
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never lost in their careers. signed a contract for the upcoming fight, dates and place of the event also determined, this is june 1, riyadh, saudi arabia. the day before , an official press conference and a duel of views took place in london. thirty-nine-year-old biterbiev has won all twenty fights in the professional ring, plus the wbc, wbo and ibf championship belts. thirty-year-old bevel has also won all of his 22 fights.
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they are, as it were, in the public domain, there are 22 fights there and you can see whether i had such opponents or not, of course, beterbiev is unique in his own way and in his toughness, and in general any opponent unique, and there may be some certain features and those that are characteristic of beterbiu, they were in other opponents, but the whole set and the whole, of course... was not there, zenit kazan was the first to make it to the final of the russian men's volleyball championship, kazan in the away match they beat the torch from the new ...


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