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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  April 16, 2024 8:00am-8:31am MSK

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in the kurgan region they are preparing for the peak of the flood in the capital. the tyumen region has been evacuated, we are waiting for our correspondents to broadcast live. russia calls on the international community to do everything to prevent a nuclear incident at the zaporozhye nuclear power plant. we'll tell you what vasily nebendia said at the un security council meeting. the united states will not participate in israeli retaliatory measures against iran. and tehran said if israel launches an attack again. then the answer
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will come immediately, as the conflict in the middle east meanders. to the running the most secret ship of the russian navy, ivan popanin, is preparing for testing. we'll tell you where this patrol ship will operate. on helicopters from st. petersburg with the most modern equipment, on-site medical examinations are carried out for the indigenous inhabitants of the tundra. how is the nomadic population diagnosed? so, the russian regions are struggling with a flood on an unprecedented scale, it’s difficult in the tyumen and kurgan regions, where the peak of the flood is approaching. over the past 24 hours, the level in the tabol river has risen another meter. the situation is getting worse outbursts in neighboring kazakhstan. more heavy rain will hit the regions today. and our special correspondents work in the disaster zone. in tyumen. so, let's start from
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kurgan, stanislav, i greet you, tell us what the situation is, and will the big water soon cover the city? yes, tatyana, greetings, the situation in kurgan in the kurgan region as a whole is still unstable, over the past 24 hours the water level in the river has increased by almost a meter, now it is 742 cm, the water continues. sometimes the tobolian river overflows its banks, drowns private plots, drowns houses settlements, a forced evacuation of the population is being carried out, the river is flooding along the banks of the center of kurgan, now the city embankment has already disappeared under the water, just the day before you could take a walk here, there is actually a pedestrian path, but now, unfortunately, everything is already flooded and approximately somewhere, probably there is a meter and a half of water, information is coming in about overflows across the bridges. and today the police blocked the roads in
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the city, the tyunino highway, at first, while there was not much water, they allowed passenger cars along the road heavy-duty buses, well, by the way, there were even daredevils among the local residents, one even tried to ride a bicycle along the flooded road, well , fortunately, successfully, but now the water level on the highway has already risen so much that not only on a bicycle, but on heavy-duty trucks there you can’t get through, the road is blocked for all types of transport, the day before the water also overflowed. and across the molocheusovsky bridge, which leads to the glinka microdistrict. now, in order to get to this microdistrict, or vice versa, to leave there, you will have to take a detour, and this is a detour no less than 15 km, while the path across the bridge was no more than one and a half kilometers. last night , the head of the ministry of emergency situations, alexander kurenkov, arrived in kurgan, where he met with the regional governor, vadim shumkov. we discussed the operational situation and checked the received supplies due to the flood. measures,
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vadim shumkov also told the minister that 24-hour video surveillance of the flood situation is being carried out, quadcopters are used for this, and alexander kurenkov was also introduced to the flood map developed in the region, such a map allows more act quickly, respond to new water outflows in a new territory, well , as for us, we also continue to monitor the flood situation, let me remind you that according to forecasts , the water level in tobol can rise to... the water can reach up to 11 m. so we are monitoring but now information is coming in that level by situation, so far all the information is by this hour. stanislav, thank you, now we are transported to the tyumen region, there is stanislav bernwald, this morning in the city of ishim the sirens were turned on, residents are asked to evacuate due to a critical rise water in the river of the same name, tell us, are there many areas in the flood zone now? yes,
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hello, tatyana, indeed, the most difficult situation is now in the south of the tyumen region, the ishim river is rising and rising quite rapidly, an evacuation has been announced. residents of ishim, for example, today at 6:00 am received messages, sms messages calling to urgently evacuate from houses that may be in a flood zone; the water in the ishim river may reach a critical level of 800 cm in the coming hours. and in the city temporary accommodation centers for residents have been deployed and there is no need to neglect your own safety, it is better to actually evacuate, work has been organized at these points.
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along its channel, there is a small increase, well , here in not far from tyumen the increase is small, only + 1 cm upstream, there is already a serious increase, that is, the water will reach here, we are now in the city of yalutarovsk, they are waiting for water here, as you
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can see, the dam is being strengthened now, the volunteers who build it are now raking up bags of coal in order to strengthen it the dam, literally in a few days, an embankment was created, which will make it possible to retain water and not spill directly into the city, the deputy head of the city administration told us what work is being carried out, we are now working on constructing the embankment, in principle, we will probably finish it in a day or two, let's level it out, we'll reach the level of the so-called borovushka area, here we have private... a lot is enough, yes, the task is to raise the existing dam, here we are already filling, laying out with sandbags, raising it by about 30 meters, this with reserve, we need to lay out approximately 650 m, then we will reach the level, we will close the apartment buildings and
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the borovushka area accordingly, three temporary temporary accommodation centers are already in operation, 40 people voluntarily evacuated, but the evacuation is taking place. in normal mode, people are notified that the water may come up in the near future, another 17 temporary temporary accommodation centers have been prepared for resettlement, and there is a free room and hotel stock, and pet centers, also temporary temporary accommodation for animals, this is also available, and on the basis of the municipal shelter for animals, cats and dogs will be taken there for a break, so people don’t have to worry, but they need to prepare in advance, and i’m warning you that the situation could get worse at any moment, so you need to listen to the alert as carefully as possible, we continue to monitor the situation, well, all the latest news is on our air. colleagues, thank you,
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our correspondents stanislav bernwald and stanislav vasilchenko spoke about the fight against floods in the tyumen and kurgan regions. in the orenburg region, large waters are moving west from the capital of the region, olegsky is now under the influence of the elements. the level of the ural river is already exceeded critical values ​​and the water continues to exist. special equipment is being brought into the area and the height of the dam is being increased. but in orenburg in orgsk the flood began to subside. hundreds of household plots were flooded in buryatia, dozens of people were evacuated. the water came close to the capital ulanu. to relieve congestion on the selenga river, opera houses blow up the ice. in the tomsk region , the number of flooded houses is growing, there are already more of them. the water level in the opäa river exceeded dangerous levels by more than a meter. a state of emergency was introduced in several areas. high mode readiness was announced in the krasnoyarsk territory in the flood zone of 23 districts; in the coming days ,
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water rise is expected in several sections of the yenessey. and throughout the country, a large-scale flood affected almost 40 regions in the flood zone of about 16 thousand houses. and now about the progress of the special military operation. on the right bank of the dnieper, crews of the d-30 howitzer destroyed the camouflaged positions of the nationalists. scouts used drones to locate targets and transmit coordinates to the marines. calculation. the 122mm howitzer moved into the firing position and opened fire, as a result, the artillerymen managed to destroy camouflaged positions in the ssu, as well as an ammunition depot. after successful combat work , the servicemen quickly camouflaged the guns and went into cover. the enemy has become a little more active, we are spending a lot more shells, we are repelling a lot more attacks, we are working every day 24x7. the people's atomic energy agency must stop the verbal balancing act and point to the source
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of the shelling of the zaporozhye nuclear power plant. our envoy made this statement at a meeting of the un security council, vasily nebendya. the diplomat emphasized that the attacks on the station are a matter of nuclear and radiation safety, primarily of europe. contrary to obvious facts, the well-known party that is behind the attacks on the station is not indicated to all of us. on april 7, the kiev regime, believing in its own impunity, again switched to the tactic of direct shelling of stations. first, with the help of a kamikaze drone , a strike was made on the territory of the canteen, in which a truck with food was being unloaded at that moment. three people were injured, one of them was seriously wounded, and
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only 20 minutes before the strike, this place was visited by an agat expert located at the zas, in accordance with the plan agreed upon in advance, that is, they could well have been the targets of the ukrainian attack. in response, the head of the atomic energy agency said that the organization does not yet have the ability to identify those responsible for the attacks on the plant. according to rafael grossi, magata needs.
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let me remind you that last week the kiev regime carried out a series of unprecedented attacks on the territory of the zaporozhye nuclear power plant, one one of the strikes hit the station's reactor dome. washington expects that israel's military response to iran's attack will be limited in scale, an american television channel reported.
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building of the iranian embassy killed at least 13 people; in response, on the night of april 14 , tehran sent several hundred drones towards the jewish state. detention rallies in georgia in tbilisi, a protest rally near the parliament building ended late at night, 14 demonstrators were detained. dissatisfied with the foreign agent laws took to the streets. scandalous initiative which the georgian opposition considers pro-russian. supported the day before by the parliamentary committee on legal issues. earlier, during discussions,
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georgian deputies fought over it. the document itself is essentially a calcos of a similar american law. it involves mandatory registration of non-profit, legal media entities whose income comes from abroad. opponents of the law believe that it will hinder georgia's integration into the european union. and the leader of the parliamentary majority is convinced that non-governmental organizations undermine country security. joe biden has refused to testify in congress in the impeachment case, the white house informed the chairman of the house oversight committee . this unit is studying. biden family involvement in political influence trading. according to cnn, the adviser to the american president accused committee representatives of false attacks and said that officials need to immediately stop the impeachment investigation. and now let's talk about economics. konstantyan, a new report has been released central bank, tell us what it
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contains. tatyana, but the most important thing is that at the end of march, inflation continued to slow down. growth in consumer prices in march. in russia has slowed down, this is stated in the analytical commentary of the central bank. first of all, what is striking is the rapid decline in the growth rate of the consumer price index compared to the previous month. the figure has been declining throughout the first quarter of this year. in march , current seasonally adjusted inflation was significantly lower than in the fall, but it is still above 4% annualized. at the same time, annual inflation remained virtually unchanged and amounted to slightly more than 7.7. the main pro...
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process is much less dangerous to make a mistake in the direction of overestimating inflation expectations than in the direction of understating it. therefore, if indeed the peak of inflation has already passed, this can only be welcomed, but in any case, before making important decisions, including those related to the rate, the central bank will certainly want to make sure that the dynamics of reducing inflation are sustainable. profit of novolipetsk metallurgical plant in the twenty -third year increased by more than a quarter, this is reflected in the financial statements. revenue exceeded 933 billion rubles. this is 3.5% higher than the previous year. earlier it became known that last year the company paid an excess profit tax of 5.5 billion rubles. in addition, nmlk will return to paying
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dividends after a more than two-year pause. shareholders will receive 25 rubles. for one security . the moscow arbitration court recovered almost 115 million euros from commodity trader glencore following a claim by sberbank. sberpoddal it in connection with the refusal of a western company to pay for the supply of petroleum products due to sanctions. the court decided to recover damages from four divisions of glinkor through shares in a number of russian assets. before this, sberbank had already filed a claim with the trader for almost 118 million euros, which was also satisfied last year. cannot be polish, the italian government said, which is why the automaker alfa romeo was forced to rename the new model, it was presented last week under the name milana in honor of the city where the brand was founded, however it will be produced in poland for economic reasons, in which case the car cannot be called milan - explained the minister of economic development of italy, this is prohibited by law, which
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concerns geographical names associated with the country, they should not be entered. misleading. well, at the end of the issue about currencies. the dollar today costs 93 rubles 58 kopecks. the euro exchange rate is 99.79. and that's all i have for now. tatiana. konstantin, thank you, my colleague konstantin churikov was with the economic news. an innovation summit has begun in moscow. key the topic is technological cooperation. over the course of 3 days, the forum will discuss interaction with partners in russia and friendly countries. as well as industrial cooperation between.
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plastic. the device is used in electrical networks to distribute electricity across urban infrastructure facilities or industrial enterprises. in addition, important
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smart control systems were presented at the summit. this is the first completely locally developed low voltage circuit breaker in russia for critical infrastructure facilities, for low voltage systems voltage. it can exert a control effect, yes, that is, turn it on and off. on the other hand, he can follow. monitor the state of the network, that is, we can also have some emergency situations, there is overheating, problems with the power supply network, we can all monitor this remotely, depending on this we can take corrective actions, to service such new technological developments, new personnel are also needed, however, as well as to create innovations. of course, before , after all, technologies went from one side to the other, we bought something, something no, now we will buy something and do something ourselves. now the demand has really increased greatly, of course, it’s uh, it’s the most popular in terms of demand, and then everything that is connected with the energy sector, networking, hydropower,
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generation, and so on. during the three days of the summit, it is also planned to discuss cooperation with partners in russia and friendly countries, as well as industrial cooperation between factories producing electrical equipment. anna voronina, dmitry korsakov, alexander sidorov, anna nikulaesh, lead! in the center of voznesensky , a large-scale exhibition “always zoya” - an exhibition novel - begins work. it is dedicated to the centenary of zoya boguslavskaya. the writer celebrates her anniversary today. the exhibition is structured as a journey. life, creativity and projects. boguslavskaya in reverse chronology from recent years to childhood and youth. the exhibition tells the story of the writer's acquaintances with key figures in the history of the 20th century. opened the day before.
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and now it’s time for sports news danila in the nhl set a record for the number of players played in a season russian goalkeepers. tell us, who made their debut in the league? georgiy romanov took the field with san jose and eventually became the thirteenth goalkeeper in nhl history, breaking last year's record. in hockey , the finalists of the gagarin cup for the current season have been determined. yaroslavl lokomotiv will be paired with magnitogorsk metallurgist, who in the final seventh match of the semi-final series... beat motorist 3:2, the score was opened already in the middle of the first period, the metallurgist player dmitry selantyev scored with an accurate throw, after 5 minutes he made the wrong decision
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aleksey makeev and danilo yurov took turns throwing the spyatak 2:0 without any hindrance. during the first period, the driver only shot the opponent's goal once, but 8 seconds before the end, the second scoring goal was scored by maxim denizhkin. the visitors started the second period better, but again quickly.
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and dmitry bivol, who have never lost in their careers, signed a contract for the upcoming fight. the dates and place of the event have also been determined; it is june 1, riyadh, saudi arabia. the day before , an official press conference was held in london and duel of views. thirty-nine-year-old biterbiev has won all twenty fights in the professional ring, plus championship belts, wbc, wbo and ibf. thirty-three-year-old biol also won all of his. for 22 fights he is the wba and iboo champion. some time ago we had an exclusive on air with artur beterbiev, now my colleague stas ridikultsev went to abu dhabi to
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talk. techniques, some old ones, i don’t know, training methods, of course, every athlete always has them somewhere, for every practically in combat, yes, we use something from the old somewhere, yes, we remember something, we need, for example, to use this in preparation, and we get ready.
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the moscow basketball team cska dismissed head coach emil rajkovich after failure in the second part of the season. andreas pestiolis has become the new coach of the army team, whose contract runs until the end of this season. the forty-five-year-old greek specialist returned to cska, where he previously worked for almost eight seasons as an assistant to dimitris itoudis from 2014 to 2020.
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in large-scale competitions for backstage specialists and digital art artists. declare yourself, get funding to implement your project, become in demand. the creative industries are waiting for you. i want too. leave an application on the website of the national open championship of creative competencies artmasters.
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let me tell you, briefly about the main thing. almost 40
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regions. russia is experiencing large-scale floods. in the orenburg region, large waters are moving from the capital to the west. in the center of the disaster is the ilek district. flooding is threatened and kurgan. it has been announced in several areas.


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