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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  April 16, 2024 9:00am-9:30am MSK

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believes that to reduce the indicator , strict monetary conditions are needed, our economic editorial team knows why. amendments have been made to the law on cultural heritage sites. what changes are we talking about? while some regions are suffering from floods, summer temperatures have settled in the resort south. how long? the urals and siberia are in the grip of powerful spring floods. a colossal volume of water is moving towards kurgan. the level of the tobol river has risen by more than a meter in 24 hours; precipitation could worsen the difficult situation. more is predicted to fall half the monthly norm. there are already more than a thousand houses and garden plots in the region in the water. the head of the ministry of emergency situations, alexander kurenkov, is in kurgan. he personally controls how the banks are strengthened. tabols and build
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protective dams. in the tyumen region, the level of the ishim river exceeded critical values ​​in two settlements at once. the village of ilyinka and the city of ishim fell into the flood zone. evacuation has been announced. the peak flood in these areas is expected in 2-3 days. the state of emergency was introduced there well in advance. in orenburgskaya areas under the impact of the elements are now ilek district. the level of the ural river has already exceeded critical levels and the water continues to flow. when they arrive in the area, they gather special equipment, strengthen protective structures, and install temporary dams. but in orenburg and orsk the flood began to subside. in buryat, blasting work is being carried out to create ice jams on the selenga river. the water came close to the capital ulanu. hundreds of household plots have been flooded in the region, and temporary accommodation centers have been prepared. a high alert regime was declared in the krasnoyarsk territory in in the flood zone of the 23rd region
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, water is expected to rise in several sections of the enessey in the coming days; in total, large-scale floods across the country affected almost 40 regions, with about 16,000 houses in the flood zone. our correspondents are monitoring the development of the flood situation: margarita semenyuk works in orenburg, alexey smirnov in tomsk, they are already in direct contact with the studio, colleagues, greetings. rita, the first question for you: the flood wave is receding from orenburg, but under...
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as for orenburg, here the water is already starting to subside; within a day it has gone -26 cm and now the level of the urals in orenburg is 11 m 43 cm. in orenburg, a total of 13. five settlements and 21 snt were flooded, in the flood zone over 5,500 houses, including 55 apartment buildings, as well as over 10,500 personal plots, 1,907 people were evacuated, from there are 348 children, they are placed in local temporary detention centers and i suggest you listen to the commentary, it’s a shame, yes, let’s come and see when voyda leaves, because alyusha misses school, and mansa? posadik, in
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orenburg, local residents are now building embankment dams in the area of ​​a residential complex orenburg, the situation there now is not critical as long as evacuation is not required, but nevertheless , residents are now trying to protect their homes, since the water has flowed in that direction, i will also now note that 3,725 houses were flooded in orsk, 86 of them are apartment buildings, some houses are already freed from water, for example, 3,000 763 houses have already been freed from water, damage assessment commissions are now starting to work there and i invite you to listen to the commentary. we need to collect everything, unfortunately, there are dead drowned cats, dogs, some small pets animals birds, this is a special recycling process, one story, then we collect mechanical waste, accordingly they will begin to work in parallel.
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i would like to note that a total of 14,500 residential buildings have now been sunk in the region, of which 141 are apartment buildings and 2,300 private plots; in total , over 16,500 people have been evacuated. colleagues, arita, thank you, now to the tomsk region, alexey smirno has all the latest information about the spring flood. overnight, the river level in the area of ​​the regional center began to decline, but under water... there are still several hundred house plots left, what are the forecasts for the region as a whole? alexey, you have the floor. alexander, good afternoon, well, no one is willing to give forecasts yet, today the flooding in the region of the regional center has actually
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begun to decline, the level has dropped to 30 cm, but at the same time several households remain submerged. and some snt completely went under water, according to the district administration, some houses went under water right up to the roof, the greatest concern now is caused by small rivers in the area within the regional center, these are ushaika, kyrgyzskaya and basandaika, well, ushaika causes the greatest concern overnight in the area within the regional center. the level has risen in some places to 70 cm, for example, a little higher during the night the water rose by one and a half meters, it is gradually descending towards the city, so now everyone is keeping their finger on the pulse, rescuers are monitoring the situation and
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the district administration is ready to receive temporary accommodation centers, here on at the moment, according to data from this morning , there is a senseless risk when approaching a dangerous take measures to ensure that people do not cross the line, hoping to take beautiful pictures, but
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i repeat, at the moment about 300 households remain flooded, these are holiday villages, settlements, houses in holiday villages and... a command has already been given to the municipalities we were preparing, as soon as the water subsided, to go through the rounds, count the damage, but financiers are now preparing resources to compensate for the damage to those affected by the flood, for now this is all the information, more news in the next issue. alexandra, i return the floor to you. thank you, we’ll wait, i’ll remind you that my colleagues, alexey smirnov and margarita semenyuk, talked about the flood wave. tomsk and orenburg regions. now let's move on to a short advertisement, then we will continue to talk about the main topics of this tuesday. it’s not easy to catch a firebird, but
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broadcasting. in the border zone near the belgorod region, the russian military destroyed a concentration of equipment and manpower of the ukrainian armed forces. the enemy position was covered with heavy fire by crews of the uragan rszzo. despite. difficult situation in the region, residents are returning from evacuation, shops are opening, they are restoring houses and social infrastructure, and volunteers are helping with food. about life in troubled territory, report by igor pikhanov. volunteers of the popular front are preparing food packages to be sent to border villages in the belgorod region. humanitarian assistance is needed for local residents; the area has been heavily damaged by shelling. ukrainian militants, the delivery of food there is difficult, there are cereals, canned goods, that is
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, shelf-stable goods that are necessary for cooking, a package there weighs about this much 10-12 kg depending on the configuration and contains everything you need for about a week. past burnt-out houses and destroyed infrastructure, regional self-defense fighters are taking volunteers to remote villages, cars are driving along the highway at high speed, otherwise the front cannot be reached, ukrainian kamikaze drones are hunting for civilians. residents not far from here noticed a wing, that is, a copter or an observation aircraft type, so at any moment, in any place, we are now one and a half kilometers from the border, the car arrives in the frontline, gorky municipality, in five villages, half of the residential buildings are damaged and destroyed by militants of the ukrainian armed forces. the village of sovkhozny was left without electricity, now only three people live here, the rest were evacuated, volunteers delivered food and diesel electricity... despite the difficult situation, yuri returned home from moscow the day before, returned home, and
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his wife decided to do it at her own risk and risk to go. volunteers delivered the main cargo of humanitarian aid to the city of graivarn thanks to the work of units of the ministry of defense, the number of shellings has decreased, people are gradually returning home from evacuation, social services are distributing humanitarian aid, and shops are opening. local resident tatyana was leaving for half a month, her... apartment building suffered from an attack by the ukrainian armed forces. we just renovated a beautiful one, you’ll fall in love with it, suddenly shells flew in, pierced the roof, broke our windows, damaged pipes, gas, water pipes, flooded the apartments in the next entrance, the city is quiet, but the situation can change at any second, enemy shelling continues, ukrainian militants are hitting residential buildings and civilian infrastructure, a mortar shell hit the roof of this store, the building received extensive damage, fortunately at the time of the shelling
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there were no visitors here, after each attack, pensioner grigory kholod conducts a walk around his street in in the private sector, there are almost no people left here, the man watches the estates of his neighbors, as soon as they see windows knocked out by the blast wave, covers the openings with film, and in case of a fire calls the ministry of emergency situations. and in the yard there were such splinters, that this one, well, there were explosions in the yard above, such explosions were like flames, full of fragments. until recently, the gory-voronsky urban district was the hottest spot in the region. now local authorities are assessing the damage and will soon begin repairs. emergency services and construction crews will begin work this year. igor pikhanov, mikhail vitkin, vesti belgorod region. russia calls on magathe and sensible members of the international community to do everything to prevent a nuclear incident at the zaporozhye nuclear power plant. this statement was made by the russian permanent representative vasily nebenzya at a meeting of the security council. the diplomat emphasized that over
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the past week the kiev regime has carried out a series of unprecedented attacks.
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the united states continues to insist that russia is shooting at itself. the reality is that russia doesn't care about these risks. if this were not so, russia would not have continued to forcibly control the zaporozhye nuclear power plant, despite repeated
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calls from the security council and magat to withdraw its employees so that the competent authorities of ukraine could gain full control over station. another lie about the alleged exclusion of magathe experts from the station’s facilities is also voiced by the delegation of western countries. at the same time , in the report of the agency itself, which opened the security council meeting, there was not a word about this. this disinformation campaign was initiated by russia to exploit the agency for propaganda purposes. in turn, we trust in magathe's integrity and leadership in responding to threats due to the occupation of the station. we categorically deny all crazy accusations that ukraine could cause a nuclear disaster. these attacks on zaes, like several attempts at sabotage at the station are being carried out by ukraine with the connivance and sometimes direct support of the west, the russian delegation says. at the same time , kiev does not pursue any other goals other than creating the threat of a nuclear catastrophe. the ukrainian shelling of the station cannot be justified by any solution to military problems. russia has never
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deployed heavy weapons on the western territory and has not carried out any attacks from its territory. magata experts located. zaest, at the invitation of the russian side , is well aware of this. absence from the zaporizhzhya nuclear power plant confirmed its heavy weapons , but was still unable to answer the question: who is firing at the station, which is under russian control. this year , magatte wants to invite russia and ukraine to conduct a joint assessment of the technical condition of the zaporozhye npp, from the point of view of its safety. after kiev ignored us demands to stop attacks on russian oil refineries. exhortations not to hit the zaporozhye nuclear power plant will most likely also not be heard. the last argument for the ukrainian authorities may become western money. this week , congress finally can. look at the package of financial assistance to kiev, but there is still no confidence that this law will be adopted. dmitry melnikov and pavel kostrikov, news from washington. and now to the situation in the middle
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east. the us expects israel's military response to the iranian attack to be limited in scope. this was reported by the american television channel nbc, citing sources in the white house. and the washington post writes: the country's authorities refused to participate in israel's retaliatory measures. according to information, newspapers in the states they fear that such a step will lead to an increase and expansion of the conflict. the risks of escalation in the middle east are being talked about in europe. today there will be a videoconference of the eu emergency preparedness council. with the consequences of their actions, their actions will be responded to accordingly. the idf remains ready to confront any threat from iran and its terrorist proxies. in turn, tehran
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reported that if israel attempts an attack again, iran will respond immediately. in media of the islamic republic they say: this time the armed forces will not wait 12 days. let me remind you that on april 2 , israel launched a missile attack on the diplomatic quarter. in damascus, where the iranian embassy complex is located. at least 13 people were killed. in response, on the night of april 14, tehran sent several hundred drones towards the jewish state. and to other international topics. the first court hearings in donald trump's document falsification case took place in new york. the meeting lasted about seven hours. the politician is accused of fraudulent payment of money to former porn actress stormy daniels. earlier, a new york court rejected the petition of trump's representatives; the lawyers asked to postpone the hearing until the supreme court's decision. they are now talking about
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the politician’s immunity from legal prosecution. donald trump himself said after the meeting that he considers the accusation to be election interference and an attack by biden. i note that trump became the first ex-president in us history to face criminal charges. detention rallies in georgia in tbilis. the protest rally near the parliament building ended late at night. 14 demonstrators were detained. dissatisfied with the law on foreign agents, people took to the streets. the scandalous initiative, which the georgian opposition considers pro-russian, was supported the day before by the parliamentary committee on legal issues. earlier, during discussions, georgian deputies fought over it. the document itself is essentially a copy of a similar american law. it requires a mandatory registry. which come from abroad. opponents of the law believe that it will prevent non-profit legal entities of the media, the income of georgia's integration into the european union, and the leader
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of the parliamentary majority is convinced that non-governmental organizations undermine the country's security. and to the economic news: monthly inflation in russia is slowing down, while annual inflation is still at the same level. the central bank has published a commentary on price dynamics in recent months. konstantin churikov has read the document and joins me. kostya, good morning, tell me, what do they say to themselves when annual inflation goes down? sasha, good morning, analysts they say it’s just a matter of a couple of months and explain it with simple mathematics. the central bank published comments on inflation in the country, that is, on what is happening with prices. in fact, this is one of the final public statements of the mega-regulator before the week of silence that will precede the next ones. meeting on the key rate on april 26. the report notes that current seasonally adjusted inflation is significantly lower than the peak values ​​of the fall, but
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is still above 4% on an annualized basis. well, 4% is the inflation target, when prices they are not growing quickly, and the population cannot afford loans. in general, a certain ideal that the central bank strives for. and now, based on the results of recent months, the economy is a little closer to this. ideal. in any case, in march , consumer prices increased by only 39%. this is less than in february. adjusted for seasonality in annual terms, the slowdown in price growth is also noticeable. moreover, in march this figure was 4.5%. and this is the minimum pace since april last year. as the central bank notes, all this is connected with volatility of prices for passenger transport services of foreign tourism. well, in general, compared to february, year-on-year. prices for goods have increased, prices for services have decreased, although since 2017 services, even without taking into account utilities, have consistently outpaced the growth in the cost of goods. however,
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despite... good monthly data, annual inflation remained virtually unchanged and amounted to the same, if rounded, 7.7%. experts consider this to be the effect of a previously accumulated base, from the point of view of simple mathematics, they explain why after a few months, annual inflation will go down. well, what does it mean that inflation is not decreasing much? annual inflation is not decreasing, it cannot decrease, it will collapse in a couple of months simply because inflation is at the beginning. last year was quite low, so the difference is accordingly high; when the second half of the year begins, the situation will change in the opposite direction, this is pure arithmetic. analysts point to fundamental factors that cannot help but cause prices to rise, although for workers, when wages rise, it is always good, as long as it does not greatly accelerate inflation. the powerful budgetary impulse that
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is observed and... the indexation of social payments, which also, so to speak, creates additional, additional demand, and accordingly, is a pro-inflationary factor, and a reasonable question arises, why, with annual inflation of 7.7%, as in march , the key rate is still 16, experts have their own version of the answer to this:
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you shouldn’t expect a quick rate reduction, that’s why. we expect a change in rhetoric at the june or july meeting the rate cut will most likely be in september, that is , this is very different from what the market saw, that the rate would be kept at 16%, and then, as in previous years, they would begin to sharply reduce it, this time the central bank is taking an example from its colleagues in brazil, mexico and kazakhstan and are going to keep the rate longer and higher, this also has its own logic, because it is always more difficult to suppress price increases than to cause them. in this sense, the central bank and others have a lot of work to do, but analysts are confident that inflation will rise by the beginning of next year. may well approach the target of 4%, which will, of course, please not only the mega-regulator, but all russians.
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summer 2021. an excited crowd appeared at the gates of the house of businessman alexander krasnov. young people threw stones at the businessman's property. they came specifically to kill. the situation escalated, the parties began to shoot at each other. and chaos is happening. a shot sounded, and i felt a pain in my stomach; blood immediately started flowing in my head that they wanted to kill us all. krasnov responded by shooting his attackers at least three times. the investigation accused the man of premeditated murder. i used a weapon. i defend once again, i repeat, family, children, home, guests, the case was transferred to the federal level, some residents of the ivanovo region still consider him a brutal killer, i came to the investigative committee, i tell them what happened here, they look at me with such eyes, they say this cannot happen, a person who killed an uninvited guest or a hero who saved his family, we took up this matter and conducted our investigation, stand by,
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