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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  April 16, 2024 2:30pm-3:00pm MSK

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we watch to know everything about russia, the best historical series, watch, watch, in the app or on the website. now personnel from the government coordination center. good afternoon. dear colleagues, on behalf of the president, we, together with the bank of russia , are working on strengthening the country’s financial sovereignty and developing the necessary tools for this; our efforts are aimed not only at improving the mechanism itself, attracting capital to the economy, but at solving systemic strategic problems. this is a replenishment internal long-term resources that are needed to support domestic promising projects.
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special conditions are offered in industrial technology parks; we also help small medium-sized businesses. last year , the institution of public-private partnership was significantly modernized, a regional investment standard was introduced, and in new russian regions such work should be completed this year. together with the bank of russia and the moscow exchange, we also participate in supporting companies that...
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attract capital through public placement of shares, and a mechanism has been implemented for eurobond holders to issue replacement securities . all these measures, of course, do not exclude direct assistance from the federal budget, those subsidies that are issued to legal entities, budgetary and autonomous institutions, and interbudgetary transfers to the regions. a total of over 8 trillion has been allocated for these purposes for the current year alone. we are launching new tools for private investors; many citizens can now receive passive income from bank deposits, as well as by purchasing bonds, bonds, shares, actually directing their funds into the economy, thereby contributing to the further development of the country. starting this year, it became possible to simultaneously open three individual investment accounts of the third type, which replaced the previous two. now restrictions on... the volume of investments have been lifted and
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tax deductions have become wider, allowing people to save significant amounts on this. since january of this year , a long-term savings program has been launched; this is also a new tool that helps citizens invest their own funds in the funded part of their future pension, they will receive additional income, and the economy is another very important source of long-term resources. based on the results of the first quarter of this year, these mechanisms... need to be continued, to create new attractive tools both for citizens, dear colleagues, it is obvious that such work is also for business, to strengthen investment activity, to help attract capital specifically to the russian jurisdiction, and , well, develop joint projects with companies from friendly countries. today we have representatives of the business community, heads of state corporations, and we will discuss. with them, what new
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mechanisms are needed for the further development of this segment of our financial market. these were shots from a strategic session on the development of financial instruments in russia, which was conducted by mikhail mishustin. in copenhagen , the stock exchange building is on fire: the hallmark of the danish capital, an architectural monument and a leading example of the renaissance, was built in the first half of the 16th century. in as a result of the fire, the famous one collapsed. tas in sweden, irina dergacheva. this is one of the oldest buildings in the city, it was built in 1625, it is located near the royal palace and parliament, part of the roof with the famous spire has collapsed. a large area in the center of copenhagen was cordoned off, the police received.
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five people, since the dimensions of the painting are 2 m by 4 m, this is a group portrait of stock exchange employees standing in the stock exchange hall, and the stock exchange is one of the oldest in the world, king fredrik of dani has already thanked rescuers who fought for an important part of the architectural and cultural heritage, minister of defense trols lon volz. wrote that the fire of buildings is our noterdam moment, and told the minister of culture that 400 years of danish cultural heritage are on fire. the fire occurred during the restoration of the facade of a historical building, so there was scaffolding on it. the restoration began in the twenty-second year and was supposed to end no later than
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the twenty-ninth year. the work was focused on three main areas: replacing the building’s copper roof, replacing brick facade and updating the extensive decor. the famous spire with dragons on it has not undergone restoration. the authors are the leading investigation program of eduard petrov, the head of the duty department. our colleague, eduard petrov, is celebrating his fiftieth birthday. he started on autoradio, where his first story turned out to be related to road accidents and police work. the most resonant project of eduard petrov is an honest detective story, which he seems to be making his own for the audience. with his co-authors investigates crimes in the format of work law enforcement. almost 30 years in legal journalism, a lot of high-profile investigations of generations of outstanding students. achievements of eduard petrov's plans in our honest express investigation. we took up
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this matter and conducted our own investigation. this will be an honest detective. fraudsters are good actors. they rewrite. among themselves and share their impressions, no shame, ah-ah-ah, very strange characters, let's see who falls into the trap? ran away, we will continue to look for him, there is tasha music, before we drive anywhere and stop done, it’s up to you to draw conclusions. on april 15, 1935, representatives of 21 countries signed the ererich pact. the document laid the foundation for the international system of protection of historical and cultural monuments, in fact
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becoming the forerunner of unesco. about the meaning of the pact and its relevance today, see immediately after the advertisement, the special report “red cross of culture”. burger king tastes better on fire, well, debts on credit cards are hanging , interest is dripping, you need a holwa, take out credit cards, transfer the debts to the holwa, divide them into 24 months, conveniently pay them off, make purchases or get rid of loan debts. easy with halva, like this, you don’t need it, you need it like this, like this, like this, i understand, like this at the megamarket persil washing gel for only 799 rubles, you have a form, for
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baking, for squatting, try it , that’s it, so, i liked the trial lesson, but the vtb savings account is for the subscription. account with a rate of 16%. vtb, together everything will work out. the grader is new in the fight against weeds; it destroys any vegetation. grader and nothing grows. hunting, this is your thirst for the main trophy from 20 million. your chance take yours in 15 minutes, for only 100 rubles. hunting. come out to win, what are you waiting for, you are a metaphor, i am an example, i adapt, i change, i develop, and so it has been for 110 million years, and what
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are you waiting for, change and change, period, a bank for entrepreneurs and enterprises, one of my friends i decided to relax where there is no connection, where can i go from this connection? hello, nowhere, lucy, nowhere, because the megaphone can pick up even here. megafon, the number one mobile operator in terms of coverage and speed. introducing a new taste of baltika. 7 non-alcoholic with hops grown in altai. new baltika 7 non-alcoholic. experience the perfection of taste. closing a loan is like a holiday; it is customary to give gifts on holidays. and tinkof gives you a great gift, money. apply for a loan with tinkof before the end of april, making all payments on time, and we will return 5% of the interest rate in cash. we approve your plans. tinkov. tabacquette. start a new life without cigarettes. magnet - the price is what you need, chocolate fork with a 50% discount. oh, that’s nice to me, so 24.900,
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and yes, of course, oh, the panda is for sale, yes, it is for sale, psb credit card, double cashback, increased cashback on everyday purchases. touch the rock star booger king, votter, taste it on fire, right on target, it's a goal, it's a victory, it's a victory, russia, russia, russia, russia, whether you throw out the trash already or not, so, attention, we have a replacement. the younger generation is being replaced by a legend on the field
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to win, a credit sbercard is beneficial in any situation, an interest-free period of 120 days begins every month, and service and notifications are free forever, which is why the credit sbercard is the best in the country, apply for a credit card, everything will be the way you want. the chapel in pskov, over which the bridge over the velikaya river hangs, is inconspicuous, as if lost, although this small masterpiece
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was designed by academician of architecture alexei shusev. in the same year 911, he was busy with a large project for the kazan railway station in moscow, but did not give up his work in pskov, to write sketches for its painting, and invited his classmate nikolai rorekh. for many years the chapel was destroyed. this is what the frescoes looked like in 2021 , everything was on the verge of being lost. above us is the sky, sky, stars, sun, moon, in the center of the universe - an image of god. several years ago, the painting was finally strengthened for future restoration. two of the four sketches have survived; they are in the russian museum, but here is one. one of them is the painting of the entrance group, in general the entire painting of the chapel, it was dedicated to the idea of ​​​​the intercession
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of higher powers of the zabs, so here there is an image of the savior, angels, pskov saints, loved ones, princes vseval before gabriel and davmont timothy, and the holy spirit in the form of a dove in the dome. after the seventeenth year the chapel was abandoned and it was rebuilt. ticket office, then the kiosk and kerosene shop were painted over with fresco. in the seventies, due to the reconstruction of the bridge , they wanted to demolish the monument altogether, but pskov architects-restorers defended it. when the chapel was moved in 1970, the chapel was sawn in half, so the lower tier was completely lost, unfortunately. but of course, the frescoes are gradually falling into disrepair, because their last restoration was carried out in the early seventies. the custodians have been asking for money for
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restoration for years, the chapel is flooding, cracks have appeared from the buildings nearby, it is slowly was dying. in 2021 , the elena ivanovna roerich charitable foundation launched a fundraiser and turned it into an educational project. we , as a matter of principle, did not turn to... for help in raising funds to some large businessmen or large companies, for a ruble, let an ordinary person give a donation, and we will raise this money, we will have three... million people who joined to the preservation of this monument, to its history, than one businessman who will close it, then the idea of ​​​​actorrerich does not work, to the point many people joined in protecting the chapel. thanks to our initiative, the tretyakov gallery published a special issue of the magazine dedicated entirely to the onostatel chapel. by the way, this is a unique number where
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photographs of the chapel of the thirteenth year, 1913, are presented for the first time . from shchusev's archive. ironically, for many years the chapels containing roerich’s works have been under threat, because he is the author of the first treaty in world history on the protection of cultural monuments from destruction. this legal document is known as the roerrich pact. he was signed on april 15, 1935 at the white house in the presence of president franklin roosevelt. representatives of 21 states put their signatures, these are the usa and almost all countries of south america, the so-called pan-american. regional organization, henry wallis is authorized to do this from the states, here he is on the left hand of the president, at that moment he is the minister of agriculture, but the text of this agreement is very simple and laconic, it contains eight short articles, and most importantly, the first, in everything is formulated in it: historical monuments, museums, cultural, educational and scientific institutions are neutral and enjoy the respect and protection
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of the warring parties, just like the employees of the above-mentioned institutions, and are given special consideration both during... and in peacetime . nikolai rerrikh has been passionate about this idea of ​​protecting cultural objects since his university years in st. petersburg. he is a student at the faculty of law, knowledge of law will be useful in preparing the pact, while he is a volunteer student at the academy of arts, conducts archaeological excavations near st. petersburg, in veliky novgrad and... roerrich can be said to be one of the pioneers of the description monuments of ancient russia, and one of the pioneers of conservation. one can also recall his participation in the commission for the preservation of the frescoes of the feropont monastery; one can recall the history of the struggle, one might say, so that
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the church of the savior nereditsa in the vicinity of novgorod would not be moved. in 903 and so, he and his wife elena ivanovna traveled to forty ancient russian cities. kostroma, kazan, uglich, suzdol, he draws, she photographs. this includes the north-west of russia, the central part of the volga region. nikolai konstantinovich made the most interesting sketches, valuable architectural monuments of these cities, then he finalized them in the workshop.
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little interest, little love. with a report on the topic of protecting antiquity, roerich addressed nicholas ii in 915. the first world war had barely begun. on the agid poster, “enemy of the human race, he depicted kaiser wilhelm as the devil.” and the bombed cathedral in the french city of reims, the destroyed belgian city of leuvin. she wrote that a criminal was wanted, a portrait in everything, so to speak,
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an office in the museum of the orient in moscow. a collection is displayed under the slat ceiling, which was handed over to the ussr by a family friend in 1979. its creation was preceded by the receipt by the director of the oriental museum of a large number of paintings as a gift from an american citizen, an acquaintance of nicholas roerich, catherine kamble. after 917. roerrich was forced to stay outside of russia, first he ended up in finland, then the family traveled around the world, the usa, england, an expedition to central asia, india, but the idea of ​​the pact did not leave him. this is a very important, unique publication of 1935, the year when paktor erich was accepted, this is the building of the roerich museum,
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in which he was located in new york, which was built towards the end of the thirties. the first draft of the treaty was published in the twenty -ninth, the signing was preceded by several conferences, including in bruyges, belgium, but the signing still did not take place in the old world, in the usa, where roerich had many followers. it received support from the leading cultural figures of that era, romain roland, bernard shaw, thomas mann, albert einstein, it was truly an international document of a very high level, which was signed by more than 20 states, that is, almost 25% of the independent states of that time, there was hope that this treaty would become universal. universal, but in the late forties it was ratified only by india, although the pact is known and appreciated in europe. in the nuremberg verdict, which was pronounced
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against the main war criminals of germany, in relation to one of them who participated there, especially in all kinds of such atrocities not only against people in relation to historical monuments, a statement was made that the principles of the pact were violated roerich, you see, yes, he cannot be underestimated. his office contains late works; the artist spent a third of his life in the himalayas: the famous triptych, long live the lord, the treasure of the world, paintings by his son svyatoslav, personal belongings from the roerichs’ house in the indian kullu valley, and many works contain this sign, the banner of peace . the roerich pact was developed by analogy with the international red cross. if the international red cross protects human lives, then the red cross protects cultures. what is another name for paktreriha, he protects what makes a person a person, the understanding that culture
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is the basis, that it should be a priority, is very difficult, very slow to enter people's consciousness. roerrich proposed using a peace banner to mark cultural objects that a country party to the treaty included in the register of protected objects. article three of the pact describes the distinctive banner. looks like a circle with three red circles inside on a white background. according to roerich's plan, flags with such symbols should be hung over all buildings that the state has signed considers it necessary to protect. in general, the sign of the trinity is sacred and exists in all cultures, from the spiral of life, known since the time before columbus in america, to the sign of the three treasures in tibetan buddhism, well, in christianity, three circles arranged in the form of a triangle, one of the most common symbols of the trinity. most often, the sign is interpreted as science, religion and art in the ring of culture, or so, according to his son svyatoslav, nikolai konstantinovich himself interpreted it. past, present, future,
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which holds infinity for eternity. then this pact was ratified in gaga, it was signed by most countries. we can be proud of the idea behind this pact. charged with the russian, it was the russian man who thought about how to unite humanity on some kind of lofty idea. nikolai konstantinovich wrote a lot, he has a whole large essay dedicated to this. the collections of the museum in st. petersburg contain artifacts that tell the story of the creation of the pact. everyone wears the same security sign and the motto pak culture. peace through culture. in magazine, which was published by the ossetian community in paris, a reproduction of this wonderful painting was published, which is called the patron saint or madonna protectris. here
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our lady protects cultural monuments that require protection. here we can see objects of russian architecture, the famous vladimir cathedral, here is notre dame de paris, here is st. peter's cathedral in rome. who faced a very real danger on the eve of the second world war, although many told him in the thirties that for mercy, do we even care about culture now, what are we doing? you see what terrible times are out there, and nikolai konstantinovich answered invariably, precisely because no one cares about culture and what is happening is happening. in 1954, the hack convention for the protection of cultural heritage was signed, however, only during a military conflict... this experience was
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transferred to the united nations, and unesco was created there. this all formed the basis for the creation of unesco. and, of course, we simply read with our own eyes what is at the core the hague convention of 1954, for the protection of cultural property in the event of armed conflict, the three fundamental documents are the roerrich pact and the decision of the hague conference of 1899 and...
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this army is making everyone aware that the united states has an obligation to preserve cultural objects in the light of the roerrich pact. today the pact formally continues to operate and you can join it. roerrich did not set the task of developing, so to speak, a kind of responsibility; it was about legislation, about respect, and so on, about voluntary. ideas began to take shape that there was an attempt or damage
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to cultural values. represents his crime, the yugoslav tribunal found the serbian general guilty of causing the destruction. there are actually many examples, of the examples that were assessed, but could not be resolved, the destruction in afghanistan remember, yes, when the taliban came, in the nineties they destroyed seven monuments there that were preserved by the previous tops, including three statues of budba there. this is all we saw how it explodes in syria, well, in syria, yes, the palmyra is known, yes, to destroy the corresponding objects. in 2021, work began on recreating the original appearance of the chapel, it was intended by chusim to be such a dominant feature at the entrance to pskov, on the same level as the bridge, on an elevation, and this bridge is again for the third
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time in its history... it will be rebuilt, so it was decided to move construction in a new location, unfortunately, it will not be possible to return this chapel to the bridge, but nevertheless we can highlight it quite impressively, under it there will be an artificial structure has been built that will not only visually enlarge the monument, but also protect it from possible floods; a project for the actual transfer of the chapel has already been developed; this will be a rather complex and interesting task. the roerich pact, which is almost 90 years old, is often referred to today, not only as a legal document, with the current unesco system of protecting cultural heritage, but as an educational one, against vandalism and ignorance at any time.
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ella ponfilova presented the certificate of the president of russia to the winner of the elections vladimir putin. the meeting between the head of state and the chairman of the center for election commission took place in the kremlin. panfilova noted that more than 87 million russian citizens took part in the voting, this is a historical figure. vladimir putin thanked the central election commission for its work during the elections. i'll add that.


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