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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  April 16, 2024 7:00pm-7:31pm MSK

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the extended package included evening lectures, the blogger talked about the big conspiracy theory. after i completed the program, for ten days, i had a break, and i did not take herbs, yes, and i want to say that my energy level became lower, my body, it asked for me as life-giving moisture, as a source of life, he asked for these herbs, and i really missed them, he’s fierce himself. complained to reporters about the poor diet in the pre-trial detention center. it is clear that i eat seal food, i have no other food, i have no opportunity to eat the food i'm used to eating. accordingly, i am now under very strict restrictions and decisions. maxim lyut was found guilty and the court sent him to prison for 8 years. the child’s mother previously received 2 years of correctional labor, but no matter what punishment these citizens who call themselves parents receive, the child will not be returned, but maybe the sad story will make the followers think at least a little. honest detective,
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follow along with us, but for now that’s all we have, alexander ostakhov was in the studio, before meeting at 21:30. as open and transparent as possible, elections in russia took place despite unprecedented external pressure. meeting of the head of the isbercom center with vladimir putin. and the president's authorization for a new term. a detailed conversation about the results of the election campaign, that’s what else was discussed in the kremlin. urgent evacuation in ishim, schoolchildren in the tyumen region are switching to distance learning in kurgan.
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25 settlements were left without electricity. the situation is critical in tomsk, but in orenburg, on the contrary, the water is gradually draining, as they will rebuild the dam when people can return to their homes? investment growth by 10%, and this is only in a year. what instruments attract capital to the economy? government support measures, how the state creates conditions for business development, strategic session. fsb operation to detain an agent of the ukrainian special services. who was he, when was he recruited, the first confession, we learn about the details. the stock exchange building in copenhagen is engulfed in fire due to a fire, the symbol of the country has already lost its recognizable spire. historical building from the early 17th century for to the danes, as noterdam is to the french, so why hasn’t it been extinguished yet? ella pomfilova
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presented the certificate of the president of russia to vladimir putin, who won the elections . the meeting between the head of state and the chairman of the central election commission took place today in the kremlin. well, pamfilova noted that more than 87.5 million russian citizens took part in the voting, this is a historical figure. report by egor grigoriev. allow me.
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we saw all this, this is not only in relation to our border troops, these explosions, killings of people all together, ours faced the same members of the commission, telephone threats, but no one succeeded in intimidating, the created voting system once again showed its transparency and openness, video surveillance of the voting process at polling stations worked, more than 317 thousand observers, including foreign ones, 2,900 media outlets covered the election process , this
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is actually some important stage in the battle for russia, this was what people had, within our system, it’s so complex, seemingly consisting of representatives. many parties. for the future of the country around a strong leader, his ideas, and regardless of political views, each candidate of the past presidential race has common goals: a strong and prosperous russia, which they have voiced more than once. the most important attention is given to donbass and novorossiya, crimea and sevastopol. what lies ahead is the fulfillment of the voters' orders, which, as people admitted to the candidate, only the current president vladimir putin can do. and this work has been going on for a long time, thanks to a strong team.
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76,277,000 people voted for vladimir putin. support has increased by 20 million votes since 2018, each of which has the meaning. egor grigoriev, news. russian president vladimir putin spoke by telephone with the president of the islamic republic of iran, ibrahim resi. according to the kremlin, the conversation took place at the initiative of the iranian side. the leaders of the two countries discussed the situation in the middle east. after israel's attack on the iranian embassy in damascus and tehran's retaliatory measures. vladimir putin expressed hope that all parties will show reasonable restraint and will not allow a new round of confrontation. the iranian president, in turn , noted that his country’s actions were forced, were of a limited nature.
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at the same time, ibrahim reisi emphasized his disinterest in further escalation in the middle east. the president of egypt and the head of the russian foreign intelligence service also discussed the situation in the middle east. options to reduce the level of escalation. sergei naryshkin is now in cairo, it is noted that naryshkin’s axis also touched upon a number of issues related to africa, the fight against terrorism and events in the international arena, including ukraine and afghanistan. there are a lot of things that can be confused, but you can’t go wrong with the choice of thermal insulation. pinoplex slabs
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provide protection from heat and cold. penoplex is an effective thermal insulation. at bigfest, chicken premieres for 109 rubles. and other offers at a very competitive price. and also. more profitable with 50% cashback from alfabank in delicious and cozy place at low prices on the yandex market from small things to significant things, a vertical vacuum cleaner or a kitford convection oven with discounts of up to 18%. my new invention for a clean toilet, with bref there is an easier way, bref colored water for a clean, fresh toilet with every flush. breath number one in russia to maintain cleanliness and freshness. toilet charity easter draw of the russian lotto every second ticket wins, from each ticket sold 10 rubles will be transferred to charity, buy tickets in branded stores on the stoloto website, my friend, hello, as promised, today we are preparing a float, hey-hey, butter is not the first thing , oh,
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i need to transfer money home, by the way, it’s better to transfer from vtb online, it’s faster and more convenient, thank you for teaching me, who else taught who? if the possible has boundaries, i want them. cross, if choice has freedom, i want to experience it, if the light has an edge, i want to look beyond it, new jake j8, sure, this is for real, we will be expelled, i moved us to the future, what are you talking about? we're being hunted by space pirates, what a meeting. it’s worth it to go to the cinema from april 18, what we bring from travel with avito, cashback bonuses for the next trip, avito travel everything will go as booked, with cashback, bonuses, inside you there is already someone who is engaged in what
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lights it up, maybe it’s time let it out, start study for free in netology of the russian federation, you know, but i’m really not a taxi driver, you know, and i’m really not a comedian. i'm a real businessman, how much do you pay for the account? at psb account servicing, cash withdrawals and transfers in excess of up to 10 million rubles. for free! introducing the new taste of baltika 7'. with hops grown in altai. new baltika 7 non-alcoholic. experience the perfection of taste. under the silver foil there is a delicious chocolate layer, inside there is a beautiful, perfect, plumbeer, airy, natural, a happy mic in the heat julia carries a silver bullet. pairs of grand and grand picant at an attractive price. only in a tasty way. just like that. it’s necessary, it’s necessary like this, like this, like this, i understand, like this at
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the megamarket, backpacks are discounted up to 50%, how do you like it, cool, but save up a vtb savings account for a subscription, replenish it regularly and you’ll save up 16% faster, the investigation confirmed the connection performers.
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perpetrators, accomplices, organizers of this monstrous bloody terrorist attack, other affiliated persons, no matter where they hide and no matter how they try to confuse their tracks crimes will receive the deserved punishment. who fictitiously registered the islomov brothers, who are defendants in the case of the terrorist attack in crocus, in his apartment. the suspect admitted his guilt in full; it is noted that he has a valid passport of a citizen of tajikistan and a russian international passport. well, a suspect in the car bombing of former sbu officer vasily prozorov was detained in moscow today. the fsb reported this, the detainee has already admitted that he works for... insk special services. details from denis alekseev. a couple of days after
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the explosion of the suv of ex-sbu officer vasily prozarov, the perpetrator was detained by the russian fsb. almost immediately, the first confessions. i am a citizen of russia, living in ukraine since 2010. in 2023 , he was recruited as an employee in november. sbu. since the fall, he received all tasks from a curator from ukraine, who acted on the instructions of the head of the sbu malyuk, and the action plan was constantly changing. in february, my supervisor told me that he had been assigned the task personally the head of the sbu malyuk that i must go to moscow to monitor the toyota prado car located. at the address korovenskoye highway 3, which i did,
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in other words, an outdoor surveillance was assigned to vasily prozarov, his schedule and routes were probably monitored, as soon as a complete picture was formed, the curators contacted me again, i was told to assemble a bomb, my curator helped me with this , using the instructions, explained, i assembled. they provided him with the components of the explosive device and showed him how to make it. after preliminary reconnaissance in the area of ​​residence vasily prozorov, at night the device was attached to the bottom of a black suv, and this is footage taken immediately after the explosion. prozorov, who more than once publicly exposed the crimes of the kiev regime, himself became its target. what happened? and i have no doubt, this is another attempt at a terrorist act committed by the kiev regime and its special services. but i want to appeal to them, guys, not a damn thing worked out for you,
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because god, he is for us. further operational and investigative measures are being carried out actions for the purpose of qualifying the actions of the detainee under article 205, a terrorist act, article 275, high treason of the criminal code of the russian federation, under which he faces punishment up to life imprisonment. and again about the methods of ukrainian intelligence, an explosion in the courtyard of a residential area on the outskirts of moscow. children can be seen playing from the car in the footage, fortunately there were no casualties, prozorov himself is now in the hospital, alive, recovering, and today the circumstances surrounding the organization of the murder attempt have become known. ukrainian blogger anatoly sheriya, a source in russian law enforcement agencies, said that the ukrainian special services were behind the terrorist action against a journalist disliked by the kiev regime. the preparation of the assassination attempt on march 6, 2024 was carried out by the main intelligence directorate of the ministry of defense of ukraine, which, in close cooperation with the security service
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of ukraine, developed a false flag operation with the aim of physically eliminating the blogger, while blaming russia for his murder. federation, assassination attempt organized by representatives of the spanish criminals and a group of ukrainian refugees, they were allegedly recruited on behalf of the russian special services, in fact, the operation was personally supervised by the head of ukrainian intelligence budanov, the criminals were provided with weapons, in general, the scheme was almost exactly the same as in the case of prozurov, murder on territory of the european union, just like that in the middle of the day at 9 am, as i say, on a street where there are a lot of people, really, where people are running, riding bicycles and so on, from... a machine in windshield, this is too revealing, this is too, well, arrogant, even for them, but apparently they made up their minds, and today marks 9 years since another political murder, on april 16, 1915, a ukrainian publicist was shot dead near his home in kiev oles buzina, this case was put on hold by ukrainian law enforcement officers,
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three suspects were even detained in hot pursuit, but all of them were soon released, against russian journalists, the methods of struggle were also carbon copies. over the past 2 years journalist daria dugina and military correspondent vladlen tatarsky were killed. last year , an attempt was made on the life of zakhar prilepin; he miraculously survived. the crimes are brutal, bloody, but most importantly, never productive . they have not stopped and will not stop exposing the terror of the bloody regime in russia. and the louder these crimes are, the louder aglazka is. denis alekseev, anastasia ivanova, olga rebrova, lead. the russian military ensured a safe rotation of magathe observers to the zaporozhye nuclear power plant. this was reported to the ministry of defense. the department clarified that the facility four inspectors arrived. their task is to monitor and assess the safety status of the nuclear power plant. well , units of the russian guard also took part in the rotation. in addition, before starting the movement, our sateurs examined the areas where
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the ukrainian armed forces fired shells. a 12- hour shutdown was announced along the entire route. vladimir zelensky today signed a law on tightening mobilization in ukraine, it will come into force at the end of may, from that moment all those liable for military service will have to officially appear at the military registration and enlistment office to update their data. however, summonses will now also be served electronically, and it doesn’t even matter whether the potential conscript sees it. read more maria ivaleeva. ukrainian men who left the country without permission from military registration and enlistment offices may be deprived of their grant pass. such a norm is in the new law on mobilization, which zelensky signed. by this moment, thousands of people in european countries had carefully prepared, stood in lines to quickly complete all the necessary documents, and were forced to take their seats at night, but the rules changed dramatically, registration for such centers is now only online.
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at night there were already 150 people signed up, imagine, at 10 am the passport service opens and they say: we... don’t take a live queue, but here there are 300 people standing, that’s just it, they didn’t let people in, they took only those who signed up online, there was a fight and right there at the passport service the men didn’t share something, there were no people willing to return home to ukraine, there was a huge amount of paperwork for further residence abroad, this was evidenced by the kilometer-long queues that formed in different cities in europe near service centers for ukrainians, including warsaw and prague. the day before, in another interview with american journalists, zelensky said that kiev needs 60 billion euros, then the situation at the front will change, in order to receive this amount, everything has been done, a new law on mobilization has been signed by the president, and demobilization during martial law is cancelled. ukrainians are clearly aware that they have already been sent
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for final disposal. and it’s only a matter of time before they run out of foreign passports and... they will be deported from the european union to the territory of ukraine. deportation to ukraine is a direct path to the front line, where they are trying to send anyone they can, even people with limited mobility, just to fulfill the plan to gather half a million people by the end of the year. in kharkov , factory workers came to the attention of the so-called ludolov. take me to the factory, let me out of the car. i need to go to the factory, let me out of the car. well, you can’t do that, guys, after the new law comes into force, within 60 days conscripts and those liable for military service will have to update their data, violators face a fine of up to 22. men from 18 to 60 years old will always have to carry military id cards with them, with regards to the summons, it will be considered
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served, even if it was not handed over to the citizen personally, the date of delivery will be the day a stamp is placed on it stating that the document cannot be handed over in person, the person liable for military service will have 60 days to come to the tsk to clarify the data, but often after... such clarifications people immediately end up in the trenches: what are you doing? and for failure to appear the military registration and enlistment office faces criminal liability. however, the approval of the bill by the verkhovna rada has already borne fruit. police officers began to work as military commissars; if a person at first glance is fit for service, he is immediately sent to the tsk. so in mukachevo, transcarpathian region, a young guy was taken to the military registration and enlistment office right in front of his friends. they didn’t keep him at the tcc.
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to replenish the ranks of the armed forces of ukraine with new cannon fodder, almost everything will be deprived of deferment, but the new document will exempt law enforcement officers and assistants from mobilization
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deputies of owners of strategic enterprises. ordinary ukrainians will now have to fight until the very end. zelensky signed their death warrant. maria valieva, olga prokonova, anna pogonina and anna nikulaesh, lead. there are a lot of things that can be confused, but you can’t go wrong with the choice of thermal insulation; pinoplex slabs provide protection from heat. and cold penoplex - effective thermal insulation, you don’t need it like that, you need it like this, like that, like that, i understand, like that at the megamarket
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, an induction frying pan tfal for only 2.199 rub. one for all, all for one, there is a classic that you like more and more every time. classic grant burgers and a new one, grand picant with a spicy tomato sauce that you really want to repeat. the classics are already waiting. delicious period. if you have rice national in your kitchen, it means that uzbek pilaf or japanese sushi is no longer someone’s national pride, but yours personally. these are the hands of masha petrova, they think that next spring they will introduce a new crop in a large agricultural complex, and they think correctly, because that... a professional graduate, we will teach you to think with your own hands, leading employers are waiting for our graduates who know how to think and do. professional, you're
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in good company. rent an apartment in cean using real photographs. pairs of grand and grand picant at an attractive price. only tasty, period. lif 52 cleanses, restores and protects the liver. lif 52. purified for cleansing and restoration of the liver. it’s not easy to catch a pyro firebird, but anyone can get a fire rate on a deposit at gazprombank of up to 16.5% per annum. open a deposit on every second ticket wins the russian lotto easter charity draw. and from every ticket sold, 10 rubles will be donated to charitable causes. buy tickets in branded stores on the stoloto website. that's it. burger king tastes better when cooked on fire. introducing the new taste of baltika 7 non-alcoholic with hops grown in altai.
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new baltika 7 non-alcoholic. experience the perfection of taste. one of my friends spends endless time on social networks. because the megaphone gives everyone unlimited access to social networks, and even unlimited video access to regular subscribers. connect megapower there will be jaga jaga only in the megaphone. appetite anywhere. all the way. you are good when you want to quickly bake barbecue bacon, whipped steak cheese, instant cheese, bacon and smoky sauces and barbecue, what are you ready for? vladimir putin expanded insurance compensation to volunteers who signed a contract with the russian guard. so, the fighters of the volunteer formations of the russian guard who are participating in
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a special military operation, too. volunteers of the special operation in august last year, according to the document, compensation paid to the fighters themselves in case of disability or injury. the insurance payment for disabled people of the first group is set at more than 2,300,000 rubles. the second group is more than one and a half million or about 780 thousand disabled people of the third group. in the event of the death of a volunteer, the family receives a payment of more than 3 million rubles. the volume of investment in the economy. the country
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grew by almost 10% last year. this was stated today by mikhail mishustin during a strategic session on the development of financial instruments. according to him, now in russia there is a whole range of measures to support business activity. new tools are also appearing for private investors. starting this year, it is possible to open three individual investment accounts of the third type at the same time, and also invest funds in the funded part of your future pension under the long-term savings program. together with the bank of russia and the moscow exchange, we also participate in supporting companies that raise capital through public offerings of shares, and a mechanism has been implemented for eurobond holders providing for the issue of replacement securities . all these measures, of course, do not exclude direct assistance from the federal budget, those subsidies that are issued to legal entities,
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budgetary and autonomous institutions, inter... budgetary transfers to the regions for these purposes , a total of over 8 trillion rubles are provided for the current year alone. russia's trade turnover with the countries of the organization of islamic cooperation over the past 3 years has increased by 37%. now it is about 156 billion dollars. this was stated by the deputy prime minister marad khusnulin at a meeting of the organizing committee of the international economic forum russia islam. world kazan, according to him, independence in the foreign policy of muslim countries allows the development of joint projects and the use of new opportunities. russia’s goal is to strengthen this partnership and increase exports. the kazan forum will begin its work on may 14 and will host 125 sessions on the topics of international cooperation, high technology, investment, and islamic finance. in the context of anti-russian sanctions from
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unfriendly countries. it is gratifying to see the constantly growing interest in the forum from other countries and international organizations. currently , representatives of 54 countries have confirmed their participation, 59 regions of russia and 18 regions have confirmed their participation. arabic, turkey, kazakhstan, uzbekistan, turkmenistan, iran, azerbaijan, tajikistan, tatar.


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