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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  April 16, 2024 10:00pm-10:30pm MSK

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for 8 years, the child’s mother previously received 2 years of correctional labor, but no matter what punishment these citizens who call themselves parents receive, the child will not be returned, but maybe the sad story will make the followers of the fierce think at least a little. olga shirenkova, ksenia klimina, mikhail shirin, sergey saushkin, lead the duty department. the entire operational news feed of legal news in the telegram channels vesti dezhurnaya part and honest detective. subscribe. and our release is now complete. alexander ostakhov was in the studio. see you. this is big information evening, we continue to introduce you to today's agenda. he was killed by zelensky’s own petition, sergeant petrichenko, who complained about the dawn of ludomania in the ukrainian troops, was eliminated, that’s who will blame the accidental arrival on his wife.
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union, now the daughter of a singer who built a career in the soviet union is seeking the confiscation of russian assets in europe, where does so much hatred for a country that is not foreign to you come from? avoided responsibility? the ukrainian main intelligence directorate claims that their evaders’ atrocities by tcc were invented in russia. then where do the dozens of videos of real heels come from? a black and white portrait of a man in
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military uniform is a traditional postscript saying eternal glory to the hero. an obituary on the ukrainian information dump trukha, which reports the death at the front of a sergeant of the fifty-ninth motorized infantry brigade of the armed forces of ukraine pavel petrichenko. the character’s merits, the iron cross award from zaluzhny, and activity in some anti-corruption movements are immediately listed, but it was not this that made the militant truly famous, but petitions for limiting online work. casino in ukraine, which he launched quite recently, because he was struggling with gaming addiction among the armed forces of ukraine. and in this vein, the mournful messages about petrichenko’s death from trukha’s administrators look very forced. in fact, they are mourning the one who prevented them from making money from advertising, because it is precisely these paid posts with tempting offers from casinos in ukrainian telegram channels that sell best, and of course, more expensively. who else did the sergeant cross the path of, anton potkovenko wondered. he asked zelensky to ban
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gambling in the armed forces of ukraine and lost. sergeant pavel petrichenko has recently been a prominent character in the ukrainian and even western media, the so-called fighter against gambling addiction in the ranks of the armed forces of ukraine, was killed. that’s for sure, here’s the first source, a post by his sister marina on social networks, saying he died at the front. well, it’s wartime, who’s going to check there? and you can remember there that this is murder. in particular , the front will be presented exclusively there and so on, but no one will provide any details at all, when we are talking about billions, namely, that billions were discussed in petrichenko’s petition, which was circulated by the american bloomberg, about the huge money that circulates in the gaming business, including because money makers squander their salaries in online casinos, get into loans and debt pits, and pawn military equipment to pay off.
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nezalezhny increased its revenue by as much as 28 times last year. loud conversations began in the rada about the helplessness of the commission for regulating gambling, that it had to be liquidated , and in general the excess profits of online casinos began to be actively discussed, what if petrichenko, according to the official version, is killed at the front, or maybe he was secretly shot by his fellow ludomans, who cannot live without a casino, and this character clearly prevented them from squandering the last one. the chances that he... was removed by his colleagues, uh, the owners of yegorny's business, or for political reasons, so as not to discredit either ukraine or the army, these are all the probabilities, they are absolutely the same in terms of the degree of possibility. petrichenko got involved in
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a dangerous game, and if he was counting on an acquaintance among the terrorists of the right sector, or that the pritula would protect him from old memory, then the bet clearly did not work out. the kyiv regime is not forgives those who bite. the hand that pushes their death. the russian armed forces and the russian national guard ensured a safe rotation of observers from the magathe mission at the zaporozhye nuclear power plant, as reported by the ministry of defense, and a ceasefire was declared along the entire route of the observers . it lasted 12 hours and was strictly observed by the russian side. in addition, before the rotation, the area was thoroughly examined by sappers. the current mission to zas is already the eighteenth for the atomic energy agency. among observers at this once experts from finland. and iran. well, and also data from the ministry of defense on the situation in the north military district zone. over the course of a day, fighters from the southern and eastern groupings of our troops destroyed a total of more than 700 militants of the kiev regime on the donetsk and south donetsk fronts and managed to move forward, occupying more advantageous positions, as well as the military personnel of
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the center group, who eliminated over 380 enemy personnel in the ovdeevsky direction . from there is a report by pavel prokopenok. go! there are usually two people in a hail crew, but the realities of combat work they suggested, you need a third one, that’s how the siberian dodges on the move, the answer is, the vehicle assembly watches the sky, you rode with the breeze all winter, you carry out a combat mission, then you only remember that you seem to be outside in the cold, but this is quite normal, in our country it will be colder in siberia, the jet fighters of the central group of troops are mastering it. new positions. the new firing point is good because it has not yet been copied from the air, but at the same time it takes more time to shoot and adjust. in position
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, everyone knows what to do without words, each other understands friend from sight. the faster and more competently we do our job, the greater the chance of hitting the target, the faster we... will help our infantry move forward and bring our common victory closer. the reactors are working towards berdychi ocheretin. the package leaves in 20 seconds, hail, a combination of firepower and mobility. she is maneuverable, she is fast, you are not tied to one place. it’s really better not to linger in one place. everything here is very unsafe, the anti-drone radar does not stop at all, and this rising acrid black smoke, the consequences hits only.
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with other characteristic organizations, this is , firstly, the extremist fbk, secondly, the drain barrels of western intelligence services such as
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agents the insider and bellinket, and thirdly, the international terrorist group hizbur-tahrir. lugovoy draws attention to the fact that the activities of all of the above have repeatedly received active information support, namely from the novaya gazeta europe, not to mention the sympathies of this publication for the militants of the armed forces of ukraine, which means a legal assessment is needed, at least in relation to the co-founders, including the editors-in-chief.
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martynovo, antonina martynova, the so-called novgorod case is being considered after 16 years, exactly how long martynova was on the federal wanted list. in handcuffs, accompanied by a convoy, martynova looks confused, glasses, strands of gray hair, so she listens attentively to her lawyer lisitsky, and even for a few seconds her face appears... before the hearing, martenova underwent a fingerprint examination so that the court could be convinced that this exactly she. and now in the courtroom, already an adult, apparently, the same alice, whom, as far back as in 2008, witnesses, eyewitnesses said that her mother threw her from the third floor of either an apartment building or a dormitory into a flight of stairs, tried in every possible way to present it as an accident, dragged her over the fence, after which she threw her, further staging an accident,
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her words were made after antonina’s assassination attempt against his own daughter, at the same time agent
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martynov tried to pass off his wife’s domestic crime as allegedly political persecution of his family, made strange statements, saying that his wife was kidnapped, and he does not know where she is. in 2008 after all, the jury found martynova guilty, she was under a written undertaking not to leave, and it was then that she fled. isn’t this direct evidence that alice fell from the third floor not by accident? the fact that she hid, the fact that she actually ran away, speaks of a full admission of guilt, and there, let me remind you, the punishment under this article is the attempted murder of a person in a helpless state, from 8 to 20 years, martynova was detained in stavropol, these are the shots, the media write that at that moment antonina martynova was with her daughter alisa and a common-law husband in a private house. martynova met her new common-law husband on the internet and he supposedly knew nothing about the past
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of his cohabitant, apparently, antonina chose not to tell about her husband as an agent, although it was obvious that there was something, well, at least the fact that he is now the chief editor of the new newspaper europe, an organization recognized as undesirable in russia, it was foreign agent martynov who wrote the nato quote: if the troops had already entered in june of twenty-three, it was foreign agent martynov who compared russia with terrorist isis. of course sit somewhere outside our country, talked about the crimes of the so-called russians and the russian army on the territory of ukraine during the beginning of the northern military district, and most of the news that he commented on ended up being fake, from bucha to irpen, so the homeland is being sold at -differently, but as we see, not the best people, the person has gone too far in his choice of western values ​​in his denial of his own country, perhaps he is counting on the fact that his western curators will help him avoid
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responsibility, will cover for him, although they always necessary. that he remains a traitor for the westerners too, in general, the western masters may well act with the foreign agent martynov in the same way as he did with russia at one time, and things didn’t work out very decently with his wife, it’s unlikely that he’s a foreign agent kirill martynov is now worried about antonina, but she will first have to undergo a psychological and psychiatric examination, then at least one more court hearing, and as a result, a sentence that is unlikely to be lenient, and it is possible that the novgorod case...
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to moscow track your toyota car prado. he returned specifically to kill former ukrainian security officer vasily prozarov. after the maidan, which he considered a coup d’etat, back in 2014 he went over to the russian side. i was told to assemble a bomb,
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my curator helped me with this, using instructions, he explained. here. i assembled it at approximately 2:00 am, i attached this bomb to the bottom of the car, it exploded in the morning when the owner opened the driver's door. these shots show that there are a lot of people around, the time was right when everyone is getting ready for work. this car was standing next to the one under which the bomb was planted, it had holes all over its side, it all happened in the parking lot in the courtyard of a residential building in a residential area, there is a camera just a few meters away from the children's playground at every entrance.
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who did not hide his views, he did not hide, he did not hide anything, he boldly spoke about everything, but is it possible to kill for this if a person thinks differently? previously, on the anniversary of buzina’s death , entire demonstrations gathered in kiev from those ukrainians who shared his civic position, now
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it’s too dangerous to show his views, only a lonely retired mother is caring for the grave, my son! the perpetrators were arrested without delay. ideological ukrainian nazis polishchuk and medvedko, but under the pressure of street protests the court released them, the killers are still at large, like those who shot verkhovna rada deputy kalashnikov in the entrance of his house in the same 2015. modern ukraine cannot exist without the dispensation of dissidents. today we are talking about elderberry, it is one of... the first died, but uh, for the entire duration of the maidan, from the fourteenth year, during the maidan they killed dissenters, persecuted dissenters, they tried to kill me in kiev, huge.
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attempts made on his orders, a 9:19 caliber weapon, a 9x19 caliber weapon, short rifled, fired in the chest area, then a control shot in the head and he remained forever near his place of residence in the moscow region. this is him about the murder of former verkhovna rada deputy ilya kieva, nuances that could only be conveyed to the customer performer, murder of daria dugin and vladlin tatarsky, assassination attempt on oleg tsarev and zakhar prilepin, already on russian territory.
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earlier... but at the same time the question arises, what objects could be of interest to our high-precision weapons in this deep in the rear city, of course you won’t get a clear answer from ukrainian propaganda, because according to its version, uman lives a peaceful life and has absolutely nothing to do with what is happening at the front, however, the local pro-russian... polier has already found out that the target was the railway terminal, so he- i’ve been asking for a series of flights for a long time, and vadim zavodchenkov will explain why. the transport hub was cut down, another civilian object, swallowed up by the insatiable military machine of ukraine, was carefully put out of action by the russian army. on video, streets city ​​of uman, even before arriving at
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the railway station and it’s immediately clear. they are destroyed. uman is, to put it mildly, not the center of world civilization; a small town of 80,000 people has always been a typical ukrainian province, and the local railway junction could not boast of a small number of tracks or freight turnover. in fact, the oman station is the final route of one local line, but at the same time, unfortunately for its residents, the city stands at the intersection of major highways and...
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according to uman, this means only one thing: the enemy is again tried to post something non-peaceful here. experts say that the presence of an ammunition depot in the city was confirmed by several sources of information, such as space intelligence and technical intelligence. there we understand that it was a warehouse with ammunition, not with uniforms, not with nails, but with ammunition. feature...


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