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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  April 16, 2024 10:30pm-10:46pm MSK

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not far from poland, so a lot of things can pass through uman, and a lot of roads intersect, there are warehouses, and there are underwater areas where you can store it. the fact that the blow hit uman again means only one thing: the enemy again tried to place something non-peaceful here. experts say that the presence of an ammunition depot in the city was confirmed by several sources of advanced information, including... space intelligence and technical intelligence. there we understand that it was a warehouse with ammunition, not with uniforms, not with nails, but with ammunition. a feature of the current period of time is the enemy’s shortage of ammunition. therefore, searching for and destroying army warehouses is a priority. well, in general, the defeat of targets in uman is a logical continuation of the
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work that the russian army is doing: to cut off the nazi machine from supply routes, kiev can shout as much as it wants that the infrastructure is peaceful, but we can clearly see what they have in the ruts there with all these blows russian armed forces are reducing the supply of armed forces, military equipment, ammunition into the combat zone and... complicate the ukrainian army’s solution to its combat missions. as for uman, i believe that demilitarization will only benefit the city. for some reason, the armed forces of ukraine always behaved especially harshly with local residents. there is ruthless violent mobilization, drunken racing through the city streets in military vehicles, after the liquidation of the ammunition depot, there will certainly be fewer of them.
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the american congress today plans to present a new bill on military assistance to ukraine, this time not completely free of charge, and provided partly on credit and partly at the expense of frozen russian assets, but however, while the majority of republicans are happy with this option, the democrats are unhappy with the proposal to split support for the kiev regime and israel into different packages, so now joe biden is looking for simpler schemes from european allies , but... in the north atlantic alliance the czech republic now has a reputation as the most disciplined eastern european barracks. on the ukrainian march, the czechs are sometimes even ahead of the poles. a recently in prague they also announced that they would spend 4 and a half billion dollars to purchase f-35 fighter jets from the united states. that is, czech prime minister petr fiala had reasons at the meeting in the white house. hopes that joe biden will at
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least pronounce the name of his country correctly, but in vain. i cannot express how much we appreciate your openness and support for the people of czechoslovakia, the czech republic, which protects the people of ukraine. i want to thank you for your help, mr. prime minister, for your help in providing ukraine with almost a million ammunition. for a person who routinely confuses angela merkel with helmut kohl, and emmanuel macron with françois miteran, in principle, nothing terrible, but the context is important, which could make fiali feel uneasy. the leadership of slovakia mentioned by biden has diametrically opposed views on ukraine, from prague to bratislava it won’t even be 300 km, and what different values ​​they have from washington.
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yaroslav began buying decommissioned t-72s all over eastern europe, sort of for scrap, they quickly realized that there was nowhere to sell serviceable weapons more profitable than secondary ferrous metal, they began to dig up africa, as of 2022, 100 tanks have already left for ukraine, csg is thriving, the production of heavy ammunition has increased more than 10 times, and the number of personnel has almost tripled and amounted to 10,000 people at the enterprise.
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there are no changes on the ukrainian front, no matter how much you give to zelensky, it’s not enough for him, he’s always looking at someone else’s plate, now he’s especially attracted to israeli weapons, they say that our allies cannot help us with certain weapons, because it will be perceived as ukraine’s involvement from nato countries in the war. well, i want to ask. question for you: is israel part of nato or not? here is the answer: israel is not a nato country, but nato allies, including nato countries, defend israel. the dispersed person urgently needed to be calmed down, because with such conversations he puts the curators in an uncomfortable position,
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john kirby was instructed. if the us and its allies can shoot down iranian drones over israel, why can't they do the same over ukraine? yes, i knew this one the question will arise, look, different conflicts, different airspace, different threat landscape, and the president made it clear from the very beginning of the conflict in ukraine, the united states is not going to participate in it in a combat role, we are providing ukraine with what is necessary to protect the airspace unfortunately, even with this we now have problems, since we do not have additional funding. from republicans in the house of representatives, where speaker mike johnson is now desperately trying to put together four bills for whites at home the word happiness. the contours have been determined for the allocation of finances totaling $95 billion for israel, taiwan and ukraine;
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they will vote separately. kiev is owed approximately 48 billion, including in the form of loans using frozen russian assets as collateral. we will vote on aid to israel, on aid to ukraine, on aid to the indo-pacific region. everyone will have the opportunity to express their views and make amendments as they deem appropriate. congressmen have 72 hours for everything, about everything, that is until friday, but representatives of the right wing of the republicans from the so-called freedom party do not need additional time to think. these 30 parliamentarians are categorically against any assistance.
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on the pages of foreign affairs, the istanbul agreements thwarted by the west two years ago, it turns out, determined washington’s role as a guarantor. in the event of an attack on ukraine, the united states would be required to participate in the conflict on the battlefield. the publication publishes the text of the agreement and explains that the real responsibility the americans were scared. ukraine did not consult with the united states before reaching preliminary agreements with russia in istanbul in march '22. moreover, the agreements provided for obligations for washington as a guarantor. this condition in itself would make the treaty invalid for washington, since it would mean a possible direct clash with russia. therefore, the west did not accept such agreements, but increased
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military support for kiev. in the end , it turned out to be easier to fight by proxy, but that’s for now is there anyone to fight for? if you vote on johnson's package. if it doesn’t work out before friday, then they will return to military assistance to kiev on the capital’s hill no earlier than may, congressmen are on vacation again, during which, by the way, they will have the opportunity to compare notes with the average voter, but he is full of self-doubt; 61% are already against sending weapons to zelensky. republicans. valentin bogdanov ivan utkin and evgeny samsonov, usa news. the reality is that the uk will never take russian money, so it begins a large piece of material from a political publication devoted to a detailed analysis of attempts to steal russian assets frozen by london. the editors interviewed lawyers and experts, they all came to the conclusion that
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there are no legal grounds for the seizure of other people's resources and will not appear, even in order to give the appearance of legality to the confiscation, well , at least of profits, it will take years, if not decades of litigation, well and if political. will scare off investors. well, however, such nuances do not bother everyone. estonia, without waiting for the pan-european decisions, is preparing its own law on the use of russian assets, and a character with a very famous name is responsible for economic russophobia in tallinn, with whose hands dirty deeds are done, and what does the soviet stage have to do with it, elizaveta khramtsova will tell. there is a sharp turn behind, deceptive ice behind - the most popular estonian singer sang. daughter-in-law. today these lines could be sung about a large and cold country,
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russia, and her daughter, curly. veske the younger, in her youth she dreamed of becoming an artist, she went on stage with her mother, but she didn’t give up. having unlearned lawyer, got a job at the estonian ministry of foreign affairs, where she rose to the position of head of the legal department. and now curly vesky has focused all her attention on the attempts of european officials to steal russia’s frozen assets. estonians, lithuanians, latvians are trying to get in. to brussels, that is , to get to brussels, naturally they don’t need this estonia, they don’t need latvia, lithuania, they are trying to build a career there, and for this they naturally need to show such a sharp russophobia. kirleveski herself writes almost nothing on social networks, but actively does reposts of their bosses and like-minded people, and all their thoughts are about ukraine and about the fact that the quote confiscation of russian assets is moral, political and legal. took on a noble mission, it is unlikely
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that the tallinn careerists understand what they are getting themselves into, because truly influential players, for example, germany, france and the acquitted one, and although estonia itself believes that britain does not risk confiscating russian assets, but estonia, its so the so-called elites don’t mind throwing in the towel; after this, estonia won’t have any foreign investment to see who will do this in practice, well, if a person, no matter how public, a person can, in his dirty work, appeal to the reputation of the family, to the history of the family, so much the worse for this very family. it is interesting that, unlike laima vaikul, annevesky does not pretend that her career on the soviet stage was not the best page in her biography. on the singer’s official website it is mentioned that she received the title of honored artist of the estonian ssr, and several times she states that only alla pugacheva was more popular than veska. moreover, a year and a half ago, the so-called cultural community of estonia could hardly cope with
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the fact that oniveske’s concert poster mentioned her confession by the soviet authorities. did the balts hear an echo of the russian occupation in this? anna in general has always been, well, from my point of view, she has always been a very decent person and has never been me, or at least noticed in any harsh statements at all. in any direction, but the singer’s daughter began her diplomatic career in russia, in the mid-2000s curly 3 for a year she headed the consular department of the estonian embassy, ​​controlled the issuance of visas, promoted the development of tourism between the two countries, traveled to a village in stavropol, founded by immigrants from the territory of modern estonia, and admired the hospitality of the residents of the south of russia, we understand what kind of political systems have developed in the baltic states, it’s impossible not to what to be...
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from serving one political system to swearing allegiance to opposing ideas, you don’t need to wait for many years, you only need one sharp turn. unresolved palestinian-israeli conflict is the root cause of current events in the middle east, vladimir is talking about this today. american authorities expect that the targets will not be high-ranking iranian officials, for example, warehouses of missiles or their components that are sent from iran to hezbol. white house advisor john kirby has been from the studio of various tv channels for several days now.
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and this is the main danger, the boundaries of what is permissible are moving further and further, possible israeli strikes on iranian nuclear facilities are being seriously predicted, then a full-scale war is inevitable.
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