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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  April 17, 2024 5:30am-6:01am MSK

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“stand, who are they, new guys, this is a passenger with me, a reporter, a director, i came for my brother, i’m a battalion commander, call sign trigger, everyone has call signs, i’m adam, why isn’t adam adam, i’m a chechen, an artist, a white orza you can, i can, you’ll sing somehow, brusley, she’s alive, we don’t need names, she’s not worth it, or what, it’s not worth yours, well, you little thing, a little light of god.” komenyuta, what to do, commander, what to do, that's it, that's it, shoot, call sign passenger, call sign passenger, i suggest changing it to call sign rebin, no, call sign of my brother, you remain a passenger, that’s right, russia , russia, russia, russia, russia, russia, russia, russia, russia, russia, russia, russia, russia, russia, russia, russia, russia, russia.
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and you don’t change at all, you missed me, baby, the fate of the milky way planet and thirteen, thirteen, thirteen galaxies. 100 years ago.
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hello, there is a legal program on air, hosted by the duty department, in the studio alexander ostakhov. two former heads of municipal institutions were detained in novosibirsk. according to the investigation, they carried out a major scam with city ​​traffic lights for fifty million rubles. and here are the first images taken by the security forces. in the apartments, judging by the reaction, guests
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were definitely not expected here. it is known that former officials, and now the main suspects in the fraud case, were responsible for the development of the novosibirsk street and road network. the police found that in 2017 and 2018 , inter-municipal institutions responsible for maintaining traffic light facilities on city streets and private contractor organizations signed contracts totaling 50 million rubles. however according to the investigation, budget money was spent elsewhere. direction. investigators are finding out the details of the corruption scheme, and former officials may soon go to a pre-trial detention center. they won’t finish: 3 months later, operatives detained a comedian who could have killed his colleague amiran gevarkyan. let me remind you that in sochi, at the annual kvn festival , a brawl occurred between the participants, during which the gevarken were pushed from the site into the parking lot. the injuries turned out to be fatal. the accused rushed to the run and he was found. first shots operational photography was studied by olga mazurak.
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the handcuffs snap into place on the hands of thirty-three-year-old artur rasulov; they had been looking for him for 3 months, and finally he had his first conversation with the operatives. suspected of intentionally causing grievous harm to the health of a person dangerous to life and preventing the death of the victim. according to investigators, it was arthur rasulov who dealt a fatal blow to kvn team player amiran gevarkyan during a festival in sochi in january of this year. the beginning of the conflict was recorded by cctv cameras. judging by gevarkyan's recording something. did not share with a passer-by, and after a short conversation a fight broke out, and if not for this parapet, perhaps everything would have turned out differently. a thirty-one-year-old man has died in hospital as a result of a traumatic brain injury. investigators from this department immediately initiated a criminal case regarding this fact. the soul of the company, that’s how amiran’s friends remembered him. having honed his sense of humor in regional kvn leagues, a member of the southern capital team quickly became... a popular
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showman, shortly before his death he ran private events, it was impossible to imagine that someone from the other team could attack him, his relatives said, in the rehearsal halls everything was the same as before, everyone was each other. they help find props to put on something to write a joke, so during the fight gevarkyan received blows to the head and body, he spent several days in coma, in the sochi hospital, but the doctors, alas, were powerless. artur rasulov was immediately put on the wanted list, all points of his movement that night were recorded by the smart safe city system, now, after 3 months, operatives traced the alleged killer. currently , the defendant has been detained in accordance with article ninety- one of the criminal procedure code of the russian federation, and he has been charged. to the accusation. for intentionally causing grievous bodily harm resulting in death through negligence, the defendant faces up to 15 years in prison. in the near future, investigators will petition the court to take artur rasulov into custody. olga muzrak and pavel melnik, lead the duty department. in
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the krasnodar territory for smuggling military a teacher went to the colony. every day after school, the 42-year-old lady went home and calmly packed sights for a utyos and court heavy machine gun into boxes. this weapon can cause serious damage even to lightly armored vehicles. the teacher sold spare parts on the internet, and indicated in the papers that she was sending souvenirs to customers. as a result , customs officers intercepted two parcels on time. military optics almost went to japan and the usa. when lowering the intruder's apartment, optical and collimator sights for snipers were found rifles, small arms parts, ready for shipment abroad. as well as computer equipment with information on planning smuggling deliveries. for such overtime , the teacher received 4 years. she will spend this time in a general regime colony. a major scandal erupts after the death of a patient in a private clinic in moscow. the woman underwent
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tummy tuck surgery and died the next day. it turned out that this is not the first time a person has died in this medical institution. today there were slightly fewer investigators and journalists than doctors and visitors. why the surgeons did not immediately agree to perform the fatal operation and what the deceased patient was afraid of, instead of the report by daniil sukhoruchko. there is a tense atmosphere in this private clinic in the capital today; guards and patients have not yet gotten used to the cameras; the institution is in the spotlight of journalists and researchers after the tragic death of a patient. details of the incident with yulia are published by several media outlets. a forty-year-old muscovite walked through these doors with the hope of transformation. she paid for the belly stretch a lot of money. but the plans were not destined to come true; after the operation, the woman died. according to some reports, yulia was afraid of the operation, she allegedly had low hemoglobin levels, she even underwent the intervention at a later date and still decided to go under the knife. the tummy tuck itself went smoothly, but the next day after the plastic surgery, yulia felt unwell and died in
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the hospital. this story interested law enforcement officers. behind these doors is a sterile zone, so we won’t get there anymore, but as you know, searches took place there. seized is studying. official medical documentation. a number of forensic examinations, including a medical one, will be scheduled in the near future. investigators also opened a criminal case under the provision of services that do not meet safety requirements. according to some information, the surgeon who performed yulia’s operation has already been interrogated. the clinic is still stingy with comments. an investigation is currently underway, and we unfortunately do not have the authority to provide any information about the patient or the progress of his treatment, since this information makes up. the investigation is in full swing, law enforcement officers are working on the spot, by the way, according to the capital’s prosecutor’s office 2 years ago, there was already a similar case here, the investigation is still underway. a woman born in 1966 underwent laparoscopic gastric bypass surgery; the next day
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the patient’s condition worsened, she underwent another operation, but the woman died. it is known that julia’s deceased family included a husband and two children, but the private clinic continues to accept patients and perform operations.
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into the hands of themis, he was hiding from justice for 21 years and 2 months, it was not without special forces, the fugitive official’s apartment had to be stormed, for many years chekin especially tried not to appear anywhere in the rented apartment, in which the windows were always curtained, he equipped a secret place in case of a police visit , perhaps due to the lack of sunlight, the appearance of the former auditor of the control and supervisory department of the ministry of finance has changed a lot, the ex-official has aged. and lost most of his hair, but did not forget why he was
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they were looking for so much time, they are allegedly accused of contract killings, which, whose name is izrailov and the prosecutor bederin. according to investigators, chekin was involved in organizing the contract killing of prosecutor khmao yuri bederin. he allegedly addressed this request to his friend, businessman viktor zmanovsky, who in turn. got the perpetrators who shot bederin in the entrance of the house in july 2000. according to some reports, the reprisal could have been revenge for the criminal case of fraud that the prosecutor's office opened against chekin. as soon as bederin’s murder was carried out, chekin disappeared; where did he tell my colleague eduard petrov immediately after his arrest? and i also want to tell you an interesting story. first of all, how did i escape? how do you hide? you are probably interested too. yes, of course, and which one? and so to speak, pretend
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that i just hid, lay low, yes, and thought through the security system, that’s all. that same system, by the way, included not only the presence of everything necessary in the apartment, even a gym, but a secret niche under window sill, its size could allow the man to hide in case of a visit from the security forces, but it seems that at the time of the assault he was playing hide and seek with... after chekin went to jail, it became clear that the punishment he faces could be as severe as possible , up to life imprisonment. during the trial, in addition to the murder of bederin , the organization of the murders of two more people committed in the late nineties was also proven. another episode, proven by the jury, concerned chekin’s entrepreneurial activities, which he conducted in the nineties. to him accused of stealing 15 million rubles. because he...
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dictated by the jury, the final word belongs to the court, which will soon determine the punishment for the defendant. maxim shevchenko, andrey romanov, mikhail shirin, vyacheslav shabanov and pavel shimolin, lead: duty department. new leaders have been appointed to two regional headquarters of the russian national guard. alexander khenshtein reported this in his telegram channel. with reference to the presidential decree, the state duma deputy informed that the head of the department for the samara region evgeniy ponkov became the acting director since march. specialists. with experience he worked his way up from a trainee police officer to commander amon, and was awarded state awards. also in his post
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, alexander khenshtein reported that police colonel pyotr zorov became the head of the main directorate of the russian guard for the moscow region. to start working in the russian guard, he held the position of deputy head of the main department of the ministry of internal affairs for the moscow region. ordinary spectators and security officials trust him. one of the most famous russian journalists, author and host of the honest detective project eduard petrov celebrates his anniversary. his investigation becomes the basis for initiating criminal cases and helps people seek the truth. the name of eduard petrov is associated with the formation and formation of legal journalism on domestic television. and the mentors raised. not a single generation of reporters, andrey ivlev. hello, eduard petrov is in the studio. an honest detective and
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eduard petrov, for viewers, have long been one thing. the legal project became recognizable thanks to the author. it's hard to believe, but eduard petrov is 50. you can rarely put him in his office, because like a real journalist, he is constantly in the field, business trips, filming, meetings. for our colleagues , eduard viktorovich. senior comrade, mentor, from whom i want to learn, we took on this case, it will be an honest detective, a corporate style, recognizable intonations and most importantly, attention to people’s problems, this is appreciated by viewers, colleagues and the management of a large holding company, an honest detective and much more, of course will remain on the tablets of television history, but the main thing is that you always tried to help people, and ordinary people, and those who
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could not seek protection from you anywhere except journalists.
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what then, that today eduard petrov is at the forefront of the reporting front, both viewers and security forces trust him, the investigation of eduard petrov often becomes.
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eduard petrov is called defend yourself, four: to shoot or not to shoot. what to do if villains break into your home, defend yourself or attack? the author tries to answer this question, as always, scrupulously, having studied all points of view. don't miss the premiere on russia-24 tv channel. summer 2021 at the gate
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a heated crowd appeared at the house of businessman alexander krasnov. young people threw stones at the businessman's property. they came specifically to kill. the situation became tense, the parties began to shoot at each other, chaos was happening, a shot was fired, and i felt pain in my stomach, blood flowed in my head as if they wanted to kill us all. krasnov responded by shooting the attackers at least three times; the investigation accused the man of premeditated murder. i used weapons, i repeat once again, i defended my family, children, home, guests. the case was transferred to the federal level. some residents of the ivanovo region still consider him a brutal killer. i tell you what happened here, they look at me with such eyes, they say: this cannot happen, a man who killed an uninvited guest or a hero who saved his family, we took up this matter and conducted our investigation. fierce diet for a baby. the lazarevsky district court of sochi sentenced maxim lyuty, who doused his
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newborn son with cold water and starved him to death. the raw foodist blogger allegedly wanted to raise a person who could eat exclusively. energy of the sun, at that time he himself ate meat and other products, the child did not survive, what will happen to his father and how the parent made excuses before the judge, olga zhurenkova knows. journalists probably had no doubt that the court verdict against raw food blogger maxim lyutov would be guilty. this wild story shocked many. lyuty and his wife oksana mironova tortured their son, who was just over a month old, to death. the boy died in the beeches. for almost a year in the isolation ward, there was a lot of violence, which was promoted by a subscriber. the child died from a congenital disease, that the child had congenital diseases, because there was obvious prematurity, that is, signs of dystrophy were present at the very beginning. maxim lyuti and his wife oksana mironova
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moved to sochi from st. petersburg several years ago, rented a house in the lazarevsky district, their child was born in february 2023 at home, the parents did not go to the doctors and did not register him, the blogger himself delivered the baby. as investigators established, the fierce sun eater and his wife watched for several days the way the boy was suffocating and suffering. only at the last stage of the disease did he take him to the hospital; the doctors could no longer save the child. collected by the investigative department for the lazarevsky district of sochi. the investigative directorate, the investigative committee of russia for the krasnodar territory, found the evidence to be sufficient by the court to convict the forty-four-year-old man. the neighbors told a lot about the life of raw foodists. a year ago, on condition of anonymity , they told my colleague ksenia klimina how the couple lived. a pregnant woman came to the neighbor's house and ate under the counter; she was fed cabbage. because, apparently, he didn’t even let the pregnant woman eat. lyuty called for treatment not from doctors, but from herbal infusions. you won’t find these in the pharmacy, they are the highest grade. and they were collected in ecologically clean
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areas. blogger lyuty actively shared very dubious details of his biography with subscribers. in one of the videos, he admitted that he had previously suffered from drug addiction. according to media reports, he had a criminal record. he called himself a king and a man with superpowers. chronic migraine - it was like a stone in my head. on the left side, yes, that is, i have such a feeling, now i understand that perhaps there was some kind of brain tumor, maybe it even came to this, because at that time i no longer went to the doctors, my the fierce one gave the guests a drink on a stand of herbs, fed them fruits, vegetables and promises of enlightenment, for this they had to pay from 40 to 100,000 rubles for 10 days, the extended package included evening lectures, the blogger talked about the big conspiracy theory, after i completed the program, for ten days, i had a break, and i didn’t take herbs, yes, and i want to say that my energy level became lower, my body,
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it asked me as life-giving moisture, as a source of life, it asked for these herbs, and i really i missed them, the fierce one himself complained to journalists about the poor diet in the pre-trial detention center, it is clear that i eat prison food, i have no other food, i do not have the opportunity to eat the food that i am used to eating. accordingly, i am now under very strict restrictions and decisions. maxim lyutoy found guilty, the court sent him to prison for 8 years. the child’s mother previously received 2 years of correctional labor, but no matter what punishment these citizens who call themselves parents receive, the child will not be returned, but maybe the sad story will make the followers of the fierce think at least a little. olga zhirenkova, ksenia klimina, mikhail shirin, sergey saushkin, conduct the duty department. the entire operational feed of legal news in telegram channels is maintained honestly by the duty department. detective, subscribe, this is our episode completed, alexander astakhov was in the studio, see you!
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it's easy to get caught up in the facts when you only see part of the big picture. the pursuit of views changes entire locations, making it easy to make deep fakes.
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investment rating, economics, through specific stories, we can reach people, we often talk about money, the amounts are serious, there is a clear and clear signal in russia. is russian industry capable of replacing foreign suppliers? all resources must be mobilized. it seems to you that you are on top of the world, you got up, dusted yourself off and went. is russia ready to change? does evolution occur in any structure? if you are a creative, ambitious, young professional who is ready to prove that you are the best in the profession, then quickly take part in the national open
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championship of creatives. your path to the pinnacle of excellence. the russian ministry of emergency situations warns. protect your home by installing a fire alarm. safety starts with you, russian emergency situations ministry. we watch to understand the world. educational programs and documentaries. let's see. let's see. in the app or website in summer 2021 year , a heated crowd appeared at the gates of the house of businessman alexander krasny, young people threw stones at the businessman’s site, they came specifically to kill, the situation escalated, the parties began to shoot at each other, chaos was happening, a shot was fired and i felt pain in my stomach, blood flowed in my head with that they want to kill us all, krasnov shot at least
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three times in response. the investigation accused the man of premeditated murder. i used a weapon to protect, i repeat once again, my family, children, home, guests. the case was transferred to the federal level. some residents of the ivanovo region still consider him a brutal killer. i went to the investigative committee, told them that something was happening, they looked at me with such eyes, they said, this can’t happen. a man who killed an intruder or a hero who saved his family. we took up this matter and conducted our investigation.
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in the kurgan region, the peak of the flood is approaching the capital of the region; in the suburbs, the water level reaches 10 m. 13 thousand residents have already been taken out of the danger zone. the number of evacuees is growing in the tyumen region. in the capital of buryatia, a state of emergency was introduced in ulanud in two districts. in the donetsk
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people's republic. the russian military approached.


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