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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  April 17, 2024 9:30am-10:00am MSK

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not 20%, 100% financed from abroad, they will not be able to launder this money , pay so-called kickbacks, as this has already become a vicious practice, because there are also people abroad, they are also corrupt. a year ago , the georgian parliament already tried to pass a law on foreign agents, but as soon as it passed the first reading, the european union drew criticism and mass protests broke out, a small nuance, this time the ambassador expressed his opinion together with the europeans. usa during a meeting with the prime minister of georgia. strange thing, referring to the protesters call the law russian, despite the fact that the united states was the first to adopt a document on foreign financing back in the forties of the 20th century. and the georgian bill is copied from the american one literally word for word. the european union is discussing the adoption of exactly the same law in america; it has been working since the forties after the collapse of the soviet union. our
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european colleagues considered that in order for democracy to develop in georgia, it is necessary to support the main aspect of democracy in the western hemisphere, in their opinion, this non-governmental sector, since time, unfortunately, part of this citizenship has been politicized for us, and now we all know that at least 20-30 or 40% of the income that leaves abroad ends up in some kind of political processes, year ago, the adoption of the law on foreign agents was postponed for an indefinite time, this time only on...
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murder, i used a weapon, i defend once again, family, children, home, guests, the case was transferred to the federal level, the investigation accused the man of intentionally residents of the ivanovo region still considers him a cruel murderer, i came to the investigative committee, i tell him what happened here, and... they look at me with such eyes, they say, this cannot happen, a man who killed an uninvited guest or a hero who saved his family, we took for this case and carried out their investigation, stand, who are they, new guys, this is with me a passenger, a reporter, a director, i came for my brother, i am a battalion commander, call sign trigger, everyone has call signs, i am adam, why is adam and not adam , i’m a chechen, an artist, can you give me a white rose? can,
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sing somehow, friends, alive, we don’t need names, don’t bother her, or what, not a trosh, not yours, well, you, little one, little light of god, what to do, commander, call sign passenger, i suggest changing the call sign passenger to the call sign rebin, no, call my brother, you remain a passenger, that’s for sure. russia, russia , russia, russia, russia, russia, russia, russia, russia, russia , russia, russia, russia, russia, russia, russia, russia, russia, russia, russia, 24.
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sowing has begun in the belgorod region. almost 3000 hectares will be occupied by wheat, peas, oats and barley. and more than half a million hectares of land will be sown with industrial crops, soybeans and sunflowers. work takes place in extremely risky conditions; tractor drivers are forced to go into the field wearing bulletproof vests , accompanied by military personnel. the topic will be continued by sofia kitrar. belgorod border region. here, the struggle for the harvest since spring 22 has been waged not only against the vagaries of the weather. pests, diseases , but with an external enemy. there is a danger of mines underfoot, and the threat of air raids and enemy drones overhead. there's ukraine behind the forest, there's a drone in our field, there it is explosives, yes, plastic. field work in such conditions requires special safety measures. we keep in touch with the military and border guards. when leaving for a more distant place, we call them only after that. we go to
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this field. each border municipality has developed special maps. the fields are divided into zones as the danger increases, green, yellow and red. the border with ukraine is less than 10 km from here, and this is not the most dangerous section. a little further in the so -called yellow zone are enemy drones they detect them regularly, but even here farmers are advised not to let down their vigilance and periodically check the sky. after a long break , sugar beets have been resumed in the fields of this enterprise; here the crop will occupy 407 hectares. for the first time , the seeds of the bris variety are being used; they were bred by our russian breeders. responsible for sowing on the site.
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and a first aid kit, sterile gloves, a dressing bag, individual, sterile, horizontal bars, in total the enterprise will have to sow about 15 arable lands, in addition to sugar beets there will be soybeans, sunflowers, corn and spring wheat, management plans to install special anti-drone networks on equipment. sofia ketral, andrey kazakov, host belgorod. israel has already decided how they will respond to iran’s attack, but they have not announced the exact date, a jerusalem post writes about this, citing its sources. according to the newspaper, possible retaliatory actions range from attacks on nuclear facilities to strikes on ballistic missile and drone bases. the option
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of a cyber attack to impose sanctions is also being considered. the publication notes that israel is trying minimize the negative consequences of a retaliatory strike. show restraint from the israeli prime minister. the head of the uk government also called. in a telephone conversation with netanyahu, he stressed that further escalation will only worsen instability in the region. telegram founder pavel durov spoke about the increased attention of american intelligence services to him and his employees. in an interview with a businessman, an interview with a businessman was published by journalist tucker carlson. according to dorov, not a single visit to the states is complete without meeting with fbi agents for the last time. intelligence officers tried to recruit his engineer, the founder of telegram also said that he does not believe in the security of american platforms, he is sure that he is being watched, no matter what gadget he uses, since in the usa espionage is explained by security. too much
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attention from the fbi, no matter where we are in the us. let me give you an example: last time i was in the states, i had an engineer with me who works in... cybersecurity employees or agents tried to secretly it was my back to recruit him, that's what he told me, they wanted to find out how the codes worked, to find loopholes to probably spy on users. russia called on cuba to join efforts in the fight against terrorism. prosecutor general igor krasnov, at a meeting with the president of the republic, miguel diaz canel, also noted how important it is to prevent the recruitment of criminals from the residents of both. evgeniy nipot will tell you. monument to hase marti on revolution square in the harbor. his ideas inspired the cubans to fight for
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independence from spain. it is also called the apostle of the revolution, because the cause of the struggle for freedom is already against the batista regime, fidel castro and chegiva continued. and their comrades. this year marks the 65th anniversary of the cuban revolution, and russian prosecutor general igor krasnov laid flowers at the monument dedicated to its apostle before meeting with the president of the republic. a working meeting between the head of state and the head of the russian supervisory agency took place at the presidential palace. implementing what vladimovich putin, the president of russia, set for you, the prosecutor’s offices of russia and cuba interact across a wide range of spectrum of relationships. including the protection of the rights and freedoms of citizens and combating crime. the authorities of the republic organized negotiations between the government supervision departments of the two countries in the historical building of the hotel national, built in 1930 and included in the unesco world heritage list. first of all , the discussion at the meeting was about the fight against terrorism.
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the cuban prosecutor general expressed her gratitude for supporting the russian people in connection with the terrorist attack in crocus city hall. noting that it is important to prevent the spread of extremist ideas among young people. among main challenges facing the state. at the meeting, they also noted attempts at powerful external pressure, sabotage against economic facilities, civil aviation, financing of mercenaries and counter-revolutionaries, and the spread of fakes that distort reality in order to discredit.
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as part of the working meeting, an agreement on cooperation was signed, including for the first time on the interaction of military prosecutors' offices. igor krasnov also proposed working on options for studying the russian language by cuban citizens who come to receive education in university of the prosecutor's office. at a meeting with the minister of justice, igor krasnov noted that russia is ready to help the republic on a wide range of issues. we are ready to share our accumulated experience, modern practices, and scientific research on an ongoing, systematic basis.
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slana petrovna, good afternoon, security service of your bank, just a moment longer, the scammer would have had access to the money, but svetlana petrovna turned on the intelligence officer. i'll ring you hung up on the bank yourself, whoever the scammers pretend to be, in order to extract money from you. hang up, no talking. now let's talk about the weather: for the first time this year in the south of the european territory of russia the temperature will rise to +30°. how large-scale the warming will be and how the situation with floods will be reflected, we will discuss with our meteorologist ekaterina gregora, she joins me katya, good morning, tell me how long will the heat last in the south and how are things going in moscow, well, the heat came to the russian south from
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africa, i must say that faint echoes this warming is felt even in the south of yakutia, but the north of our country remains cold. you will get almost no warmth from the air and moscow. so, powerful warming is moving to the southwest beyond the urals. the negative impact of the weather on flood processes in the tabol and ural basins will be minimized in the coming days, but for now the water level in the tobol river in the kurgan area exceeds the dangerous phenomenon mark and is approaching 9 m. due to a sharp rise in water , residents of more than forty streets in kitov were evacuated at night. residents and rescuers note a very strong current. voronovki are almost demolished by the flooded ones. the bridge is difficult to withstand large waters even with an all-terrain vehicle. well, in the western regions of yakutia , the first real spring rain fell, and in some places it lasted for several hours
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in a row. as local residents note, the rain continued to rain for several hours and the positive temperature remained. most of the night, so precipitation fell as rain. it was snowing in st. petersburg that same morning. the transition of precipitation into the solid phase was even recorded by the weather station at polkovo airport. true, the beautiful white flakes did not fly from the sky for long; now it is still cold in the city, about +1°. in salikhard, meanwhile , flights were snowed out and delayed, and roads to lobytnagi and oksarka were temporarily closed. there are heating points for drivers. authorities are asking residents to adjust their plans. and do not travel outside the city. we now have the opportunity to clearly visualize the process of heat advancement and to assess how large the territory is that spring still has to conquer from winter. arctic coast, from the kara sea to the east siberian sea, where the great siberian rivers flow out, are constrained by twenty-degree frosts. in the lower reaches of the ob -15. at the same time, in the south of western siberia the night
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temperature was +7. but the south of the russian plain is already painted in bright orange tones. it 's not even spring here. and a sultry summer. two factors contribute to powerful warming: firstly, an anticyclone in the south, and secondly, an extensive cyclonic system. the russian south, the southern urals and the south of siberia are under the influence of the warm sector of a powerful cyclone, the air that this cyclone moves into our territory, is of african origin. in the krasnodar territory in the rostov region today it is +30. but having reached siberia, the air, of course, has time to cool down, in addition, warming up is prevented by the rain clouds of the warm front, but... over the ural river basin and tabol, under the influence of the anticyclone, the cloud will dissipate today, but the abish and ishim valleys will be in the zone of the most intense precipitation . there will be some light rain in the central region, but on the shores of the gulf of finland in the north there will be precipitation in the form of snow. in krasnodar the day before the air warmed up to 27°.
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today, with partly cloudy skies , the thermometer will be even warmer in the middle of the day for the first time. zone will exceed the +30 mark. interestingly, this is far from the record: in 1957 , on the same day, the maximum temperature was +34.3. in kurgan in the coming days the probability of precipitation is low, but thermometer readings will be ahead of the calendar for almost two months. today it’s not hot yet, in the afternoon it’s about 15°, but from friday the air in the city will warm up to 24-26. moscow is damp and cool. today is +13 this afternoon. it will rain, tomorrow without significant changes, here on friday a dose of heat will reach the capital, precipitation is unlikely, the air will warm up to 17°, but unfortunately the forecast for the weekend is not warm. promises +12 +13 in the afternoon, on sunday with rain, but we continue to monitor the weather. thank you, katya, it was ekaterina gregorova with a story about the weather in russian regions.
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meanwhile, about 2,500 russians cannot fly from dubai; their flight was delayed due to heavy rain that hit the city the day before. the annual norm of precipitation fell in one day. about the consequences of the rarest natural phenomena in the report by alexander belibov. the worst storm in the last half century that hit the united arab emirates the day before led to a real collapse at the largest air hub in the middle east, dubai international airport. the airfield turned into a real sea, the air harbor stopped receiving and sending all flights until weather conditions improved, as a result , thousands of people gathered in the airport terminals , waiting for the departure of their flights, among them.
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water, to which we were told, there is no water, food, food, they also don’t tell us specifically where there is food, no one, no one knows anything, all operators are silent, passengers of the ural airlines flight from moscow to dubai spent more than 7 hours on the plane, due to weather conditions the plane went to an alternate airfield in abu dhabi, passengers were forced to spend several hours in the cabin without any information. before they were allowed to go outside, but the most difficult situation arose at dubai airport, where people had to wait for several hours on a first-come, first-served basis to exchange their already purchased tickets for
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later departures. we do not receive any information, they do not tell us what time our flight was rescheduled, no one contacted us, we were not provided with food vouchers, we were not provided with water vouchers, we were not offered any. the city itself, which survived the strongest storm in its history, is gradually coming to its senses, but many areas still remain flooded, while those whose vacation in dubai is still ongoing are forced to stay in hotels, because on the streets of the river, however, some decided to take advantage of the situation and swim right surrounded by skyscrapers. alexander bilivov, dmitry cherbakov and maria bolotvina, lead. now let's move on to sports news. the semi-final matches of the russian football cup continue today. we will discuss the details with my colleague danila makharin. he joins me.
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dan, good morning. what meetings are planned for today? sasha, good morning, this is ural-rostov, orenburg, dynamo for dessert zinit-spartak-petersburg. where, by the way, our colleague alexander abramov went to report. the final of the rpl russian cup is already cska moscow stepped up. in the return game , the army team defeated kaliningrad. baltika 2:0. 2 weeks ago cska won 1:0 away, so they acted calmly from a position of strength. baltika was not helped by the fact that its head coach is cska defender sergei ignashevich, a well-known former defender. even in the first half , the referee awarded a penalty for hitting the ball in the hand; it was realized by fedor chalov, who fired into the very corner. a little later, obazbek feyzullaev scored, arriving in time to intercept the rebound of the penalty kick. csk's advantage in the second half only. grew stronger, but this was not reflected in the score, cska reached the final of the rpl path, where it awaits its opponent, it will become known today who it will be, zenit or spartak. on april 3, the st. petersburg team
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won the first match in moscow 2:1. well, alexander ovechkin’s goal helped his washington reach the playoffs this season. in the last game of the regular season with a score of 2:1, the direct competitor of the philadelphia team was beaten. alexander's puck became the first in the match, where later. teejay oshie scored for washington and eric johnson for philadelphia. thanks to this success, washington gained a foothold in eighth place in their eastern conference with 91 points. and alexander himself scored the thirty-first goal of the season and reduced the gap from gretzky to 41 goals. in the first round of the playoffs, washington will meet with the president's cup winner new york rangers, where artemi panarin, who became the team's best player of the season, will lead the team. the first semi-finalists of the football champions league were determined: the french psg and the german borussia. after a 2:3 home defeat to barcelona,
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​​parisiani quickly missed out. in response rafinya scored in the match for barça, but then a turning point happened, in the middle of the first half, barcelona defender arauja received a red card for a foul of the last hope, so psg took advantage of the numerical advantage before the break, the score was equalized by dembele, then coach xavi was sent off, in the end the end was left behind hosts, mbappe scored a double, vitina scored another goal, 4:1, psg advances to the semi-finals. in another match borussia. which lost in the first match to atlético madrid 1:2 in the home game led 2:0 when with a difference of 5 minutes brant and matsa scored, but atlético was on par with atlético; in the second half, simeon's team quickly returned to the game, equalizing the score after an own goal from humels and a goal from kare. 2:2 on the scoreboard, but then again a powerful move by borussia, to which atletico no longer responded. ful-krug and sabetser led the german club to the semi-finals of the champions league for the first time in 11 years. meeting with
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psg. the first of two planned friendly matches between the russian and belarus handball teams took place in astrakhan. our national team turned out to be stronger 31:25. the russians began to take the lead from the start, with natalya nikitina, the best scorer of the super league, especially showing her worth. even the active rotation performed by head coach lyudmila badnieva, who even before the break allowed almost all the players to play, did not hinder the russian national team. from the application, seventeen-year-old varvara syomina appeared on the court and immediately scored two goals. the teams went into the break with the score 18:12, and at the start of the second half the advantage grew to eight goals. it was hard to miss such a handicap. 31:25, confident victory for the russian team in the first meeting. that's all about sports for now. i've been waiting for you forever. i was in such a hurry
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to meet you, it has finally come, spring, warm, sunny, bright, the russian exhibition has blossomed with all the colors of spring. you were waiting for spring, now spring is waiting for you. at the exhibition russia.
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it's 10 in moscow, we continue to broadcast the morning news, here's what we've learned by this hour. in the kurgan region, the flood cut off power to 25 settlements. tabolite river level.


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