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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  April 17, 2024 10:00pm-10:30pm MSK

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the hospital does not plan, as a result , the police had to sort out the situation and it turned out that by the time they arrived, sixty-eight-year-old paolo roberto braga, that was the man’s name, had been dead for 7 hours, the lady was arrested for attempted theft and fraud, as well as for desecration of the body of the deceased. the entire operational feed of legal news in telegram channels is maintained by the duty department and an honest detective, subscribe, our issue is completed, alexander ostakhov was in the studio, see you. this is a big information evening, we we continue to introduce you to today's agenda. so rude, kiev hasn’t lied for a long time. they make up fake stories that our missiles destroyed a hotel in chernigov, and why do ukrainian photos show bunk beds, like in a barracks, and wounded people in camouflage on stretchers. they
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have been programmed since school to kill muscovites, but life teaches other lessons. how ukraine is raising a new generation of neo-nazis who advertise the azovets camp, where terrorist curators set the tone. the explosion of that party on the agents turned out to be commonplace. employees of the bbc russian service believed for several months that in riga, almost intelligence was hunting for them. how to deal with persecution mania now? king of the grill. version 2:0. the russian supertank is again destroying the enemy in the donetsk direction. what kind of current upgrade has the machine received and what tasks can it now solve? they are ready to live in barracks in germany, just not to return to the people. and in the uk , ukrainian refugees are already settled with gangsters and pedophiles. what else can independent migrants endure? so, the focus today is ukrainian. the city of chernigov, where
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powerful explosions occurred as a result of the arrival of our missiles, and the kiev regime, commenting on the situation, immediately started its favorite record about criminal shelling, where to say that all civilian objects were damaged, and above all a certain hotel on taras shevchenko street, in which many civilians were allegedly killed and injured, and it would seem that if if you want to lie, then you need to do it carefully, without leaving evidence, but the enemy’s propaganda again worked very clumsily, as evidenced by... for example, eloquent videos from the chernigov police, it’s easy to see, they are loading characters in military uniform, their fellow soldiers are crowding around, including those with signs of just received wounds, who knows, maybe the boys miraculously teleported to the rear from the front line, but seriously, this video alone is enough to realize what kind of contingent was deployed in the notorious hotel, but there is other, no less characteristic evidence, anton potkovenko will confirm. the more accurate our strike, the more
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kiev lies. they can’t admit there that our intelligence, our missilemen are working they covered the location, as the military says, that is, the location of the armed forces of ukraine, in chernigov with jewelry. put it down, as usual, they shout that civilians allegedly suffered, and this is at least a two-tier lie, and in the most literal sense. here are photos from the point of arrival at the hotel on shevchenko street, and photos including the state service of ukraine for emergency situations, that is. official photographs and they clearly show beds in two tiers, like in the barracks? in hotels, peaceful housing sites, bunk beds, weapon rooms, there are no military personnel in nato clothing, so the only question that arises is what happened, why are they posting it so urgently, and here i think everything is connected with the fact that there are a lot of leaks, there is no control over the huge flow of videos and photos that are pouring into various... social
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networks, this makes the ukrainian information dumps only louder, almost obscenely yelling that in chernigov they say there was an attack on peaceful objects, they write about this against the backdrop of some muddy frame, where, apparently, the glass just flew out from blast wave. and now the mayor of chernigov, lomaka , announces damage to the social infrastructure building, in general, they are doing everything according to the usual anti-russian pattern, but when zelensky got involved, after the missile attack, he posted a photo of doctors rolling a wounded man on a stretcher. the propaganda scheme took off, he broke the fake, look carefully at the leg of this wounded man, camouflage, knee pad, this is a military man, confirmation that in chernigov our people hit an absolutely legal target. we all see that, firstly, those who are evacuated they seemed to be wearing tactical boots for some reason, there were, of course, mercenaries and units in the ssu, that is, the russians just don’t strike, and accordingly, ukraine won’t succeed. turn this into some
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kind of advertisement for the next knocking out of money from the west in order to, as it were, resist russia. by the way, zelensky immediately started cursing in his next post. the west has air defense, he always does this after every successful russian strike, but it doesn’t help, ours continue to knock out the enemy’s military infrastructure and location, they turned the hotel into a barracks, get it, the use of civilian infrastructure for military purposes has become the norm for the zelensky clique and the armed forces of ukraine, bunk beds, it is clear that people are equipped, in this case a high-precision strike falls into the logic of fire destruction. personnel gathering facility. the blow in chernigov was truly impressive. the arrival footage is not only spectacular, but extremely visual video. there is a trolleybus at the stop, here is a civilian one, and in the background is the rapid strike of our missile on a military target. explosion, roar, people, naturally, whoever sat down, whoever lay down on the ground,
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look, not a single fragment, not a single piece of debris flew. civilians, they get up and run to the trolleybus, everyone is alive. and the final nail in the coffin is ukrov. arrival at a hotel where military personnel were quartered near the city center, many dead and even more wounded, even neo-nazis would not suspect maseychuk of loyalty to russia, so for some centuries he wrote the truth, apparently it escaped, even in these minutes they appear new video from chernigov, where the police provide emergency medical care, here...
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directly on the line of contact, almost 500 ukrainian militants were destroyed within 24 hours by military personnel of the southern group of our armed forces in the donetsk direction of the northern military district, in addition, a us-made m3 seven artillery system tank, a d-30 howitzer and two dozen vehicles were also disabled there. about the situation in the artyomovsk area, mikhail andronik. rocket artillery from the southern group of troops covers one of the settlements in the artyomovsk direction in the last days of fighting here noticeably intensified. the amount of work has increased, yes, we are supporting active offensive actions in our area of ​​​​responsibility, enemy activity has increased only in terms of the use of drones, artillery, on the contrary, has become smaller.
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air surveillance posts are set up along the entire line of combat contact and even in relatively rear areas; crews armed with small arms and electronic warfare devices do not take their eyes off the sky. now this is very relevant, because at the moment there is a large mass gathering drones are flying, first of all we need to cover the firing position of the rszzo, if we don’t cover it, our rszzo will be destroyed, it turns out that we suppress the drones, they lose the picture and they can no longer direct the enemy’s artillery to our position. among the many unmanned aerial vehicles used by the enemy, there is also a rather unusual one; one of these was shot down by soldiers of the volunteer corps as part of the southern group of forces. american. the soldiers say this is the control unit, the brains
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of the drone and it was not damaged, this is already this is far from the first vehicle of this type that our troops have shot down recently in the artyomovsk direction; we managed to take the village of orekhova vasilievka, this one. the specimen made corrections for the american three-seven howitzer, that is , a block of high-precision laser -guided cameras, well, unfortunately, i can’t tell you how we got it, history is silent about it, but it was not easy. now the device has already been delivered to the rear area of ​​a special military operation, from where it will be sent to specialists for study. mikhail andronik, vladislav mirzayans, magomed bashir aliyev. “the country is sorely lacking something even more difficult to obtain than shells, namely the fighting spirit necessary for victory. the pessimistic assessment from the newspaper of the politician of the moral state of the kiev regime and its militants, the publication states right in the headline:
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“ukraine is moving towards defeat” does not contribute to this only delays in western assistance. american correspondents discovered that suddenly the patriotic moat was being worked off by innocent men. but while the patriotic program is being grabbed in full on the streets and also by the heroes of such videos, this is an old report of neo-nazis from the forbidden azov, in which they boasted of the successes of special hate camps, how the fate of these children turned out, evgenia petrukhina will tell. raise an anti-moscow, ukraine today is leading the death of those whom they want to... kill and hate russians, square is ready to dispose of an entire generation
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of twenty-year-old boys, and these are not only those who were forced into a tcc minibus, these are those whom ukraine has been preparing for many years to stand in formation with the terrorist azov chevron. and one of these characters is called roman zhitnitsky, who was reportedly liquidated under chasov yaro. it looks like this is the same guy 7-10 years ago in the azovets ukronazi camp, and he is the hero of an advertising video. this can be said of the units for the formation of anti-muscovites, he seems to be just a child, a rather handsome boy with glasses, listen to what and how he says: i came to i didn’t come to a health camp, for example, little eagle, i came to a children’s, military patriotic camp azovets, that is this boy is glad that he is in the azovets camp, he is glad that he will be taught to hate killing, because the curators in this camp, apparently, are terrorist militants... in our country a person goes to the nakhimov school, to the suvorov school, to the caden corps in order to become
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a military man to protect the steering wheel, but their children go to this squalor, this nazi one, not in order to defend their homeland, but in order to kill russians, this is a huge, huge difference. hitler jugent does not resemble, it seems, the training system these young ss men were copied from the third reich, such characters in the square... well, now, as they say, the time has come, and twenty-year-old boys were sent to do
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what they were programmed to do from childhood, precisely in such camps as the ukranazi azovets, where teenagers absorb radical ideas to the cheers of the kiev regime. once upon a time, a generation of young people in germany were sent to kill and die so that the dollar would become a reserve currency, because this was the main result of the terrible second world war, as a result of what hitler. sachs was transferred to power, and now exactly the same thing is happening on the territory of ukraine, young people are now dying so that the dollar retains its right and its place as the main monopoly reserve currency of the world, this is the worst thing. what can we say about the azovits camp and dozens of similar ones in the square, if ukrainian children drink milk from such mugs with the inscription “direct rusnya”, but no matter how hard western moderators try to shift the settings in the brains of ukrainians, resources.
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he is 17 years old, but given that zelensky signed a law on tightening mobilization, roman could end up in the trench even tomorrow, and this is a one-way ticket, so the fate of the anti-moscow, in any case, is one-vector, on the front line from the same fab, for nazi ideas cannot be hidden, but behind the city there are detachments of our own. sergei shaigu today personally checked how the development of promising russian weapons systems and equipment is progressing. including robotic platforms that can be used to perform various tasks from delivery
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ammunition and evacuation of the wounded before attacks on enemy positions, what exactly was shown to the minister of defense at the patriot exhibition center , whether he was satisfied with the conviction, dmitry petrov will tell. the special vehicle, as military machine builders call it, is being tested personally by the minister of defense right on the territory of patriot park. the vehicle is designed for transporting personnel and performing special tasks, equipped with appropriate small arms, a powerful engine, high speed, high ground clearance, what else does an army need? suv, how much weight do they have in total. 2,500 equipped with personnel. at the patriot convention and exhibition center, the minister of defense checks how the implementation of robotic complexes of advanced weapons systems is progressing. there are more than thirty samples of military and special equipment from eighteen enterprises. this robotic medical module attracted particular attention from the head of the defense department.
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its main purpose is to evacuate the wounded from the battlefield. the wait for the car is absolutely incredible. it is needed for the transportation of material resources, in including ammunition, and can be used as a platform for mounting equipment and weapons, and also for evacuating the wounded,
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it is produced on wheels on caterpillar tracks, this whole platform is.
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it allows you to multiply the speed of transmitting target instructions using art calculations. shows the minister of defense equipment and property for organizing the life of military personnel. he has breakfast, lunch, dinner. and also equipment for cooking in the field and a multifunctional sleeping module, something that may be in troops at all. the russian supertank is again destroying the enemy in the donetsk direction, what kind of current upgrade has the vehicle received and what tasks can it now solve.
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in any situation, the interest-free period of 120 days begins every month, and the service notifications are free forever, which is why the credit card is the best in the country. apply for a credit card, everything will be the way you want. russian peacekeepers are leaving nagorno-karabakh, a mission that lasted more than 3 years is ending ahead of schedule, during which time more than twenty observation posts were established in the now former republic. the russian contingent carried out not only peacekeeping tasks, our military was engaged in demining, restoring buildings, helping refugees and delivering humanitarian aid. what is the current situation? in the region in the material of andrey grigoriev. the mission is completed, the russian peacekeeping contingent is leaving nagorno-karabakh, where it has spent the last several years separating the warring parties.
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planned preparation of the property complex of the russian peacekeeping contingent is being carried out, followed by loading onto standard assigned equipment. transport with blue stripes on the cabins and ms emblems, peacekeeping forces, the last flight on... which should take out the remaining people, the base, all observation posts, them in there were 23 in the region, they will sort it out. businesslike and routinely, as any redeployment occurs, military equipment with russian flags and columns leaves along the roads, accompanied by the azerbaijani police. as part of the withdrawal of rymka military personnel and equipment from the karabavsky economic region , columns of armored vehicles were marched to the loading station. personnel are loaded onto passenger trains. the deployment of troops in 2020 was part of high- level agreements between the leaders of russia, azerbaijan and
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armenia, but since then the political situation has changed dramatically. when in november 2019 we agreed on the presence of our peacekeepers in this territory, firstly, their mandate consisted of only one thing: monitoring the ceasefire . and secondly, after all , the status of karabakh was not finally determined, this is the essence of the problem, i repeat once again, when armenia recognized that karabakh is part of azerbaijan, then it turned out that our peacekeepers are already definitely, without any doubt, on the territory azerbaijan republic. in signed documents even the number of russian military personnel was listed - 1960 people, who were supposed to ensure that the peace agreement was strictly observed. they also took upon themselves the demining of the territory. our sappers examined almost 700 km of roads, 2,000 buildings, and neutralized 26,000 explosive objects.
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this is what observation posts looked like, installed wherever collisions could occur. this is actually a neutral zone, behind me is azerbaijan, there, on the other side of the bridge there is already armenia, and between russian peacekeepers are also required to be at two checkpoints. during the next aggravation in the fall of twenty -three, just when armenia recognized that the region belonged to azerbaijan, their presence made it possible to avoid serious bloodshed, and... the creators often risked their own lives. for now, just wait here. the civilian population was under the protection of the russian military, who even organized a special refugee camp where they provided medical care. and they supplied people with everything they needed, 220 tons of humanitarian aid cargo. the russians accepted us, soldiers. thankful for him, a low bow, because
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they are there. they fed us, gave us shelter, they cooked it themselves, they fed us themselves, and the children there were sick, they gave medicine, cured us and brought us here. the russian peacekeeping mission, the ministry of defense reports , brought stability to the once-conflict region, the operation achieved its goals and came to its logical conclusion. andrey grigoriev, anastasia serikova, alexander ivankov, lead. law enforcement officers completed a criminal investigation process and transferred it to the prosecutor's office. a report from the latvian state police on the progress of the case, which at one time excited the entire rilokan community of riga. we are talking about an explosion in one of the bars in the latvian capital in december last year. unknown people then threw a grenade into the room, and although it turned out to be an airsoft one, it stunned everyone present. the fact that the attack occurred in the midst of a ukrainian party
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for blocked employees led to increased attention to the incident. in russia bbc russian service. naturally, a certain the public immediately rushed to give the incident a political overtone and blame everything on the proverbial hand of the kremlin. however, the conclusions of the investigation may be unexpected for them. at the moment, latvian police report three suspects. punishments can range from a fine or community service to a real term of 5 years. well, what is known about the motives of the defendants will be told by elizeta kharamtsova. they thought that they were a target for... the regime, but they turned out to be witnesses to a domestic showdown, still with a delusion of persecution. at the end of december last year , the so-called journalists had a reason to meet and, indeed , holiday correspondent olesya gerosimenko was resigning from the russian service of the british broadcasting corporation. a participant in those events, foreign agent barabanov recalled the next morning that he allegedly hit the attackers right on target; the option that the criminal was interested in someone other than a group of russians was not even considered. after which
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he sent this training grenade at their feet, one young man tried to somehow push this grenade away, it exploded literally under his boot, glory god, well, thank you that it’s not combat, because otherwise there probably wouldn’t have been a naked one now. the aggravation of the persecution mania led to the activation of the brilliant detective mode. bbc staff rushed out into the street to record the license plate number of the car in which the attacker fled. and then they agreed with the security service of the neighboring building that they would hand over recordings from surveillance cameras to law enforcement officers, as if the latvian police themselves could never do this. they want to live in this detective story, what is it about? we ran, we conducted an investigation, but this is about
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one’s own importance. that we are such agents 007, that there is such a hunt for us, that we are like those same journalists from that american tv series, in fact you are nobody, you are just drug addicts, alcoholics, perverts, for the next day there was a howl on social networks, foreign agent smirnov was horrified by what happened , the same one that justified the terrorist attack in which vladlyan tatarsky was killed. the hero of the occasion in every possible way denied the version of a domestic conflict, insisted that... the victim of a purposeful intimidation of journalists, among the smart ones there were the smartest employees of the undesirable organization medusa kovalev, in a dialogue with agent zakharov, said: they say, that’s why i don’t go to such places, everyone knows them, i was alerted to the fact that kremlin agents are allegedly looking for russia’s great friends abroad around the clock . they believed in that...


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