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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  April 18, 2024 7:00am-7:31am MSK

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floods in russian regions are gaining strength; in the tyumen region, residents of 35 settlements are being displaced. evacuations are also underway in kurganskaya, including in kurgan itself. in the orenburg and tomsk regions , houses and roads are flooded. in the belgorod region, they are restoring damage after recent attacks by militants on the outskirts of grayvoron and have resumed supply. they are also laying out new
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communication lines, and sappers are clearing areas of unexploded ordnance. the us congress will vote on a bill to help the kiev regime this saturday, and republicans agreed to consider the document after democrats split their support for ukraine and israel. the money will be given on credit, but half of the us debt can be forgiven. russia has proposed introducing sanctions against violators of the un resolution on the conflict in the gas sector. this initiative was put forward at a meeting of the security council. the document, adopted in march, demands an immediate ceasefire. in the tomsk region, several villages on the banks of the op river are under threat of flooding. the water level in it is rising rapidly. a state of emergency is in effect in four districts. already in in the coming days, large amounts of water from the novosibirsk region may enter the region. and our correspondent, alexey smirnov, is in direct communication from tomsk. alexey, i greet you, tell us how you are preparing for the flood in
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the region and how many areas are now at risk of flooding? good afternoon, tatyana, well, in the tomsk region, in the regional center itself , the situation is quite calm, the water is gradually leaving tom, as can be seen behind my wall, behind my back, excuse me, the ice is still there, it’s not going anywhere, there are large hummocks, formed interfere with it passing uh. and this level, it is still falling, and in connection with this , today a decision was made to suspend ice blasting work, as experts explain, visually they observe that the ice has darkened and there is no longer any practicality in carrying out ice blasting work today, as for the level water, then according to data for this morning it continues to decline, the day before there was warming. but
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it did not affect the water level in any way; as of this morning in the area of ​​the camp garden, for example, it is already 2 m below the critical level, and came right almost close to this very mark, water is gradually leaving the flooded settlements in the south of the region in the tomsk region, in particular, today the road to the village of yar has already been opened, this is the south of the region and on the border with kemerovo. in flooded settlements, the water is gradually still leaving, but some settlements and houses remain in the flood zone. as for further forecasts, yes, as you correctly said, water is coming to the ob, now the authorities are working out various scenarios in order to in order to... look at all possible cases and
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prepare for the timely deployment of temporary accommodation centers in case of evacuation of people, where the water goes away, heat guns are already being prepared for drying out residential buildings, accordingly, housing assessments will be carried out, well, only what they told me, according to the latest forecasts, from the kemerovo region to us, then the water comes down, there was some increase, how this will affect the ice drift is still unknown, but experts are warning local authorities that they, together with the police stationed volunteers to make sure that people did not come close to the shore due to the fact that if water comes, ice floes can be pushed to the shore, so to protect people, well, for now, this is probably all the information, more news for the next ... alexey, thank you for the information about
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the situation in the tomsk region, where the peak of the flood is expected, said our correspondent alexey smirnov. evacuation has been announced in the kurgan region, notifications calling on residents of the belozersky district to leave their homes have been sent out. big water comes there, people are taken out from the right bank of kurgan, the tobol river rose another one and a half meters in a day. dangerous values ​​have long been exceeded. in total , more than 3,000 houses were flooded in the region, almost 14,000 people were evacuated. residents of 35 settlements are being evacuated in the tyumen region. in the zone... there is a risk that hydraulic structures may not be able to withstand the pressure of water, its level in the ishim river is growing every hour, another + 70 cm per day, near the village of ilyinka the previous day the historical maximum was exceeded, in the orenburg region is increasing its
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rescue team in the ilek region; 10 settlements have already been flooded. detachments from samara, tatarstan, and an airmobile group from the kirov region came to help, strengthening them. and the dam of the sakmar river, which threatens to flood a number of villages; on the contrary, the level of the other ural river is decreasing; in orenburg and vorsk , houses are being reconnected to gas and electricity. people have begun to receive compensation and are preparing to build new housing to replace the destroyed one. in the south of siberia, 12 settlements are now flooded, in kemerovo and novosibirsk regions in the altai territory. there are hundreds of garden plots, houses and roads underwater. infrastructure. residents of ukraine heard the roar of explosions last night. shortly after midnight, bright flashes lit up the sky over the kiev region. local publications have not yet provided details about the purpose of the strikes and their consequences. the sounds of detonation were also heard in the khmelnitsky region.
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the country's air raid alert was announced several times during the night. sirens sounded in nine regions, as well as in those controlled by the kiev regime territories of the kherson region. during a special military operation in the southern donetsk direction, the artillery of the eastern group of forces destroyed nato-made electronic warfare systems. it was discovered by scouts using drones. the coordinates were transferred to the calculations of the howitzer d-30. the crew entered the firing position. with precise strikes, the artillerymen destroyed the hostile equipment and ammunition depot, which was located nearby. the enemy is not yet as active as at first 122 mm fragmentation shells high-explosive repelled the tank, knocked out the infantry fighting vehicle
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, knocked out the mortar crews, knocked out the leopards, we’re working, well , we’re also working on ponator hammers, the mortar was discovered by spotters and corrected from a drone. there was a direct hit on the ammunition compartment, the crew was destroyed, the gun was destroyed. the american congress will discuss a $60 million aid bill for ukraine separately from bills on israel. this was announced by the speaker of the house of representatives. when will the vote take place and what are the prospects for the document? victoria koroleva will talk about this. the speaker of the house of representatives, republican mike johnson, could not resist pressure from the white house. this saturday, congress will still vote on the endlessly discussed initiative: to allocate $60 billion to ukraine. they want to give money on credit, but the republicans have noticed that half of this debt to kiev can be simplified. a loan for ukraine is just dust in the eyes. this initiative allows the president to write off up to
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50% of allocated funds after november 2024, and the remaining half after january 1 twenty-sixth year. no bank will do this. the bill will be discussed separately from the israeli package, a step the white house agreed to so that the initiative would finally be put to a vote. previously, the american administration insisted on joint financing, now they are ready to sign anything, most importantly quickly. the house should pass these relief packages this week, and the senate should quickly follow. i will sign everything immediately. there is no word yet about protecting our own borders. it's no surprise that republican legislators have a plan from their fellow party member johnson.
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listen, we made this project better, because, as you know, there are big disagreements in ukraine, we changed something in this package, 80%.
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the un security council should consider imposing sanctions against those who violate its resolution. we proceed from the fact that the un security council will return to consider it in the very
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near future. we remind you once again that failure to comply with mandatory security council resolutions should lead to the imposition of sanctions against violators. we we believe that the council should consider this issue urgently. security council on the actions of russia and china. the american representative argued that because of the covenant between moscow and beijing, the council was unable to call for the protection of humanitarian workers in the gas sector. however, such statements are contained in other resolutions that russia and china have already voted for. polensky noted that the united states is becoming complicit in the killing of palestinians in gaza. in croatia, the ruling political party hdz won the parliamentary elections, but failed to win.
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the situation with flights of russian airlines in and out of dubai is stabilizing, the federal air transport agency reported. 30 such flights were carried out per souvki. the departure times of the remaining aircraft have already been adjusted. meanwhile, public utilities in the united arab emirates began to eliminate the consequences of the flood. let me remind you that the country was hit by the heaviest rainfall in the last 75 years. in some areas, the first floors of the building were lost to water, and at least one death is known. some roads in dubai are still... these are shots from indonesia in the north
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the country began a vulcan eruption, one of the most active in indonesia, the release of lava is accompanied by powerful explosions, the ash cloud rose to a height of more than 4 km, residents of nearby villages were evacuated. and now economic news konstantin new data has appeared. on inflation, tell us what they say there? tatyana, it says that price growth is slowing down, at least this is indicated by the weekly data. inflation in russia slowed to 12% from april 9 to april 15. year on year the rate of price growth accelerated, exceeding 7.8%. such data leads to minecon development. in the food products segment, the weekly price increase slowed to 1. the limiting factor became. vegetable products. there was zero dynamics in the non-food products segment. a slight decrease in prices
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for electronics and household appliances had an impact. in the service sector, inflation was about 3%. air tickets for domestic flights have risen most noticeably. gasoline production in russia last week significantly increased by more than 12%. the total volume exceeded 845. tone. by compared to last year, the increase was approx. data provided by rosstat, the ministry of energy noted that the increase in motor gasoline production by mid-april is associated with the restoration of capacity after a local decrease due to unplanned...refinery repairs. at the same time , gasoline and diesel fuel prices at retail increased slightly over the week. the growth rate is within a quarter. and last week stock prices began to decline ; their current decline has accelerated. western countries will continue to think about how to steal frozen russian assets. this intention was recorded in a joint
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statement by the finance ministers and heads of the central bank of the g7 following a meeting in washington. there is a reservation there. that the implementation of this idea will be carried out by the authorities of the countries in whose jurisdiction these funds are located. the idea was discussed in brussels at an informal summit of european leaders, but they also didn’t come to anything other than a declaration of intent. following the meeting, the head of the european council, charles michel, called for working with both hands. we need to be more vigilant. we need more close cooperation. it is necessary to use all the tools in one. european institutions are in one hand, national governments are in the other. well, of course, we are not naive, we need to clarify everything, we need to try to be more effective here. the russian ministry of finance placed federal loan bonds for more than 80 billion rubles. with a total demand of 140 billion,
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there is no supply limit for ten-year bonds. this measure allows us to attract the volume of placements for which the market has demand and which the department is ready for. take it, the yield on both issues, of course, in the current conditions is high, as reported in march, in the second quarter the ministry of finance will offer bonds worth a trillion rubles, eight more auctions are planned by the end of june. and at the end of the issue about currencies, the dollar exchange rate today is 94.32, the euro exchange rate is 100 rubles. 27 kopecks and that's all the economic news for now. tatiana. konstantin, thank you, this was economic news with konstantin churikov. large-scale. floods change geography and capture new territories and residents of thirty-five settlements they are evacuating in the tyumen region, people are being taken out from the right bank of kurgan in southern siberia, there are four regions in the flood zone, houses, bridges and roads are flooded. snowfall in the middle of spring, in the yamalo-nenets autonomous okrug a blizzard is raging in a number of cities, including
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the capital, in salikhard, classes were canceled for schoolchildren from the first to the seventh grades. there are dozens of roads covered in snow. cars are stuck in snow captivity, a rescuer is helping to get out. protests are not abating in tbilisi. third night, the demonstration ended in clashes with the police detentions. the crowd stormed the government house and besieged parliament. but the scandalous document about foreign agents, which the opposition considers pro-russian, still passed the first reading. russian prosecutor general igor krasnov is holding negotiations in venezuela. this is the first visit of the head of the supervisory department of our country to the balivarian republic. industry growth in the moscow region in 2023 is about 14%. governor of the moscow region andrei borobyov stated this in an interview with our tv channel. he emphasized that there are foreigners in the region
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investors from china, india and belarus. we probably have import substitution. a priority that we pay special attention to, we have 280 projects worth 250 billion rubles that we support, we have already implemented 77 projects, enterprises are working, people are being trained, taxes are being paid, technologies are being implemented, another 84 projects are now on the march, these enterprises we are delivering this next year, as for the growth of industry in the twenty- third year, we showed about 14. thanks to our enterprises and those who work traditionally and those that are being modernized and, of course, new ones, in the first quarter of this year we are moving at a good pace, this is about 18%. as for foreign investors, there are three countries that are present in the moscow region today: china, india and belarus.
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for the full version of the interview with moscow region governor andrei vorobyov, see ours. after 11:00 moscow time. and now let's talk about sports. denmark luzhanskaya, the russian handball team beat the national team of belarus in the second friendly match. tell me, with what score? good morning, again the victory turned out to be quite confident, 38:31. the second pair of semi-finalists have been determined in the champions football league; they are bayern munich and real madrid. after feria's goal in the first match. the score is 3:3. the second game was much more modest in terms of performance. real opened the scoring in the twelfth minute, rodrigo scored, but then man city persistently opened up the opponent's defense for a long time. having done this successfully only once, kevin de bruyne took advantage of the chance, he also had another obvious moment, but could not score, the match went to a penalty shootout, where real won, reaching
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the semi-finals; kovacic and bernardo silva did not convert their attempts. it didn’t come down to a series of penalty kicks in munich, where everything was decided by one goal from kimich in the second half. the first match ended 2:2, the second - 1:0 in favor of bayern, defeating london arsenal. the day before , several more playoff matches in different brackets of the tournament ended in the russian football cup. in the semi-finals of the rpl route , zenit beat moscow spartak on their field. the first game on april 3 ended st. petersburg won 2:1; no goals were scored in the return match. red-and-white goalkeeper alexander maksimenko presented the award several times. recently, this is the third time that these teams in st. petersburg end with a score of 0:0. thanks to this result, zenit reached the final stage. where he will meet with cska. in other meetings in the path of regions bracket, rostov beat yekaterinburg-ural 3:1, and dynamo beat orenburg 4:2. as a result, after the draw
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, dynamo will play spartak in the semifinals, and rostov will play baltika, the winner of this four in in the main final will compete for the trophy with the best in the pair, zenit cska. russian chess player ian nepomniachtchi has once again become the sole leader of the candidates tournament, which is taking place. in toronto. our grandmaster still continues to go undefeated; in the eleventh round he completely beat the indian representative vedit gujarati with black pieces. this happened after gujarati made a mistake in time trouble. vedit had an advantage at a certain moment, but he was unable to realize it. ian scored seven points and went into first place, as his main rival gukesh drew with carauana. there are four more rounds ahead of the tournament. in unity. vtb has launched a play-in mini-tournament that determines the last two participants in the playoffs of the current season. ural mash beat samara at home 80-69,
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the hosts fully increased their advantage by the final quarter and led by +20 points. samara even won the last twenty minutes, but this no longer affected the final result. therefore, uralmash in its debut season enters the playoffs in seventh place, and its the opponent in the first round will be zenit. in another match. day in saratov beat the local highway 85-79. the hero of the match was visiting defender alexander trushkin, he scored 34 points and updated his career scoring record. the forward also became the ninth russian in the history of the league to reach the 30-point mark. having won the eleventh victory in a row for the last ticket to the playoffs, they will now compete with samara. the final series of the women's volleyball super league has started. match dynamo akbars turned out to be stronger than kaliningrad locomotive dynamo won the first two games 25:20 and 25:22, but lokomotiv was able
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to return to the game, taking the third and fourth sets 25-19 and 25-17. everything was decided in a tiebreaker, where loka was close to winning, but missed two match points. as a result, 17:15 in favor of dynamo. the next match of the series will be held there in kazan on april 19. dramatically. the men's semi-final between belogorye and dynamo moscow has ended. in the fourth match of the series in moscow, dynamo won, although initially it was not easy for them, because belogorye led 2:0 in games. it seemed that a fifth meeting cannot be avoided, but the hosts turned the tide of the match and managed to reach the final. 3:2 in games in favor of dynamo, which reached kazan zenit. we are waiting for a repeat of last year's meeting for gold between the two best teams of the season. the only
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representative of russia; previously only wayne gretzky, mario lemieux, bobi or and conor mcdavid managed to do this. in the last match of the regular season against toronto, kucherov scored and made one assist, wotampa won 6:2, nikita himself will very likely become... in march, japan increased the import of russian liquefied natural gas by more than a third, supplies of our oil to the world market are increasing. i figured out how strong russia's export potential is under sanctions. it is difficult for japan to refuse russian lng, 9% of imports annually, a significant figure, especially for one of the largest buyers of liquefied natural
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gas in the world. hence the statement in the japanese government that they want to retain shares in the sakhalin-1 and sakhalin-2 oil and gas projects. and here is another confirmation that energy security is more important than sanctions solidarity. japan increased lng imports from russia in march by more than 35%. official data from the local ministry of finance. another blow to the reputation of the officials who introduced all the restrictions. and this is the day after the news from bloomberg that our country supplied a record amount of oil. over the past year, russia has increased lng, with china, with turkey over the past year by 1.4 times, with india by one and a half times, and for the first time in the last 5 years we supplied our lng to brazil, european countries are also increasing russian lng, for example, greece increased its russian lng supply by 4 and a half times in 2023. last
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year became difficult. exporters, the cost of hydrocarbons was falling, it took time to find new partners. according to rustat, the share of exports in gdp in 23 was the lowest since 2011, about 23%. the central bank calculated that almost $500 billion worth of goods and services were sold at this time. in the twenty-fourth, experts suggest that the situation will be difficult, but positive. in fact, it is important to note here that, in principle, these 2 years were wasted. on the reorientation of russian exports of petroleum products, they were not in vain, yes, we had record values ​​there in the twenty-second year, in the twenty-third year they decreased, but in principle, that reorientation in terms of relations with partners, it happened in principle the base that exists now, it tends to show positive dynamics in 224-25, at the same time, europe, which tried
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in every possible way to abandon economic... relations with russia, business is gradually restoring, in february the eu countries purchased more than half a million tons of fertilizers worth 167 million euros, with belgium increasing purchases fivefold, bulgaria and germany approximately twofold, and lithuania, which had not bought russian grain for almost six months, made a new order; more than 12,000 tons were imported in february. these sanctions certainly have a certain impact on the russian economy. another question is that they... are much more destructive, specifically for the european economy, so, so to speak, there comes a certain awareness that, well, somehow you need to survive, yes, americans, americans there overseas, yes, it’s far away and it’s unclear what they will do next, yes, but here it’s kind of necessary, we need to navigate, here europe acts a little according to this principle, russia was able to redirect supplies of lumber,
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exports to turkey have increased. three times, the expert associates this with the country’s recovery after the earthquake last year and does not exclude re-export to europe, eu countries were the largest buyers, while it will be difficult to replace this market. look around, now the year is 200-124, 100 years from now, everything will be different. moscow, moscow, where are the yum machines, flying type, energetically not justified, she brought a man from school, a young man, according to my data, he is 117 years old, but the main thing will remain unchanged, i know what it means to give
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your word. at least look at me, when it's all over, alice will return to her time, and you will have to return to yours, i mean, why? we will act here now, we will change the present, in the name of our common past, which is the future, as it were, we will save your parents, they have a personal path and 13 galaxies of all, delicious, very, because made with love. 100 years ago.


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