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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  April 18, 2024 2:00pm-2:31pm MSK

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ukrainian troops again attacked the zaporozhye nuclear power plant, today they neutralized a drone over the roof of a unique simulator.
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called on congress to approve his request for assistance for israel and ukraine and warned that russia’s victory would supposedly bring it unprecedentedly closer to nato’s borders. let's discuss this topic with an american political scientist. malek dudakov is in touch with us. malik, hello, thank you for taking the time. and you know, of course, it ’s unlikely that biden himself probably wrote this article, because he confuses the raf with haifa. and i think about what to write. i hardly could but the speechwriters wrote the same horror stories that they constantly express, the russians are on the doorstep, the russians are coming, so far none of their generals have fallen out of their windows due to this fear, this psychosis, as was the case in soviet times, but nevertheless this psychosis is growing, and do you think they will finally break it? there is already a feeling that they will break the resistance of the republicans, but
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it seems like at the very end of this week we will probably have a congress on saturday consider this modified bill, what do you think? will it pass this time? well, yes, look, as for this speech or article by joe biden, we understand that of course he didn’t write it, it was most likely prepared by the staff of jake sullivan, our security adviser, because that’s about the level of demagogue we are often from salevan itself.
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look, yes, indeed, i think that this is still an element of the internal political confrontation in the united states, and the republicans have been trying for a long time to blackmail the biden administration, demanding concessions on key issues there them issues, for example, resolving the migration crisis and so on, but before they promised to coordinate the allocation of funds, so it was like such a subject of blackmail, but the blackmail of the republicans did not work out, but they themselves backed down, so they were the first to blink, yes , as they say in america. expressed in the usa, yes, they themselves made concessions, in the end they put all these tranches to a vote, well, the story of the migration crisis is also not being resolved, so this, of course, is a clear victory for joe biden and the democrats within the framework its internal confrontation, that ’s what concerns the attitude towards
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ukraine, you and i understand very well, yes, that there are certain contradictions at the moment, between the biden administration and the zelensky regime, but not everything that zelensky does is satisfactory .
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americans as such, because you rightly noted that some sober americans, primarily from the republican party, talk about the futility of this money, this is their investment, so to speak, so biden says: we have the money we’ll leave ourselves the lion’s share there, that’s how it is,
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no one pays attention to it at all, except for us, i mean in russia, well , of course we pay attention to it, because this is, firstly, double standards, and secondly of course, the height of arrogance and rudeness, well... but for the domestic american agenda this is a completely typical story, because the republicans also ask questions, well, why should we spend money on ukraine, on a lost war, to which biden answers, well, maybe it’s veiled there yes between the lines, the war may be lost, there may be us as if success will not be expected, but how would we raise and fire up our own military-industrial complex, so let’s at least spend the money on this, that is, they will be used in sum, so in my opinion, and of course for the position of the isolationists in the camp republicans, this... will not affect them in any way; they will vote against, another thing is that they are still in the minority, so these same tranches will be agreed upon, and as many republican isolationists point out, well, the problem is not limited by money, that is, you can allocate these same 30-40 billion for
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the production of weapons, yes, but the problems of the american military-industrial complex are associated with a lack of technological capacity, factory capacity, engineering personnel, well, problems with logistics and a lack of raw materials. what should we expect for reinforcement according to our guys at the front, the amount
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of all this is what they send in order to kill, this is what they do, that is, wait , yes or not wait. yes, i think that of course, well, there will still be a certain increase in arms supplies, but because these few months, the americans, as we see, were limiting themselves, but... as congress did not provide a tranche, they limited themselves in the supply of the same shells, missiles for air defense systems, and, well, long-range missiles for khaymars, including otax, who now quite possibly will still go to the front. well, here again, in my opinion, washington’s capabilities are still limited, well , by the ability to produce these same weapons, well, that is, the same shells there, they produce 27,000 per month, well, sort of it is clear that on the ukrainian front this is burned through there in about one week for about... they there, having allocated these very tranches, will not be able to send them much more than that, how much they produce, because there from
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their arsenals, they and so, in principle, everything has already been sent, as much as possible, it will only leave behind an emergency reserve, as for air defense missiles, there will probably be more of them for the patriot systems, but here again the problem is, the americans can only produce 500 missiles for petrit per year, which is very little, there may there may be several weeks of, you know, fighting in ukraine, attempts by ukrainians to shoot down our missiles, and this is, as it were, the entire annual supply. the american one is running out of missiles, there are some of them in washington’s arsenal, well, there were once 5,000 in the area there, now i think much less, because a lot of them have already been written off, some were sold, some were sent to ukraine, well , i think that there are a couple of dozen such missiles, but within the framework of future trenches they will also reach ukraine, so we should be prepared for this, that they will have a little more there shells, a little more ballistics, a little more missiles for air defense, this will not systematically change the situation to... thank you, we
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spoke with political scientist, americanist alik dudakov. the united states, by providing assistance, provokes kiev to continue hostilities and benefits for itself. this is how the new american bill to allocate $60 billion to ukraine was commented by presidential press secretary dmitry peskov. due to its internal political differences, washington is looking for different modalities in order to continue to provide assistance to ukraine in any case regimes for providing this assistance, de facto we are talking about provoking ukraine into further hostilities until the last ukrainian , ensuring guaranteed profits for the united states, no matter what anyone says, the americans do not forget themselves, ukraine now, not only does it owe for this ...
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the flood is covering new regions of siberia and the far east. difficult situation in the urals. according to the latest data, in one day the number of flooded residential buildings reached almost 18,000. in kurgan, the rise of the tabol continues, the river has already flooded the left bank. in orenburgskaya the regions are increasing the number of rescuers, they are strengthening the sakmara dam. but the level of the other ural river is decreasing. more than 150 residential and country houses were damaged due to. flood in the tomsk region. in the tyumen region , intensive water growth is observed in three in
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three areas. rescuers are strengthening the dam on the ishim river. evacuations have begun from villages that may fall into the flood zone. in bashkiria, the number of flooded areas doubled in one day. several sections of roads and bridges went under water. the novosibirsk region is preparing for the peak flood, in altai they are calculating the damage from the first wave. and preparing for the second, the water level has begun to rise on the khor river in the far east. we will learn about the flood situation in the kurgan and tyumen regions from our special correspondents, stanislav vasilchenko and stanislav bermvaltov. hello, colleagues, what is the current situation in the kurgan region? the peak of the flood was expected precisely on these days, as i understand it. alexander, greetings, kurgan is still facing a large-scale flood,
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the tabola level has risen over the past 24 hours by more than a meter, now it is 977 cm. in the kitovsky municipal district, in the area of ​​the sanatorium settlement, the water level remains above 11 m, and near kitovo and kryukova above ten. current information on the flood and its consequences in the kurgan region today.
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employees of the ministry of emergency situations installed such a water-filling dam about a meter high, that’s the most interesting thing, a few days earlier, about 15 m from this dam there was another embankment, it has now gone 4 m under water, that is, it goes there a pedestrian path, a walking path, and well , just a few days ago people could calmly walk there, not even in boots, and pay attention that here, again , a few... meters away there is already a nine-story residential building and people have been just watching for days in a row, how the water approaches their houses, these are the comments and experiences the local residents shared with us, we are worried, there is something to compare with, let’s say we already know how the water rose in the sixteenth year, and where did it reach? and here we get the walking part from below, that is
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everything is completely flooded, about a meter and a half, there is already more water standing, it turns out, even though we drove through. for many years with my husband in all sorts of garrisons, well, we haven’t seen anything like this before, i’m generally afraid of this horror, in ninety-four it was less, so i looked here, it was less, you live here, yes, yes, how are you going through it now, we’ve been 34 years already here, now it’s generally scary, you’re worried, of course, today in the kurgan region in all flooded areas they are working... flooded areas are uniting today, helping each other, the situation is difficult, but
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people are not discouraged, young people, college and university students, also come to the aid of the mound , working in shifts... hundreds of sandbags are filled at the sites in order to then send them to where necessary, either to strengthen the existing dam, or to build a new barrier, that’s what the students themselves share their comments: we load the bags, then they are taken to other dams, strengthened, why did you even decide to help the city? well, in principle, this is the responsibility of all citizens. we have guys picking up bags, someone is carrying them, we are the girls tie them up, and the boys also load them into the forklift, and then take them away. the first days we worked three shifts, yesterday we started the third shift, 6 to 12, and today we are from 9 to 1 p.m. according to the ministry of emergency situations
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, another increase in water is expected in the coming days; we will monitor the situation. thank you, stanislav, more than one and a half thousand people from flood zones in the tyumen region, where the situation is now the most difficult, we find out from our special correspondent stanislav mervald. stanislav, we are waiting for details. yes, alexander, hello, highway e-125 from the village of gagarino to the regional center of kazanskaya, blocked due to water overflowing across the road surface. today we witnessed this incident when... the water rose to the level of the road, from the spill, it began to cross the road, well, in fact, forming an equally large spill on the other side, accordingly, now traffic police officers do not allow cars to go to this strait, we have to drive on a detour, we were just returning from kazan for 80 km, it was a detour of more than 80 km, but
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there’s nothing you can do about it, that’s what experts say, there can be such overflows moreover, several small villages have already been completely evacuated and the water there is already approaching a level of one and a half meters to the houses, the problem is serious, and the ishem river is adding to the increase in water, so now it is almost 9 m, which is a whole meter above the critical level. marks, well, in the ishim region, as well as in the kazan region, continue and in many other areas that are prone to flooding, are at risk, it continues. fastening the dams, building up the tail of the dam, builders and volunteers also take part in this, for which we simply thank them very much, low bow, this is how the authorities talk about
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what is being done to prevent the breakthrough of some dumps? our main task is to preserve the dams that have been built, those temporary bank protection structures that we have erected. in addition , in order to ensure that water does not get into populated areas, we carry out round-the-clock debarking, we have bags of soil prepared just in case, we have reserves of soil so that in case of any emergency we can quickly eliminate this situation, so to speak, and prevent the erosion of our embankments, or even water entering populated areas and flooding the gardens of houses. an incredible amount of work was carried out in the shortest possible time, temporary ceilings were actually erected, and in order to prevent water from entering populated areas,
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existing dams were strengthened, this work continues around the clock, all those who take part in this work will be vaccinated from hepatitis a, also epidemiologists appeal to the population that during periods of flood activity it is necessary to get vaccinated, because epidemiologically. the situation is of course getting worse, and today we talked with the chief epidemiologist of the region, it is important to say that the situation is under control, the situation is not critical at all, but there are changes in water, again in the same tabol, in the same tabol and shim, and there are changes and the quality of the water is therefore only boiled water from the tap; if you take water, you must boil it, but in general it’s better.
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the supply of bottled water is sufficient, so there will be no problems, well, with such preventive measures the authorities are taking a step forward, this is correct, because we saw in orski, the situation with water was quite difficult, there was not enough of it until they started bringing it from other regions, now this problem should not exist, even when big water comes and god forbid it spills just as seriously, we continue to monitor... stop all the latest information, as always on our broadcast. alexander. thank you, stanislav, stanislav bernwalt and stanislav vasilchenko talked about how the tyumen and kurgan
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regions are experiencing the spring flood. now a short advertisement, we will continue later, stay with us. alpha friday, supercake every week on alfa bank cards. on friday. on april 19, we are giving 50% cashback on performances, concerts, festivals and other entertainment, only in the alfa afisha service in the alfa bank application, it’s not just profitable, alpha is profitable, you don’t need it like that, you need it like this, like that, like that, i understand i understand, this is how the megamarket offers goods for babies with cashback up to 50%. i am a new nice active, when your back hurts, i easily penetrate the cat. and quickly disappear, it’s time for training, meet the new nice asset. every second ticket wins the easter charity draw of the russian lotto; from every ticket sold, 10 rubles will be
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a large-scale operations to seize gray sim cards used by fraudsters and saboteurs. in march , 617 or more sim boxes were seized in forty russian regions 300,000 sim cards. with their help , accounts of social networks, instant messengers, financial wallets and bank accounts were activated. fake and false rumors about terrorist threats were spread. 30 people were detained and criminal cases were opened . mischief and illegal access to computer information among those detained, in particular a resident of st. petersburg, who activated sim cards of russian operators in the interests of ukrainian organizations. as the ministry of internal affairs emphasized, the special operation against cyber fraudsters took place in two stages in march in december last year. security officials from two departments conducted searches at almost 180 addresses. accusations of remote theft of money from
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bank accounts. 44 defendants were charged ; the operation of large locations of criminal telephone traffic was stopped, which allowed accomplices to call from the territory of ukraine and carry out hacker attacks aimed at destabilizing the work of commercial organizations, as well as government bodies of the russian federation. in direct interaction with territorial bodies of the ministry of internal affairs of russia 900 were discovered. 37 sim banks, 11 server stations that ensured the operation of communication devices. at least 277 sim cards from various operators were seized from shadow circulation. the total capacity of the seized equipment allowed making more than 40 million fraudulent calls per day. from july this year, schoolchildren will be able to retake one of
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the unified state exam subjects. mishusti called this the right to make mistakes, which is very important for children to have. the details of the example were discussed at a meeting with the head , and he emphasized that all questions regarding retaking one of the unified state exam subjects were discussed. in rosobronadzor anzor muzaev, in his address to the federal assembly the president said that we need to reduce the unnecessary burden on our students and especially. this applies to schools, it should be reasonable, balanced, on the other hand, it is necessary to improve the unified state exam unified state examination, of course, to work out the possibility of retaking one of the exams before the end of the university admissions company, this is very important, because the guys are often worried, but anything can happen in my life the live broadcast didn't finish yet president, when he announced this, all
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the rosubornadzor hotlines exploded with... our graduates.


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