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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  April 19, 2024 1:00am-1:31am MSK

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they started talking about how we need to democratize, they saw us as friends and partners, they sincerely wanted to help, why should russia completely copy all western ways, american democracy is now also shaking, this scale of russia, there is something about you russians that europe does not understand . the development of two regions of crimea and the murmansk region at once was discussed with the governors by vladimir putin, the president in the regime.
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held working meetings with sergei aksyonov and andrey chibis via videoconferences. the conversation in both cases was great. affected questions about helping northern military district fighters and their loved ones, about preventing sabotage on the peninsula, in the case of murmansk, also the so-called migration increase, more and more russians from other regions are coming to work in the north. and, of course, the president asked about the well-being of the murmansk governor, who 2 weeks ago was seriously wounded as a result of an armed attack. he will tell you about everything in more detail. new schools and kindergartens, modernization of the entire healthcare system, development of tourism infrastructure , emergence of new jobs, only a small part of what has been done in crimea over the past 10 years since the peninsula returned to its native harbor. in general, the situation in the region is clear, however, of course, your assessments and yours are important.
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not only to the head of state, but to all russians who have never left crimea alone with its problems. over these 10 years , over 900 billion rubles of private investment were invested in the republic's economy, which helped develop the most important areas - healthcare, education, road construction. grew more than five times and the income of the peninsula from 18 to 103 billion rubles. the number has also increased. entrepreneurs
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have almost doubled since 2016; today in crimea , 220,000 people own small medium-sized businesses and are self-employed. the key issue remains the security in the republic; over 10 years, all identified sabotage groups have been detained, but the most important priority for the crimean authorities remains supporting the participants in the special military operation and their families. of course, today the whole country. here is the siberian federal district, this is primarily for us, that is, today problem and concerns of the families of military personnel, this is task number one, support for military personnel , without exception, in all areas, we have created all social passports for the families of all military personnel, without exception , work with the defenders of the fatherland fund has been fully coordinated, we have taken 12 measures to support our military personnel, those who today fulfills their military duty in various areas, well, i personally, that is , i consider all requests from military personnel personally, every day in the morning, this is number one task, in this case i react to everything personally within the framework.
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one of the results of the five-year plan is that investments in projects implemented in the region in the next 10 years already exceed 3 trillion rubles. one of the key facilities for... the region is the cargo sea port of lavna, being built on the western shore of the kola bay, construction, according to the governor’s estimates, is actively underway, the first ships will be accepted here in august of this year, and the carrying capacity of railways to ports, including and to the longwall under construction, will amount to up to 10 million tons, which is twice as much today's figure. the most important achievement of the region was that more people came to the region for permanent residence than left. first. such a key result for all of us within the framework of our plan to live in the north is, of course, that last year we managed to achieve migration growth for the first time in 33 years, this is the most important
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indicator of our five-year work. following the conversation, vladimir putin also supported the nomination of the murmansk governor for another term. the work has been set and progress is being made. and unsolved problems, of course, a lot, but even judging by what and how we are discussing with you now, in the material absolutely, i know your activity, i am sure that it will lead to the results we all need. varvara nevskaya, news. within 24 hours, russian troops destroyed the control center of the operational command of the armed forces of ukraine north, this was reported.
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the choice is clear, and the range is sufficient, and the flight trajectory provides invulnerability to a high-precision projectile. yesterday they talked about getting into the headquarters of the north group, the fact was confirmed by the russian ministry of defense. details of other arrivals have also appeared. operational-tactical aviation, missile forces and artillery of groupings of troops of the armed forces of the russian federation, destroyed the control center of the operational command north, two launchers for the illumination radar of the s-300 anti-aircraft missile system. ammunition depot of the donetsk operational-tactical group, weapons and fuel depots of the 101st territorial defense brigade, enemy personnel and military equipment were defeated in 126 regions. ukrainian armed forces facilities in residential areas ukraine, our military is identifying and eliminating them regularly. powerful explosions occurred this
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night in several regions of ukraine. after midnight, bright flashes lit up the sky over the kiev region, and early in the morning reports of strikes came from ivanofrankovsk. information about an explosion appeared. there , the position of an air defense complex became a likely target; in the khmelnytsky region, the arrival took place in the area of ​​a military air base, in the suburbs of starokonstantinov. according to ukrainian sources, this airfield is being prepared to receive american fighters. f-16. what's happening at the front? the objective control footage speaks for itself. the positions of the militants are regularly attacked by our artillery, aviation, and drones, and it is impossible to single out any specific direction, wherever the militants are trying to produce.
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air strikes, we simply don’t have anything to defend ourselves with, really, what kind of fighting spirit is there when the commanders throw in certain death, order to recapture positions that should already be forgotten, in the ovdeevsky direction the next seven counterattacks resulted in losses of a hundred people, kiev clings to berdychi , i sent a couple of brigades there the day before, but the result is still the same, serious battles in the donetsk direction, a strategically important settlement - krasnogorovka, where the sushniks are trying to prevent us from occupying ours. military lines that would allow the development of movement to the west, the result of unsuccessful counterattacks, under 500 ukrainian army personnel were destroyed. deniz alekseev, olga rebrova, host. the ukrainian armed forces again attacked the zaporizhzhya nuclear power plant. this time,
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the training center of the nuclear power plant was almost hit by a ukrainian drone. the drone was neutralized over roof of building g. there were no casualties or damage. this is the sixth attack on the territory since the beginning of the month. stated that those responsible for criminal incidents at zas ignore calls to prevent an accident, however, as always, he avoided admitting who exactly was behind them. now about the situation with floods in different regions; the situation is now difficult in the urals, in siberia in the far east. one of the settlements in the tyumen region may be almost completely flooded, the governor of the region, alexander moor, announced this. a in kurgan, due to the heavy load, the dam is being evacuated.
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accordingly, a new spill is now forming there, and we can draw conclusions that the water is really gaining height quite quickly, entering populated areas, the most problematic areas are the kazan and ishim districts, we worked all day there today, now the most important thing is to strengthen those structures, those dams that exist, are increasing the dam crest, to the point of involving students and volunteers in the work, the authorities have appreciated the scale. those works that are taking place in the region today. our main task is to preserve those dams that
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have been built, those bank protection temporary structures that we will restore additionally so that water does not get into populated areas, we carry out round-the-clock debarking, we have bags of soil prepared just in case, we have reserves of soil so that in the event of some emergency situation, we can quickly eliminate this , so to speak. situation and preventing means the erosion of our embankments, or yes water entering populated areas means flooding of gardens and houses. and very important information, indeed, in the village of kazanskoye, where we were today, the water has already come directly to the dam, despite this, rescuers, employees of the ministry of emergency situations, employees of construction departments, volunteers, the ministry of defense are building this dam buildup right in the conditions almost already. a lot of water, now there is about one and a half meters left to the top of the dam, but maybe
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a little more, everyone of course hopes that the water will not begin to overflow, nearby settlements are being evacuated, a siren is heard, in fact, every half hour on the air of various radio stations there is a call to evacuate either to taps, of which there are a lot of open now, or to your relatives; do not forget to take valuables and, of course, documents; those who need medicines must also take them from itself and the center. are ready to receive the population, volunteers take a very active part, like vorski here in the tyumen region, many thanks to them for this, because the amount of work that is available here, without the help of kind it’s not easy to produce people, we go around the courtyards, the private sector, we go around the residents who live in high-rise buildings, we knock, we announce who we are, why we came, we helped many people who found the opportunity to move...
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so much so that demolishes houses, this is what happened in the kurgan region: the water rose in voronovka: a strong flow carried the building
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onto a suspension bridge. surprisingly, the crossing withstood this blow. by the end of the day, the suspension bridge, pretty battered by the stormy tabola stream, is holding on with all its strength to to reduce the water pressure on it, the emergency situations ministry employees cut off several cables. locals say it saved the crossing when it crashed into it. yesterday evening, right before his eyes, a house floated on the bridge, yes, yes, and just like that, that’s all and he floated away, and he would have demolished the bridge, so he would have demolished the bridge, that is, precisely because they weakened and weakened yes his bridge lifted him up under bridge in your memory there was already such a thing like this with the bridge oh it was even worse in ninety
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-four it was worse it was much worse what happened then oh here it was 13 8 that's it, here there was a village in the water. the water is approaching residential high-rise buildings in kurgan. in one of the residential areas, employees of the ministry of emergency situations proactively installed a water-filling dam; it should contain the flood on the approach to the houses. we are worried, we have something to compare with, let’s say we already know how the water rose in 1916. where did you get to? and here it turns out that the promenade is below, that is , it is completely flooded, about a meter and a half, it turns out that there is more water standing there. even though we have been traveling for many years with...
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we are obligated to all citizens. here we have the boys they pick up bags, someone carries them, we girls tie them, and the boys also load them into the loader, and then they are taken away. the first days we worked three shifts, yesterday we started the third shift, from 6 to 12, and today we are from 9 to 1 p.m.
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according to the ministry of emergency situations, maximum water levels in the kurgan region are expected in the coming days. residents of the territory who are in a potential zone under... are called to urgently evacuate. stanislav vasilchenko, denis tsitsaronov, nikolai purtov, khaled tankiev. news: kurgan region. in the prosecutor general's office called an obvious ukrainian trace in the case of the terrorist attack in krokushikhol. these are the words of the head of the department, igor krasnov. he raised the topic of the investigation in a conversation with the minister.
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i would like to say that it is important for us to unite efforts aimed at countering international terrorism. i am convinced that premeditated murder, the massacre of civilians, is an atrocity that certainly requires the adoption of tough, but at the same time legal measures. fsb officers liquidated another underground call center and more than 300,000 gray sim cards, such they are used by telephone scammers, they usually pose as employees of banks or government organizations and deceive people into transferring large sums, sometimes multi-millions. maria valieva learned the details of the special operation, which was carried out simultaneously in forty regions of the country. now they definitely have no time for talking, the telephone terrorists lie silently on the floor. fsb officers stormed another underground call center; one of
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the detainees, a forty-four-year-old resident of st. petersburg, provided activation services, according to the agency. sim cards russian telecom operators to ukrainian terrorist organizations. to combat cybercrimes that are committed using cellular communications, employees of the department for organizing the fight against the unlawful use of information and communication technologies of the ministry of internal affairs of russia, together with the fsb, carried out a set of measures, charges of remote theft of funds were brought. 44 persons involved in criminal cases were searched at 177 addresses in 42 regions of russia; functioning. locations of criminal telephone traffic, which allowed accomplices to call from the territory of ukraine and carry out hacker attacks aimed at
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destabilizing the work of commercial organizations, as well as government bodies of the russian federation. when calling citizens, the scammers pretended to be employees of government agencies, bank employees, and social workers. igor agafonov is one of those who believed such attackers. the man, according to him, is deceitful. more than 20 million rubles were defrauded. now he's taking a risk to be left without an apartment, does not know what to do. i received a call, fraudulent actions are being carried out with my cards. i was connected to the bank's security service, who subsequently transferred me to an fsb officer. the fsb officer told me and asked me to help in catching a group of fraudsters, to which i agreed. only now do i understand that back then i was already hooked by scammers. some are asked to help, others are intimidated that if they do not go to the bank on time and transfer the required amount to the specified
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account, they will be left without any savings at all. the main thing is to chat with the victim, psychologists note, to gain trust over the phone so that people quickly apply for a loan in their name and immediately transfer the money. telephone scammers are, as a rule, people with good psychological preparation, they... use methods such as intercepting the initiative, asking many short questions and not allowing the person to think about them carefully, as a rule, people agree to such kind of offers fraudsters are driven by the desire to increase their capital in a fairly quick and inexpensive way. telephone terrorists also offer to pay for a taxi to the bank, immediately call a car the whole way, and talk to their victim on the phone without interruption. and as soon as the money is transferred, the numbers from which they called cease to be active, buying sim cards for this sim box costs electricity,
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well, that is, it actually costs several tens, from several tens of thousands of rubles to, i don’t know, hundreds thousand rubles to organize all this, there are people there for 3 million, 20 million, then in general the margin of this business in quotes is very high, there are situations when they call repeatedly, which means if you have suspicions. this means that you need to immediately inform the russian guard and the ministry of internal affairs so that these people can be monitored. employees of the ministry of internal affairs of russia in 2023 and early 2024 discovered 937 sim banks, 11 server stations that ensured the operation of the device. thousands of sim cards from various cellular operators, the total capacity of such equipment made it possible to make 40 million fraudulent calls per day. thanks to
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the proactive and coordinated work of the police employees of the fsb of russia caused significant damage to the criminal infrastructure of call centers located outside our country, mainly in ukraine. federal security service jointly with the ministry of internal affairs. all this was used for sabotage and terrorist activities, as well as for the dissemination of false threats and fake information. as a result of events carried out in march 2024 in 40 regions of russia, 612 sim boxes and more than 300 thousand sim cards were seized. prosecutions have been initiated against 30 persons criminal proceedings. the articles include fraud on an especially large scale and unlawful access
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to computer information. maria valieva, ianna pogonina, lead. historical truth has no statute of limitations. april 19 is a special date for the whole country. this is a day of united action in memory of the genocide of the soviet people by the nazis and their accomplices during the great patriotic war. prisoners of war and civilians. it establishes new facts of crimes against the basis of evidence collected by investigators of the investigative committee, including including the results of search activities, archival materials, testimony, court decisions have already taken place in... in 19 regions of russia, in st. petersburg, the lugansk people's republic, the kursk, smolensk regions and other entities
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, the specified criminal actions. it is home to russian sailing. the national championships in classic long course are held here. the palace was built by koniversi in 2013 and is one of the busiest facilities of those student games. since the thirteenth year, when for the first time in the palace of everyday sports the world university was adopted. for us , this has really become one of the places, well , it has practically obscured the capital, which still has not yet opened
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the revived olympic olympics. not only to say, for other grandiose events. almost 700 athletes take part in swimming, other sports, and the russian swimming championship. the russian swimming championship, in fact, has the status of an open tournament; in addition to the strongest athletes from russia, swimmers from some foreign countries also compete here. in particular in swimmers from nigeria and montenegro compete in kazan. this practice has been used for quite a long time, and for us i believe that this open door format only increases the interest of athletes and shows even greater competition, which is the key to the result. well, the fact that our guests get pleasure and the opportunity to compete with the best athletes in the world who are part of our team, i think that also gives them a big plus. swimming.
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an objective sport in which comparison is appropriate and you can easily focus on what level are the athletes? our leaders are performing very well, if in total - look at the results for a number of distances and compare them with the world championships in the past in the spirit, then, of course, in terms of time it diverges a little, but still this is, so to speak, the first phase of the season, which means - we could have claimed somewhere between five and seven gold medals if we had gone to the championship. but this is conditional, because head-to-head wrestling always makes its own adjustments, well, i think there could actually be more. the current russian swimming championship is a selection stage for the games friendship, brics games for a summer match against the hungarian national team. the olympics in paris will be held without russian swimmers. i am sure there will be some results that are worth seeing, and a number of athletes will demonstrate them, but i am inclined
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to believe that if ours are not there, they will not be there, then, accordingly, interest will be significantly, significantly reduced, this is the feeling i will watch with. alexander abramov, alexa kalchuk, alexander kutataladze and alexander stalmashevsky. news kazan.
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