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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  April 19, 2024 2:30am-3:01am MSK

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i agree, well, we just feel like we are the people’s winner, but they don’t see us that way.
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there’s a worm gnawing, well, it depends on who they are, after all, they’re not here, well, we’re talking about the political elite, we’re talking about the current political elite, who saw that they received medals for victory in the cold war, afghanistan, they think they took us out into one gate, but they think that everything is fine with them, we lost a republic here, a republic there, we left from there, from here they will give their ears, they see the world.
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and so on, just recently in april already former ex-adviser to reagan lutvak also burst out with an article, and there they already began to understand specific things, that america cannot send more than 40,000 of its contingent in europe here, that is, there are already some specific discussions going on, in order to understand still, why is this and what is this happening and how it will develop further, we need to look a little, as it were, at the beginning of the 20th century, in fact, the first globalist project, the first world war, for the destruction of four empires, which means the german empire, the russian empire , austria-hungary and the ottoman empire, then the league of nations as a tool of centralized control, purely the architect of the united states of america project, suddenly a system failure, revolution in russia, civil war. which takes
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this project out of the league of nations where , of course, the soviet union, soviet russia did not go, and therefore the united states of america also did not enter the league of nations, which means a systemic failure. and the russian empire, well like the soviet union, is being revived almost within those borders, but it’s not like that, the system is different, but this state is powerful, it is being revived, the second, it means that in this situation in this situation, preparations for a new world war, it means that this is a very interesting memory, this is not a memory, but there was a book by ivovich, well, the legends of our illegal, soviet illegal development . who wrote that the war, preparation for the second world war, began in 1929, the russell club, which unites american big business and the owners of the federal reserve, met with herbert govover, the then
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president, and was told there that these big businessmen, industrialists, financiers, well, mr. president, the world is moving, we are heading towards a crisis, well, this is the future... the great depression, how to get out of it, and for this we need to help soviet russia, free ourselves from the consequences civil war, the twenty -ninth year, and germany from the results of the first world war and the treaty of versailles, well, hoover says, for this we actually need billions, why do we even need this, we need it, because he says, we are further pitting germany and germany against each other ussr, they are somewhere. someone will destroy someone, and then we are left alone with the rest and divide the whole world, that is, this is the second globalist project, which means, unfortunately, i am not proud, but where does this data come from, well, this is me in the book from yuri ivanovich, well, because we have respect
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for yuri ivanovich, but perhaps i also love the theory that if it weren’t for the globalists, the league of nations was actually invented by the americans themselves. well, here, too, there is a systemic failure in this second globalist project, russia and the soviet union, despite the heaviest price having paid, but she stood, stood against such a powerful war, when a small advertisement fought against her, then continue,
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i just don’t want to offend anyone, but in general, the globalist project then was a red project, which did not care deeply about anyone and which dmitry brilliantly analyzed for a significant period...
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2:40 am
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after the second world war, of course, no one had the strength to immediately start a new war with the ussr, but what begins, a new globalist project begins from the point of view.
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managed to be revived, a failure occurred again, then our country will survive now, our country after the collapse of the soviet union, the united states of america did not expect that our president would give a munich speech, they did not expect and did a lot to prevent putin from returning to power, remember,
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biden’s entire visit here in 2011, when he met at the american embassy with all the opposition, yes.. china in the sense that they needed it to benefit china, and china received not only economic development, but today they invested powerful money, industrialized geopolitical influence, this is again another systemic gathering, a failure, as if from it. come out, of course, through a new new war. therefore, unfortunately, we see how events are developing, they are heading towards this big war. the question is, i, for example, don’t think that this will happen this minute. i understand that the bet is basically made, the bet is placed on europe, minus the anglo-saxons, fighting with russia, hence brexit, britain, which means leaving the european union,
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the united states of america, leaving, so that not including one of the geopolitical reasons, i'm not talking about economic ones, when... himself as a nuclear superpower, because the bet is on him, on france, and it is possible that with the use of nuclear weapons, why does the united states have such a calculation, because for some reason they believe that russia, today, is not where the soviet union was, now russia will not respond, but the situation has already changed, firstly, today our society demands
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victory, yet it will not respond properly, and secondly, after all, these are agents of influence... who all acted in our country in decision-making centers for many years, today they are not in the country, well, thirdly, the most important thing still, be that as it may, but it has changed, but there are already other centers of power with which we have definite, allied relations today, you see, they say, well, china, yes, of course, chinese business is significantly connected with american - business circles, but china cannot, the leadership of china does not understand that if russia manages to somehow persuade there... as a world that will not suit us, or god forbid inflicting some kind of defeat, then china will be next. the americans, of course, will focus on the asia-texas region in this regard, therefore, here the aokus project is going on without france, england and the usa, australia and so on. well, the last thing i would like to say is, yes, we
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understand that the world is heading towards a big war, but russia will survive, for many reasons. well , firstly, most importantly, we historically have the ability, like the phoenix bird, to be reborn, our civilization, our people, our nation, firstly, secondly, we have very talented people, no matter how they say now that we have there is no technology there , look at the youth, ours guys, our mathematics wins at all mathematical olympiads, so far the youth are here. strongly, according to fundamental scientific developments, today we have a lot more that can be used for our technological development, and most importantly, our people always have leaders who, in difficult critical moments, know how to lead the nation and lead our people out of
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difficult situation, starting from the time of alexander yaroslavovich nevsky. it is impossible for germany, by definition in one american doctrine, they do not have their own armies. in order to carry out any kind of offensive and other operations, there is no single command, but mikhail mikhailovich will explain this much better than i can. this is precisely what nato means, but britain
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has never left any nato, that is, not even close. every time we all have the right to our point of view, i welcome it, but just every time we say that we have talented young people, in india, in china, in america, in britain, in france, in germany , they're without...
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they don't think they'll be next, they they saw how we once left them, they saw how our country, politely, carefully said, which way you are going socialist, goodbye, so we are behind you, and now we are in the wrong place, as in any history of the country, there are leaders strong, there are weak leaders, and i said, i will repeat again, that at critical moments we have strong or critical moments, the seventeenth year was not critical, 1917 was not critical, this is the first yes.
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it's easy to get caught up in the facts when you only see part of the big picture, in pursuit of views. change.
2:57 am
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for you! leave an application on the website of the national open championship of creative competencies artmas.
2:59 am
now it’s up to the zrivnikov, congratulations, pay attention to the slaughter, the slaughter will take you out. thank you very much again for the work, this tunnel is not the longest on the bam, only 1800 m, but they began to dig it in the duseolinsky ridge already in 1939, all this was in full swing, you know, all this was stirring, the bam continues to develop and further, and we were already talking about the third stage,
3:00 am
with what volume you... that’s how the ghost went, the tower of babel, no, volodya, i’m talking about the newest, wait, let’s not talk about the bible now, i’m talking about the latest
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history. i swear to god, volodya, your program won’t be enough if we go, yes, well, or we’ll have to do a study cycle.


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