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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  April 19, 2024 7:30am-8:01am MSK

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very much, because it was made with love, 100 years from now.
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to talk to you, briefly about the main thing. in the kurgan region, the flood floods 13 villages and residents. local media, explosions occurred in the province israel struck iran, as reported by isfahan, air defense was activated in several regions of the country. flights over three cities, including tehran, have been cancelled. warsaw refused to transfer the missile to kiev.
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parliamentary elections have started in india. due to the size of the country, almost billions of voters have divided the voting into seven stages, it will be the ruling indian people's party, led by prime minister narendra mote, is said to be the favorite to go until june. and now. news that comes to news agency feeds reports that two pilots of the plane that crashed in the stavropol territory were found, they are alive, they are being taken to the hospital, the governor announced this, it is also reported that the plane crashed in the stavropol territory, the pilots ejected, we are monitoring the situation. the prosecutor general called the ukrainian trace in the case of the terrorist attack in crocus cityhole obvious, these are the words of the head of the department igor krasnova. he touched on the topic of the investigation.
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i would like to say that it is important for us to unite efforts aimed at countering international terrorism. i am convinced that premeditated murder, the massacre of civilians, is an atrocity that certainly requires the adoption of tough, but at the same time legal measures. in russia, today is a day of united action in memory of the genocide of the soviet people by the nazis and their accomplices during the great patriotic war. in all educational institutions and other sites.
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expect from him, we’ll talk about it later advertising. customers' love is the main reward for any entrepreneur. you don’t just prepare cakes, give unforgettable emotions, don’t give fashionable haircuts, but help to be closer to each other, don’t create fashionable things, but give the opportunity to be in the center of attention. this is not easy for any of you.
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shopping or getting rid of credit card debts is easy with kholva. 100% originals from famous brands are now more accessible at avite premium on fire, tastier burgerking buddy, hello, as promised, today we are preparing pilaf. uh, oil is not the first day, oh we need a day. translate home, by the way, it’s better to translate from vtbon, it’s faster and more convenient, thank you for teaching, this is also who taught whom, vtb, together everything will work out, batrider is an innovation in plant protection, it will instantly identify and destroy the main pests of the garden and vegetable garden, safe
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for humans, the batrider will defeat pests, it’s not necessary like that, it’s necessary like this, like that, like that, i understand, that’s how the pools are at the megamarket. alpha friday - supercake every week on alfa bank cards. on friday , april 19, we are giving 50% cashback on performances, concerts, festivals and other entertainment. only in the alfa poster service in the alfabank application. not just profitable, alpha profitable. alice, you haven’t changed at all. 100 years ago already in the cinema at bigfest chicken premiere for 109 rubles and other offers at a very competitive price. it is profitable to retire with a savings bank. for pensioners , a free sbercard, a favorable deposit rate, cashback bonuses in pharmacies, a discount on
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a loan. apply for a pension at sberbank online or in a branch. a credit sbercard is beneficial in any situation. interest-free period 120. it starts every month, and the service notifications are free forever, which is why the credit sbercard is the best in the country, apply for a credit card, everything will be the way you want, a powerful cyclone will bring a storm to the russian plain today, it will even bring winter back somewhere, should we expect snow? in which regions of moscow will the wind blow the most? current weather analytics on the russia-24 channel. i'm vadim zavodchenkov, leading specialist at the fobas center. hello. the weather in the central regions today will be not just bad, but dangerous. the reason for this is the active balkan cyclone.
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even the day before, under his influence , drizzling precipitation began in the capital, which turned into real downpour by nightfall. literally in a couple of hours. in the south of the moscow region, in some places up to 7 mm of precipitation fell, this is almost 20% of the monthly norm, it was rainy in other regions, the rain front stretched for 100 km from bryansk to kirov, but that was only a prelude to the real disaster. the working week on the russian plain will end with a storm; the vortex itself that came to us is small, but the pressure drops in its zone will make up. 5 mm of mercury for every 100 km, as a result the wind will rise; in the west of the middle zone, background gusts will reach 17-22 m/s. in some areas, the air flow can accelerate even more, up to 25
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m/s. but the zone of the most intense precipitation, which captured the center of russia last night, will move to the north of the region during the day, here just beyond... novgorod, the rains will turn into snow. in moscow in the afternoon the main negative weather factor will be wind. gusts of up to 19-21 m/s are forecast. in such a situation there is a high risk of collapse trees of weakly fixed structures. but precipitation after a rainy night will noticeably weaken and become local and short-lived. only on saturday night in some places. the rain may be mixed with light snow, but the temperature will remain positive, so when it falls it will immediately
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melt. at the same time, in the north-west and extreme west of the russian plain, colder snowfall will be noticeably stronger and temporary snow cover will even begin to form here. by saturday morning, its border will advance south by 800 km, right up to the upper reaches of the dnieper, and in some places. for example, in st. petersburg and veliky novgorod , quite december snowdrifts with a height of 5-10 cm will appear. it must be said that this relapse of winter cold will turn out to be very short-lived, so on saturday the daytime temperature in moscow will drop from today's +15 to +12, and already from sunday, together with scattered arrays of rain clouds, will begin to flow into the center of russia again. warmer air, so on monday the thermometer will reach +18. now our joint with ruscosmos
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section photo from orbit, and today we will observe the flood on tabol, this is how the river flooded in the tabol district of the kurgan region, the image was received by the canopus-v satellite, the flood has already reached the mound itself as a result... more than a hundred snt and several microdistricts were flooded there . the day before , three leaks were found on the dam that protects the city from high water, all of which were promptly repaired. the good news is that the flood in kurgan has most likely reached its peak. then the tabol level should stabilize. that's all i have until now dates. and now let's talk about the economy. konstantin, oil prices are rising, what is the reason? tatyana is affected by the situation in the middle east. so, oil today rose sharply at the opening of trading after
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a new round of escalation occurred in the middle east, after israel struck iran, the cost of a barrel of brand mix jumped by almost $4. but then a slight correction followed. it is against this background that today’s currency trading on the moscow exchange opened with the growth of the ruble. the ruble strengthened in the first minutes against dollar and euro. u... ukraine is ignoring us requests to stop drone strikes on russian territory, in particular on oil refineries, the economist writes about this. sabotage against refineries , the publication notes, worries the biden administration for an obvious reason; this could lead to an increase in prices for oil and petroleum products on world markets, and the us elections are getting closer. in addition, washington is afraid of an uncontrolled exchange of blows, in which ukraine could be the losing country. the economist draws attention to the fact that over the past week there have been no new attacks on refineries, while sources of the publication close to the armed forces of ukraine claim that
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there is no consensus among american officials; some recommend continuing sabotage. europe, having essentially voluntarily lost the russian market, cannot be competitive without trade, the head of the european commission stated this at a press conference in brussels following a two-day meeting of the european council. ursula fondelien recalled that, according to forecasts, in the coming years. global economic growth will be achieved outside the european union and called for more active conclusion of new trade agreements. true, before this she touched upon another deep problem, also caused by anti-russian sanctions, the energy one, which makes european goods too expensive to produce. energy costs continue to affect our european competitiveness, especially suffering... and the eu summit also ordered
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the approval of protective duties on the import of russian grain. it is expected that their size will be determined based on the type of product, or will increase by 95 euros per ton, or will be 50% of the cost. at the same time, the european commission is trying to extend the duty-free supply of food from ukraine for another year. while her neighbors are preventing her from doing so. uncontrolled supplies of ukrainian products led to mass protests by european farmers, which have not stopped to this day. losses in taiwan. chip manufacturer tsmc from the recent earthquake amounted to almost $92.5 million, while a statement from the world industry leader noted that the negative consequences for production were limited, its restored by 70% within 10 hours after the disaster struck. the main losses are due to damage to silicon wafers and other
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workpiece materials due to shocks. directly to the production building. now there is urgent news from the ministry of defense, it is reported that a tu-22 aircraft of the russian ivks crashed in the stavropol territory after completing a combat mission while returning to the airfield. this is a message from the ministry of defense. it is also reported that the tu-22 pilot, who crashed in the stavropol territory, was ejected by three crew member has been evacuated, a search is underway
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for one of the pilots. it is also said that according to preliminary data the reason. it is also reported that there is no destruction on the ground, this is a message from the ministry of defense, we will return to this topic later, briefly now: large-scale floods in russian regions are gaining momentum, in the tyumen region, water is in three areas, one of the villages is completely cut off from land communications . in the orenburg region, the water level in the sokmara river is rapidly rising. the united states blocked a resolution recognizing palestine as a full member of the un. during the security council meeting, the states exercised their veto power. russian ambassador vasily nebenze condemned washington's decision and called on it to join efforts to achieve a ceasefire in the gas sector. the prosecutor general of russia called the ukrainian trace in the case of the terrorist attack in crocus obvious.
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igor krasnov stated this at a meeting with the minister of internal affairs of venezuela. the head of the russian supervisory agency is here. with a working trip to karakas. now there’s an advertisement, and later in the program we’ll tell you how to measures to support the unemployed have changed after the release of the updated employment law . are you sure that you chose this profession yourself, or were you simply born into a family of musicians? at bigfest, you definitely choose the chicken premiere.
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it’s not easy to catch a pyro firebird, but anyone can get a fire rate on a deposit in gazprombank of up to 16.5% per annum, open a deposit on greider - new in weed control. destroys any vegetation. grader and nothing grows. sometimes you go to an island, an island. make your reservation starts all inclusive clouds, shoes, start your vacation in one of the millions of apartment hotels, your vacation starts on oh, alpha friday,
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supercake every week with alpha bank cards on friday 19. touch the croc star whopper burgers on fire taste. customers' love is the main reward for any entrepreneur. you don't just prepare cakes, you give unforgettable
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emotions. you don’t do fashionable haircuts, but you help to be closer to each other. you don’t create fashionable things, but give them the opportunity to be in the spotlight. for each of you, this is not just a business, but a favorite thing that helps millions of people. sber also appreciates the love of its own. we will explain measures to support the unemployed in 5 minutes in the program instructions. let's start with unemployment benefits, which will now be indexed every year in february.
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indexation will be based on the consumer price growth index for the previous year, currently 107.4%. thus, the maximum unemployment benefit in the first 3 months will be 13,739 rubles, in the next 3 months 5,370 rubles. allowance. citizens will be able to receive this amount starting february 1. minimum benefit amount will be 1.611 rubles. let us remind you that the benefit is calculated from the average earnings at the last job. you can claim the maximum if you worked 26 weeks during the year before registering with the employment center. former individual entrepreneurs and self-employed people will now be able to receive the new benefit at the top level. individual entrepreneurs and those who work under a civil contract. nature will be able to count not only on the minimum amount of unemployment benefits, as was the case before, but a higher amount of benefits will will be accrued if, a year before registration at the employment center, in addition to entrepreneurship
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, 26 weeks of employment relationships are confirmed, the calculation of unemployment benefits in this case will be based on the average earnings in such employment relationships. let us remember who receives the minimum benefit - these are those who are looking for work for the first time, who have not worked 26 weeks in the last year, and who want to renew. work after a break of more than a year, as well as those fired for violation of discipline and those who were fired without working 26 weeks in a year, at the bottom those who were sent by the employment service for training and were expelled will also receive the bar. special conditions were and remain for orphans and children left without parental care, if they are looking for work for the first time, benefits are paid to them in the maximum amount up to 23 years of age, and now through... the employment service as unemployed. if additional payments are provided for
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orphans and children without parental care who are seeking work for the first time, registered before the expiration of 6 months from the date of receipt of unemployed status, such applicants find employment, the employment service will pay them an additional payment for the remaining period between the wages they receive and the average wage in the region. in most cases benefits. you can receive no more than six months. the main goal of the employment service is to help find a job. all applicants can undergo free retraining under the national project demography in professions that are priority for the labor market. their list is approved by the government after studying the personnel needs of employers. the law specifies the categories of citizens who will be primarily assist in obtaining vocational education. these are those who completed military service by conscription or contract, including. in families, they will be helped with training for 3 years; such citizens have the right to volunteer formations and members of their priority employment through
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employment services. another priority is the employment of young people; employers will continue to partially compensate for the costs of the hiring subsidy program; students will be helped with internships. personnel centers in our employment service will interact with the centers college careers. in varying amounts, depending on the sector of the municipality and the number of employees. by the way, additional financial support is also provided.
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state support. individual entrepreneurs who themselves are disabled, and enterprises where the founder is either a citizen with a disability or a public organization of disabled people, will be able to receive for the employment of disabled people. if an applicant with a disability gets a job working in such companies, the employer receives a subsidy in the amount of six minimum wages, which is about 140,000 rubles for each employee. to receive a subsidy, you will need to submit an application online on the russia work portal. the platform is work of russia. by next year, new functions will appear, through it they will create and maintain an electronic personal file of an unemployed person, as a result, all processes will be carried out, including social payments. with the postponement, several more important changes will come into force: if previously a person got some casual work during unemployment, then he was deregistered with employment center. according to the new law,
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the service will be able to operate for up to five working days on the basis of a civil contract. employment in this case does not have the right to remove a citizen from the status of unemployed and stop paying benefits, this norm has been in effect since 2025, and if a person is declared unemployed in a place of temporary residence, then the new legislation also allows him the opportunity not only to look for work in a new place, this was possible in the previous edition, but also receiving benefits for unemployment. these changes also come into force in 2025. let's repeat, the most important unemployment benefit will be indexed. year in february , former individual entrepreneurs and self-employed orphans, under certain conditions, will now be able to receive it in the maximum amount; under certain conditions, they will be paid the difference between their average salary in the region. and finally, disabled people and entrepreneurs will be able to receive subsidies for disabled workers. some of the provisions of the new employment law will come into force next fall. do you have any questions, would you like to know more about something?
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measure of government support. subscribe to our telegram channel, ask, and we will disturb the relevant departments and tell you about everything in one of the next releases of the instruction program.
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welcome to asia, where the heart of the continent beats. israel has struck iran, as the media report, explosions are heard in the province of isfahan, local authorities are talking about the work of air defense, civil flights over tehran have been cancelled.
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in the kurgan region, residents are being evacuated. in flooded areas, leaks have appeared in the dam; the peak of the flood is expected in tyumen. one of villages are cut off by water. what is the situation in other regions, we are waiting for direct broadcast. explosions. dnepropetrovsk region itself is under attack, dnepropetrovsk krivoy rog and pavel dar , what are the consequences of a billion voters and companies.


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