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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  April 19, 2024 2:30pm-3:00pm MSK

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whether ukraine will receive a new package of financial assistance from the united states is a question. will be decided on saturday in the us congress. dmitry moroka is overseeing preparations for the vote. dmitry, greetings. what amount are we talking about? yes, ver, welcome, we are talking about the amount of 60 billion dollars. they may also discuss the use of income from frozen russian assets. kiev is holding its breath ahead of saturday's vote in the us congress. the long-awaited decision of the house of representatives will determine whether ukraine will receive a new financial assistance package. american congressmen cannot reach an agreement, therefore. issue since the fall, because we
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are talking about a significant amount: 61 billion dollars, of which more than 23 are proposed to be used to replenish military equipment transferred to ukraine, about eleven more are intended to support current military operations. the use of proceeds from frozen russian assets may also be considered as a support measure. american assistance is critically important for kiev, the authors of the bill insist. however, opponents of the initiative in the chamber there are also plenty of representatives. 50/50, there is always a chance that somewhere , shortly before the vote, a right- wing minority will rebel, and those loyal to trump in congress will say, no, we won’t vote, or the speaker will be removed altogether, the problem isn’t really about money, well, you can have money give them, you can print them, you can, i don’t know, the russian gold and foreign exchange reserves can still be taken away, although they don’t want to do this and are afraid, that’s a problem. is that the american military-industrial complex is
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, in principle, unable to quickly produce as many weapons as required ukraine. earlier, the verkhovna rada stated that ukraine would run out of money by the end of summer if the united states did not resolve the issue of providing assistance, even if it received support from other sponsors. the european union intends to find instruments for long-term financing of kiev just by the summer. this was stated by the minister-delegate for european affairs in medifrance, jeannuel barot. this week , switzerland decided on the volume of assistance; the country’s government will allocate 5 billion francs to ukraine, although it will not do this immediately, over the next 12 years, in march kiev received a new tranche from the imf in the amount of $880 million, but they are not going to forgive the existing debt of 15 billion, at least this year. they give money to ukraine, not only the united states, not only the european union, but if you remember, the beginning of the year, the first 2 months. while there was a stupor, yes,
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the united states did not give, they did not have it, it was all over, and the european union could not agree on its package, at that time japan gave money to ukraine, denmark is helping, the netherlands, yes, now france there is about 2 trillion. in the most international monetary the fund estimates kiev's need for foreign aid at $42 billion; this year alone, this is exactly the amount needed to cover the huge budget deficit; imf managing director kristalina georgieva expressed confidence that such an amount can be provided. we estimate ukraine's needs for this year at $42 billion, we are confident that these needs will be met, but of course we will have to closely monitor the situation in the country. at the same time, the degree of ukraine’s dependence on external assistance has become already critical. the volume of foreign transactions exceeded 90% of gdp last year.
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in this situation, international agencies declare a high probability of default and continue to reduce ukraine’s credit ratings. the snp, in particular, noted that the country's medium-term economic prospects. thank you, dmitry morocco told us about the situation with the western allocation of financial assistance to ukraine. for the first time in the united states, former president donald trump is being tried in the dock in the case of payments to a porn actress, they tried to hide it from the public for 130 thousand dollars, but now absolutely everything could turn out differently for... the ex-head of state, this could result in 130 years in prison, about where trump is more likely to end up behind bars in the white house, watch in the america program with valentin bogdanov immediately after a short advertisement. start the path to your dream with sber,
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73 t-shirts for dad or 70 dresses for mom. sort your waste and give things a new life. this is america, a program about a country that is difficult to understand. hello! it’s not for nothing that the united states is called the country of lawyers; american history has never seen any high-profile trials; it seems there is nothing to surprise, yet right now here in new york history is being written anew. in room 15:30 of manhattan criminal court, for the first time in the 248 years of the existence of the united states as accused in a criminal case bench. the defendants were imprisoned by a former president, and perhaps a future one. all attempts by trump's lawyers and his
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legal team to move the case, move it to a later date, or even cancel it were unsuccessful, although such a strategy in the legal field has not failed them before. what's the matter here? the point here is that manhattan justice, in the person of district attorney alvin breg and judge juan merchin. literally working for themselves, for that guy. the case of secret payments to a porn actress stormy daniels is the last frontier for liberals. all other cases against trump that were supposed to be considered around the same time frame: in washington in the case of storming the capitol, in georgia in the case of election interference, in florida, in the case of secret documents in maralaga, all of them were postponed to a later date term. here. it all started almost on time, on april 15 , his motorcade started from trump tower, the journey took
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a little more than 10 minutes, we got to the criminal court in manhattan and after some time donald trump appeared in front of television cameras to say what he always says: this is an attack on america, nothing like this has ever happened, any lawyer will tell you, this case is nonsense, this...
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let's still go back to the courtroom, let's see what's there, there is no television broadcast, but there are many photographs and countless details. the main task in the coming days will be the selection of jury candidates, you need to choose a panel, 12 people are a big problem with this, why? because new york city. trump was moving the case from manhattan courts, for example, in the borough court of staten island, this is also a district of new york, but the electoral situation there is different, there is more support for republicans, so they wanted to do it, they were not allowed to do it, and now
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they are trying to weed out biased jurors, for now what we managed to choose. only a few people, on the first day they brought 96, 50 were eliminated immediately, the selection is very strict, they look at the history on social networks, look at what comments were published. the jury selection process will be little different from others. trials, with the only difference being that prosecutors will try to identify their bias towards donald trump. jurors will be asked questions about whether they attended trump rallies or did not work. in court, he must be there 4 days a week, except wednesday, his only free day is wednesday, donald trump is very unhappy about this, leaving the court on the first day, he said that perhaps because of
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this he will not be able to get for the graduation of his youngest son, baron. "i can't going to your son's graduation, not to the supreme court, not to georgia, florida or north carolina to campaign there, this is exactly what the radical democrats wanted, this is election interference, that's what it is, from the background to the essence the case itself, trump faces 34 criminal charges , each with a maximum sentence of 4 years, 136 years in total. that in 2016, trump’s lawyers and his team, who participated in the us presidential elections, fearing publicity from outside former porn actress stormy daniels, who, according to her, had an affair with trump in 2006 on lake taha, at a golf club where celebrities gathered, they decided
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to bribe stormy daniels, there is nothing criminal in this procedure itself, she... $130,000 was paid, but the questions are not about the payment, the questions are about how it was done, it was done through lawyer michael cowen, it was framed as legal services that he provided to trump, that is, in this way they hid the loose ends twice . michael cowan himself, former lawyer trump, now one of his main enemies, is happy to air all his dirty laundry in public. which he knows. if i were trump, i would be very concerned about this process, because, in fact, this is a very simple matter, it is based on documented facts, and the documents do not lie. they paint a very clear picture, which is not at all in favor of donald trump. this story has actually been circulating in the information space of the united states for a long time; there are
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even quite funny parodies. here you can look at this one, what’s even doubly funny is that... the role of trump is played by alex baldwin, who is now convicted of the unintentional murder of a television cameraman, and stormy daniels is played by stormy daniels herself, this is comeo. stormy, this is michael coin, are you alone? what are you wearing? i'm sorry, what? stormy daniels made waves when she gave her first interview, when she spoke in detail about how trump harassed her. he told me that i reminded him of his daughter, apparently in this way he expressed his sympathy for me, i i thought that this meant our mutual respect, which is why i was infuriated by the way he was talking to me, especially since i didn’t expect to be pressed against the wall when i got out of the shower, i don’t remember how i ended up in bed, it was terrible, but i didn’t say no, stormy daniels herself is a fairly well-known
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character in certain circles, real name stephanie clifford. agreed to listen to other witnesses, in particular, we are talking about the appearance in manhattan court of playboy model karen mcdougal, who was allegedly also paid for silence.
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understands how this or that works . well, to someone who does not closely follow american politics or not entirely electoral mechanisms, everything that is happening may even seem funny, they say, it’s all a show, so what’s wrong with the fact that trump paid some porn actress what -that money, even if there is a suspended sentence, most likely... it’s okay, because the american election machine really is, the model is designed in such a way that if you run for president, you can even snare in a prison
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cell, they will also give you guards from secret service, then you can calmly move to the white house and pardon yourself, but there is an interesting point here, firstly, this case is being considered not at the federal, at the district level, that is, even trump, if he himself becomes the president of the united states again, he won't be able to do this. part of his electorate, if you look at the situation now, you can see that trump is quite seriously supported by women from the suburbs,
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as they are usually called, this is a very generalized characteristic, in general we are talking about white american women, families with an income level above average, this is a woman like this, she can be a housewife or a working woman, in principle, she chooses the american president based on her votes. always candidates for president of the united states, and this is the main electorate in the swing states. and the story about trump cheating on his wife, about the fact that he secretly paid a porn actress, about the fact that he had extramarital affairs not only with her, but with other women, can shake the respect of this same white woman from the suburbs for republican candidate, this is very serious, this is especially serious in the sense that... the overall picture now is confusing, but it does not give any advantage to any of the candidates. the ratings of biden and
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trump are almost equal, 46% versus 45 in favor of trump. for biden, the situation has improved since late february, when trump had a 5% lead. a narrowing gap indicates that the confrontation will be painful. the outcome of the last two presidential elections was determined by dozens. votes in several states, and this time is unlikely to be an exception, in in a country so divided, even the smallest changes can make a difference. well , this leads to the second trap into which trump was literally led; trump has no time left to conduct a normal election campaign. it is clear that they have their own electoral base, the republicans, they will be for trump anyway, but they will be the ultimate republicans by november 2024. won't, that's why he needs to travel through these swing states, meaning michigan, pennsylvania, georgia, ohio, arizona, in order to
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to speak, in order to convince, in order to say that he is the best, trump was thus de-energized, he was disconnected from his voters, but donald trump would not have been donald trump if he had not found a way out of this difficult situation , the republican is always known for his ability to turn seemingly unwinnable situations in his favor, and trump once again demonstrated such skill, after the second day of the trial ended, he got into the motorcade and went to harlem, to famous, known to many for new yorkers, the josse alba shop, as it is called on 182nd street, became famous due to sad circumstances, in 2022, a robber, an african american, walked in and decided that... the sixty- one-year-old salesman behind the counter, josé alba, would be an easy prey , will not offer much resistance, began to demand money, a fight broke out, hase
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alba turned out to be a man of no timid ten. opportunity to organize a real election rally right there in garlim, his supporters gathered on the sidewalk, television came, everything was semi-spontaneous, but this is american politics, for which some here value and love it so much, for this spontaneity, trump came out and said, as always , everything that he thinks, all tv channels, as always , broadcast what he says, this is personal i was reminded of the times of his first election
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campaign back in 2015. 2016, when television followed on trump’s heels, catching every word of trump, because he organized all sorts of very unusual events, well, here this effect worked again. i'm very pleased to be here, people want law and order, the crime situation is terrible, stores are being robbed, we will correct the situation, send a lot of money to new york, while the city is in a terrible state and the whole world is looking at it. how ridiculous the judge is behaving towards me, because there is no crime in my case, crimes happen here once a week or even more often. we can say that this is trump’s new election strategy or tactics that he was forced to implement due to the difficult circumstances that arose around him, it is quite possible that it will bring him success, especially
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moreover, the widest... the field here in new york for such spontaneous events, well, look, firstly, you can almost every day go down to the new york subway, where there is crime and where traces of the policies of prosecutor alvin breg, stations are also visible the new york subway is full, even if you go every evening, organize a rally, you can go to the migrant center, one of the largest in the united states on randles island, under which there are playgrounds, football fields, now people from all countries live there... world, there we can talk about migration, you can go to wall street to talk about the economy, that is, new york is such a model of america in miniature, from the reaction of people who listened to trump in harlim, one cannot say that he causes irritation, such a personal observation, already in at the end i will share, imagine, for example, there 3-4 years ago, or in 2020, when there was a wave of blm, a man in...
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news appeared about the opening of more and more criminal cases against him, the amount of donations grew, rather everything will be the same here, so even in the event of an indictment the verdict that trump may face at the end of this process, he may emerge victorious from this process. this was america, all the best to you. at first the first time
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when we came in it was scary, and then it became familiar, it was scary to go here, of course, you don’t know anything, there’s a war all around, when i hear that something has arrived somewhere in the winery, i panic it starts, well, in our kusbass there are mines everywhere, and that is, they explode coal, the sound is similar, well, the children perceive it too, we had it all, the decembrist they call it...


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