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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  April 19, 2024 7:00pm-7:31pm MSK

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it is necessary to check information about possible violations committed when obtaining citizenship and permitting documents. as part of the preliminary investigation, the actions of the accomplices were reclassified as murder committed by a group of people out of hooligan motives. in the near future, the court, with the participation of the prosecutor, will consider the issue of choosing a preventive measure for the suspect. fyodor eliseev, dmitry shestukhin, vasily yurchuk, dmitry tikhonovich and dmitry timofeev, lead the duty unit. maintain the entire operational legal news feed in telegram channels. zhurnaya parts of an honest detective, subscribe, our episode is now complete, alexander ostakhov was in the studio, see you at 21:30.
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after a short advertisement, our broadcast will continue with the senate program, do not switch, alfabank for business, connect an overdraft with a guaranteed limit of up to 30 million rubles. get a free business account. alfabank is the best bank for business. this is not necessary. it needs to be like this, like this, like this, i understand, like this at the megamarket, doctor jard facial cream mist for 2,029 rubles, whopper on fire tastes better, burger king, buddy, hello, as promised, today we are preparing pilaf, hey, hey, the butter is not the first thing, oh, we need to transfer money home, by the way, it’s better to transfer it. with vtb online, it’s
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vladimir nesterov. we will talk about new laws and legislative initiatives and how they become part of our lives. strengthening regional capacity development and advocacy. residents of our country. about key events right now. control over the circulation of methanol and the fight against surrogate, about work on an important bill that directly concerns the health of citizens. so much has been done to whitewash the alcohol market, the fight against counterfeit goods, legislative regulation, and most importantly, the preservation of people's health. construction of a modern fishing fleet and processing plants. how is the long-term development strategy implemented? fishing industry, the regions will be motivated to produce more, support more, so that more funds are returned, resettlement from dilapidated housing, how to solve the problem when people themselves do not want to move, in which regions is this issue still acute? we see these dilapidated emergency barracks
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housing, well, it’s simply impossible in our time to look at them, much less allow our citizens to live there, reform of control and supervisory activities and... the principles of eternal peace by immanuel kant , are they relevant today in the year of the famous philosopher’s tercentenary? our task is not to complicate someone’s life, but to promote the values, the goals that we set for ourselves, and they are of a unifying nature. federation appointed irina podnosova, chairman of the supreme court, her candidacy was proposed by the president of russia, supported supreme qualification board of judges of the russian federation. in recent years , much has been done to make the judicial system more accessible to our citizens. this was stated by valentina matvienko
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when considering the candidacy of irina podnosova. the chairman of the federation council also noted the need for active work in the reunified territories so that the judicial systems and justice there begin to function fully. the federation council actively interacts with the supreme court; here we are not only engaged in fulfilling our constitutional powers, appointments, but also actively working in a number of areas. this, of course, is the improvement of legislation, this is the humanization of the judicial system of the criminal procedure code and so on, by the way, a lot has been done recently, and irina leonidova is a supporter of further humanization.
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economic disputes, i know that the results , as the chairman of the judicial panel for consideration of such cases, sometimes become a reason for declaring citizens consumer bankrupt, about 10 million cases. housing affairs, in these are mainly disputes about the collection of utility bills, and these are citizens' claims against management companies for poor quality services. the supreme court pays a lot of attention to such issues as protecting the rights of children, protecting rights, labor rights, pension rights, and lately, of course, we have been paying a lot of attention to protecting the rights guaranteed by the state of participants.
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on combating counterfeiting, on legislative regulation, and this is very noticeable in the receipt of funds to budgets of all levels, and most importantly, preserving people’s health, regulation of methanol, i already said at one of the meetings, the most powerful lobby prevented this from being done for 2 years, now this gap has been breached, the government has approved it, i ask you to actively promote the adoption of this. now a topic
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that is related to the economic development of many regions of russia, the creation of new jobs, the fishing industry. this area showed impressive growth in key indicators over the past year; the production of aquatic biological resources amounted to almost 5.5 million tons, and this is a record for the entire post-soviet history of russia. fish market to increase consumption, to strengthen the global expansion
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of domestic fish products, and we were suggested by experts not only from the fishing industry, but experts who deal with healthy nutrition, healthcare, to still substantively reconsider the consumption rate; today in russia we consume about 22 kg per year of fish products per person, this is quite small; firstly, there is a minimum recommended norm. by the ministry of health, our doctors, this is 28 kg, in general, if you look based on world experience, that is, the scandinavian countries, where the level of consumption there is somewhere around 70 kg per person, there are asian countries where it exceeds even these parameters, it is probably not very correct to draw direct parallels, but there is an indirect relationship with the average duration life, since fish is a carrier of a unique animal... protein with unique amino acids, vitamins, useful
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components that cannot be replaced by any other product, and of course, our strategy should be aimed at including increasing domestic consumption, and what experts suggested, the food security doctrine is the most important document that generally determines the development strategy, which industry should be supported, where subsidies for transport should appear, so experts suggest and... revise it so that we can subsidize transportation so that we can create a storage infrastructure in the regions, this topic has been raised more than once in the federation council, that the availability of fish products in russia is not in all regions, and sometimes its cost varies three to five times depending on the season and the ability to store it; committee members are inclined to believe that it is important to support such a proposal in order to formulate a new strategy altogether. to speak in more detail regarding legislative initiatives, are there any proposals today that provide for
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additional support for fishing enterprises fishing in remote areas of the world's oceans, well , in addition to logistics, this is precisely what concerns legislation, many experts agreed the fact that we have already built a high-quality legislative framework, today we are no longer talking about legislative initiatives, although they also exist, it is still more about support measures, for example, subsidies. the cost of fuel for distant areas of lova, well, in general , today we draw attention to the fact that during the putin period, just as during the sowing period, there was no sudden increase in prices for fuels and lubricants, because this seriously affects the cost of production, well, finally prices for our consumers, in general there was a strategy development of the fishing industry, then it grew into and became a strategy for the development of the agro-industrial complex, it... representatives
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of the federal fisheries agency say that it is time to update this strategy, but according to our estimates, it should be updated in the direction of expansion into world markets, because today there is good demand for domestic fish products, we understand that partners and friendly countries are ready to purchase in larger volumes, a larger fleet means a larger amount of infrastructure that is needed for its production, today, it seems to me, the task is to generate support so that we begin to capture world markets. because our products are in demand, this will not only allow us to fulfill plans and receive export earnings, foreign currency, it will save life in many fishing areas, today there is a problem with this, because the infrastructure in these areas is lagging behind, both social and transport, and we see that in
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a number of regions there are problems, for example, with labor, and here it is very important that the regions that create this... then added value, who pay taxes, felt the support of the state, but the president in his message to the federal assembly indicated that it is necessary to take into account the interests of the regions to a greater extent when distributing taxes between the elections from fisheries between the federal and regional budgets, this is what is being done in this direction, what is the balance now? the instructions were formulated very clearly, and i will say that the regions supported it very much, because residents...
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support more, so that more funds returned, and today we are already discussing with the federal fisheries agency, with the ministry of agriculture , mechanisms that will allow us to objectively bring these funds to the regions, so that i say again, justice is restored in a certain sense, experts tell us about this, we see what results they are achieving fishermen, and at the same time we see that the infrastructure of the regions is becoming quite serious, there is a right gap, but here it is precisely the president’s order that will allow us to speed up this work already this year to develop such support measures, moreover, quite recently, a law was adopted, again aimed at developing the fishing industry, it was initiated by the federation council, when bona fide tenants of fishing areas automatically
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extend fishing areas after paying rent, this is world practice, this creates a good investment climate, fishermen begin... not they are afraid to invest in coastal infrastructure, because if the contract with them is broken, this infrastructure will become unclaimed, therefore the legislative framework has been developed, the instructions given president’s plans are extremely relevant today and are supported by the regions, so our task is to implement them correctly and accurately in the near future. and one more region i would like to discuss, how fishing is developing in the azov-black sea basin, which ones? challenges facing utroslit. today the sea of ​​azov has become our inland sea, and today the task is to prepare an action plan for the development of fishing there. unfortunately, the condition of the enterprises is extremely poor, and we see how the ukrainian authorities treated this fishery and, in general, how this region was treated.
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our task today is to form. exact plan, to determine what forms of aquaculture can be effective, we hear such a request from our new in the united regions, and such an initiative was voiced from the senators at the plenary meeting, and after the plan is developed, we will consider it, approve it and together with the regions, we will naturally implement it, and we already see that there are a number of investors who are ready to come to new territories and develop this potential, so here we have... even more work to do, but this will allow us to integrate our connected territories into the larger economic model of the russian federation much faster. just a short ad now, we'll be back soon, stay tuned. at bigfest, chicken prime
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promised, today we are preparing pilaf, hey-hey, the oil is not in the first place, oh, we need to transfer money home, by the way, it’s better to transfer from ttb online, it’s faster and more convenient, thank you for teaching, this is someone else who taught whom, vtb, together everything will work out. meet new limited designs of sbercards and stickers, apply on the website or in the sberbank online application , enjoy them every day, it’s easy space, if you are a creative, ambitious, young professional who is ready to do ... your path to the pinnacle of excellence. the very
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essence of this attack was to gain a foothold in this village, there is a meat grinder, a very tough offensive is underway. fear is always present, i decided for myself that it’s better this way. he made the decision that we needed to go there to pick up the guys from there, it was a miracle, but it’s true that nothing hurt us, there are absolutely no accidents in war.
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half of the detachment has never served in the army, when they learn the spirit from it turns out there are simply an incredibly large number of them, we understand that their condition does not allow them to return, but they say: no, everything is fine with me, can i go back to my comrades, what kind of enemy is it now, who was there, the poles ? we’ve been there, we’ve heard germans, we’ve heard americans, the sky is like this, and we’re walking in the open, somewhere nearby, the risks of dying are very high, of course, it’s always in the head, you can’t get rid of it, the hardest, most terrible job is for an infantryman . in the summer of 2021 at the gate of a businessman's house alexander the red, an excited crowd appeared. young people bombarded
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the businessman's plot.
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now the light has appeared at the end of the tunnel, thank you very much again for your work, this tunnel is not the longest on bam, only 1,800 m, but they started to break through it in the duseolinsky ridge already in 1939, it was all in full swing, you know, all this was exciting, bam continues to develop further, and we have already talked about the third stage, with such a volume to go out, how much money to spend, the economy has turned to the east and... to the detriment of our enemies, we are achieving high successes; there have never been such precedents in the history of russian transport construction. the construction of the baikal sea mainline is not only about rails, the problem is that people should be there, live, provide services, that’s the task.
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this is the senate program, see below. relocation from dilapidated emergency housing. how to solve the problem when people themselves do not want to move, in which regions this issue is still acute. we see these barracks of dilapidated emergency housing, it’s simply impossible. nowadays look at them, and moreover, allowing our citizens to live there, reform of control and supervisory activities and a risk-oriented approach, implementation of the president’s instructions, what benefit will people get from this? the desire to operate a business in a clean, clean manner is precisely the guarantee that people will receive good services. club of friends of russia, the principles of eternal peace of immanuel kant, are they relevant today in the year of the famous
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philosopher’s tercentenary? our goal is not to complicate things. someone’s life, but to promote the values, the goals that we set for ourselves, and they unifying nature. it is necessary to develop a systematic program for the comprehensive socio-economic development of the komi republic, valentina matvienko stated. she drew attention to the lack of modern perinatal centers in the region, whose days were spent in the federation council, and the shortage of health workers. also, the chairman of the federation council called on the regional authorities to substantively examine and resolve the issue of closing schools. for 8 years, their number has noticeably decreased, while she noted that in koma much attention is paid to the development social sphere, salaries for teachers and medical workers are increased, support is provided to large families, new housing is being built, at the same time , the problem of numerous dilapidated housing where people are only registered, and only a few people who do not want to move permanently live there, we need to work on this diagram, because what we see are these barracks
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of dilapidated... housing, well, it’s simply impossible in our time to look at them, much less allow our citizens to live there, at the same time we need to build more, only 0, if i’m not mistaken, 0.3 km per inhabitant, this is one of the lowest indicators, the northern conditions are understandable, and of the total volume of housing under construction, more than half is individual construction, this is not the efforts of the authorities .
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residents of komi on social networks.


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