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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  April 20, 2024 5:30am-6:00am MSK

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together with experts, we are discussing how we can develop the russia of the future in the next 40 years. see you in the future. investment rating, economics. through concrete stories, we can reach people. we often talk about money, the amounts are serious. in russia there is a clear and clear signal.
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hello, the legal program is being broadcast live by the duty department. in the studio alexander ostakhov. the koptevsky court of moscow arrested the alleged organizer of a criminal group that settled foreign citizens in apartments whose owners passed away. the person involved in this case and the visitor himself, according to the investigation, thus provided illegal services to his own compatriots. of course, it's not free. at the request of investigators from the capital's investigative department. committee arrested accused of organizing illegal migration in the north of moscow. investigators, together with operational services, carry out the necessary investigative actions and investigative measures aimed at identifying all participants in the organized criminal group. according to some sources, the accused himself more than once violated immigration laws and was repeatedly expelled from russia. in the near future , shahin abbasov, who could have killed mototsi, will be brought to moscow to select a preventive measure.
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accompanied by two special forces soldiers , shahin abbasov, in an unusual position for himself , heads for the first conversation with the investigator. fsb police officers detained him in rostovskaya. his two accomplices are the brothers of the probable killer, they are also frightened, but more accommodating, though they are clearly trying to feign bewilderment, why are they being detained? i don’t know who we came here with, your brother, here we are... three
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relatives were detained on the road, they were racing away from the capital in this black, heavily tinted grant boat. police officers, together with our colleagues from the fsb of russia, detained in the village of kazanskaya, verkhnedonsky district of the rostov region, a suspect in the murder of a young man in the moskovsky district of lyubliano. the operation to capture the main suspect and his accomplices lasted 2 days. they, say the security forces, had little, and these footage captured the beginning of a terrible story, which broke, it turns out, several lives at once. just a few minutes ago, the unconscious man was in the arms of this girl in perfect health, leaving the entrance of his bride, twenty-four-year-old kirill made a remark to the driver of the car parked at the entrance, in response, the owner of a white foreign car, he was twenty-one-year-old shahin abasov, stabbed the motorcyclist with a knife , after that the probable murderer and his friends in...
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as a result, the alleged murderer was unable to escape, and the criminal case, the main defendant which became a twenty-one-year-old man thundered throughout the country, the resonance was so wide that the head of the investigative committee of russia, alexander bastrykin, will personally control his investigation. the chairman of the investigative committee of russia instructed to transfer the criminal case of murder in moscow to the main investigation department for the most complete and objective investigation. operational since the murder. the work did not stop for
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a second; the day before, the suspect’s father, uncle and friend were detained; they could help relative to hide. tonight , searches were carried out in the abasovs’ apartment to gain access to the premises. open the door, there is still a persistent smell of burning, the apartment is currently sealed. during a search in the father’s apartment, where the probable killer also lived, a large amount of cash was found, 44 million rubles and 300,000 us dollars. on friday morning , repeated searches took place here, during which money was seized. to carry them away, the security forces needed a large bag. according to some according to media reports, the man could not explain the origin of such large sums, but it is known that his father and older brother were involved. shoes, for the latter, according to some media reports, a store is registered on a large marketplace, the annual turnover of which is about 15 million rubles, which is clearly not enough to explain the millions found at home, the suspects and his brother drove premium foreign cars, the apartment itself, bought with a mortgage, raises the question, where did it come from?
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the officially unemployed head of the family has living space in the capital, unfortunately by chance, the suspect’s apartment is located several floors higher in the same entrance where the deceased kirillov lived. together with his girlfriend. the arrest of the probable killer took place with the coordinating role of the moscow prosecutor's office. the prosecutor's office coordinates the work of law enforcement agencies to establish all the circumstances of the crime committed, the causes and conditions conducive to it, and also controls the identification of the ownership of a large amount of money seized in the apartment of the suspected source of it receipt. in addition, it is necessary to check information about possible violations committed. upon receipt of citizenship and permits . as part of the preliminary investigation, the actions of the accomplices were reclassified as murder by a completely group of people out of hooligan motives. in the near future, the court, with the participation of the prosecutor, will consider the issue of choosing a preventive measure for the suspect. fedor eliseev, dmitry shestukhin, vasily yurchuk, dmitry tikhonovich and
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dmitry timofeev. news: duty department. people about the legal news of their region or region find out thanks to the work of local journalists. program "vesti dezhirnaya part". published in many regions of the country. my colleague anton sorokin will tell you what topics interested our colleagues in the oryol region. hello, alexander, my colleagues and i have been closely following the events in the region all week and this is what we will tell you about. they are looking for fake two-thousand-dollar bills throughout the oryol region. he came to pay, but it was fake. the scammers even wanted to buy an apartment for the pieces of paper, as operatives detect fakes. chief detained penal colony. he turned the convicts into farmers, put six people on combine harvesters and forced them to work in the fields, and far from being in the interests of his institution. this man asked me to send information about military installations. the front is nearby, one traitor wrote poems about bad russia, the second directly collaborated with
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the armed forces of ukraine. in the oryol region, security forces are fighting collaborators. about these and other news in the final episode of the program vesti detachny eagle. colleagues. thank you, it was my colleague anton sorokin from the oryol region, and we continue our release. on novorizhskoye highway, an inappropriate driver gave chase to an suv in which a family with small children was traveling. the aggressor threatened to kill strangers and rammed their car six times. for some reason, the police allegedly did not immediately detain the rowdy, but they drew up a report on the injured woman. now she faces administrative liability. vitaly karmazin understood the situation. i'm filming. this footage shows the beginning of a terrible conflict, two families with three children stopped on the side of the road highway, to feed one of the babies, a volkswagen drove into them from behind, driven by this driver in a black sleeveless vest, his pupils were quite large, he shouted that he was drunk, the man said: calm down, please, i said, i have
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small children in car, i say, they are all crying, to which he told me, now my friends will come, i say, i will bury everyone, i say, i will kill you and your children, then he...
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health, possibly attempted murder, he saw that in there are young children in the car, the cars also hit an accidental speedster, and then the reckless driver disappeared, it turned out not far, he fell into a spa. and how can you explain, you crashed into a car several times, you almost overturned it, alexander gennadievich, that’s
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what could have been done right away, they do it 4 days later, now it’s not clear how to find out the presence of intoxication, the police identified the offender, it turned out to be him a forty-two-year-old resident of the kaluga region, police officers are currently conducting an investigation, police officers are taking measures aimed at arresting offender, supervision of the progress and... egor vorobyov and artemy antonov, lead the duty department. this saturday at 18:15 do not miss the final episode of our program. here are its main themes. lost in the fight against corruption. in bryansk, investigators seized the property of the former deputy head of the city department of the ministry of internal affairs, what wealth the colonel
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acquired through overwork, demolished the house previously bought by his family, completely rebuilt it and began to live in it with his family. we studied the luxurious interiors of the police decoration and were surprised where such a villa came from. a fighter against economic crimes, but such a restrained classic, without excessive gilding. this innovation, that an influential colonel could extort from whom, is it true that he was friends with the leader of a criminal group, and how does he explain the origin of the wealth of the officer-spouse, the money that was earned? from bryansk, andrey's report: the bitter orphan's share of the parliamentary will in the krasnoyarsk territory is gaining momentum, a scandal related to housing for graduates of orphanages, at first they were settled in an emergency home...
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i’m leaving the relationship with just a complete feeling of gratitude, love, at last the wealth of hundreds
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of millions, a mansion apartment, and also elite lamborghini and bentley, given by artyomshchik to his beloved wife, but why the audience shouts, i don’t believe them, are they really suspected of another scam, people want to protect themselves with a divorce , there is a marital share that can be taken out from under arrests there, we visited the bloggers’ castle, where they held their marathons, where the security forces came to search the house, what strange things are happening in the estate, and what is this a divorce of loving spouses or a divorce of a gullible public, alina skachkova found out. a high-profile case of the rape and murder of a sixteen-year-old girl has ended in krasnoyarsk. her body was discovered in the summer of 2022 in a park in zheleznogorsk. to find the criminal, investigators collected and studied the dna of more than 10 thousand men. and finally, a coincidence was discovered. the suspect then became a cadet at the academy of the ministry of emergency situations. he
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was detained right during class. he listened to the verdict with a smile on his face. olga zhurenkova, more details. the spacious hall of the krasnoyarsk regional court can barely accommodate all the journalists present. the increased media attention to this high-profile case is understandable. the verdicts are announced for the probable killer of a sixteen-year-old schoolgirl from zheleznogorsk. the process itself took place behind closed doors. this is what the law requires. featured in the materials. court on the night of july 31, 2022, he attacked a schoolgirl. the victim's death occurred at the scene as a result of mechanical asphyxia. the accused threw the girl's mobile phone and numbers into lake, i took my passport, my handbag and kept it at my place of residence. sixteen-year-old masha disappeared after a city holiday in the closed city of zheleznogorsk, 50 km from krasnoyarsk. for three days, her
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relatives and police volunteers searched for her. they combed city courtyards and parks, and divers checked the river bottom. they thought she might have drowned. the teachers of the school where she studied until the very end believed that masha was alive. it doesn’t hurt so much, but for no one, but for children. and they really hoped until the last, because she was very sociable, sociable. the schoolgirl’s body was found in a city cultural park on the shore of a lake, covered with earth and covered with branches. the killer was searched for almost 9 months. the police were ready to pay.
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tells how he dealt with a schoolgirl: you took the stone, further, further, how many blows? from two to five, where the blow was struck, during the investigation of the criminal case it turned out that this incident could hardly be called an accident, the investigation established that evgeny aniseforov had previously committed attempted attack, on the beach he hit a nineteen-year-old girl on the head with a stone, she was able to escape, during the preliminary investigation there was...
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something happened, they look at me with such eyes, they say, this cannot happen, a man who killed an uninvited guest or a hero , who saved his family, we took up this matter and carried out our investigation, the train is one way, as the weather gets warmer, there are more and more passengers who prefer to ride not inside, but outside the carriages, the so-called catchers are not even stopped the fact that every year dozens of extreme sports enthusiasts receive a fatal electric shock or die under the wheels of electric vehicles. my colleague daniil quickly introduced his agent into the community of such teenagers, revealed their plans, and then caught them by the hand. the police helped him with this. there was also a chase, watch it now. man-made lightning on the roof of electric trains, spectacular, but deadly. this is how crazy hookers, teenagers, and even adults, who
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ride trains, trams, subways and buses for the sake of extreme sensations, have fun these days, not inside outside. all this looks, to put it mildly, unsafe, but this does not stop the young sarvigols. the direction of moscow commuter trains are the favorite routes of young extreme sports enthusiasts. to see what their community looks like from the inside, we sent our agent under the pseudonym x to one of the hookup meetings. of course, our informant did not risk his life, but he saw a lot of interesting things. this is how these citizens usually board trains, all this in front of dozens of passengers. and these are the stories they tell. so on the day of the meeting , the police caught extreme people in the designated direction, law enforcement generally pays special attention to this category of citizens, this is how raids usually take place, teenagers clinging to electric trains
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are punished at the station, the contingent is motley, this young man, for example, was riding in a cadet uniform, please, don’t, you can, you can, don’t, don’t, please, you can, you can, now at the police department, we’ll talk there, and already at the police department the teenagers were caught along with the police are waiting for their parents, because until the age of 18 they are responsible for their unreasonable chat, hunting for... catchers have a difficult task, until they climbed onto the train, there are no violations, which means there is nothing to detain for, but the police are also not born with bast, so that you come across people who like to have a blast on a regular basis, so the train leaves, but they didn’t manage to get away with a hook, how did they ride, gentlemen, these hookers are also taken to the police department, this is not the first time for one of the extreme sports enthusiasts. do your parents know what you do, gentlemen? knows, and what are yours the parents think about this, i’m already a moron, that i’m a moron, and do you agree with them or not, well
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, there is such a thing, yes, the teenagers admitted that they do it for the thrill, but the meeting with the police curbed their ardor, let’s go with you, you’re more no way, let's not say, i don't skate anymore, you don't skate anymore? that i didn’t even think about it, yes mish, but nothing affected, you’ll come back when the belt, for me, i would really like, so
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the police are trying for the sake of the catchers themselves, because the goal of such raids is to preserve life, despite the severity of this problems, our employees successfully cope with the assigned tasks , engage in prevention on a regular basis, including in educational institutions, schools, technical colleges, and universities, but the police cannot save violators around the clock, we can only hope for the common sense of the latter: electric trains have long become commonplace part of our life, they, so to speak, have become familiar to the average person, but we should not forget that an electric train is a complex technical system, games with it can end sadly. best of all are those who expose themselves to danger the drivers understand that the contact network on the roof does not leave the violator a chance to live in the event of an emergency, so the railway workers are worried, for extreme sports enthusiasts more... themselves, a feeling of concern for this person, you don’t want to fatally injure him or bring him any injuries that he will have for the rest of his life, so we are trying to take all prompt
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measures to ensure that the person remains alive. unfortunately, it’s not possible to stop everyone; one of the recent cases was at the varshavskaya station, where an extreme sportsman died from an electric shock, he was riding on roof, and railway workers and police officers ask citizens to immediately report snags to law enforcement officers. the violators themselves should remember that in such rides life is often at stake. and you can't win the race. daniil sukharuchko, vitaly melkov, daniil korsykov, vladimir shabalin, anton senchenko, konstantin shulerenko, lead. duty department. the entire operational feed of legal news in telegram channels is maintained by the duty department of an honest detective. subscribe. and our release is now complete. alexander ostakhov was in the studio. see you.
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the united states and the west initially set the task of tearing the ukrainian people away from the russian people. the lord is wonderful among his saints. let's see what will happen next.
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where are you from from the eleventh b, hello, and i’m from the eleventh b, we are also from the eleventh b, eleventh b, in the eleventh b, i only need one boy, here he is, i had to make this way to watch this good film, you why are you so lucky, i really liked it, beautiful actors, young, beautiful filming, exciting, all these were all these emotions, it was very cool, this was the first film, this is a cow, i was right there. and the humor is good, i need to get to school 7:33, my nephew is there at night, but they haven’t done this before, wait, hey, it was funny, yes, the rating is like this, very cool, if you have any questions, ask , how could i even end up here, what a meeting, sometimes i want to cry, sometimes i want to laugh, super, oh, this is the situation, yes, this is the situation, we will meet in the future, 100 years ago.
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forward, the very essence of this attack was to gain a foothold in this village, there is a meat grinder, there is very tough attack. “fear, it’s always present, i decided for myself that it’s better like this, he decided that we need to go there and get the guys out of there, it was a miracle, but it’s true that it didn’t hurt anything, there are absolutely no accidents in war” .
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lime war correspondent semyon eremin died in the northern military district zone. he was mortally wounded in the zaporozhye region near the village of priyutnoye. a ukrainian armed forces drone dropped ammunition on him. colleagues organized a spontaneous memorial at the journalist’s workplace in the editorial office. near the monitor, a photograph, a microphone and flowers. izvestia general director vladimir tyulin noted.
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quote: he was a fighter until the last minute, he did much more than just a journalist, he helped the front, together with the military, he fought with the enemy, he died doing his job, which he sincerely loved. 2 days ago, in his last report, eremin told how the military is trained to fight drones. the military correspondent covered the progress of the special military operation from its very beginning. he worked in marinka, in mariupol, and visited the azov steel plant. he was one of the first to transmit reports from volnovakha in march of twenty-two. in the un spoke out against the killing of journalists and stressed that each such case must be thoroughly investigated.


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