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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  April 20, 2024 1:30pm-2:01pm MSK

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we need to start building yesterday, as they say, when in 2 years the duseolinsky tunnel is finally commissioned, up to 50 trains per day will be able to pass through this section in different directions instead of twenty. the new tunnel will be built according to absolutely new standards, it will be completely waterproofed, and there will be no problems with concrete destruction. from water, from groundwater, here, it is larger in size and there will still be a velvet path, the path will be very soft, there will be no vibrations, everything will lie on rubber mats. the old trunk that it is constantly flooded with groundwater and will undergo major reconstruction. this tunnel is not the longest on bama, only 1,800 m, but they began to dig it in the duseolinsky ridge back in 1939, when for the first time...
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the construction of the baikal-amur highway began in our country. and the design of the railway began in 1932 under the management and control of the ogpu, and then the nkvd. before survey work, a special corps of railway troops was formed. it was commanded by the famous latvian shooter jan laces. on the photographs show how a survey expedition descends the river.
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from where frenkel returns ahead of schedule and becomes the head of the department of the baikal-amur forced labor camp bamlaga. trains with thousands of prisoners are sent to the railway. what for? let them earn it themselves. and he came up with a whole system, which means that, let’s say, who drove cars, who, let’s say, drove 50 cars, he got a double portion, they gave you 10 years, yes, every day you exceed the norm, every day they remove you from what to sit less, from the western portal, the ridge was cut through by female brigades, from the eastern by male brigades, the prisoners worked in unbearable conditions, and with a shovel with
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primitive measuring instruments, while when the oncoming tunnels broke down, the deviation from the axis was no more than 20 cm, but at the beginning of the war the work was stopped, the rails were dismantled and sent to stalingrad for the construction of a road along the volga to supply the city. these rails that i hold in my hands were removed from a pre-war bam. and went to lay the stalingrad rockade at forty third year. an interesting detail: in construction they used rails from all times, even in the eighties they came across pre-revolutionary ones from demidov factories. when we were joining and needed to be sawed off, here you see the cut, and sometimes we cut it with a rail breaker; military railway workers have such a special device. so canadian rails,
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japanese rails could be cut with two shots, and demidov rail could be cut with almost four shots, this is the quality of the steel. at the end of the forties, work on veseyalinsk the tunnel was reopened then. on the rise after the great victory, they even began construction of an underground passage to sakhalin, but after stalin, the baikal-amur mainline was abandoned again, and the dusialinsky tunnel was covered with ice. by the beginning of the seventies , the soviet government already had a clear understanding of what you needed to complete.
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the baikal-amur mainline will cut through the centuries-old taiga, pass where enormous riches lie, which must be put to the service of the homeland, because in fact... the connection with the far east was only through the transip, the transport route passed almost along the border with china; at that time there was some aggravation of relations between the soviet union and china, and of course, strategic tasks were required to move this transport route 400 km away from the border. bam truly became the construction site of the century. this was the most expensive infrastructure project.
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coal, metallurgical, petrochemical and so on and so on, unfortunately, these 11 complexes have not yet been created, the only thing that they managed to do was, firstly, coal, they started with nereningri, where it was precisely the coal mine that was built. we built a processing plant, by the way, with the help of this coal we were able to pay off with japan and germany for the equipment supplied for the construction of the baikal sea mainline at that time, and of course the timber processing complex was partially created, and those
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german dump trucks can still be found on the bama , when the bam ended, they cut a lot of them, a lot. well, we thought it was all over, no, not the end, i found, i found this car in irkutsk, it’s a little poor there was, but i saw potential in it, so i revived it, restored it, and bam, as it turned out, did not end, it continues to be built, and the old mogirus is back in business, helping sergei anisovich earn a living, as his father once did, fell in love i haven’t had this car for 9 years yet, 9 years, this is the first magirusa came to brassk, papani, papani got a new car, here’s the magirusa, well , i started collecting fuel oil from garages, that is, just like that, love was instilled in me for him , since then i have not been separated from them, throughout this entire time, for 50 years bam will be today, this is a car, a lifesaver,
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they played weddings on them, drove them for all occasions , so to speak. moscow, kremlin palace of congresses. in april 1974, at the 17th congress of the all-union leninist young communist league, bam was declared an all-union shock komsomol construction site. they say that brezhnev said that the prisoners would not build this road. the party said: it is necessary, the komsomol answered: there is. delegate gray-haired, native party, government, lenin. komsomol, my comrades, seeing me off to the congress, punished me, we ask you to send us all to the baikal-amur mainline, straight from the congress
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komsomol members went to the yaroslavl station and went by train to the impenetrable taiga. "the siberian land welcomes the envoys of the seventeenth congress of the komsomol, the first all-union shock komsomol detachment of the builders of the baikal-amur mainline. the komsomol members built the western section of bam to tynda, and the eastern section from tynda to komsomolsk on the amur was built by railway troops. an important event was noted on the eastern section.
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restoration of the dusialinsky the tunnel was assigned to a special battalion; the ice was melted by jet engines. we tried it, it went very well, it quickly began to melt, but the high temperature began to burst the tubes inside, the whole thing was canceled, they began to hollow it out manually, well , within a year they cleaned it all, hollowed it out, the water drained out of there, it was all gone, the restoration of the tunnel turned out to be a simple matter, because... merslota made the approaches to it extremely difficult. it was here
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that the railroad warriors showed great perseverance, courage, and ingenuity. unfortunately, the railway soldiers are offended that they are not remembered as often as the komsomol members detachments that left the kremlin, directly by train, from here at the yaroslavl station, to build this road. former minister of transport igor levitin, at that time an officer of the railway troops and military commandant of the urgal section, spent 3 years on bama, all the young people arrived and a school was built, there were a lot of children who went to first grade, so they immediately had eight first grades, and my daughter went to first grade right there at school, but there were no flowers, well, how do you have to go to school, so there was a colored one the paper is there. the guys cut out flowers, we all dug into the frosty ground with shovels and
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warmed ourselves from the cold with shaggy fires, the road is iron, the branches stretch, those who are weak will not stand it, those who are strong will remain. 10 people in a room, in newly built cultural centers, sometimes there weren’t even toilets yet. gennady khazanov
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still tells one story about leshchenko from the stage, he went up to the bucket, sat down, at that time he jumped out, which means some woman, shame on you, what are you doing, this bucket is for magomayev, igena on mine fiftieth anniversary, brought, brought, it means this is a golden bucket. giving 40 concerts in such conditions as a backstage worker, in addition to the fact that we , of course, made money on the bama, this is also a moment of such, well, good, real enthusiasm, which then... we all had in our younger years, well, after all , you know, siberia, to go and see these
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extraordinary expanses, to see how the guys lay rails, sleepers there and so on, it’s very exciting, it was all seething, you know, all of it was exciting, all of it caused some very such bright and bright feelings, the road goes into the distance, our first step, my grandfather left to build the baikal-amur highway, my mother came on vacation when she
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was 17 years old, met my father, my father left to build, so bam, so i was born there , growing up, absorbed this culture, so to speak, the atmosphere of romance, the atmosphere, absolutely true, volunteers came to build the bam even from the countries of the socialist camp, the poles from shecin in tajur opened a cafe in the tent and invited everyone for tea. but most of all, of course, there were messengers soviet republics. these guys are from ukraine, some from the black sea, some from the carpathians, now they will have a new registration. vulcan station, if someone is having a ukrainian wedding, the crowd is dancing ukrainian songs, kapaka, a fool is going on, also moldovans, moldovans are getting married, moldovans, szhok there it’s all the same, no one cared who you are there, who you’re with, i have a chechen friend, he’s marrying
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a lithuanian, a belarusian is marrying an estonian, it’s all somehow - and it united people, united people, and made it possible to somehow do this, one thing, one big thing, it’s a big deal, the construction of the stations was divided between the union republics, for example, georgia patronized it, armenia patronized tayura, we played on these feelings, this is such competition with...
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such a special stone, this is their distinctive feature, which means, i see, it’s catching up, and so that’s about how we managed to provoke them, they competed with each other, well, there really was patriotism, there really was internationalism, there are 300 of them, representatives of different republics, today they are registered with the komsomol, distributed among brigades, wayan was built by the lithuanians, techera was built by the estonians. chara was built by the kazakhs, urgal was built by ukraine, the foundation of each village was built, the builders did not lay concrete structures, cement or sand, they laid a great desire to do something good for their native
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country, they laid the foundation of each bamov village. their love, their traditions, their architectural solutions, so this wonderful new nationality in russia was organized, which still exists, it is called bamovets, the days began and months of frantic work, for everyone, but above all for the teams of bondar and varshavsky, their work crowned the common cause, bam for the legendary foreman ivan varshavsky more...
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i cook, well, i set the table, i cook myself, i meet people, my friends are here , my wife is buried here, my daughter is buried here, my son is in khabarovsk, how can i leave, it was his brigade in september 1984 that met at the balbukhta junction with the komsomol brigade...
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they threw us behind the code, we walked to snezhnoye, one stage, and to syulban, two stages, that's 40 km, approximately 40 km. as was customary in soviet times, the assembly was being prepared for the anniversary of the october revolution, varshavsky’s brigade
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accomplished the impossible, by the end of september he and alexander bonder were already discussing who would lay the last golden link, they decided to do it together, this link must be collective, to sum it up , to emphasize all this is competitive. and then they drank bam’s signature cocktail straight from the construction helmets, northern lights, i jump on the table, take off the kazka,
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vodka, bottle, vodka, bottle of champagne in a helmet, and what about a glass, well, 10, and there are hundreds of people there, a tradition has gone, three have gone, now even i have a helmet for my birthday, i put on a helmet, and varshavsky, and bonder and several other bam members received gold stars, heroes for the golden link socialist labor. that 's it, the canvas has closed. i don’t know where our team will work, where i will work, maybe i won’t work as a foreman anymore. although i would like to, such construction will no longer happen. alexander, too, like his rival
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in socialist competition, ivan warsaw remained forever with his railway. sasha took off, and his last words were to be cremated and the ashes scattered. but when the orchestra splashes with thunder, you will understand
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that in the showers of dust, you and i completely walked the best road in our lives, how many people like bondar gave all their strength and health to the construction of this road, how many died during... with many i personally knew the dead guys, during the construction , 56 people died, 56 miners, from lisars, installers, i now want to film in memory of them, who died in the kingdom of heaven. but this mountain, this giant, it was conquered, although the guys gave their lives, but still the tunnel was built, this
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railway tunnel is the longest in russia, 15 km in the severomuya ridge took almost 26 years in the most difficult conditions. internet resources claim that 30 people died immediately, but the builders themselves deny this. landfall in the angarakan depression, where it was partially damaged or died.
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kazhemyakin’s brigade, tunnel detachment 18. yes, such a case happened, but four people died due to mudflow from the transport-drainage adit when excavating it using the drill-and-blast method. water, yes, then for six months it flowed there like a river, underground water, this fault, sand, stones, water, threw it out, well, there was a large brigade, 12 people, half managed to escape. we run away, and then we begin to believe that it was at that very moment that the ejection occurred, those who remained came back, saved me,
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a man pulled me out from under the rock. despite the hard, dangerous work, zhungirov never returned to his sunny azerbaijan, he got used to the frosts, and his heart became attached to the amazing baikal landscapes, which are now carefully transferred to canvas, there are tunnels around baikal, there is a tourist belt there , i often paint it, one life is not enough here, you have to paint and paint, there are such beautiful places.
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hello, i am boris sakimov, and i and we are
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the creators of the russia 2062 project of the headquarters of free thought. together with experts, we are discussing how we can develop the russia of the future in the next 40 years. see you in the future. investment rating, economics. through concrete stories, we can reach people. we often talk about money, serious amounts, there is a clear, clear signal in russia, is russian industry capable of replacing foreign suppliers, it is necessary to mobilize all resources, give me the recipe in general, here’s how to achieve what you have achieved, it seems to you that you are on top of the world, stood up , shook himself off and went, is russia ready to change ? evolution takes place in any structure.
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the severomushsky tunnel could only be built in 2003. it shortens the road through the angarakan pass by 50 km and saves the railway worker almost 2 hours. from to prevent outsiders from freezing, the tunnels are protected by special gates that open a few minutes before
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the train passes. in case of non-staff. deal gate situations


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