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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  April 21, 2024 4:00am-4:31am MSK

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the decision of congress to provide assistance to kiev will further enrich the united states, further ruin ukraine, and increase the number of dead ukrainians. the fault of the kiev regime, this is
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how the kremlin commented on the vote in the house of representatives, where congressmen on saturday approved the allocation of the final package to ukraine, a financial package of $61 billion, and the official representative of the russian foreign ministry maria zakharova emphasized that military assistance to the kiev regime is direct sponsorship of terrorist activities. regarding another scandalous decision congress on the transfer of frozen russian assets to ukraine, according to the press secretary. the united states voted on several packages, the first to vote was the package of confiscation of russian assets. followed by taiwan,
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then there was ukraine, after the voting on ukraine ended, there were shouts of jubilation in congress, republicans, half of them voted in favor, most of the democrats held flags in their hands, shouted the word ukraine, well, this was preceded by a rather tough debate today , it is clear that ukraine was in focus attention, it was funny to watch how the majority...
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of ukraine, so it is important for us to support the ukrainian people, this is a moment of choice, but the pro-putin confrontation that stopped the adoption of this law until this moment has jeopardized all progress, you can choose democracy or autocracy, freedom or tyrony, zelensky or putin, we can choose a democratic ally or a sworn enemy, that is, such a familiar division of the world into those who are with the united states and those who are against it. in this sense there is, of course, no party division here and there cannot be, republican hawks speak in absolutely the same vein, today they are all together one common party, the goal of which is to spend the gigantic military budget that was passed through congress by speaker mike johnson, who betrayed his principles , who betrayed his party guidelines, that’s how...
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with the help of some of his colleagues, an attempt to dismiss johnson, but this did not work out, because biden, the white house and the democratic party, in general, are here for johnson all american. stands and nevertheless the last attempt, so to speak, to prevent the adoption of this bill, meaning about ukraine, there were amendments from margie and taylor greene, she proposed to completely reset all this money, well, naturally , no one agreed to this, but she gave a very powerful moral rebuke to all those who continue to make money in the usa from the war, so let's listen to what she said. american taxpayers. they have already sent $113 billion to ukraine, most of this money has not been received. this is keeping sick business model that the american government is pursuing, it requires congress to continue to vote on the allocation of money, to continue to fund wars abroad, despite the fact that americans do not support this business model, built on blood,
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murder, wars in other countries, it is still the government does nothing to secure our own borders. if we use margerry taylor greene's metaphors, then... we are talking about business, then no one will wait for time, money, immediately after the vote in the house of representatives the bill will be sent to the senate, then for biden to sign, but the pentagon has already made it clear that they were preparing in advance for a positive outcome, the us department of defense, as they say, has already formed, as the washington post writes today, has formed the first package of military assistance to ukraine, there 155mm shells for howitzers, shells for ... medium -range artillery and - the necessary ammunition for air defense systems may enter, and if biden does not delay, the senate will not delay, and the chances here are minimal, then most likely, according to american military officials, the first bill, using
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the money already approved today, will go to ukraine, well, in the next couple of weeks. valentin bogdanov, ivan udkin, usa news. the investigative committee will identify everyone involved in the death of the military correspondent following the news of semyon eremin. as the department emphasized, this was a targeted attack. presidential press secretary dmitry peskov has already expressed condolences over the death of eremin. he noted that the armed forces of ukraine are deliberately making russian journalists as their targets. on april 19, let me remind you, semyon eremin was attacked by an enemy drone while he was filming a report. how his friends and colleagues remembered him in maria’s material. i hope that the norm will be the way out, this is the last thing that military correspondent semyon eremin wrote to his colleagues. on april 19, his film crew went to the position of a battalion of one of the combined arms armies of the southern military district in the area of ​​the village of shelter, zaporozhye region. on
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the way back, the journalists' transport was attacked by fpv drones. as a result of repeated reset shell from ukrainian armed forces drones, semyon was mortally wounded. he was with me 3 weeks later than our film crew, when we last saw him in moscow, it was the tenth of march, we were just sitting and discussing how to understand that there are enemy drones above you, what about you the artillery is preparing to work, in general, syoma always thought not
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one, not two, probably 10 steps ahead, and at the same time was always ready for any, even the most unexpected business trips, probably for any surprise at all, light. every trip to the line of military contact is a huge risk, and semyon understood this perfectly well, his colleagues say, but he still, in spite of everything, fulfilled his journalistic duty with honor and dignity, worked in different directions, talked about the capture of volnovakha about the battles for maryenka for azovstal. semyon yerem worked everywhere, he is a very experienced, professional person, he is a very kind man... a man, and a reporter is his calling, his desire to do everything possible for his homeland at his post. semyon eremin was born on february 25, 1982 year in the village of prikumskoye, stavropol territory.
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he graduated from school, entered a local university, and received a diploma in journalism and jurisprudence. he began his career as a correspondent in 2004 at gtr. since 2006, the stavropol region worked as a correspondent for channel 5 in moscow, crimea, sochi and stavropol. in may 2015, he went as a special correspondent to donbass and went on a business trip. a real man, a talented correspondent, a versatile creative personality, semyon
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eremin wrote music and poetry, and recently shot a video dedicated to the isvo participants. dugout there was a post-copper and machine-gun points, simple farming, onions, carrots and only dill they didn’t like, semyon eremin died at the hands of ukrainian militants, like our special one. correspondent boris maksudov, at the end of november last year, during a ukrainian armed forces drone strike in the zaporozhye region, he received shrapnel wounds from which he died. the kiev regime is constantly hunting for russian journalists, emphasizes maria zakharova. the russian foreign ministry demands from relevant international organizations and human rights structures an immediate and decisive conviction of another brutal murder. we regard this as purposeful. the murder of a journalist as another confirmation of the ugly terrorist nature of the zelensky regime, which has opened a real hunt for
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russian representatives, military officers, and public figures who, with their reports, comments, and publications , reveal the truth to the world community and present undeniable facts about the crimes of the militants of the kiev regime. the military correspondent was being watched, it was a targeted , targeted attack, everyone involved in the death will definitely be established, the investigative committee said in a statement. death of semyon eremin. will not remain punished, said vladimir tyulin, general director of mits-izvestia. the correspondent who died at the hands of the ukrainian nazis was left with a wife and a two-month-old daughter. maria valieva, ekaterina shevchenko and vladislava musatova. news. meanwhile, the belgorod region is again under attack from the ukrainian armed forces; in one day the enemy attacked the region’s territory with drones more than 20 times. two people died, including pregnant women. girl, two more were wounded, they are now in the regional clinical hospital, doctors
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provide them with all the necessary assistance, several houses from the shebekinsky district were damaged at once, reporting by alexander korbov. the new tavolzhanka village is located on this street; the restoration of housing destroyed due to previous attacks in usa has only recently been completed. a new attack on peaceful homes claimed several lives and ruined all this work. during the shelling, a young pregnant woman was on the street. girl, unfortunately, one of the mines fell in the immediate vicinity, the fragments scattered around, she received severely wounded, the doctors who arrived in time fought until the end for her life, but unfortunately, she died, as did her unborn baby. three more people were injured of varying degrees of severity; one of the victims had to be hospitalized; the rest were treated by doctors on the spot; the wounded will be treated at home. i ran into the garage and looked at what was going on here, it was white. the wall couldn’t be seen at all, it was white and gray, he jumped into the viewing hole, sat for, i don’t know how long,
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only after he got out the second one flew in. artillery mines fell in a dense residential area buildings, the enemy deliberately targeted the civilian population, the residents of the village counted at least four explosions. the metal fences in the area are all pierced with shrapnel, both at the level of human height and close to the ground, being behind them at the moment of shelling is not the best idea, of course, at the first loud sounds you need to look for stronger shelter, at least so that there are brick walls. over the past 2 years, everyone who lives in the belgorod border region has learned this axiom well. first you need to save your own life, and already then take care of the damaged property. is this not the only damage you have? no, of course, the facade, the roof, the windows, the fences. they themselves managed to take refuge somewhere, yes, they managed to reveal themselves with the child in the basement after the first arrival. that is, i. immediately the first loud sounds and into the basement, but there’s no other way with us. in novaya
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tavolzhanka , 12 residential buildings were damaged after a mine strike. on the same day , enemy drones attacked the villages of dronovka and poros. the latter killed two people. their house was completely burned down. alexander korobov, vyacheslav podzolkov, conduct the belgorod region. russian troops occupied more advantageous positions in two directions and improved the situation in two more. about it. reported to the ministry of defense. during the clashes , 14 enemy counterattacks were repelled. the most active combat operations were carried out by units of the southern group of forces. subdivision. troop groups improved the situation, inflicted fire damage on the troops and equipment of the armed forces of ukraine in the areas of the settlements of maksimilyanovka, stupochki, paroskovievka and kalinino, donetsk people's republic, three counterattacks were repelled west of the village of krasnaya, donetsk people's republic. enemy losses amounted to up to 610 military personnel, two armored combat vehicles, five vehicles, a 152-mm 100b howitzer,
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a 152-mm d-20 gun, an ammunition depot, and a station.
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if you are a creative, ambitious, young professional who is ready to prove that you are the best in the profession, then quickly take part in the national open championship of creative competencies. artmasters, your path to the pinnacle of mastery. at first, the first time we came in, it was scary, but then things became familiar. it was scary to come here, of course, you don’t know anything, it’s war. like around, when i hear that something has arrived somewhere in the winery, i start to panic, well, in kusbas we have mines everywhere, and that is, they are exploding coal, the sound is similar, well, the children perceive it too, like ours it was all, they call the decembrists, well , yes, the decembrists who moved here. flew
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into the area faster, exactly half of the squad in general people have never served in the army, when they learn the spirit, it turns out that there are simply an incredible number of them, we understand that their condition does not allow them to return, but they say: no, i’m fine, can i go back to my comrades, that for the enemy now in general, whoever had it, the poles were arriving, the germans were heard, the americans were heard, the sky is like this, and we are walking in the open, somewhere nearby. the risks of dying are very high, of course, it’s always in the head , you can’t get rid of it, it’s hard, the most terrible work infantryman, i have been waiting for you forever, i was in such a hurry to meet you, finally it
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has come, spring, warm, sunny, bright, the russian exhibition has blossomed with all the colors of spring, you have been waiting for spring, now spring is waiting for you, at the russia exhibition.
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here we have the launch point of the drone itself, this is from a previous profession, that’s exactly why we rose to the rank of junior lieutenant. mobilized in no way, he left the service so that you volunteer , that’s right, you signed a contract and that ’s it, but it’s not a shame that the rank is not i can’t bear it, no way, the most important thing is to defend my homeland, i’m ready, i’m ready. plus, we’re afraid, plus, attention,
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launch, dear, we haven’t seen each other since the fall, the change has been great, there is a change. colossal, now, if we stand still and do not develop, well, we will definitely lose in something, in a fire defeat, in some other issues, we are developing, the enemy is developing, the main thing here is to keep up and go forward somewhere, definitely half a step, one step. at the end of the twenty-second year i began to create a freelance drone cover group. at first
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, i equipped these groups with electronic guns and some means that were available at that time, this was still the end of the twenty-second year, suppression. now these groups also include smoothbore guns and multi-shot carbines. again , there are electronic guns, jammers, radar detectors, and this group, i created it in each division, we are constantly improving it now, many commanders, including artillery, and not only, they solve this problem, here they are, for example, gun crew or crew something that must fight, including drones, a gun, that’s all, but you have
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to understand, the gun commander, let’s say, he has a different task, he has a different task, his task is to fire, of course, this task is to cover himself becomes task number two for him, and he often sacrifices it at the expense of, well, he needs to complete the main one, it ’s kind of important for him. in order to preserve himself and his tools and his subordinates, but often people sacrifice this, so that they do not sacrifice, i uh made this decision, created these groups, this is the officer who was the first in the brigade to receive a state award for what? medal of the order for merit to the fatherland? second degree class, congratulations, here i have training, preparation of defense teams against fpv drones, they automatically sent me a laser pointer.
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table and he trains to hold the target, monitors it, also the leader tells him what is best, what is not holding, that he needs a machine gun, for example, to press harder, and that is, the task is just to keep the green dot on the point all the time bend your legs a little, well, we looked at it, let’s say, on the internet, yeah, that means it turns out to be training for bench stribe, yes, that is, even in general. without an aiming device, yes, well, the main thing is to practice the skill, the movement, how to hold a machine gun, the body is curious, it doesn’t make you feel sick, you don’t just really know, because i look, well, it’s monotonous somehow and it’s hard, i don’t see where she’s gone, but he in general, that is, you just need to just aim at him in general, but this is where it’s not a matter of
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aiming, just holding it. practice body movement in order to later, when you are accompanying the target, now wait, i’ll pump up, now i’ll understand, uh-huh, cool, those who saw how they fly nearby explode, then it’s psychologically difficult to hear this buzzing. it is necessary for people to get used to it and stop being afraid, to know that they can be easily fought, his task is to determine by the sound where he is flying, to at least try, well, try to aim the machine gun, the fighter is blindfolded, and he is obliged to determine the direction of approach by the sound ethereal aircraft comes at you from the ground, i hear, i hear, well...
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now there’s one there, there’s one there, yes, he’s coming at you in the field, that’s right, he’s gone, he’s afraid of you,
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he’s coming at you in the field. we have increased this matter, we have sound mockups so that they cannot distinguish, well, we have self-propelled systems, and i will say, i have one mockup, i won’t go into too much detail, because what is it and what, but its four times the enemy i was amazed, i repair it again and again, and now... four
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times, these are the highmars, and excalibur flew into it, and the babaiga worked, well, that is, he’s already done, i already do this sometimes this, the head of the engineering service, considers how much the investment has been recouped, and he is like that, he’s all i say, your task is to hit him, and that’s it, i’m already asart, we’ll get him ready now, we’ll get him ready now, touch colonel , half a day for us, give us half a day, i say, that’s it, come on. once you asked me how the fight is carried out, i said, well, a shotgun, now one of the moments has appeared, you also remember this idea was voiced about stand-up fighters, this is your idea, by the way, that’s what it is, i ’m talking seriously , without a grain of exaggeration, the exercise they perform is clear, it’s a little different, it’s not like skeet shooting, well, that is, it has its own nuances, that’s a plus...
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we change it in different ways, but...


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