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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  April 21, 2024 6:00am-6:30am MSK

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the decision of congress to order assistance to kiev will further enrich the united states, ruin ukraine, and increase the number of dead ukrainians. this is how the kremlin commented on the vote in the house of representatives, where congressmen approved the allocation of a financial package to kiev.
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the us and america will have to answer for their actions. both bills will not come into force immediately; they still have to be approved in the upper house of congress. a senate vote is scheduled for tuesday before the documents are sent to president joe biden for his signature. during saturday's hearing, the house. representatives
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also adopted bills to allocate $26 billion in aid to israel and another $8 billion in support for allies in the indo-pacific region. and alek komarova will tell you in detail how this vote took place. yellow and blue flags in the american congress and cheers . thus ended the meeting on the issue of allocating an unprecedented aid package to kiev. he is happy. congressmen succeeded in their tricks, approved the confiscation of russian assets and allocated a huge amount to kiev, but out of 61 billion dollars 23 will settle in the states so that the pentagon can replenish its own arsenals. now and today is our unique historical moment to show our high moral standards. the united states does not abandon its allies, we insist on freedom of human rights in democracy. however, after the bill is passed, things will heat up.
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regularly attacked by illegal immigrants, let mike johnson and his supporters prioritize. former pentagon adviser douglas mcgregor is confident that american money will not change the situation. military conflict on ukraine is virtually a foregone conclusion; further funding is meaningless. and american billionaire david sachs emphasized: the white house can print dollars, but it will not be able to print shells at the same speed, which the armed forces of ukraine are so in short supply of. however, in addition to money, the united states wants.
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send more supervisors to ukraine, the pentagon press secretary announced. we are currently considering sending several additional advisors to the american embassy in kiev. they will have to manage logistics to provide oversight of the weapons the us sends to ukraine. i note that these people will not participate in hostilities, but will advise and support the ukrainian government and armed forces. but europe is most happy about the approval of the bill. nato almost openly stated: thanks to washington’s supplies, it is possible to continue to use ukrainians as human shields, despite the fact that the authorities of the old world themselves are not yet ready for the american level of escalation. according to the washington post, europe has once again rejected a plan to confiscate profited from russian assets, and justified this by their reluctance to face moscow’s retaliatory measures. alika komarova, lead. palestine condemns us for new funding of israel. the official stated this. representative
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of president mahmoud abas. he emphasized that stability in palestine is the only path to stability in the region and throughout the world. in turn, israel expressed gratitude for the adopted bill by the prime minister. countries benjamin netanyahu said that by their actions the states are protecting western civilization. meanwhile, civilians israel is again demanding the immediate release of hostages from the gaza strip. thousands of demonstrators gathered in tel aviv near government buildings. protesters came out with flags and torches, holding photographs of hostages and banners with anti-government slogans. local clashes with police are reported. and in the regions.
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yes, tatyan, good morning, indeed, the river level in tabol, now in the kurgan area has not risen, for the last 10 hours, according to the gauging station at 4 am, the river level was 10 m 6 cm. currently being carried out now there are posts on duty in the area of ​​the dam, these are law enforcement officers, employees of the ministry of emergency situations and also volunteers, they are also inspecting the dam, preparing for possible flooding of this dam, strengthening some of its sections, i would also note that residents of the territory who are now at risk are again advised evacuate in advance, collect all the essentials and move temporarily to a temporary accommodation center. i would like to note that in the ketovsky district, near the village of sanatornaya, the water level is
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remains at around 11 m, in the ketov area it is above 10 m. water from kurgan is now flowing to the belozersky district, where about 18 settlements are under threat... of heating, now rescuers from the volga rescue center are on duty there, ready to provide all necessary assistance in case of arrival there is a lot of water, i will also note that the regional authorities are calling on residents to evacuate, this is a preventive measure, because the water can really rush out - suddenly, and people now need to quickly pack their things in order to move to a safe place. tatiana. margaret, thank you, our special correspondent, margarita semenyuk, spoke about the flood in the kurgan region. powerful explosions rocked the night before in ukraine. such messages came, in particular, from kharkov. in addition,
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at least two series of attacks are known in khersun, controlled by the kiev regime. an air raid alert in ukraine was announced in four regions, in dnepropetrovsk, kharkov, sumy and... after which assault groups entered the battle. the work of the fighters was corrected by drone operators. the stormtroopers were accompanied by a drone scout. as a result, it was possible to take the position of the nationalists and capture a group of ukrainian military personnel. literally maybe
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two kilometers before sunset , our comrades were already throwing grenades at us from the birds, and the cassettes began to arrive. after entering, we cleared the first trench and held it for a day. repelled two onslaughts of a counterattack, in general we successfully entered, looked, cleared a couple of dugouts, we were lucky, we silenced the senior lieutenant of the ukrainian armed forces, we tied him up, took him prisoner, unfortunately, his partner, who, according to words, was a captain, he ran away on his heels, leaving both the machine gun and his documents, two military helicopters crashed in japan, the country's minister of defense announced this, seven people went missing, they are being searched for with the help of patrol boats during a naval exercise. self-defense in the pacific ocean, contact was lost with one of the helicopters, a signal was received from the crew about an emergency situation. after that , the other side also disappeared from the radar. the defense department noted that the helicopters could have collided in the air. at the crash site, fragments of a blade and two flight recorders were found. managed
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to save one of the crew members, he fell into the water. the japanese ministry of defense is looking into the details of the incident. it is gaining momentum in the krasnoyarsk territory. a scandal related to housing for graduates of orphanages; in bryansk , the property of the former deputy head of the city department of the ministry of internal affairs was seized. about this and more after the advertisement in the final episode of the vesti program. duty department, try the sushi, try all the salads, try the soup, soup, everyone needs this, they need it, again it seems to me that my head is spinning, cashback from alpha in yandex food, get 20% cashback in yandex food when ordering with any alfabank card, and if...
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we're on duty, i'm with you, andrey ivlev, look now. lost in the fight against corruption. in bryansk, investigators seized the property of the former deputy head of the city department of the ministry of internal affairs, is it true that he was friends with the leader of a criminal group, and that the arrested colonel was prophesied by his wife, an astrologer. bitter orphan's share parliamentary will. they gave it to krasnoyarsk orphans. reminders on how to survive in rotten houses, dilapidated buildings built by a former people's
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representative, how it turned out that the millions of budget money spent on the construction of residential sheds were eaten by mold. we asked local officials about this. the mystery of the missing billionaire, solved? is it true that a german tycoon, declared dead, is actually alive and hiding in moscow, with a russian beauty and one of the world's largest money laundering schemes. scandal in the blogger family. the chkalin spouses, known as lerchik and artyomchik announced their separation and division of property. but why do the audience shout at them, i don’t believe it? divorce. loving spouses or divorce of a gullible public. investigators interrogated the defendants in a high-profile case of the murder of a motorcyclist in the southeast of the capital. twenty-one-year-old shahin abasov and two of his probable accomplices were taken to moscow on saturday to select a preventive measure. they hid for several days and
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were detained in the rostov region. the crime they are accused of was striking in its... four-year-old kirill was a professional cyclist and participated in military sports training camps. he is kind, simple, but he is cool in everything, he is perfect in everything, he is just an angel, because he seemed to treat everything with delight. it seems that in just a moment the owner of the room will enter, but this week kiril’s life was tragically cut short. he
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was killed in front of his bride in the courtyard of a high-rise building in the southeast of moscow. the girl immediately called kirill’s parents and within a few minutes. my child was already lying in the ambulance, he was resuscitated, he was frozen blood, and he was taken to the hospital in a state of clinical death, here are these terrible shots on the asphalt near the entrance of a seriously wounded kirill, next to his girlfriend. in the same shooting, the probable killer of kirill kovalev, twenty-one-year-old shahin abbasov, is here, surrounded by his friends, rushing from side to side and clutching his head. kirill reprimanded him for parking incorrectly, he left the car at the entrance to the entrance, in response , abbasov, according to eyewitnesses, took out a knife and fatally wounded kirill, after frightened by the consequences, he got into the car with
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his brother and cowardly ran away. the black sedan in which the alleged killer fled. police found him abandoned 2 km from the crime scene. in the cabin lay a makarov pistol and a bloody knife, which, it seems, was used to kill kirill kovalev. surveillance cameras recorded how the suspect later moved into a domestic car and drove away. the security forces came with searches to the apartment where the abbasov family lived; it is located in the same entrance where the murder took place. in the abbasovs' apartment searches were carried out to get into the premises, they had to open the door. you can still smell the lingering smell of burning here. at the moment. the apartment is sealed. investigators and police found mountains of cash in the apartment. stacks of banknotes were kept in the bedside table. 44 million rubles and 300,000 dollars. to carry them away, the security forces needed a large bag. the suspect's father could not clearly explain where he got such savings. it is known that together with his eldest son he sold shoes on a large marketplace. per year supposedly they earned about 15 million, clearly
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not enough to fill their cabinets with banknotes. experts put forward several versions. abbasov. the crime of shahin abbasov himself was put on the wanted list. investigators and police were assisted by members of the moscow motorcycle community. bikers patrolled the area in groups in search of the suspect. they posted about 30,000 leaflets with a photograph of the escaped criminal in public places. we were simply, simply shocked that the motorcyclist did not die in an accident, but the motorcyclist died during
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establishing social justice. it only took the security forces two days. to apprehend the alleged killer. the special operation took place with the coordinating role of the moscow prosecutor's office. shahin, abbasov and his two brothers raced along the highway in this heavily tinted car. police officers, together with our colleagues from the fsb of russia, detained in the village of kazanskaya, verkhnedonsky district of the rostov region, a suspect in the murder of a young man in the moskovsky district of lyubleno. here are the shots taken immediately after the arrest. abbasov is clearly confused in the investigator's office, his brothers... the investigative committee of russia. the progress of the investigation is under the personal control of the chairman of the department, alexander bostrykin. the chairman of the investigative committee of russia instructed to transfer
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the criminal case of murder in moscow to the main investigation department for the most complete and objective investigation. at the site of the murder of kirill kovalev, people organized a spontaneous memorial. they bring flowers to the entrance. at home , kiril’s mother is looking through a family photo album. on the cover there is the inscription happiness inside. the pictures show her son with his girlfriend. this week it became known that in bryansk investigators seized the property of the former deputy head of the city department of the ministry of internal affairs. a huge house, expensive foreign cars, the interior plans are impressive. the colonel himself now has a different outfit; he is in jail on charges of extortion. but they say this is not the only suspicion. his address, which was prophesied to the arrested officer by his wife, an astrologer from bryansk, report by andrey romanov. where can a deputy chief live?
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department of the ministry of internal affairs of a small regional center? the first thing that comes to mind is the option of discreet housing, a small private house or a two- or three-room apartment in a high-rise building. and now attention, breaking the pattern from colonel from bryansk yuri sokolov. he settled in impregnable territory. fortresses on the outskirts of the city, a tall fence, video cameras around the perimeter, two garages with automatic gates, such housing is more suitable for an influential businessman or a famous actor, but not for a dishonest policeman. now a luxurious estate can go under the hammer, the palace and two luxury cars in the garages were seized by court order. investigators believe that former police officer yuri sokolov bought all this with corruption proceeds. chief of police of the city of bryansk. demanded from one of the city’s entrepreneurs a large sum of money in the amount of 14 million rubles for the general patronage of his business, and also received from another
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entrepreneur $50,000 for the same actions, but without stopping there he demanded another 200,000. last fall , the colonel was accused of taking bribes were taken into custody. after the preventive measure was chosen, yuri sokolov was sent to the bryansk pre-trial detention center. here he is, they say. the investigators, thanks to extensive contacts in the law enforcement system of the region, quickly arranged for themselves easier, if not relaxed, conditions of detention, this did not suit the security forces, they achieved the transfer of the accused to another region, now he is in a pre-trial detention center near moscow in volokolamsk. currently , the employee has been dismissed from the internal affairs bodies. investigators estimated sokolov's possession at 45 million rubles the colonel was nicknamed the new trendsetter in interior fashion, judging by. photographs taken during a search in the cottage, the furnishings lack the luxury of gilding, so beloved by thieving officials and police officers, the renovation was made in
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the spirit of modern classics, gray and brown tones predominate, on the ground floor there is a large living room, kitchen, laundry room and several bathrooms, on the second has three bedrooms and the owner’s office, now the owner of the house is yuri sokolov’s wife ekaterina, we met her at the entrance to the investigative committee, we were honest the money that this house was earned with... my entrepreneurs have been in business for over 30 years, all four are individual entrepreneurs, yes, and this house was purchased when my parents and my husband’s parents, their husband was still in his first year at the institute, ekaterina offered confirmation of her words to meet again together to study the documents for the house, she did not let us into the luxurious interiors, the meeting took place on neutral territory, the wife of the former policeman brought with her numerous certificates and... which the colonel was awarded, the mother also came yuri sokolov, a palace on the outskirts of bryansk is registered in her name. when was this house purchased and by whom? here it is, please, in 2004, i
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took a mortgage. this is what the house looked like in 2004, 12 years later reconstruction began. investigators believe that sokolov personally paid for the work. shows a photo of the colonel in the company of his wife posing for the settings. the officer's mother assures. that everything was different, when in the sixteenth year my husband found out that he had cancer, he told me that all the projects that you and i had planned for the future, we are stopping, and we must with his son to renovate the house, sokolov’s relatives are sure that the colonel did not receive bribes to protect the officer, they hired an expensive lawyer from the krasnodar region, we contacted him by phone, the fact that the investigator is seizing the property of his relatives, his mother, his... uh actions mother-in-law, well, this is, let’s say, an unreasonable use of the procedural time limit of the investigation. investigators have enough evidence.
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he told us his story on condition of anonymity. former director of a management company from bryansk, after his the business was captured by raiders, he was forced to move to st. petersburg. there is information that the police leadership, represented by sokolov , received a sum of money for concealing the protection of this event, because the bankruptcy went off, one might say, without a hitch. the security forces also discovered very suspicious characters in the officer’s social circle. checking. trips to expensive kiriyenko hotels, and also spent time in fifth-rate establishments in the city of bryansk. we are talking about vitaly , the odious leader of the saransky gang. the history of this groups were described in detail by our colleagues from eduard petrov’s investigative program. at the beginning of the 2000s, former policeman kiriyenko led a powerful organized crime group. on his command, an attempt was made on the life of
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the vice-governor.
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the court sent to jail the former vice-president of the federal notary chamber and chief notary of the moscow region stanislav smirnov. he was found guilty of commercial bribery. according to the court's decision, smirnov will be sent to a colony for 5 years and will pay the state a fine of 25 million rubles. let me remind you that the notary case attracted media attention after how his sons kirill and konstantin attacked a correspondent of our program. so they tried to protect the evil spirits at the hand of their father from the attention of the press. smirny’s brothers were then found guilty of attacking a journalist, and now the head of the family will also answer for his crimes. it is noteworthy that for the entire year and a half, while the investigation and trial were ongoing, smirnov continued to hold the position of vice-president of the federal notary chamber. the ministry of justice of russia and the federation council have repeatedly noted that the notary has actually turned into a closed corporation that is beyond any control. to change the situation,
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experts. communities. a scandal in the blogger family, the spouses, known as lerchik and artyomchik, having barely recovered from tax charges, announced their separation and division of property. on the eve, objects of hundreds of millions of rubles, apartments, a mansion, luxury lamborghinis and bentleys, everything that was acquired through back-breaking blogger labor, but despite the bitter
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tears flowing on social networks. many suspected the chkalins of deception, saying that in this way the couple was trying to preserve their wealth to continue the fraud, so what is this a divorce of loving spouses or a divorce of a gullible public - alina skochkova found out. there is no happy ending in the romantic blockbuster of the chekalin family, a new twist, when it seemed that all the troubles were behind us, there were no more debts on... the criminal case was gone, the bloggers unexpectedly announced that they were filing for divorce, lawsuits, division, property, tears, a lot of tears, i’m leaving relationship with just a complete feeling of love, subscribers are perplexed who exactly is being divorced here, a happy couple,


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