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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  April 21, 2024 6:30am-7:01am MSK

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announced the separation and division of property, on the eve of objects of hundreds of millions of rubles, apartments, a mansion, luxury lamborghinis and bentleys, everything that was pressed by the back-breaking work of bloggers, but despite the bitter tears flowing on social networks, many have caught the chkalins in deception, they say in this way the couple is trying to preserve their wealth and continue their fraud, so is this a divorce of loving spouses or a divorce of the gullible public - alena found out. no happy endo in the romantic blockbuster of the chekalin family, a new twist when it seemed that all the troubles are behind me, the debts have been paid off, there is no more criminal case, the bloggers unexpectedly announced that they are filing for divorce, lawsuits, division, property, tears, a lot of tears, i am leaving the relationship with just a complete feeling of love, subscribers are perplexed as to who exactly is being scammed here, happy. the cover girl was
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together for 12 years, he gave her trunks ros, she gave him three children, checkers, accustomed to living on camera, for some reason are silent about only one thing, about the real reason for the divorce, maybe here is a cunning blogger move. the longer internet viewers wonder about the discord and lovers, the more views grow. it got to the point that artyomchik filed a lawsuit against klerchik, a potential single mother of many children, he wants to sue more than a billion rubles, but what if the loudest divorce case of the year is in fact, ordinary pr and fiction. previously, businesses were split up, now they are splitting up property, information has been leaked to the media that scandalous spouses are going to saw up everything they have acquired through back-breaking blogger labor, and a big saw will come in handy here, see for yourself, here are just a few objects in the capital, one apartment in this luxury house on serpukhov val, worth 70 million rubles. the other one is nearby right on the banks of moscow and the river in an elite quarter with personal security for 50 million. well , just little things, two nests in talya. the amount of 10
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million rubles. and on the eve there will be a luxury car fleet, gelendvagen, lamborghini and bendley. artyomchik once gave it to her beloved, now he’s taking it away, but perhaps the main lot is the famous bloggers’ castle, worth 150 million. it has already been put up for auction. we visited a luxurious mansion and lived here like a king. on three floors, five bedrooms. elevator, room for maids, a spacious dressing room with a safe, hangers full of things, including men's. and one more interesting detail - a photograph of the spouses on the bedside table, as if. and they didn’t leave, why are they selling it, they moved, they moved into a big house, it’s already a small house, because we have staff, nannies, nannies, a driver, a cook, check-out people are already trying to sell the estate as quickly as possible, it’s understandable, the couple recently paid tax 500 million rubles, a gigantic debt, because of which this living room was searched a year ago the security forces accused the scandalous couple of tax evasion and money laundering, that is , they artificially fragmented their entire business empire into many small firms. and then
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they registered everything in the name of relatives to save on taxes. how is this established and proven? it’s actually very simple: they interview or interrogate the leaders of these very fragmented companies and ask them one simple question: who actually runs the business? so the answer to this question will eloquently indicate the purpose of fragmentation. after the information business has turned away from such machinations, you can expect anything. celebrity lawyer alexander dobrovinsky hints at an upcoming divorce due to...
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divorce is as old as time, so it is possible that even apart the spouses will continue to conduct a joint business, but the defender of the check office , the scandalous ekaterina gardon , refutes the rumors, saying there is no business, only personal. at the moment, the parties are making every effort to resolve all issues peacefully. they are both excellent parents, i can say with confidence that it is not the one who chops off more who wins, the one who who retained a human face. ekaterina gordon and lawyer, singer, director of her own. she knows exactly how to make the most of any process. show, her divorces thundered throughout the country, and some clients sued gordon, saying she took money, but did not provide real help. i say, the thing is that your wife, now my client, get ready, get ready. it seems that katya gardunovna is well versed in matters of money, but in matters of jurisprudence she failed the qualifying exam to become a lawyer and more than once made excuses before clients who accused her of fraud, but maybe checkout bloggers need this, maximum emotions and pr, minimum benefit, a page. lerchika on social networks has long been wet
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with tears, she sobbed on camera when criminal cases were opened against her, then when they were stopped, here comes the flood again, actress and teacher antonina buravkova does not believe in tears, she says anyone can cry at... anyone, in recently, theater skills courses have been especially popular among bloggers, we showed a professional the cry of a performer, here is her verdict, i there, sometimes if i see some celebrity bloggers there, who suffer there and overdo it all there, i’m so overacted, of course, i should go to acting school , but i see such a good acting, and it’s like stanislavsky said, i don’t believe it, tannin, tell me, can you show how it’s done? the court gave scandalous check bloggers time to try things on, the process is still on pause, apparently in order to finally decide whether they are getting a divorce or being divorced. alena skachkova and boris agapov, lead the duty department. investigators are looking into details of the murder
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businessman in balashikha near moscow. on saturday morning, a killer fired five bullets at a local businessman, the owner of a convenience store. the moment of the massacre was caught on a surveillance camera. information from vladimir bazov, his report from the scene of the incident. judging by the footage from the street surveillance camera, the killer waited for his victim for about half an hour, a man dressed in all black was hiding behind a white minivan. probably, the killer knew when nazim akhmedov, the owner of the outlet, would drive here in his mercedes. how as soon as the businessman got out of the car and headed to the store, the criminal ran up to him from behind, shot him five times at point-blank range, then finished off the victim with a control shot in the head, they say. that this store was a family affair, all the employees who worked in it were either friends or relatives of the murdered man, all of them are now in shock and refuse to comment. did you know the owner? no, did you communicate with the man, the owner, did you know him? no, i don't know anything. local
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residents said that they have known the owner of the store for a long time, the outlet is open here for more than 12 years, nazim akhmedov himself often stood behind the cash registers and communicated with visitors. and joked, they knew this man, he was here often to the extent that he knew him, they rented an apartment from us at one time, i always go to the store here, do some shopping, a normal man, it is not known exactly who the businessman might have crossed the road to, there was an assumption in the media that the motive could served by jealousy, supposedly the man had a common-law wife abroad, perhaps she hired a killer, while akhmedov’s official wife was in the car with her husband, hers too tried to kill, but the shooter missed... hid his face, put on gloves, and therefore left no traces on the murder weapon. it is known that the pistol was converted from a gas pistol to fire live ammunition. a criminal case has been opened for murder and illegal trafficking in weapons; all the circumstances, as well as the persons involved in the crime, are being established. a number of examinations have already been appointed
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that will help establish the details. investigators are watching footage from surveillance cameras in the area and studying the criminal’s escape route. vladimir bazov, anton kasimovich, oleg shavirin, lead: duty department. on saturday, in yesentuki , the main person involved in a high-profile corruption scandal involving extortions on the caucasus highway was placed under house arrest. according to the investigation, the deputy head of the rostransnadzor department for the north caucasus federal district created a criminal group, which included his subordinates and traffic police officers. our own correspondent in the region, bulat shakiev, provides details. on saturday morning, the doors of the court and sentukov are closed, a day off. but due to a high-profile corruption scandal, the schedule work. had to be reconsidered, such special conditions were created for an influential person involved in a high-profile case of accepting bribes. speech, deputy heads of the rostransnadzor department for the north caucasus federal district for the sake of makiev. investigators believe that until recently he and his accomplices themselves provided
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special conditions to drivers of heavy trucks passing through the urukh post. this is on the border between kabardino-balkaria and north ossetia. for only 1.00 rub. the trucks allegedly received a green light. transport is insufficient. deputy head of interregional directorate of rostransnadzor for the north caucasus federal district, he acted together with his subordinates, as well as two inspectors of the traffic police, the ministry of internal affairs for the kabardino-balkarian republic and other persons. the urukh post is located on the
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caucasus federal highway, this is the main road artery of the north caucasus. the highway , more than a thousand kilometers long, passes through all the main cities of the north caucasus federal district, stavropol, minvody, thousands more cargoes, it is possible that some of them are used illegally. ossetia alcohol, which then distributed throughout the country, while large quantities of alcohol are often disguised as fuel in fuel trucks, small quantities are mainly transported in grain trucks. i think that now we are learning about subscriptions for many companies that transported crushed stone, building materials, and other cargo, you can pay and continue driving, you will be fine, local residents have been there for a long time. they charge a regular fee. as part of
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the criminal investigation , more than thirty searches were conducted, documents and electronic media were confiscated, everything that was of interest to the investigation. in security forces found large sums of money in the luxurious homes of the defendants. it is now being determined how they were obtained. some of the defendants in this high-profile criminal case had previously been sent into custody by the court, the alleged author of the illegal schemes to extort money , murad. makiev managed to avoid isolation due to a serious illness; he was placed under house arrest. polacha kiev, evgeniy radaev, andrey chistyakov, lead the duty unit. look for the woman, along with her, the missing german billionaire. perhaps this is how you can describe it a story that shook the world community this week. we are talking about a sensational investigation by journalists from germany. they claim that a local tycoon who mysteriously disappeared in the alps 6 years ago has been officially recognized. those who died are actually alive and not living somewhere on an island, in moscow with
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a russian mistress. how is this possible, and what can really connect a billionaire with our country? this is discussed by the head of the european news bureau, anastasia popova. a german detective with a russian accent or like a billionaire from germany disappeared in the swiss alps, was found in moscow. european tabloids are wondering whether he really had to pretend to be dead to survive. the story of the mysterious disappearance of businessman karl erivan haubu. has been on the pages of european publications for many years now, here is a new information twist. german tycoon karl erivan haup, owner of a large european chain of supermarkets and hardware stores, disappeared 6 years ago. on an april morning in 2018 , he went to the top of the swiss resort of the matterhorn to ski, but the hotel was so and did not return. a grandiose search operation unfolded in the mountains, businessmen searched on the ground from the air, everything was clear, the billionaire seemed to have fallen through the alps, the body never arrived...
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this business could lead to trouble in the west. i'm sure it was a skiing accident and a staged escape. further more. according to a german reporter, the tycoon is not just hiding in russia, but lives there with his young russian mistress veronica, the owner of a small travel agency. here is supposedly a photo of this lady. shortly before of his mysterious disappearance, karl erivan called her 13 times, of the evidence presented only this black and white photo, allegedly obtained by an american-israeli company from.
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she was connected with haob only by business and nothing personal, a company owned by this man, they were our clients, and someone in germany is trying to say that he was found in moscow, this is not confirmed at all. he died last year before turning 60. they write about grishin as a patented swindler who illegally withdrew dozens of billions of dollars through a network of international banks. they say that it is in his former estate that the family of the british prince harry now lives. european publications also report another connection between haub and russia. the german billionaire was allegedly related to participants in the russian laundromat, one of the world's largest laundry schemes, but it received wide
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attention after a big deal, money was transferred from russia to moldova under fictitious loan agreements. german journalists do not rule out that haup faked his death to escape possible criminal prosecution. according to the media, the billionaire's brother, christian haup , was aware of this performance and covered for his relative. it is curious that after the mysterious death of the billionaire, it was kristjan who took his place in his hands. faked his death, disappeared into the unknown , he really knew that his brother deliberately had to prove to the german court that he was heading for some great purpose, maybe he was tired of his billions, his life is so prosperous, he is no longer satisfied, and he wants to be ordinary russian guy, live in moscow. the german prosecutor's office has already made
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a statement that there is no reason yet to withdraw the statement about the death of karl erivan haub; according to experts, there is too little. evidence of life after death. anastasia popoviya bernatsky andrey ivlev, lead the duty unit. in the krasnodar territory , a scandal related to housing for graduates of orphanages is gaining momentum. at first they were settled in an emergency barracks, which was built by the family contract of a former deputy. and then, instead of eliminating the defects, people were given a reminder about the rules for using rotten wrecked. whoever is responsible for this cynical fraud will have a bitter orphan's share according to the parliamentary will.
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konstantin zaretsky really didn’t want to go because the impression was created that the head of the district residents, there were only 20 minutes left until the end of his working day, the official had to be persuaded, then together we’ll go to the residents, see how they live, how they cook there, what...
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where is the coldest place? klavdia zhabina will soon become a mother for the fourth time. they moved into this house with their family 3 years ago, and got the developers to install additional hood, dampness became less, but the problems remained. antifungal agents, bleach and some kind of turpentine, well , that’s how we fight, we’ve been fighting for all 3 years, well, the floors, by the way, aren’t very good either, it’s a little cold. similar defects are found in tatiana bardelovskaya’s house. this crack here, what does it do? this is shrinkage of the house, this is not a crack. are the people, the residents, to blame again? yes, incorrect operation. according to the developer, the mold appeared due to the fact that people allegedly save on heating and unauthorizedly close the ventilation. do you think, that you have built good apartments?
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it is possible that investigators will have questions for the employees of the regulatory authorities who took over the homes for orphans. the district prosecutor's office had already submitted this earlier.
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the developer nikolai morozov does not admit guilt and insists that he built good houses, and the residents themselves caused the dampness. the parents of four-year-old varvara babasova are desperate and their child’s health is at risk, but they have no other housing. soon after us, don’t miss the premiere, a new investigation of eduard petrov, defend yourself, four whether to shoot or not to shoot, in the ivanovo region the court completely acquitted local resident alexander krasnov, who defended his family from an aggressive crowd with a weapon in his hands. could krasnov have acted differently and what should you do if villains broke into your house, defend yourself or attack? about this, the investigation of eduard petrov. that's all for us, follow the legal news in the telegram channels of the duty unit,
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the decision of congress to provide assistance to kiev will further enrich the united states, ruin ukraine, and increase the number of dead ukrainians. this is how the kremlin commented on the vote in the house
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of representatives, where. shifts approved the allocation of a financial package of $61 billion to kiev. the money will be used to purchase weapons equipment. the same amount includes 23 billion to replenish american weapons stockpiles. in addition, the document states that washington will provide kiev with its missile attacks with a range of up to 300 km, and as the official representative of our foreign ministry maria zakharova emphasized, military assistance to the kiev regime is direct sponsorship of terrorist activities. another scandalous decision of congress concerns the transfer of frozen russian assets to ukraine. according to russian presidential press secretary dmitry peskov, if this really happens, it will cause irreparable damage to the image of the united states, and america will have to answer for its actions. both bills will not take effect immediately, and they still have to be approved by the upper house of congress. a senate vote is scheduled for tuesday before the documents are sent to
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president joe biden for his signature. powerful explosions occurred last night in ukraine. such messages came in particular from kharkov.


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