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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  April 21, 2024 7:30am-8:01am MSK

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panic, let's say, even, so i filed a complaint with the prosecutor's office of the ivanovo region about these actions, the investigative department of the ministry of internal affairs, the prosecutor's office canceled the decision to terminate the criminal case, the investigation was resumed, and after we had already filed complaints in moscow, this case the central apparatus of the investigative committee also accepted proceedings on hooniganism.
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relatively speaking, 20 people who came to red’s house, which means they all had to agree that they would use traumatic weapons there, yes, that is, if they will throw stones there, but considering that most of them did not know each other, this is absurd, that is, in fact - well, it’s like the fact that everyone blamed the actions of everyone, this is, well, from a legal point of view this is wrong, investigators the central apparatus of the investigative committee... quickly restored the entire chain of events, re -interviewed witnesses to the participants in the conflict, conducted an investigative experiment with alexander krasnov, the man explained in detail how he shot where on the night of june 26 , 2021, these are the conclusions drawn investigative team: investigative committee:
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the circumstances of the attack on the family of residents of kokhma, ivanovo region, alexander krasnov, as well as the murder and infliction of grievous bodily harm by krasnov, were established when the limits of necessary defense were exceeded. in june 2021, at least 25 people arrived at krasny’s ​​house, where they threw stones at the building on his territory and cars, shot krasnov in the stomach with a traumatic weapon, and beat one of his guests. krasnov responded by taking his hunting carbine from the house and shot at least three times at the attackers. this is the first time this footage has been shown on television. in them, according to the investigation, alexander krasnov goes beyond the boundaries of his area and shoots accurately at the backs of the attackers.
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after the incident, krasnov took measures to conceal traces of the crimes, cleaned the gun, collected spent cartridges, and told the arriving police officers that he had set off firecrackers with the guests. then krasnov disappeared completely and was absent until the moment of his arrest. during the investigation , krasnov repeatedly changed his testimony, saying about being in a state of passion, and therefore do not remember in detail the events of that day. however, these... further in the program, how the apartment dispute was resolved, who elena astanokulova blames for everything, i just communicated with each other, well, with my sister, rewrote.
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7:37 am
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replenish it regularly, you’ll save up 16% faster, and why aren’t you in shape yet, let’s twist yes we'll buy quickly, open a savings account with a rate of 16%. vtb, everything together. you don’t need it like this, you need it like this, like this, like that, i understand, like this at the megamarket, a folding scooter for only 3,390 rubles. in 2022, the case of alexander krasnov, which was investigated by icr investigators, as well as the case
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of davud ostanakulov and rustam latipov, which was investigated by the police, were transferred to court, accused of violating the limits of permissible... regularly went to all meetings: i used a weapon, i defend , i repeat once again, family, children, home, guests, if i hadn’t used it, i just would, i don’t know how it would have ended, the process went on for more than two years, in february 2024, themis made a decision, these shots we shown at the beginning of our program, professional court completely acquitted alexander the red, the court sentenced him red.
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punishment of 5 years in prison to be served in a general regime correctional colony. rustam latipov was given 4 years in prison. according to the court's decision, those convicted must also pay. alexander krasnov almost half a million rubles. now davod ostanakulov is in pre-trial detention, where he is awaiting transfer to the colony. through his lawyer, we sent a letter to the convicted person and asked him to present his version of events. according to the defense lawyer, ostanakulov’s answer was allegedly not allowed to be conveyed detention center staff. you have filed an appeal.
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the court's decision. we are visiting the wife of the convicted davud ostanakulov, elena. let us remember that she is the sister of alina, the wife of artyom krasny. the same apartment over which the conflict occurred. with shooting, these are not mansions, an ordinary soviet two-room apartment, and then we’ll take a groove while the kids play with each other, elena takes our film crew to the stairwell, i have children, it’s like i don’t tell them anything, i say dad to work on a business trip, the prosecutor, when i asked for the first time, well there was a trial at some point. she’s been asking for 5 years, of course she does, even though she still cooked,
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judging by how they also said that she’s studying now, elena shows a photo of her beloved husband daud, right after the fight. and it’s just that this artyom poked his head between me, i was talking to each other, well , i was talking to my sister, i was just texting , you never know how i can swear right, i’m already on my nerves, too, because of all these, i also had to collect all these documents, it started like this supposedly that we we want to deprive her of her apartment or something, although this apartment was initially municipal, i achieved that adolya appeared at all.
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in principle, now a mother of many children can barely make ends meet, with a small salary she covers the expenses of her credit card, she walks to work, the family car, and the stanakulovs were arrested, the car has been in a special parking lot for the third year, when they will be allowed to pick it up is not yet clear, in the meantime the check for storage has already exceeded 4,000 rubles. it is possible that the car may be put up for auction, which...
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the nicest person, i can’t say anything more, it’s that he’s always there, at any time moment, even when you think that he is far away, he is nearby, that is, he not only helped me as a brother and was always there, that is, he is also his friends who still cannot forget him. a family from atshoi fled to russia in the early nineties, after the outbreak of the civil
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war, settled in the ivanovo region, everyone worked regularly, and were not included in criminal reports. nikrus believes that his brother has never hurt a fly in his entire life. quite by chance he ended up at the krasnovs’ house. taxi drivers were asked to help by friends of davud ostanakulov. and bekhrus simply could not refuse them. he left behind a family. yes. two girls, how old they are, the older one is four, the younger one is two, three already, nikuz shows photographs of bikhruz. a real family idyll, i can’t even believe that such a person could attack someone else’s house and throw stones at other people’s children, this is him with his little bee, it’s impossible to put into words his brother’s grief, but it’s also impossible to lay all the blame on the person who defended his family from the crowd armed
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raiders. but tell me, please, when did you see red at the trial? some feelings felt for him, what they thought about, what thoughts thoughts, thoughts, no thoughts, there were even hopes that there would be normal justice, that is, as it should be, and that they would not give him a sentence, they would give him not a sentence, but a license for murder, as if i didn’t know this, i didn’t even think of it, this is actually not a sentence now, but a license to...
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maybe someone knows each other how this has something to do with nashet, especially since this is a diaspora , it’s even easier to find them there, maybe a diaspora, this option is quite possible, also since i’m asking what you want to hear from me, i’m asking a very specific question,
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why out of 25 people only two were detained, i’m answering you. that most likely, the rest were probably not identified. how did it happen that a whole investigative team worked in the small town of kokhma and did not identify the remaining suspects? an interesting question, but i cannot answer it; the conversation with alexander bolychev clearly did not help shed light on the details of the investigation. we wrote an official letter to the ministry of internal affairs and asked the following question: what the victims told the employees of the department of internal affairs of russia in the ivanovo region that the law enforcement officers themselves recorded on the spot, why out of twenty attackers only
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two were detained, why was the article of hooliganism replaced with the article of deliberate destruction? or damage to property, why the investigation of this case was suspended several times, and also on what basis krasny’s ​​son was detained, the following answer came from the department: we inform you that the investigation of the crimes specified in the request was carried out by investigators bodies of the investigative committee of the russian federation with the further referral of criminal cases to the judicial authorities, in connection with which we believe it would be advisable to seek comments from you...
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a crime before those whom they must protect, whose, ensure security, protect the rights of the law. interest , the crowd came there not for a birthday, not for a name day with congratulations, they came specifically to kill, because they had
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stones, they had firearms, and what else, of course, were knives, and if god forbid, they had broken out into this house, then we can assume that it was a bloody massacre for... and the fact that they calmly walked in a crowd along the street, the police did not raise any questions for them, they were released , they were released, this is also possible, we can say that here again there is corruption among law enforcement agencies, where all this happened, it is important to note that in this program we in no way want to offend any of the ivanovo police officers. region, they restore justice every day, one of the the first to come to the aid of those who are in trouble, and there are countless examples of police officers risking
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their lives to save others. i am very grateful to the police post for finding our child. now the krasnov family is slowly coming to its senses, the mother is behind...
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experts believe that it was this amendment that played a decisive role in the krasny case. you know that there are 12 jurors, yes, and
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six usually carry the pall. so there is a good saying: i’d rather be judged by 12 than be carried by six. this means that i believe that a citizen, if it arises, as from his point of view vision, a real danger to the life and health of himself and his relatives. this is my territory, that’s it, don’t come here, this will be quite effective. as a rule, situations requiring self-defense happen unexpectedly, and
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everything depends on how a person reacts to them. what questions might there be: you shot from a legal weapon, having gone through all the necessary procedures to obtain permission, which i tell you again, was given so that you ensure security, any conflict occurs when yours appears... this is our fourth film about exceeding the necessary defense, and we can safely say what happened to a resident of the small town
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of kokhma in ivanovskaya. can affect any family and, of course, many would like to have a weapon for self-defense in order to feel safe, but it is very important to understand that for every shot you will definitely have to answer according to the law. alexander krasnov himself is still confident that he did everything right, acted like a man and protected his family. as for the investigative committee, it believes that krasnov committed a serious crime.
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this is the story of alexander krasny, a businessman from the city of kokhma, who killed a man while protecting his family. this was our investigation from the ivanovo region. it’s up to you to draw conclusions, see you on the russia-24 tv channel.
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i understood correctly, the future, yes, yeah, twenty -four, 2.124, this is the situation, now i can jump to the next century. back, i see everything, space pirates are hunting us, well, they were already there when i came here, we need to find moms, what meeting, maybe we can put the children to bed and now is the time to somehow fix everything and it’s time to act somehow, questions, suggestions, objections, and nothing else, what
8:00 am
do you want, come on? 100 years ago. the decision of congress to provide assistance to kiev will further enrich the united states, ruin ukraine, and increase the number of dead ukrainians. this is how the kremlin commented on the vote in the house of representatives, where congressmen approved the allocation of a financial package of 61 billion to kiev.


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