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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  April 21, 2024 12:00pm-12:31pm MSK

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the conditions for new supplies of weapons to kiev by nato countries were. was the adoption of a strict
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law on mobilization in ukraine, a diplomatic source in brussels told tas journalists. well, what will the approval of the next american financial tranche lead to ? the kremlin told ukraine. as presidential press secretary dmitry peskov noted, the decision of congress on assistance will further enrich the united states, ruin ukraine, and increase the number of dead ukrainians. find out more from our own correspondent in the usa, denis davidov. had to call to order american congressmen who, in the ukrainian frenzy, forgot where they were and who they served. they are shouting about ukraine, shaking yellow-blue flags, not the stars and stripes, this misplaced delight in the very fact of accepting sixty billion dollars in aid for kiev, many on the capital’s hill called it a disgrace. america has been sold out today as members of congress wave ukrainian flags.
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in the fall, when the place, our three main adversaries, russia, iran and china, work together, their advance threatens the free world, is now required american leadership, if we turn away, the consequences could be catastrophic. speaker mike johnson quickly changed his shoes, just took the chair, and set other priorities. for him, the us border was the first thing ordinary congressmen often voted against aid to ukraine, now for.
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biden had already thanked him, zelensky immediately sent a video card. the american aid package we fought so hard for has been passed. i thank everyone who supported this life-saving decision. i commend the speaker, mike johnson. only yours for mike they don't say thank you to johnson. the majority of party members voted against the next package. 60 billion are being allocated, although the previous 100-plus were spent for unknown reasons. for the speaker, a republican, the decision to go along with democrats could cost him the job. we want mike johnson to announce his resignation, the noblest thing for him to do is to step down now. without funds for border security, i cannot return to the voters i represent to say, and we are doing nothing for you, for our border, but we find another dozen billions of dollars in foreign aid. i can't support this. went so
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far that some politicians, in search of arguments, went beyond the boundaries of common sense. some say that we need to sort out our border first, but the border between ukraine and russia is our border. the bill on financial support for ukraine is moving from the lower house to the upper house, where voting is scheduled for tuesday, there is no doubt about its results. democrats control the senate. senate after the decision will direct
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cocaine will force this money to be spent on the army, on the battlefield, this will not change anything. those who know how to make money are also arguing that billions are being spent senselessly on ukraine, who have joined the discussion and... residential buildings drowned by floods in russia continue to decline for the third day in a row, now there are 15,280 in the temen region, the water has begun to rise in the irtysh river, the level is rising , 600 people were evacuated from coastal settlements. in kurgan , flooding is expected in the next 2 days decline over the past 24 hours, the tabola level has dropped by 9
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cm, but the danger of flooding still exists. the level of the tom river in the novokuznetsk region is rising, this is the kemerovo region. over the course of a day, the water rose... and reached a dangerous level. the road to several villages is closed to monitor ice drift on the obey in the tomsk region. severe congestion has so far been avoided thanks to the well-coordinated work of sappers and rescuers. in the orenburg region, the flood is receding, but it will take a long time to eliminate the consequences; the region is preparing for large-scale disinfection of the territory in order to avoid spread of infection. now a short advertisement, and then we will tell you how a resident of the ivanovo region, with a weapon in his hands, defended his family from an aggressive crowd and was. acquitted by the court, this is a new investigation by eduard petrov, one of my friends decided to relax in a place where there is no connection, and then, yes, i’m smozhekoy, i
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to shoot or not to shoot, businessman from the ivanovo region, alexander krasnov, defended his family and came under investigation. hello, eduard petrov is in the studio, today on the program i hurt the whole family and went for it, and what happened was that there was a fight. tell me i'll come. the windows were hitting the cars there, well, everything was in my head right away, that they wanted to kill us all, they were running, shouting russian rings, kill, decide, i fired two or three shots through the fences, everyone was saying that this matter would be settled over the carpet, the court sentenced the red alexander petrovich to acquit on the basis of paragraph three, part two of the article of the crimea, they will not give him a sentence, but a license to kill, as if i didn’t know this, appoint stanakolova davoda mansurovich punishment of 5 years imprisonment. freedom, this is my territory, that’s it, don’t come here, i’d rather be judged by 12 than carried by six.
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the position of the investigative committee, which believes that krasnov should receive a well-deserved punishment for his actions, remains unchanged. i believe that krasnov should become an example for those who consider themselves a man. in the summer of 2021, the house of a businessman from the city of kokhma is broken into. with stones they demanded that artyom krasny, the son of an entrepreneur, be called to account, he, they say, behaved incorrectly when resolving housing disputes, the situation became tense, the parties began to shoot at each other, several people were injured from the bullets of the red elder, and one died. the investigation accused the man of intentionally...
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beating an uninvited guest or a hero who saved his family. and what to do if villains break in on you, defend yourself or attack. we took up this matter and conducted our investigation.
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a resident of the small town of kokhma, in the ivanovo region, alexander krasnov is preparing his snow-white truck for the next trip; the road ahead is long, sometimes i leave for 3-4 days, sometimes two or three weeks... now krasnov is a truck driver, traveling all over the country.
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of his own stores, one in moscow, but then a bad period came, unable to withstand the competition, his enterprise became an experiment and closed, and then... again he ended up in a pre-trial detention center for a long 7 months, defending his family, he killed a man, the case thundered on the entire region was investigated first by local investigators, and then by employees of the central office of the investigative committee. as a result , the professional court completely acquitted
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red. the court sentenced krasny alexander petrovich on charges brought against him for committing crimes, as provided for in part one of article 108. our film crew visited the ivanovo region in the hope of meeting all the participants in this high-profile story, but... everything in order,
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warm friday, june 25 2021. elena krasnov , many guests gathered, saw off their only son artyom to the army, no loud music, no reckless drunken antics, however, the future soldier looked sad and not at all because he had a whole leave your native walls for a year. red jr.'s mobile phone received threatening messages one after another. few people knew that a couple of hours before the farewell, the young man got into a serious fight, but the thing was this: artyom krasny’s ​​wife, alina, has a
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sister, elena, she is a mother of many children, she has been married for many years, to a native and neighbor. you want to answer for someone anyway , i’m going in your direction now, yes, i’m going there now , i’ll go in the direction of reshma, i’ll come, it’s time for your ass , judging by this audio recording davud ostanakulov he got really excited, that’s what exactly artyom krasnov said to him, before this, it is unknown , the men nevertheless decided to sort things out not
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by phone but by a decent meeting not far from that very apartment. they were made by neighbors who watched what was happening from their windows. the quality, frankly speaking, is unimportant, but you can still see that there are about ten strong, young guys on the street.
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the climax of the brawl is seen on camera. went home for his own send-off to the army. it seems that the story could have ended there, but that was not the case. here are the following frames. friends and acquaintances of ostanakulov gather near the scene of the fight. after some time, they moved from the residential area to the private sector of the city of kokhna. a big company.
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under the canopy, they just heard screams, which means they were throwing stones through the gate, which means they were beating windows on cars, there, well, there were pieces of iron in the hands of the aggressors from the street, iron rods, painless bats and... traumatic pistols. the krasnovs immediately realized that this would not end well, and the guests urgently needed to be taken to a safe place. 25 people
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hid in this small van. women and the children waited for the police to arrive. red had to take a weapon in his hand and defend his home and guests. two people stood up to defend the home from uninvited visitors, alexander krasnov himself and his friend alexander shestakov. at first they just wanted to calm down the angry migrants, but it didn’t work out. stop, calm down, let's talk normally. i understand that now i’m kind of looking at his hands, he’s swinging, i raise my hand.
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from the gate, i have a friend here, he came out a little to the right, he was immediately knocked down, he was knocked down him, and they started beating him there, kicking him there, and at that time it came to me, well , a shot sounded, and i felt pain in my stomach, and i looked at it, my t-shirt also had holes in it, the hole was bleeding, well, it’s all in my head right away, that they want us technically...
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i fired two shots in the air, so i ran up to the gate, that is, the bricks were flying, they didn’t give it to me, well, they threw it in my direction, because it was as if here and punched, punched exactly where i was i stood here and threw it at the house, after which i fired two or three shots through the fences. then we opened the gate again and ran after them, i saw that one was lying on the road behind the fir trees, they called an ambulance, as if we
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didn’t even have time for an ambulance, we couldn’t even reach the police, call, as if, yes, and they called an ambulance , that is, as if he also arrived later after everything, i don’t know, too, well, almost simultaneously with the police, taxi driver behrus from shoya. died on the spot, another attacker, amerjani, was taken to the hospital with a gunshot wound. the police arrived at the scene a couple of hours later and were able to detain only artyom krasny. everyone else seemed to have disappeared. and the head of the family, alexander the red, was not there. he himself came to the investigator. the next day, the man insisted on forced self-defense, stated that he was defending his family and could not do otherwise. when i came to the investigative committee to surrender, yes,
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i tell them: something was happening, they look at me with such eyes and say: oh well, this can’t happen, well, go to the pre-trial detention center, and we’ll figure it out little by little, though i was arrested, and these were walking around, moved around, how well everything was going for them, what thoughts were in your head when you were sitting in the pre-trial detention center, that’s what you did n’t agree with, what made you angry, so masculine, well , angry because of the fact that it seemed defended my home, and my relatives, close guests here and... it turned out on the contrary that it was as if they made me guilty, of course it was insulting, that is, not only for myself, in general, as if, well, anyone in my place could have ended up with anyone this could all happen. employees of the ministry of internal affairs for the ivanovo region and the regional investigative committee investigated two criminal cases in parallel. investigators of the investigative committee on the murder of taxi driver bekhrus from atshoi, and a policeman. murder and
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infliction of grievous bodily harm, all this time we were told that just wait, we will receive the expert opinion, we will sort it out and resolve the issue with the final qualification, however, the local skr investigators were in no hurry ; according to some reports, the investigation was supervised by a lieutenant colonel of justice. there is no doubt about his reputation, he is a professional in his field, he has sent him to jail more than once a dozen bandits, however, are a little embarrassed by his love for foreign cars, our editors have these photographs at their disposal, here is a man very similar to vasilevich, posing in a german bmw. when we saw after 6 months that this was not happening,
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i already started writing complaints to moscow.
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was investigated, no one was brought to criminal responsibility, then unexpectedly, in november of the twenty-first year, the criminal case was completely closed on the basis of a crime, we all did not understand what was happening, we were in a panic, let’s say, even, so, i filed a complaint with the prosecutor’s office of the ivanovo region about these actions, the investigative department of the ministry of internal affairs, the prosecutor’s office canceled the decision to terminate
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the criminal case. the investigation was resumed, and after we had already filed complaints in moscow, this case of hooniganism was also taken up by the central apparatus of the investigative committee . davud ostanakulov and another resident of the ivanovo region, rustam latipov, were arrested and placed in a pre-trial detention center. it is worth noting that latipov, and the astanokulovs met during the attack on the house of alexander the red. no connections. between latipov and ostanakulov in the case has not been established, that is, we can say yes, that he called his brother, the brother called a friend, that friend called another friend, but we don’t know how it all spread, but everyone should only be responsible for their actions, that is relatively speaking, 20 people who came to red’s house, which means they all had to agree that they would use traumatic weapons there, yes, then yes, if they throw stones there.


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