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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  April 21, 2024 1:30pm-2:01pm MSK

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let's find out how they support young professionals. yulia kushnirenko, head of the youth projects center of a transport company, says that for an employer , supporting youth is a foundation for the future. today a young specialist, tomorrow a big professional. firstly, upon employment , a one-time bonus is paid in the amount of the official salary. if a young specialist moves, even with his family, we pay him full expenses for moving and... devices, there is also a preferential corporate mortgage, it is 2% without a down payment, and if a young specialist took out this mortgage, he has temporary housing, then the company also pays him temporarily, there are a number of other benefits, if young people had any special guarantees before this law came into force and benefits, they will also remain, the deputies note, the law has another practical benefit, such preferences and benefits can... first of all, we
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must help our young specialists or future young specialists, we must help them become practitioners as quickly as possible. i always focus on the following: in life , everything happens according to the principle of studying. the following principle works in life: first you work for your name, then the name works for you. the law comes into force on the day of its official publication. it will increase the motivation of young people to actively build a career, and will also help with adaptation. in the first workplace - the deputies are sure. maria burkova, andrey tarasov, nikita kharaskin, sergey vergunov, alekseevich burkov, duma tv, parliamentary hour. see the second part of our programs. loan without interest and other decisions of deputies to support svo participants and their families. presidential address in the field of culture: what should rural workers expect? and also first-hand experience of state duma committees working in the regions. the winners of the international
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programming olympiad returned to their homeland. the cup of the prestigious world tournament was won by students of the faculty of computer science of the higher school of economics. they beat competitors from more than 100 countries. emil mirsaev will tell you how the winners were greeted. the capital welcomed the champions radushna, despite the fact that it was approaching midnight, the guys arrived at sheremetyevo terminal airport on a direct flight from cairo and it seems that they did not immediately understand the scale of their victory. we congratulate you, this is a resounding victory, first place in the world, this is very strong, but tell us in general, what emotions do you experience, what does it feel like to have such a high rating? well, to be honest, we are still in shock, why? there were very strong competitors, and the result could have been anything, it was very lucky that it turned out exactly like this, where we were the first. with a top team school of economics brought the world cup of the international programming olympiad icpc. this is one of the largest and most
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prestigious competitions in this sport. 50,000 people from 111 countries took part. it all comes down to the fact that three people in one team solve 11 problems in 5 hours. the goal is to write a program from scratch, and here there is no coherence, the winners themselves, fyodor amashov, kirill kudryashov and alexander babin, are sure. firstly, the team must be united, the work must be coordinated. and this is probably the main quality. but besides the hard skills that are conditionally needed are the ability to solve a mathematical problem.
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we have already gathered strong guys, that is, many of them, and probably all of them, had diplomas from all-russian olympiads, either in computer science, or in mathematics, or in some other subject, that is, they started doing this a very long time ago, back in school, they gathered with us and after that they began to train as a team, however, this team’s victory was not the only one, two finals were held in egypt for 2023 in the twenty- second year, both olympiads are constantly were postponed, either because of the pandemic or because of the aggravation in the middle east. so, students in she won third place in the competition the year before last. this line in the overall standings is awarded a gold medal. what’s important is that the team from the capital’s festeh also received it. she also brought with her a silver medal, or third and fifth places in the competition for 2023 and 22, respectively. we evaluate the result as very worthy, our university participates in this competition every year, every year it brings different kinds of medals, but two whole medals and of this level, of course, this is a great pride for us. all
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teams are planning to intensively prepare for this year’s olympics, it will be held in the fall in astana, as expected, without delays, which means that the guys have a little less than 5 months left to prepare, victory is again prophesied for russian... athletes. emil mersaev, anna pogonina, svetlana solovyova, alexander cherkasov, yaroslav borisov and vadim samsonov. news. next, watch the continuation of the parliamentary hour program. the parliamentary hour is on the air, we continue. the state duma is working on protection the rights of participants in a special military operation and support for their families. just this month , deputies expanded financial guarantees for... reporting by yana dobrovolskaya. fallen defenders of the homeland. read more in and the heirs were exempted from paying the duty
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. alexander has a wife and two children. in 2020 , we took out a loan and it took the volunteers a year to go to the front. ago, today the soldier is confident that the family is surrounded by care, attention and effective social support measures, the soldier took advantage of one of them, it all started with the fact that we my wife and i took 2 million rubles to buy a car for the family, when i went to the front i learned that you can use credit holidays for the entire period, in fact i took advantage of this benefit, the law on credit holidays for svo participants was one of the first to come into effect in october 2022. , all members of a serviceman’s family can take advantage of the benefit, the financial protection of the soldiers themselves was further expanded this spring, they were exempted from paying interest accrued during participation in a special operation on all types of credit contracts other than mortgages. we looked at how much the burden on credit
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institutions will increase, but our calculations show that this is quite a feasible burden, which i think that bankers will take on with understanding for... to free the guys from accrued interest during the period when they fulfill the corresponding duties during a special military operation. banks must notify the borrower that there is no obligation to pay interest, and also send him an updated payment schedule. if it turns out that during the credit holiday the svo participant has already paid interest, the bank will use these funds to repay the principal debt. in april, the state duma supported another initiative: disabled children who lost their parents...
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will remain without work; amendments to the labor code of the russian federation were adopted in the third final reading. it is prohibited to terminate, at the employer’s initiative, an employment contract with the spouses of deceased combat veterans within a year from the date of the soldier’s death. this additional measure of protection of the labor rights of this category of citizens, it is extremely in demand today in connection with the ongoing special military operation. there are exceptions: gross violations of labor discipline, remarriage, there is a next husband, that is. the next carmelian, as if there is no problem, and it is also important that this is precisely for the benefit of the participants in the hostilities, that is, this is not for the duration of the svo, but this is a law for the long term, that is, it is later, if people die as a participant in the hostilities there after 10 years, the law still
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applies, the period was not determined by chance, a year, we all understand perfectly well that the most a difficult period in life after... the loss of a family member, it happens in the first year, this is where special support is needed, the widows of our heroes should know, they should be sure that they are not alone. an important support measure for defenders is a simplified registration procedure. family members of military personnel can apply for registration at the place of residence for soldiers by proxy. the law requires the personal presence of the applicant, however, the participants of the sbo. can fulfill this requirement, so an exception has been introduced for them. the state duma continues to work to expand measures to support the true elite of our country, those who today defend the interests of the state on the front line. deputies strive to do everything possible to ensure that the members of the svo and their families are
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protected. yana dobrovolskaya, sergey gordeev, andrey tarasov, anna melikyan, elena bogdan, yulia borodina, duma tv parliamentary hour. gas supply to siberia and the far east, unique vocational education programs from the kaluga region, experience in medical care and rehabilitation of zastrakhan. this week right away several state duma committees held visiting meetings. broadcasting in russian regions. deputies discussed what practices could be scaled up and what issues needed help from legislators. elena zhelnina will tell you the details. in makhachkala, chairman of the state duma labor committee yaroslav nilov held a meeting with representatives of public organizations. it raised issues that are typical for the whole country. these are also measures to support participants. sometimes
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we will do everything at the legislative level, but it is impossible to find certain documents, or issues are not resolved, because the decision-making centers are scattered throughout the country, our task is to hear, understand, connect the necessary officials and help faster, being in constant communication, gasification. at the maximum, literally every household, blue fuel should reach by the end of 2030. the state duma committee on energy discussed the legislative support for gas supply and gasification in eastern siberia and the far east. khabarovsk became the venue for the committee's visiting round table. updating the far eastern energy system, including the inclusion of gas pipelines, the power of siberia and sakhalin, khabarovsk, vladivostok in the unified gas supply system of the country, is designated by the president of russia as.
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the largest power plant in the region, the second largest in russia, visited the construction site of a gas combined heat and power plant. the state duma family protection committee is studying regional experience. in kaluga, deputies visited the modern mfc, the kaluga electromechanical plant, where they held a meeting and looked at the implementation unique training programs in the federal technopark of vocational education. the facility opened in 2023. the first sign, now every region needs such a model, if you come to such a technopark, technocenter,
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i think that after seeing modern mannequins, sewing machines, suddenly she really wants to become, i don’t know, a cutter, a designer, great, great, so i can’t say anything other than positive words, except that we will support and broadcast it. the state duma committee on health protection worked in astrakhan. on at the offsite meeting, deputies discussed the creation of a hospital in the region for war veterans and combatants. initially, the regional governor’s idea was supported by the president. leonid ogul announced the details. a building has been identified that is under the operational management of a multidisciplinary state budgetary healthcare institution in astrakhan, astrakhan region, aleksandro-marinsk regional clinical hospital. the building is in working condition.
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organizations, discussed the development of medical care and parliamentarians visited city medical rehabilitation of patients with serious pathologies, assessed the work of the palliative care department, which was created a little over a year ago in the regional children's hospital. it is very important for us to hear the requests of our colleagues from the field; you can go around with a whip here and there with a whip, and offend as much as you want. reproach there and so on, but that’s not how the system works, after all, here in medicine we need to help people, our visits are on oncology, cardiology, childhood, diabetes, they hear exactly how we can help parliamentarians. members of the committee on health protection held an offsite meeting in kalmyk. a large oncology clinic will be built in the list with the support of the federal center. parliamentarian. independently, separately from each other, and this
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department, the radiological service, is one of the significant obstacles in organizing complex treatment. personnel who will ensure the technological sovereignty of the country, how to prepare them, is one of the central issues at the retreat of the state duma committee on science and higher education. at the site of the national center for physics and mathematics in sarov, nizhny novgorod region. politicians discussed the development of scientific infrastructure and construction. new educational buildings and intellectual centers are important not only for the development of the country, but also significantly improve the quality of life of people. sorov is a unique center, intellectual, scientific and educational, and indeed the nuclear shield of our country was built here, it is very important that there is continuity, so that young scientists, researchers, they understand
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that they are continuing the work of their own, with dignity, continuing the work with... guests from russia. more than 5 million of our compatriots visited the friendly republic, and this is a third more than before. the number of so-called organized tourists, those who travel on package tours, is also growing. however, the share of this type of recreation in the total mass is not yet large. the parties today see great prospects in the development of this area, and this is where the initiative to provide
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benefits to tour operators who will focus on cooperation with the union republic will help. about this based on the results of the trip. minsk respondents to our the program was told by the deputy chairman of the profile committee of the state duma, natalya kostenko. this will provide a great foundation for an increase in organized tourists, the flow of organized tourists, now there are about 230 of them. yes, this is not quite a lot. this will be a priority. tour operators will not block a lot of money on their accounts, since that’s how the system works, but this money can. aimed precisely at attracting tourists and taking them to this priority destination. particular attention must be paid to the development of interregional transport communication. for example, belarus is currently connected by air routes to only 16 russian regions. among the new destinations are flights to dagestan and arkhangelsk. but the need for air service with the republic today is much greater. it is expressed
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in more than thirty regions of russia. passenger transportation, infrastructure development, development of uniform service standards. these issues are now a priority for parliamentarians. now we are waiting for the belarusian side to formulate a list of topics that are interesting to them, and we for our part, we will propose our own topics, within the framework of which we could develop joint legislation and maybe even work out a single regulatory bill for the union state in this tourism sector. closer.
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government during the work of the state duma of the eighth convocation, the most important thing, of course, is that we adopted a number of decisions aimed at developing constitutional reforms, now local government bodies and this primary level of public power are included in a unified system of public power, and of course, those the tasks that the state as a whole faces, the national development goals of the federal tasks that are set by the federal ones, including the president of the russian federation. government, they are decomposed vertically of a single system of public power to the primary level, to the level of local self-government, and this model, which existed in many regions for many years, has now been elevated to the framework of a constitutional norm, and of course we had to adjust the legislation so that this the model worked throughout the entire country, worked as efficiently as possible
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so that local governments had all the necessary resources and sources in order to solve problems. not only local government, but also transferred from other levels of government, including within the framework of the implementation of large national, federal projects, and this work is being carried out, can it be said that thanks to these legislative initiatives, local governments have more independence, well, probably on the contrary , they are increasingly embedded with taking into account the fact that they are being integrated into a unified system of public power, it is increasingly necessary, well, we can say that they are somewhere... municipalities , through their small local taxes , deductions there from federal regional taxes, would never attract these resources for a grandiose the construction of huge
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cultural centers there, multifunctional cultural centers, roads, so we can say that to some extent they have simply less freedom from the point of view of maneuver, but from the point of view of benefits for citizens, of course enormous resources are being attracted, what initiatives are aimed at regulating the activities of local authorities? self-government is currently being developed in your committee. the agenda is busy, quite serious, we have tasks ahead in connection with the implementation of the president’s message, we have sent our proposals to the commission, the state working group in the state duma. we have a large portfolio, we currently have 17 draft laws in our portfolio, we continue to bring many of our statutes, federal laws, and codified acts, therefore. work is ongoing, a million in help, president vladimir putin announced a new program, zemstvo cultural worker, in which regions will they pay more and what else
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will change in the cultural sphere after the message to the federal assembly? in rural areas today there is a shortage of about 19,000 specialists in the field of culture; the personnel issue is especially acute in libraries, cultural centers and children's art schools. the president announced a new program that will help. solve the problem of. we will launch the “zemstvo cultural worker” program in 2025. a specialist who comes to work in a village will receive a million rubles from the federal budget. in the far east, donbass and novorossiya, this amount will be twice as high. the decision of the head of state became the central topic at a recent meeting of the state duma committee on culture with the relevant minister. this is our common victory, we all congratulated each other then, and continue to congratulate each other to this day. so to speak, even in general there was no hope that such it’s a difficult time for the country to make such a decision, but it made it, thanks to the president and his political will. despite all the fears, young people
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today go to work in cultural institutions, noted minister olga lyubimova. for the first time in many years, the age of the libraries began to look younger. this is incredibly important. every young girl or young man who has chosen his own path of working in a cultural institution. fly, he canopy gold. some regions launched the zemsky cultural worker program even before it was voiced at the federal level, the effect has already been felt. in bashkakartastan , more than 120 people have already become its participants. so teacher galina kochinova, together with her husband and children , moved from her hometown of kumertau in the south of the republic to the village of igleno, where, after a successful interview, she became part of the friendly team of a children's art school. in addition to her main job, galina. teaches a course in decorative and applied arts and modeling, we always wanted our own house, to live, so to speak, on the land, in a village, and so we ended up in the glinsky district, the work is very interesting,
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responsible, i like working with documentation, but more, of course, i like working with children, and the regions have confirmed their readiness to leave their programs in place, then a young specialist who comes to a village in such regions will receive double support, it’s not just about money, but it is also very important where he will arrive, what are they like?
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billion rubles for educational, educational, historical and other projects over 6 years, we will additionally direct more than 100 popular creative projects in cinema, the internet, social networks, president proposed the formation of a long-term conservation program. this program
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is linked to changes in legislation that should attract business to this area. this is where the direct role of the state duma is, it is necessary that these changes be reasonable and do not lead to the fact that instead of preserving cultural objects, they turn exclusively into business objects. the head of state also asked parliamentarians, the government and specialized commissions of the state council to analyze the regulatory framework in the field of security. and the use of cultural objects, clearly excessive, contradictory requirements, due to which sometimes the monument is destroyed before our eyes, must be eliminated, vladimir putin said. alexander shavyrin, anna melikyan, andrey tarasov, sergey vergunov, duma tv. parliamentary hour. and that’s all for me, you watched the parliamentary hour program, see you in a week. at first, the first time
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when we came in, it was scary, and then things became familiar, it was scary to go here, of course, you don’t know anything, and the war seems to be around, when i hear that there’s something in the wine store somewhere there was an arrival, i started to panic, well, in kusbas we have mines everywhere, and that is , they are exploding coal, the sound is similar, well, the children perceive it also like ours.
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hello, i am boris sakimov, and i am oleg stepanov and we, the creators of the russia 2062 project of the free thought headquarters. together with experts , we are discussing how we can develop the russia of the future in the next 40 years. see you in the future. “investment rating, economics, through specific stories, we can reach people, we often talk about money, the amounts are serious, there is a clear and clear signal in russia, is russian industry capable of replacing foreign suppliers, it is necessary to mobilize all resources, give me a recipe in general, this is how to achieve what you have achieved, it seems to you that you are on top of the world, got up, dusted yourself off, is
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russia ready to change?" " usa, will ruin ukraine and will increase the number of dead ukrainians. this is how the kremlin commented on the vote in the house of representatives, where congressmen approved the allocation of a financial package of $61 billion to kiev. the money will be used to purchase weapons and equipment. the same amount includes 23.


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