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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  April 21, 2024 2:00pm-2:31pm MSK

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it seems to you that you are on top of the world, you got up, shook yourself off and went, is russia ready to change, in any structure, evolution occurs. the condition for new arms supplies to kiev by nato countries was the adoption of a strict law on mobilization in ukraine. a diplomatic source in brussels told taz journalists about this. the decision of congress to provide assistance to kiev will further enrich the united states, ruin ukraine, and increase the number of dead ukrainians. this is how the kremlin commented on the vote in the house of representatives, where congressmen approved allocation of a financial package of $61 billion to kiev. the money... will be used to purchase
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weapons and equipment, the same amount includes 23 billion to replenish american weapons stocks. in addition, the document states that washington will transfer its attack missiles to kiev with a range of up to 300 km. another scandalous decision of congress concerns the transfer of frozen russian assets to ukraine. according to russian presidential press secretary dmitry peskov, if this really happens, it will cause irreparable damage to the image of the united states. and america you will have to answer for your actions. both bills will not come into force immediately; they still have to be approved in the upper house of congress. the senate vote is scheduled for tuesday, and then the documents will be sent to president joe biden for his signature. the united states is pumping kiev with weapons for the sake of war until the last ukrainian, and also so that he continues terrorist attacks on civilian targets on the territory of our country and the murder of journalists. this is how the russian foreign ministry assessed the results of the voting in congress, as the department noted for these reasons.
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targets in washington are resorting to the theft of frozen russian assets, and the joe biden administration is giving the green light to this not for the sake of kiev’s victory, but so that the image of the current head of the white house is not spoiled before the us presidential election. on smolensk square they warned that washington’s actions as the actual party to the conflict would receive a decisive rebuff, and the states would face a fiasco, as in their time in vietnam and afghanistan. at the airport. russian troops destroyed a ukrainian mig-29 aircraft, this footage was distributed today by the ministry of defense, except in addition, the control center, air target detection radar, and the launcher of the s-300 anti-aircraft missile system were hit. the military department reported other successes of our soldiers. units of the southern group of troops completely liberated the settlement of bogdanovka, donetsk people's republic and inflicted fire damage on the personnel and equipment of the ukrainian armed forces in the area of ​​the settlement. enemy losses amounted to up to
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440 military personnel, three vehicles and a combat vehicle of the asa akm anti-aircraft missile system. today a congress of moldovans opened in moscow politicians who support moldova's entry into the eurasian economic union. the head of the uzbekistan, evgeniya gutsul, arrived in the capital for him, as well. opposition politicians, including ilan shor. we’ll find out more details from anna voronina, she’s connected. anna, i welcome what is being discussed at the congress today. yes, hello, colleagues, but it should be noted that today there are representatives and delegates from five political parties of moldova and the main goal of their meeting and discussion today is which path for moldova to choose, in particular to join to the eurasian economic union, which in particular includes russia and belarus, and not to the euro. union, as the head
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of the gagauz evgenia agutsul noted, before accepting an invitation to a european family, you first need to look at what values ​​this european family has, in particular, representatives of the opposition are not satisfied with the attitude of europeans towards the legalization of same-sex marriage and the erasure of cultural codes every eu representative. the policy of the authorities in brussels is aimed at... erasing the differences between citizens of the participating countries, for officials in brussels and strasbourg, you are not a frenchman, not an austrian, not a pole, not a german, but you are first and foremost a european, and we are already seeing how the peoples of europe themselves refuse to accept the policies imposed on them. noted that
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such values ​​of the european family are alien to moldova, brussels is only trying to deprive the country of eu cultural identification. in addition, joining the european union is still threatening.
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what european values ​​await moldova upon joining the eu, in particular, today 46% of respondents in the european union complain about the decline standard of living, almost 40% have problems paying for housing and communal services, and 56% are disappointed with the actions of the government, while the countries of the eurasian economic union, in particular russia, despite sanctions, despite pressure from the west, are showing steady growth. gdp, we want the best for our citizens, in this room today we have gathered exactly those people who understand how important it is for the entire moldovan opposition to unite, yes, against
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the enemy, against poverty, against the problems that the european union has brought us and management in the person of mai sandu ipas, and we are very happy. the enemy is not only heroes . behind every destroyed tank or strong point are military personnel, but often dozens of civilians, engineers, designers, volunteers, these enthusiasts of the invisible front work day and night to save
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the lives of personnel and make the work of soldiers more effective and safe. what motivates these garage kulibins and what results the interaction between the front and rear gives, see in the special report yes. right after short advertisement how cool is it for you to save up your vtb savings account for a subscription , replenish your vtb savings account regularly, you’ll save up 16% faster like this, don’t need it, it’s so clear , i understand, like this, choose, buy with convenient delivery by clicking on the megamarket, on which debts on credit cards hang, interest drips, you need halva, take credit cards, transfer debts to halva, divide them into 24 months, conveniently repay, make purchases or get rid of credit card debts easily with halva, the charity easter draw of the russian lotto wins every second ticket, with
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of this report is somewhat similar, people, in general, are far from the war, they were successful entrepreneurs, but at first msvo left a profitable business in order to head a garage design bureau and throw all their strength into helping the front. i just wanted to help our military. i would like to say that we have peace and tranquility, at the moment i understand that i am more needed here, that’s because there is feedback, here you are, when you receive it, you understand that the person there survived thanks to to you, there the birds are falling thanks to you, those who carry out the tasks of a special military operation, they are endlessly... grateful , very interested, prepare, always ready to put your shoulder on, this seemingly
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simple design, which is more like an inverted pelvis, saved a life fighter with the call sign jojo. we are, so to speak, working at the forefront, and, of course, there are no roads. and there, during a difficult period, the car was damaged, that is, well, there it fell, so to speak, into a crater from a rupture, the car was not possible in the bright time of day to pull out, that is, we were waiting for transport, there was heavy equipment, only at night, because no one in their right mind would go during the day, here’s a basin, here’s a hat - it helped me defend during daylight hours - a vehicle that.. . an effective means of electronic warfare was made by enthusiasts from the team of artyom
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potapov, who 2 years ago was an ordinary manager of a private construction company, he carried out work on the installation of engineering systems, fire security alarms, but everything changed in the spring of 2022. of the year. i remember this day, when my very close friend called me and said: i need to carry out an inspection from a distance, that is, look at a certain place. and he even sent us some photographs, some sketches, it was not difficult for artyom to make a product according to this specification, his main profession was a programmer, installing smart homes, all that remained was to adapt the system for combat conditions. the very first product that we made was our 360 guard, the essence of this product was that this a large suitcase, it was located directly at the headquarters, and... the suitcase directly transmitted the picture so that the headquarters could see it, that is
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, any quadcopter can be connected to this small suitcase and you immediately automatically see the picture at home, that is, at the headquarters, thereby guys they can correct these flights, see the situation in general, after that artyom realized that he would no longer be able to live as before, his abilities were needed by the fighters on the front line, and this was an absolutely non-commercial project, that is, it was history. that is, we have already reached the point where each node of our product can be combined into a common system and, accordingly , how to scale it, when he says we, he means the employees of his construction company, we tested this product, after that we understood the fact that there is a great need for this, we started it all, that is, we expanded our vision
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from construction directly to this area, because we realized that... no one except us, let’s say, yes, that is, if necessary , then we need to deal with the data direction. the company now produces about seven devices that help frontline soldiers perform various tasks. when performing some combat missions, they understand that damn, if only there was this thing, for example, everything would be great, so we’ve been working there for 2 months, bang, we provided this thing, they’re all like that , one of these things, this is a system made from a board that allows you to remotely control electronic warfare equipment in positions, this product allows you to directly control rebs at a great distance, here you can unite rebs, that is, not just one, you can turn on 30 rebs at the same time, turn them off at the same time, pay for the parts and the work of specialists, the fees of the popular front help, these are the eyes, that is, it is turned on with one
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button, here we see name: our organization, we see an automatic search, it immediately found the frequency that is necessary in order to see a flying object. we saw what was happening here, he immediately gave out the picture. there's an imitation here directly from the drone itself. here. this device allows you to receive a signal from a flying kamis drone at a distance of up to 2 km. and this is just a really cool product they made, guys, you have a screen in your car, and it is always being searched for, well, they confidently said, and as soon as you see the image in the picture in the image of your car, it’s a sure sign, it’s time to press the button, here the button is pressed and then the enemy’s attack is disrupted, well , because we break the connection with the operator,
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develop, interrupt the video signal, save your life. now tests of a wire repeater will be carried out, it was made at the request of the fighters, because now there is a positional war and there are no such assaults, and the soldiers are sitting in buildings, so as not to risk our soldiers again, this is thrown onto a matcha on a tree or on the roof of a ten-story building, and the fighters themselves can sit safely in a shelter in the basement. there is a signal going through the wire. at a test site in the leningrad region, a man with the call sign mex is in charge of testing gartenzi drone. this is one of the first fpv drones that began to be widely used during svo. well, our legendary 7 -inch hydrangea model, it all started with
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compact prop storage, it’s more suitable for assaults, it pulls 2, 2.5 kg. this model is equipped with a 4k recorder on board, what does this mean, the pilot sees a regular analog picture, presses the button to start recording, when the device returns, he can see a detailed picture in high resolution, that is, this is a developmental compact model. mex admits that until recently he was far from the military topic, and then the svo began, and he , together with a like-minded person who introduces himself under the pseudonym det, could not stay away. we have already assembled quite a lot of devices, more than 4. accordingly, this has already been sent to the northern military district and benefits our soldiers, a little around its axis you can, around your own sim, engineers invested their own funds in the development of the first drones, then a large customer appeared, a well-known volunteer unit , and the production of drones was brought to flow. i joined the team, crossed out
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my career, started a new one, because being able to do this i understand that commercial drones are not enough, moreover... many are convinced that you can order a ready-made device and it will perform this functionality, to some extent it will perform this functionality, but not as efficiently as the devices assembled here, a team of specialists are set up, because to assemble one device for yourself, set it up, spend a week of testing on it, it’s easy, do it on stream in thousands per month identically flying which will definitely not let the fighter down, and this is the main criterion that we discussed, the team has... its own instructors who constantly work in the combat zone receive information directly from the fighters, thanks to this the drone can be quickly modified, well, look, it happens power collision. does not go to the fuse, an explosion occurs, this is what soldiers usually do manually with electrical tape, there is an additional battery, all this takes time, they asked us to make their task easier, we
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came up with a system for quick installation and power supply already on board, you don’t need any batteries, and a ready-made fuse, the situation changes very quickly, everyone adapts very quickly, sometimes what we heard, what to do... by the time we’ve collected it, it’s no longer even relevant, we we switch, we try to think one step forward, we switch to the next stage, and these are non-standard frequencies, these are different repeaters, all kinds, these are thermal imagers, this is payload capacity, an instructor with the call sign is a holy veteran of the northern military district, now regularly goes to the front line to train more and more new platoons of pilots uav, i came to the zone for volunteers uh. i ended up in the position of simply a uav operator, then became a uav platoon commander, adjusted artillery, introduced aerial reconnaissance, and after leaving the northern military district zone for rehabilitation in
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russia, in st. petersburg i was invited here as a senior instructor. the saint himself trained to operate a uav on his own in a combat situation, and admits that he would not wish such an extreme course on anyone. he believes that everyone who is going to the northern military district zone needs to learn how to pilot in advance, because there is a current war. this is drone war. fivi drones are shot down by the so-called babaega drones, which are used by a unit of the armed forces of ukraine, and maviks, maviks shoot down each other, that is , very often, so this is already, so to speak, in full swing. nezhe, lower, lower, too high, not for, turn over, uh-huh. svo veteran alexei kharlamov is 30, but his colleagues call him young. eh, i have one, because i had it everywhere, i was a young guy, and a young guy, this is too long, in the end, even though i’m that age, i’m still not
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young anymore, but still young at heart, well, call sign i was young, and i served in the special operations forces, several contracts, literally a month before mobilization it happened that he signed a contract with me, i did not renew it, due to circumstances, i also wanted to try my hand at volunteering. formation, in principle, then went there. alexey volunteered for the hispaniola battalion, and after the expiration of his contract, the experienced military man was recruited to the octagon unmanned aviation control school, which he now heads. there are several training points here, like a theory class, such as simulation directions. there are different simulators here, these are microdrones, regular fpv drones, including , of course, combat and loaded flights. and then there we have it. future pilots are trained on these devices, but only at the final
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stage, in order to fly the bird for the first time in the field, you need to successfully master flights on simulators and a small copter indoors. now we’re launching the route, we’ll have to take off little by little, first inspect it, we’ll be able to fly everywhere, and after that we’ll be able to fly for a while, that’s the very first thing, but now fly little by little. falls, hits, we land it again , we look around, we don’t rush, if we suddenly take off, we look, we look, we slowly fly around, we fly around, we study the whole space, in general, to study, it turns out to be courses for mastering the simulator course, so to speak, it takes from 20 to 40 hours, i octogon is such a broad ecosystem, it is both a stream center and a technical one. directions of interaction with industry, because we are constantly testing those drones and products that we now have on the market, uh, in order to qualitatively keep up with
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time to move in terms of what we bring to the educational processes, and well, from the point of view of ensuring that people can use the highest quality products in general. a girl with the educational pseudonym matryoshka in ordinary life, a hairdresser, came to learn how to be a blow-to-pividron operator and volunteer for the northern military district. most likely, this is temperament, character, and, well, personality type also affects this. in general, i have always been interested in this topic, that is, i have parachute jumping and rifle shooting, i also have a rank in rifle shooting, from small-caliber, however, i always do sports, i ride a motorcycle, that is, i have always had a predisposition to this. a year ago i studied. already in another school, but there they trained on mavics, here fpv drones, fpv is a little more complicated, different, let’s say, different controls, different look, therefore. well
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, i’m studying right now, i’m already planning to start a contract in may, here’s a man with the call sign who is already an active serviceman, in st. petersburg recovering from an injury, and i decided to spend this time on learning a new specialty. yes, it allows me i get a shrapnel wound along the entire right side, a fracture of the elbow in the liver, a fragment, a rib, there are a lot of fragments in the hip area, well, it turns out i was an ordinary attack aircraft, it’s a very disastrous situation there. with the fact that there are no bpl operators as such, so we need to increase the number of guys, or something, increase the number of specialists, because there are a lot of assaults there, and i decided for myself that i still need to unlearn, not just be an attack aircraft or something else someone, namely a uav operator, to control drones, in fact, i think this will give more efficiency, than just running around the trenches with a machine gun.
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the gunner with the call sign yantar has more than 500 hit targets, here are just a few of them. and all thanks to the geographic information support system for combat control called the eye of the storm. to accomplish a combat mission, to hit the enemy, we need the very first thing. to reveal, that is, to detect, to find, to find the enemy, for this a scout is needed, i play the role of a scout, i am somewhere on the front line, not far from the enemy, i raise a drone, i conduct reconnaissance, i found a target, discovered the enemy, the next thing we need to do is to hit the enemy, accordingly inflict fire on him , work with a mortar, artillery,
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ftur, fp drone... searched for the target manually, determined its coordinates, transmitted these coordinates to the firing position, took in hands the radio station, came out, said, accept the coordinates,
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it was even more, it was hard to work, hard to resist, we began to fight it, now we have the maximum result, from the moment of detection to defeat in up to 5 minutes. peter, the head of an it company, in the usual life is engaged in business automation, with the beginning of the svo, more and more of his friends and acquaintances began to go to the front line. he couldn't stay away. at first he helped with things, sent quadcopters, now he spends all his free time on... working on software that will help the fighters, there are no days off, most often we have all saturdays, sundays, holidays, we are away, in the evening you communicate, so i now have a job and volunteer help, this is my life now, i wanted to give up everything at one point, and as you told the guys, i said, damn, i don’t understand what’s going on, they told me, you
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went nuts and how did you go brother? there was communication and letters.


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