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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  April 21, 2024 3:00pm-3:30pm MSK

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clearly declares and sees its future together with the russian federation. today, unfortunately, moldova is in a depressing situation. the economy is more dead than alive. people really are almost on the verge of total poverty. the country, without demand from citizens, is daily saturated with weapons. in essence, the collective west is preparing us like slaughter meat. today, it is beneficial for the west to turn moldova into essentially three very important things for itself: first, it is a training ground for military operations not on its territories, we know; that the west likes to provoke conflicts, but not at home, so that people die, others, because they are not interested in this. secondly, it is very important for the west to create a landfill for waste, and they are also creating this landfill today on the territory of the republic of moldova. and of course, a very important point to say today -
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a few months ago there were general local elections in moldova, the party that was supposed to take first place was removed from the elections 2 days before the elections, candidates are withdrawn from the second round 3 hours before started the second round, that is, we see that they have completely usurped the regime, moreover, the west openly supports them in this, really openly, they are not shy about these processes, today that is why we see no other way out but to unite to overcome this regime, i am sure that we can do this. what do you know, as i say, there are 500
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of them, there are at least 2.5 million of us, we are the people and we can achieve this, we can achieve this, today the eu showed that this is profanation, you know, it’s like a beautiful wrapper, inside there is empty space, there's no candy because in fact, what they promised, they lied to people, they said, good people, we are coming to you, you will have roads to germany, pensions of 5,000 euros, factories and enterprises you will receive 10,000 euros, zero lies and profanation as an example. liberate the country, our country, i am sure that we will be able to do this, yes, indeed, i believe that today we as a state, and this is our goal, to join all existing platforms, both economic and political, ideological platforms, within the framework which all the cis countries gather, this is, let’s say, the platform that those platforms today can save
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moldova, we do not see ourselves in other places, we believe that everything else is essentially profanation, moreover, only the platforms that today support and develop the economic, ideological and political space of the cis countries is the only alternative to save our country. i also really want to say that ideologically they are essentially trying to change our old traditions and ideals. we are people, i apologize. wants to go to church and not for gay pride parades, not for anything else. we are a people, we have values ​​and respect for our past, they are trying to eradicate all this, we must stand up for defense and we must win our right to our good future, we are not a colony, and we do not want to become one. what agreements were reached today? we have achieved that we are combining all our efforts, we are creating a unified political structure, a structure that will be represented in the territories, we are combining all our forces, the best people will emerge. territories for
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in order to win the presidential elections this year and most importantly - to win the referendum, today a referendum is essentially after which they will be able to absolutely clearly, and we know that they have this plan, that if the referendum passes them , but it won’t pass, then they won’t stop for a second before uniting, essentially entering moldova, let’s say, bring it on hand in romania, that’s what they are going to do, which we won’t allow. thank you very much, colleagues.
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liberated the village of bogdanovka donetsk people's republic and inflicted fire damage on the personnel and equipment of the armed forces of ukraine in the area of ​​​​the settlement of krasnogorovka, donetsk people's republic. in addition , two counterattacks were repelled in the area of ​​the village of chasov yar, west of the village of krasnaya. enemy losses amounted to up to 440 military personnel, three vehicles and a combat vehicle of the asa akm anti-aircraft missile system. nato countries were a condition for new arms supplies to kiev. the adoption of a strict law of mobilization in ukraine, about this to tas journalists said a brussels diplomatic source. the decision of congress to provide assistance to kiev will further enrich the united states, ruin ukraine, and increase the number of dead ukrainians. this is how the kremlin commented on the vote in the house of representatives, where congressmen approved
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the allocation of a financial package of $61 billion to kiev. the money will be used to purchase weapons and equipment. the same amount includes 23 billion to replenish american weapons stocks. in addition, the document states that washington will transfer its atacoms missiles to kiev with a range of up to 300 km. another scandalous decision of congress concerns the transfer of frozen russian assets to ukraine. according to russian presidential press secretary dmitry peskov, if this really happens, it will cause irreparable damage to the image of the united states. and america will have to answer for its actions. both bills will not come into force immediately; they still have to be approved in the upper house of congress. vote. in the senate is scheduled for tuesday, and then the documents will be sent to president joe biden for his signature. usa they are pumping kiev with weapons for the sake of war until the last ukrainian, and also so that he continues terrorist attacks on civilian targets on our territory
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, killing journalists. this is how the russian foreign ministry assessed the results of the voting in congress. as the department noted, for these purposes , washington is resorting to the theft of frozen russian assets, and the joe biden administration. gives the green light to this not for the sake of kiev’s victory, but so that the image of the current head of the white house is not spoiled before the us presidential election. on smolenskaya square they warned that washington’s actions as the actual party to the conflict would receive a decisive rebuff, and the states would face a fiasco, as in their time in vietnam and afghanistan. about how the hearings went in congress alka kamarova. yellow-blue flags.
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the united states does not abandon its allies, we insist on freedom of human rights and democracy. among other things, the united states promised ukraine to provide attack missiles with a range of up to 300 km. the official representative of the russian foreign ministry, maria zakharova, has already said: military assistance to the kiev regime is a direct sponsoring terrorist activities. and according to the press secretary of the russian president dmitry peskov, if the asset freeze actually happens, it will cause irreparable damage to the image of the united states, and america will have to. to answer for their actions, dissatisfied with the results of the vote even in the states themselves, congresswoman marjarie taylor greene said that the head of congress betrayed the united states because he chose kiev between the security of the southern border of the states and ukraine. mike johnson should be removed from his position as
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congressional majority leader. me and my colleagues, we we do not support the fact that he approved this huge amount for ukraine today. it is insulting to me that in the american congress during the hearings. they wave the ukrainian flag while our own border is regularly attacked by illegal migrants, let mike johnson and his supporters sort out their priorities. former pentagon adviser douglas mcgregor is confident that american money will not change the situation. the military conflict in ukraine is virtually a foregone conclusion, and further funding is meaningless. american billionaire david sachs emphasized: the white house can print dollars, but it will not be able to print shells at the same speed. the new law, sachs is convinced, will not save ukraine, because it will only be enough for half of that summer counter-offensive, which failed miserably. elon musk also commented on the situation. in his opinion, the united states does not have a strategy for exiting the ukrainian conflict; its plans are for eternal war and the death of children from artillery
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shells. but in addition to money, the united states wants to send more overseers to ukraine. this was reported by the pentagon press secretary. in we are currently considering sending several additional ones. advisers to the american embassy in kiev, they will have to manage logistics and provide oversight of the weapons that the united states sends to ukraine. i note that these people will not participate in hostilities, but... will advise and support the ukrainian government and armed forces. europe is most happy about the approval of the bill. the nato secretary general almost openly stated: thanks to washington’s supplies, it is possible to continue to use ukrainians as human beings. shield, despite the fact that the authorities of the old world themselves are not yet ready for the american level of escalation. according to the washington post, europe has once again rejected a plan to confiscate profits from russian assets, citing a reluctance to face retaliatory measures.
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protective structures. our special correspondent, stanislav bernwald, works in the tyumen region. over the past 24 hours, the ishim river has added another 140 cm of water, the point is now 10 m 51 cm, 2 m 50 cm above the critical point. there is a lot of water, the water goes into the spill the day before, but there was a break in a temporary dam in one of the districts of the city of ishim, there was flooding, and the dam still broke through the residential areas at the nursery. it turns out that the elements are much more powerful than our efforts that we are making, we are trying to save the city, well, i think the city will stand, the only thing is the outskirts that are flooding, flooding is possible there, now we are on the ishim sinitsin highway, as you can see, due to
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water overflow, the route is now closed, village, samanovo borki, rest house. are now cut off from the city of ishim, all because the ishim river directly began to overflow and is overflowing so actively that it overflowed across the highway, there is a rescuer on duty here, and there is a pts, a floating vehicle of the russian ministry of emergency situations, in case it is necessary to evacuate someone, but as far as we have information in all the villages that i just listed, there is no one left, people evacuated in advance, strengthening continues. dump in the ishimsky district, in the kazansky district in areas that are prone to flooding, and people, city residents are taking the most active part in this, it’s even creepy, we won’t be flooded, where i live, well, i don’t know about the people, it’s probably psychological in general, i wish i were younger, i’m 73 years old, i would also go
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help , of course, how obligatory, creepy? every day he makes detours into flooded areas that are potentially dangerous for flooding , he said that compensation will be paid to the victims. stanislav bernval, sergey ukhvaryonok, danilo kuznetsov, lead the chumen region. number of residential buildings flooded in russia continues to decline for the third day in a row. now there are 15,280 of them. in kurgan they expect that the water will recede in the coming days. the level of the tobol river has already dropped by 5 cm in 8 hours. but the danger of flooding still exists, so residents of the territory in risk zones are still recommended to evacuate. the level of the tom river is rising in
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the novokuznetsk and kemerovo regions. within a day, the water there rose by 80 cm and reached a dangerous level. the road to several villages is closed. they are monitoring the ice drift on abi in the tomsk region. severe congestion is still manageable avoided, thanks to the coordinated work of sappers and rescuers. in the orenburg region, the flood is receding, but it will take a long time to eliminate the consequences. the region is preparing for large-scale disinfection of the territory to avoid the spread of infection. the commanders of the fleets of russia and china signed a memorandum of cooperation in sea rescue. this was reported to the ministry of defense. russian commander-in-chief admiral. alexander maisiev met with the commander of the chinese navy, admiral hujun min, during his visit to china. during during the negotiations, they discussed the further development of cooperation in the interests of security and stability. alexander moiseev arrived in china to participate in the western pacific naval symposium, which will be held early next week. in addition to speaking at the forum, the russian commander-in-chief will hold a number of bilateral meetings with
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foreign colleagues. volunteers from alexandrov , vladimir region, organized production. drones for air defense systems; activists collect and program them in their free time. production made possible thanks to the fact that the all-russian people's front transferred assembly and programming technologies to volunteers. report by anastasia panko. in aleksandrov , these fpv drones are now assembled and configured. they are controlled through special glasses. these copters have high speed, precise control and improved communication quality, unlike basic uavs. the devices are being prepared for our soldiers on the front line. the popular front gave us the most advanced technologies for assembly and programming, which allowed us to supply our fighters in the zone special military operation of better products, that is , better controlled drones. the drones are assembled by volunteers, each at his or her job during the day, and in the evenings and on weekends they program the aircraft here. the popular front helped launch the production of
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kamikaze attack drones in vladimir. this model flies 5 km and accelerates to 160 km/h. will catch up with any moving equipment, very maneuverable, easy to control, good quality images transmitted to the operator, installation possible any payload of any striking elements up to maximum mass. these drones have already been tested in lugansk and donetsk. after successful testing , 50 of these drones were sent to the front lines. the vladimir kulibins even developed their own installation.
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with a net, entangling the propellers of the uav, thereby disabling it, damn it, you’re even standing there, you don’t have to go into the dugout to hide until they destroy you there, you went out boldly, in your face, fp ro flies away from you, pressed, that is, on ak74, they are still being tested, the developers say they need another month to finish everything, and then they want to produce in large quantities. such craftsmen throughout the country are supported by the popular front; it helps activists with the development, scaling of production and sending inventions to the zone of a special military operation. anastasia panko, vesti. an all-russian environmental campaign started today in the stavropol region. features of national cleaning. it is aimed at environmental
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education of citizens and fostering respect for nature. the program includes thematic events reflecting local traditions and national flavor. visitors can also communicate with artists, athletes, and political scientists. this season the event will be held in 18 regions of the country. in stavropol, it began with... if we don’t clean up after ourselves, what we see here, what we will leave for our children, and talking about environmental education, about environmental education, it will all be in vain, so only by our own example, today is very many children, i am very grateful that many came today with their parents, children, today everyone clean up this garbage, after a short advertisement, our broadcast will continue with a documentary film by alexander rogatkin, dedicated...
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drilling rig. puts the finishing touches on the permafrost-bound rocks of the dusialinsky ridge. now it's up to the money, congratulations. behind this wall there is a lintel, 3 m thick, with an oncoming trunk. now the explosives experts will place tratil bombs into these drilled holes. and with a powerful explosion they will connect the second dusialinsky tunnel into a single whole. the excavation of the second dusealinsky tunnel was carried out using the explosive method simultaneously from the western and eastern portal. it took 1,200 explosions.
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the final glitch. there is light at the end of the tunnel, thank you very much again for your work, thank you everyone. the baikal-amur mainline celebrates its half-century anniversary, still wearing the same overalls and construction helmet. after 50 years
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, this road... we need to start building it yesterday, as they say, it is many times greater than the capabilities of the road, and when in 2 years the dusialinsky tunnel is finally completed, up to 50 trains per day will be able to pass through this section in different directions.
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this tunnel is not the longest on bama, only 1800 m, but they began to dig it in the duseolinsky ridge back in 1939, when the construction of the baikal-amur highway began for the first time in our country. and the design of the railway began in the thirty- second year under the management and control of the ogpu, and then the nkvd. a special building has been created for survey work. road troops, commanded by the famous latvian shooter, jan laces. the photograph shows how a survey expedition descends along the buria river, from the buria camp, to the village of chakunda to study the burinsky and duseolinsky ridges. here it is shown how to ford rivers on the back.


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