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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  April 21, 2024 5:00pm-5:31pm MSK

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at the dnepr airfield, russian troops destroyed a ukrainian mig-29 aircraft. this footage was released today by the ministry of defense. in addition, the control center, air target detection radar and the launcher of the s-300 anti-aircraft missile system were hit. the military department reported
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other successes of our soldiers. a unit of the southern group of troops completely liberated the settlement of bogdanovka, donetsk people's republic and inflicted fire damage on the personnel and equipment of the armed forces of ukraine in the area of ​​​​the settlement of krasnohorivka, donetsk people's republic republic. in addition, two counterattacks were repelled in the area of ​​the village of chasov yar, west of the village of krasnaya. enemy losses amounted to up to 440 military personnel, three vehicles and a combat vehicle. the decision of the congress to help kiev will further enrich washington, infuriate ukraine and increase the number of dead ukrainians, as presidential press secretary dmitry peskov commented on the results of voting on the next american tranche for the needs of the kiev regime. the russian foreign ministry, in turn, emphasized that the united states is pumping up the armed forces of ukraine weapons for the sake of war to the last ukrainian, and also so that kiev continues terrorist attacks on civilian targets. killed
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journalists, as noted, on smolensk square; for these purposes, washington is resorting to the theft of frozen russian assets; the ministry warned that the actions of the united states, as the actual party to the conflict, will receive a decisive rebuff. the condition for new arms supplies to kiev by nato countries was the adoption of a strict mobilization law in ukraine. a diplomatic source in brussels told tas journalists about this. about, he will tell you how the armed forces of ukraine are trying to make up for the loss of personnel. so catch him, he's running! moldova, the border with the odessa region, local police, eyewitnesses are smilingly watching the movement of the silhouette: a ukrainian is running to save his life, there are dozens of them, judging by the abandoned car along the border, the especially enterprising ones have already figured out how to do business with draft dodgers. opel cadet and nine. both are $900. mazda 323, $1,000. who needs these cars?
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ukraine has fled, there is just over a week left before the law on mobilization takes effect the military commissars also want to make money, they often help the uhilyants, in the footage a man in camouflage escorts four men to the border with hungary, those who do not pay have to fight back, women come to the aid, such opposition units.
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tck raids have intensified, they meet young ukrainians at train stations, car washes, construction sites, they seem to work after hours, even at night, in dnepropetrovsk a street surveillance camera records, men in uniform in a few seconds, pack another victim of mobilization into an suv, it is absolutely necessary fulfill the plans to send death, as the sponsors told ukraine, otherwise... no weapons, no military assistance. the existence of such a condition was confirmed to the tas agency by a diplomatic source in brussels. the adoption of a new strict law on mobilization in ukraine was a condition for new supplies of weapons from nato countries. weapons supplies are only advisable if there is a significant number of trained military personnel who can use these weapons in defensive or offensive operations. and with timely replenishment of losses, which requires the active recruitment of new soldiers. make life difficult for those who resist. for example,
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they will limit the possibilities of using public services, as stated by the minister of justice of ukraine. various ministries are currently working on adjustments to regulations.
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zemtsova, irina zaborskaya. news. in the ishim district of the tyumen region , 12 km of embankments were erected around populated areas, in addition to 7 km of existing dikes. the water in the ishim river continues to rise. local authorities they call the main task now to monitor the condition of protective structures and take prompt measures in case of leaks. sentry groups are still on duty in the damp area in the kurgan region. despite a slight decrease in recent hours, the water level in tobol is still high. above the dangerous level, the water in the tom river near the city of novokuznetsk, kimerovo region, has risen to a dangerous level, according to local authorities, while flooding in the region has not been recorded, the situation with floods in the next 3 days is expected to worsen amur region, residents are notifying and preparing helicopters for evacuation. in saratov
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, the winners of the school basketball league have been determined, there are no teams from sports institutions at the tournament, only students from regular classes, this season those who want... emotions are running high in the stands on the court at the proton arena sports center, the strongest school basketball teams are fighting for first place and the right to participate in the second international kes basket super cup. to go out on this floor today, the guys are far from being professionals. did a lot of complicated work way, only 40 teams reached the final decisive games, 17,500 and even more started, the 2023-2024 season became the largest in the history of the school basketball league, if in the first year of the competition 800-
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odd teams from the perm region took part, then today it is already 17,900 from 80 regions of russia, schoolchildren from lipetsk and novgorod joined es-basket. football players from yekaterinburg, but the boys’ battles were heated; in the decisive game , athletes from the sverdlovsk and kemerovo regions met on the court. the urals confidently led only 2 and a half minutes before the end of the last quarter, the siberians took the lead; the last decisive points for his team were brought by
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eleventh-grader daniil krosheninnikov. this is a very big leap for our city, we have a population of only 80,000 people, and no one has ever done this before, we are the first. almost 600 players from different regions of the country fought for victory, they were supported by 1,500 fans, including russian
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america, a program about a country that is difficult to understand. hello. it’s not for nothing that the united states is called a country of lawyers; no matter what high-profile trials american history has seen, it seems there is nothing to surprise, yet, frankly. these days here in new york, history is being written anew. in room 15:30 of manhattan criminal court, for the first time in the 248 years of the existence of the united states, a former president, and perhaps a future one, sat in the dock as a criminal defendant. all attempts by trump's lawyers and his legal team to move the case, to move it forward late date or cancel it altogether. were not successful, although such a strategy in the legal field had not failed them before. what's
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the matter here? the point here is that manhattan justice, in the person of district attorney alvin breg and judge juan merchin, are literally working for themselves, for that guy. the case of porn actress stormy daniels' secret payments is the latest frontier for liberals. all other matters are in relation. trump, which were supposed to be considered around the same time in washington in the case about the storming of the capitol, in georgia, in the case of election interference, in florida, about secret documents.
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our country is in decline because of those who attack political opponents. trump assembled a solid team of lawyers, but an even brighter team, at the call of the heart, at the call of political sympathies, gathered before the court, no matter how bright the characters were there. of course, there were some... small skirmishes, the police had previously demarcated the places where trump supporters and opponents were located, small skirmishes arose, but it was clear that despite the fact that new york is a liberal city, and they always vote for democrats, there are quite a lot of people who sincerely gathered to support the american president. i support him because
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everything he does is right, every decision he makes is correct. this is also a reaction to the pressure that trump and his supporters, as republicans call them, have been experiencing in recent years from democrats. let's still go back to the courtroom, let's see what's there, there's no television broadcast, but there's a lot photographs with countless details. the main task in the coming
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days will be the selection of jury candidates, you need to choose a panel, 12 people with this big one. the situation is different, there is more support for the republicans, so they wanted this, this is also a new york area, but to do it electorally there, they were not allowed to do it, and now they are trying to weed out biased jurors, so far they have managed to select only a few people, on the first day they brought in 96, 50 were eliminated immediately, the selection is very tough, they look at
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the history on social networks, look at what comments were published. the jury selection process will be little different from other trials, with the only difference being that prosecutors will try to identify their bias against donald trump. jurors will be asked questions about whether they attended trump rallies or volunteered for his company, what news they watch, and even what books they read. donald trump himself is already in court, he must be there 4 days a week, wednesdays, his only free day is wednesday, donald trump was very unhappy about this, leaving the court on the first day, he said that it was possible that because of this he would not be able to attend the graduation of his youngest son, baron. i can't go to my son's graduation, or to the supreme court, or to georgia, florida or north carolina
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to campaign, that's exactly what the radical democrats wanted, that's interference. from the surroundings to the essence of the matter itself. trump faces 34 criminal charges, each with a maximum sentence of 4 years, 136 years in total. the point is that in 2016, trump’s lawyers and his team, who participated in the us presidential elections, feared publicity from the former porn actress. stormy daniels, who, according to her, had an affair with trump in 2006 at lake taha, at a golf club where celebrities gathered, they decided to bribe stormy daniels. there is nothing criminal in this procedure itself, she was paid $130,000, but the questions are not about the payment, the questions are about how it was done,
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it was done through lawyer michael cowan, this was framed as legal services that he provided to trump, that is, in this way, the ends were hidden twice. michael cowan himself, trump's former lawyer and now one of his biggest enemies, is happy to do so. to air all the dirty laundry that he knows in public. if i were trump, i would be very concerned about this process, because in fact this is a very simple matter, it is based on documented facts, and the documents do not lie, they paint a very clear picture that things are not going in favor of donald trump at all. this story has, in fact, been circulating for a long time in the information space of the united states; there are even quite funny parodies. here you can look at this one, here it’s doubly funny, the fact that the role of trump is played by alec baldwin, who is now convicted of the manslaughter
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of a television cameraman, and stormy daniels is played by stormy daniels herself, this is comeo, stormy, this is michael cohen, are you alone? yes, what are you wearing? i'm sorry, what? stormy daniels caused a stir when she gave her first interview, she then told. in detail about how trump molested her. he told me that i reminded him of his daughter. apparently, this was his way of expressing his sympathy for me. i thought it meant our mutual respect. that 's why i was infuriated by the way he spoke to me. and even more so, i didn’t expect to be pressed against the wall when i got out of the shower. i don’t remember how i ended up in bed. it was terrible, but i didn't say no. stormy daniels herself, a fairly well-known character,
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has other complaints against trump, judge juan merchin agreed to listen to other witnesses, in particular, they are talking about the appearance in the manhattan court of playboy model karen mcdougal, who was allegedly also paid money for silence, the publisher who participated in this scheme should also appear there, it worked like this: to the person whom they wanted to force him to remain silent, as if they were buying this story from him...
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there is even trump, if he himself again becomes
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not at the federal, at the district level, then the president of the united states, he will not be able to close this case, he will not be able to pardon himself, only the governor of new york can do this, and the governor of new york is katie hochul, she’s from the democratic party, it’s clear that she won’t pardon him, and the main thing is, what’s the idea here, what’s the point? there is a cunning conspiracy here on the part, so to speak, on the part of trump’s opponents. it's very simple: this is a story with piles of dirty laundry, it paints trump in a very unsightly light for a very important part of his electorate. if you look at the situation now, you can see that trump is quite seriously supported by women from the suburbs, that’s how they are usually called, it’s very generalized. characterization in general we are talking about white american women, families with an income level above average, this is a woman like this, she can be a housewife or a working woman, in
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principle and... and elects the american president, candidates for the presidency of the united states are always fighting for her votes, and this is the main electorate in the swing states, here is the story about trump cheating on his wife, about the fact that he secretly paid a porn actress, about the fact that he had extramarital affairs not only with her, and with other women, may shake the respect on the part of this same white woman from the suburbs for the republican candidate, this is... very serious, especially serious in the sense that the electoral picture is now, it is confused, but it does not give away there is no advantage for either candidate. the ratings of biden and trump are almost equal, 46% versus 45 in favor of trump. for biden , the situation has improved since late february, when trump had a 5% lead. a decrease in the gap indicates that
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the confrontation will be painful. the last two presidential elections were decided by tens of thousands of votes in several states, and this time is unlikely to be an exception. in a country so divided, even the smallest changes can make a difference. well , this leads to the second trap into which trump was literally led; trump has no time left to conduct a normal election campaign. it is clear that they have their own electoral base, the republicans, they will be for trump anyway, but of course they are. republicans there will be no more by november 2024, which is why he needs to travel to these swing states, meaning michigan, pennsylvania, georgia, ohio, arizona, in order to speak, in order to convince, in order to say that he is the best, trump was de-energized in this way, he was disconnected from his voters, but donald trump would not have been donald trump if he had not found a way out of this difficult situation,
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the republican from... is always known for his ability to turn around , seemingly completely unwinnable situations in their favor, and trump once again demonstrated such skill, after the second day in court ended, he got into a motorcade and went to harlem, to the famous store of josse alba, known to many new yorkers, as it is called on 182 streets, it became famous due to sad circumstances in 2022, i went there. the robber, an african american, and decided that the sixty-one-year-old salesman behind the counter, jose alba , would be an easy prey, would not offer much resistance, began to demand money, a fight broke out, jose alba turned out to be a man not a timid guy, he pulled out a knife and killed the attacker, there was a camera in jose alba’s shop, it filmed everything, but no, jose alba was sent to jail, they began to demand $25,000 bail, who is this? and this
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was done by the office of district attorney alvin bregg, who is now precisely the prosecution party in the trump case, that is, such bingo itself came into hand, trump, of course, took advantage of this opportunity, staged a real campaign rally, right there in harlim, his supporters gathered on the sidewalk, television came, everything was semi-spontaneously, but this is american politics, why it is so here... some appreciate and love it, because of this spontaneity. trump came out and said, as always , everything he thinks; all tv channels, as always, broadcast what he says. this personally reminded me of the times of his first election campaign, back in 2015-2016, when television followed the pits, caught every word of trump, because he organized all sorts of very unusual events, well,
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here is this effect on... i am very pleased to be here, people want law and order, the crime situation is terrible, stores are being robbed, we will correct the situation, send a lot of money to new york, but for now the city is in a terrible state and the whole world is looking at this, at how ridiculous the judge is behaving towards me, because in my case there is no no crime, crimes happen here once a week or even more often. we can say that this is a new election strategy. or the tactics that he was forced to implement due to the difficult circumstances that arose around him, it is quite possible that it will bring him success, especially moreover, there is a wide field here in new york for such spontaneous events, well , look, firstly, you can almost every day go down to the new york subway, where there is crime and where traces of the politics
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of prosecutor elvis are also visible. brega, station in new york.


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