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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  April 21, 2024 6:00pm-6:31pm MSK

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you can’t touch her, you can’t touch her, it’s not yours, well, you little face, god’s light, what to do, commander, call sign passenger, call sign passenger , i suggest changing the call sign to rebin, no, call sign my brother, you remain a passenger, that’s right.
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washington’s actions as the actual party to the conflict will certainly and decisively be rebuffed; its ever deeper immersion in a hybrid war against russia will result in the same loud and humiliating fiasco for the united states as it did in vietnam and afghanistan. this was stated by the representative of meath maria zakharov commenting on the allocation of financial assistance to ukraine by the us congress. the head of the state duma committee on international affairs is in touch with us.
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passed, thereby essentially depriving ukraine of its future, the bill allocates 61 billion dollars to ukraine, a significant part of which will be developed by american companies themselves, for example, about 23 billion will go to replenish the military arsenals of the united states, another 11 and a penny, let's put it in our billions will be allocated for...
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uh, criminal, terrorist, the puppet kiev regime will certainly be defeated and faster than anyone can imagine. leonidavich, well , congress passed the bill yesterday, everyone rejoiced, waved the flags of ukraine, in ukraine the president is also happy, but one way or another the bill still has to pass the american senate, in this sense, should we expect its unconditional confirmation, already on tuesday, let’s wait.
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in the floor of that very anti-russian frenzy, this agony, which the collective west is in ever smaller quantities, if we take the constants, already without slovakia. already without hungary, already without the netherlands, and nevertheless, the collective west and, above all, the united states, are preparing to follow this path, how long will this last, we will not say in advance, we will live in the present, and we see that the game stoltenberg claims that ukraine is using weapons provided by nato allies to destroy russian combat capabilities.
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and to allocate this assistance, do you think there will be even greater difficulties in the future with the allocation of american money for military assistance to ukraine, or this can generally be called the final final package, which yes, the fact is that the resources, i repeat, that can, or rather are difficult to allocate, are becoming less and less, the american economy is no longer the same and can no longer be pumped out from anywhere , which is increasingly being talked about: not by pro-russian, but by pro-american experts who believe that it’s enough to stop using, twisting everyone’s rags, the resources of american taxpayers in this headless race of confrontation with russia, which is still far from clear, and
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some say that defeat will definitely end, but the american victory will end ambiguously, you and i see the realities, you and i... will bring more grief, it will bring more death, this is even stronger in the wake of the situation in the gas sector, will put an end to the usa as a world hegemon, they no longer exist in this regard, a new global world majority is being created around russia, around
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the sound approaches of the russian president, these are the countries of africa, latin america, and a significant number of countries in greater eurasia, this new global majority has essentially already been formed. therefore, all this aconia, bringing destruction, bringing death, which will certainly choke very very quickly, all of this is not worth it, highlighted by
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the state duma for international affairs and the head of the ldpr faction, leonid slutsky. at
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the dnepr airfield, russian troops destroyed a ukrainian mig-29 aircraft. this footage was released today by the ministry of defense. in addition, the control center, radar, detection of air targets and launcher of the s-300 anti-aircraft missile system. the military department reported other successes of our soldiers. units of the southern group of troops completely liberated the population. bogdanovka village of the donetsk people's republic and inflicted fire damage on the personnel and equipment of the armed forces of ukraine in the area of ​​​​the village of krasnogorovka, donetsk people's republic. in addition, two counterattacks were repelled in the area of ​​the village of chasov yar, west of the village of krasnaya. enemy losses amounted to up to 440 troops, three vehicles and a combat vehicle of the asa akm anti-aircraft missile system. the decision of congress to help kiev will further enrich washington and increase the ruin of ukraine. the number of dead ukrainians, as presidential press secretary dmitry peskov commented, on the results of voting on
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the next american tranche for the needs of the kiev regime. the russian ministry of foreign affairs, in turn, emphasized that the united states is pumping up the armed forces of ukraine with weapons for the sake of war until the last ukrainian, and also that kiev continues terrorist attacks on civilian targets and killed journalists. as noted on smolenskaya square, for these purposes, washington is resorting to the theft of frozen russian assets. the ministry warned the us actions as factual. the parties to the conflict will receive a decisive rebuff. the conditions for new arms supplies to kiev by nato countries were the adoption of a strict mobilization law in ukraine. a diplomatic source in brussels told tas journalists about this. about how the ukrainian armed forces are trying to make up for the loss of personnel . egor grigoriev will tell you. now he will call, like this: catch him, he’s running. moldova - border with odessa region. local police eyewitnesses watch the movement of the silhouette with a smile. the ukrainian is running. to save lives, there are dozens of them, judging by the cars abandoned along the border, those who are especially
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enterprising have already figured out how to do business with draft dodgers. opel cadet and nine, both for 900 dollars. mazda 323, $1.0. if anyone needs this car, i will send the details in a private message. ukraine has fled, there is a little more than a week left before the law on mobilization takes effect , and the military commissars also want to make money. often helps the hilyants, in the footage a man in camouflage accompanies four men to the border with hungary, those who do not pay have to fight back, women come to the rescue, such opposition units are spontaneously formed on the streets of ukraine as soon as the lure catchers from the territorial recruitment centers go to work, man, look out , the police will be here, look out, let's run.
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already after school hours, even at night in dnepropetrovsk , a street surveillance camera captures men in uniform in a few seconds, packing suv is another victim of mobilization, it is absolutely necessary. fulfill the plans to send death, as the sponsors told ukraine, otherwise, no weapons, no military assistance. the presence of such a condition was confirmed to the tas agency by a diplomatic source in brussels. the adoption of a new strict law on mobilization in ukraine was a condition for new supplies of weapons from nato countries. supplies of weapons are only advisable if there is a significant number
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of trained military personnel who can use these weapons in defensive or offensive operations. and with timely replenishment. characterization of the minister’s statement, at the same time the ukrainian lawyer gives a caustic, extremely precise reminder that he is ready to provide services, including to disabled people, because they will also be sent to the front. the so-called re-examination of disabled people is starting, the first group is not, the second, third, they will need to be re-checked and prove their status,
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it looks like they will also have to prove the status of death, the editor-in-chief of the ukrainian magazine. football, for example, was invited on the agenda, although he died last year, so there is a risk of getting a new document to fight draft evaders, a requirement for the police to deliver a hustler, one has to hope that it won’t come down to excavations at the cemetery. egor grigoriev, evgenia zemtsova, irina zaborskaya, news. in the ishimsky district of the tyumen region, 12 km of embankments were erected around settlements in addition to 7 km of existing dumps. water in the river. continues to rise. local authorities call the main task now to monitor the condition of protective structures and take prompt action in case of leaks. guard groups are still on duty in the damp area in the kurgan region, despite a slight decrease in recent hours, the water level in tobol is still above the dangerous level. the water in the tom river near the city of novokuznetsk, kemerovo region, has risen to dangerous levels. according to local authorities,
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no flooding has been reported so far. the flood situation is expected to worsen over the next 3 days. in the amur region. residents notify and prepare helicopters for evacuation. fleet commanders russia and china signed a memorandum of cooperation in sea rescue. this was reported to the ministry of defense. russian commander-in-chief admiral alexander maisiev met with the commander of the chinese navy, admiral huijun ming, during his visit to china. during the negotiations, they discussed the further development of cooperation in the interests of security and stability. alexander moiseev arrived in china to participate.
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lyubov podkholuzino already seems to feel at home. it's been almost a year since lyuba and her children moved from siberia to donbass, where her husband serves. well, he was first mobilized in september 2022, that is , he was sent to a unit in omsk, we came there at first, at first i was alone, then we came with the children. as if they let him go there for a couple of days, then he was sent here in january of the twenty-third year, that’s it, and we didn’t see him until may we saw each other, but he said come as soon as possible, and i was working and somehow, of course, it was scary to come here, you don’t know anything, and the war seemed to be around, well then i arrived, i was convinced that it was more calm here, so we decided to move to donbass lyuba moved from another mining region, kusbass, or rather from the city. ski, which is not far from novokuznetsk. both lyuba and her husband, before mobilization, like most of the city, worked in coal production. we have known each other since school and studied
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together. then fate somehow separated us, i worked at the same enterprise, he at friend, that is, he is on the loader, i am in the security service, at the open-pit mine, yes, we worked at the open-pit mine, then somehow we met and communicated. they started, well, somehow everything started to spin, then they started living together, and accordingly , everyone mobilized him, he left, everything happened very quickly, in may twenty-third lyuba came to the dpr, first just to visit her husband, then she returned to kuzbass, but after just a few weeks she arrived with her children , found an apartment, and she knew the donbass before her husband anatoly began serving here only that there is fighting in the region . i knew about donbass before my husband started serving here and decided to move, in principle i didn’t even know anything, we lived somehow, well, we heard on the news,
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yes, that there is such a thing, that this is happening here, well, somehow... then they didn’t go into details, didn’t read on the internet in general exactly what life is like here and what, then they already started, after i arrived here, i thought about moving, i started looking for some groups on the internet. schools, shops and cafes, local also works it’s a rear city, there are kindergartens and a metal plant here, but a rear city in its own zone is a relative concept, unfortunately, it’s also rare here, but there are arrivals, and a leisurely measured life sometimes goes on to the sounds of explosions or the sound of airplanes. but it is clear that yanaki is a rear city, but nevertheless there are also arrivals here, fortunately not often, but nevertheless, have you already adapted to these sounds, are you used to it or not, or is it
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impossible to get used to it? well, in kuzbass we have mines everywhere, and that is, they explode coal, the sound is similar, it’s also loud, the windows are also shaking, because we lived in our house next to, well , not far from the mine, as if everything here is also similar, well, the children also perceive it as either thunder, or this is how it all happened for us, our heroine has an amazing story, following any of her mother moved to donbass in siberia with her husband, who has already signed a contract here and is now fighting for...
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my task is to track, accompany the group, tell where to act, where i see the enemy, so that the boys remain safe and also adjust the fire, mortar , and ortas, yeah, during shelling, first thing first the time when we entered, it was scary, and then things became more familiar, the fear had already stopped, well, it’s simply absent, shelling is already underway, well, it’s already in the order of things, and then it shoots, okay, we hid in cover, we sit, it stopped, they started bird, we were sent to look, well , either... during the shelling we launch birds, we also observe, search, identify where they are shooting at us from or hitting us, before the north military district , tolya had no combat experience behind him, after military service he got a job as a loader driver at coal mine in native kusbase did not connect his life with the army at all. a year and a half at the front, of course, changed him a lot, and this is noticed not only by those close to him, but also by himself. well, he has become more mature, even judging by the photographs, when i, say,
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came to omsk to see him, well... a photo in military uniform, as if an eighteen-year-old boy was doing military service, now he is even in military uniform, you look at him, but already i matured, of course, and my thinking became completely different, how should i say smarter or what? you yourself feel that you have changed, that you were before participating in hostilities , now you have become more responsible, that is, i know that a lot of things depend on me, and i treat this responsibly. because if something happens to me, then i will also let my boys down. it seems clear to the family only during furloughs; at first , even many family friends did not know that the wife and children had moved to donbass. lyuba, in principle, was going to move from kusbas, although initially to kazan, so their departure did not surprise any of their acquaintances. yes, me first i say, maybe move here,
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it will be closer here, and then... my opinion has already changed, i say, you don’t need anything like they planned in kazan, it’s better in kazan, but i can’t be stopped, yes, but i can’t be stopped, that’s what you feel more, the joy that the family is here or these fears that, god forbid, that everything is together, fears, and joy, joy, when i arrive, when i’m fired, when i’m in a position, i’m not i know what’s going on here, i’m without communication, without everything, i’m worried, i’m nervous, i’m not worried when... i hear that in vinachka, there was an arrival somewhere, i’m starting to panic, i’m getting scared, where what was it, because i don’t know, there are two children in the family, the eldest lera is in school, how did they get them, it’s hot, no, no today, and lera also studies at a music school and goes swimming, her son sasha is in kindergarten, and also studies in the kung fu section, which,
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it turns out, is in... hi, hi, what are your pants, tied up, yes, give me the package, that's it, let's go home, yes, i obeyed, that's right, give me your hand, lyuba says that in order to arrange children in kindergarten and school there were no difficulties, and there are quite enough clubs in the city, well, somehow it worked out quickly here, we arrived in june, spent a month at home, near our house... right away there was a kindergarten, we went there , to find out if there are places, no, there’s a good head teacher who immediately asked us to go to the school, we got a job, no, i say, not yet, so she called, there was someone she knew at the gymnasium, she called and agreed that they would take us there, that is, how quickly everything happened, and how the children adapted to kindergarten and school, respectively, as classmates we met, the teachers probably asked where you’re from, siberia, well, that’s it... somehow
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at first they were surprised, what are you doing here, now it’s normal, there are many who have moved, our children go to school in neighboring cities, someone moved from moscow. when the daughter of her grandchildren arrived in donbass , lyubov’s mother irina sergeevna was there, who is now...


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