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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  April 22, 2024 3:30am-4:01am MSK

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they, as we argue, okroshka should be made with kefir, kvass, they have a soup, such a new england one, new yorkers add tomatoes to it, and those who live in maine think that this is just a crime, and even there was adopted in i don’t remember whether it was accepted or not, but at least it was heard in their local legislative body about a project to ban the putting of food at this hour in the state of menn, i understand, otherwise it’s no longer cheddar, but some kind of borscht, of course.
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there, then, is mount cadillac, the highest point on the east coast of the united states, they they think, and maybe this is true.
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at least in winter, that this is the first place that the rays of the sun touch, when the sun rises throughout the united states, they run there to this mountain, as they call it, the nation meets the sunrise, there is the kenyabank port, where, as we remember , is the summer residence of american presidents, where, as we remember, our boss, vladimir vladimirovich putin, met with george w. bush in 2007, now it’s even impossible to imagine that they met in the first place, they drank tea, coffee, cola, probably something... i don’t know what they fed there anymore, and they discussed such interesting things, for example, that instead of pro in eastern europe, we can together agree to use the services of the gabala radar station in azerbaijan, we remember that it hasn’t even been 20 years yet, it was all seriously discussed, and this is the focus of the entire american protestant ethic, which lies in the fact that this was our land, and the indians already lived here. here is fulfillment with oneself,
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fulfillment of the concept of one’s own exclusivity, only over the years, with in just two centuries, this ethic spread throughout the entire earth, this was our land, someone already lives here for some reason, some russians, some other chinese, what are they doing here, this is our land, these are our rules, we run it all and we rule it all and we have the rights to all these wars and we have an obligation as anyone...
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must continue to evolve the way we have always evolved, they have always evolved since 1620 when they sailed to mayflauric , to the unsuspecting unfortunate indians who greeted them with open arms hugs, taught them how to open oysters and raise turkeys, in fact, so what, they didn’t know that they would then
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be sent a blanket infected with smallpox and turn them into a handful of alcoholics living on a reservation, who are simply doused with alcohol so that by the age of 9 they they didn’t knit the bast anymore and never woke up. we didn’t know, we already know how this is done, we must expand gradually, gradually select, not conquer, make friends, the interests of our own, right now a congress of moldovan oppositionists is taking place in moscow, in moscow, attention, is taking place congress of healthy moldovan opposition forces, we must support them, there are similar forces in other countries, we must support them, because we have one way out. or do we remain russia, as we are told, this is what our great history and culture guides us, or do we turn into indians born with smallpox, and this spider will suck us out like a fly until this fly dies? so in order not to turn into infected
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hos, we have an army, a military-industrial complex, and, of course, the great russian people, so i think that a very accurate answer to the american package of sanctions was given , now we will create a center for scientific production, well, at the same time, a design bureau for all drones with a ruble technician, they need to be assembled, assembled, before the guys appear, thank god, now they are assembled, assembled, they are developing, good finance, through
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procurement, through, so that they don’t stop, create laboratories with them, then it will all come together, it will be a big unification, how much can you do, and for how long? so that you can have more by year no month month now 100 pieces for just one light, it’s already there at the training ground, but it looks like patriot park, along with deputy minister janusbek, a machine gun, a machine gun, right? that is, we have already brought it as close as possible to ensuring that the fight against pivid is effective, but we are making gun barrels, if there is air surveillance on hand, then short guns, shorter ones were even ordered, such guns, the second one is like the second gun of the assault group behind the back, as it appears,
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well, within a month we will train our already instructors at four or six training grounds, within a month they will train everyone our instructors will already be working in the troops . we turn on the assault squad crew, of course, of course, and of course, a visit to the agro-industrial complex of enterprises in the omsk region, i think, shocked our enemies, well done guys, you can already see it, what is this, it reclines so that a crew member can go again minister of defense for convenience, they aged him for six months, then well done. i’ll do it, i’ll do it, thank you, i’ll do it, i’ll do it, we have a few tanks, we’re producing a little bit, we’re supplying a car with some additional protection, here we looked at sights, but that’s it for now
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tanks, we have it, yes, of course, we accept quarries, and an increase in production volume, that’s what we have. this year's car, we're loading it up in may, we're stocking up on huge reserves, production, when did they start? a small program for additional protection, when we were looking for sklavs there, we were looking for everything else, we found it all, we did it all, but now we need to increase it, so the production of sunglasses was increased by 2 and a half times, tanks by several times, and at the front he simply adores eighties, he is quiet, that is, he drives into position, the enemy did not even have time to understand that happened, he’s there, well, the gun works like a sniper screw, the ninetieth is amazing.
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now i finally went, how long the shift works, what kind of traffic, yes, day and night, well , they didn’t show the sunburn in the video, but they are on a tank basis, i worked with the crews of the sunburn, so when the sunburn comes, our soldiers see it, they directly welcome it , loud cheers, well, that means that it will be easier in this direction, and the guys are fantastic.
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of their country there with competitors with some or those people who are against democracy,
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yes, this results in some kind of civil wars, no, this is a civil war, this is a war for democracy on a human scale, so there are some countries, some forces that say: we know what democracy is, and we understand that in another parts of the world do not have this from their point of view, so we will come to you with war and set these standards.
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ago france in 1944 equalized women's rights with men in terms of suffrage, this was in 1944, let me remind you that... it did this 26 years earlier, in general many other european countries even later, so i just want to say about this, i just now want to smoothly move on to the wonderful country of switzerland, which today claims to be the place where there will be a global, like a world summit, in my opinion, that’s what it’s called, if i’m not mistaken, where they want is to create a structure that will ensure peace in
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ukraine, and so continuing the theme - equality of women as a democratic standard.
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this is the so-called trump plan in kissinger quotes, because kissinger was the first to say this, there is mr. xi’s plan, chairman xi, about whom our foreign minister also spoke, look how interesting it is, it means that you can treat china’s plan in any way, but the design is quite clear, there is a settlement plan of 12 points and four points, such a universal standard as in general , any conflict can be resolved today, in negotiations with scholz in china, in general, a thing that deserves respect, deserves discussion, what in response? in response, blinkin says: i will go to china, i will explain to the chinese, blinkin, will explain to the chinese that they are they are leading the wrong way, but by the way, no one has done as much to bring russia closer to china than
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blinken, in this sense, and with his stupidity, absolutely fantastic ignorance, he pushed the chinese comrades. so that we refuse, there is a sacred question, but for what? for your sake, for the sake of american interests, for the sake of continuing the war in ukraine, we don’t want this. returning to these to these to these standards, that is, today, it seems to me, as a result of those rather complex
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processes that took place in america, on the eve of this vote, we see that the most radical forces have gained the upper hand, in general this confirms what we have always said in this studio, that there may be less or more war, maybe... less money or more money, but they will always be, because sacred, this is the task of reformatting this world for oneself by any means, economic, military, this task is not canceled, it is at the forefront, this is the style of thinking and style of behavior of the american european elite, although here it is necessary to make several remarks of this kind, so to speak, let's say the director of the cia says that if we don't... don't make the right decision, then by the end of the year ukraine may lose on the battlefield. i believe in burns in that he knows what is happening on the
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battlefield. but it is clear that behind this statement by burns there are two tasks, one of which has been solved - this is what congress voted, i think it played precisely on this, the second task is to draw europeans into this story as much as possible. and here i want to emphasize one more point. here. an amazing thing is happening in recent times for several years, the czech military-industrial complex increased its export volumes sevenfold. the profit of the largest military concern in the czech republic this
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year is a record 49% higher than the previous year. where are czech weapons going? 51% goes to europe, but wait, it’s also very interesting here, it’s 51%. weapons that the czechs supply to the europeans in replenishment. of the weapons that are eliminated from - a carousel, carousel exchange, absolutely right, where these weapons go to ukraine, and the remaining 49, the left share is ukraine, these are vampires and so on, so on, by the way, the czech republic is one one of the best military-industrial complexes in europe, it must be said, for centuries, yes, yes, absolutely right, therefore, you know, the conversation needs to be cleared up by a blow to the factory that produces the vampire. yes, that’s why the talk about the fact that the shells will run out, poor ukrainians, they have nothing to fight with, it’s worth it in order to solve our own
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global problem that we’re talking about, that’s what we’re talking about, that’s what we needed to prove, everyone’s profits are increasing, everything is covered in chocolate, yes, the basis of course is money, and the czech military-industrial complex is growing, everything is fine, in this sense, they are fighting russians, that means, with ukrainians, and russians with russians, it’s easier to say, which means someone is raking in profits for themselves, well, the latter, of course, i think, for the first time, this thought sounded so harshly in lavov’s mouth about the fact that we are not let's stop hostilities for the duration of the negotiations, well, it's continued, putin didn't say that, putin said differently, that if someone thinks that we will sit down at the negotiating table because they will run out of ammunition, he is mistaken, yes, it is him said to tucker, carlson, and lavrov said directly and harshly, even if we sit down at the table negotiations, we will not stop hostilities, why? not only because there are many of us.
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security, what are the guarantees for us, this is primary for us, and not just a ceasefire and fixation of this border, which formally may seem beneficial to us, we do not set this task for ourselves, and lavrov said this very clearly.
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i understood correctly, the future, yes, uh, twenty -fourth year, already 1.124, this is the situation, now i can jump to a hundred years in the future and back, i see everything,
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space pirates are ... hunting, they were already there when i i came here, we need to find mom, what a meeting, maybe we can put the children to bed and now is the time to somehow fix everything and it’s time to act somehow, questions, suggestions, objections, no, something else, what do you want, let’s 100 years forward to that.
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please, negotiations can most likely begin when the winners and losers in the conflict are clearly determined, because the current conflict, one way or another, it leads to the fact that this winner and losers must be identified, this is not a question of ukraine.
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this is that we will introduce financial sanctions and last week a number of chinese banks from the top ten there refused to do this, there is a law on the confiscation of our assets as a hint to the chinese , yes yes, that’s what i wanted to say, that they refused, they can be understood, but then that now the united states is encroaching on that system, we didn’t create it, china didn’t
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create it, they created it. russia is showing that there really is nothing special here for the americans, so they passed these two bills, in fact, well, in one package, how many? it will go there ukraine, if we consider that 23 billion is for replenishing american reserves 13-14 yes it turns out no there it turns out somewhere if in general we calculate it turns out to be about 23, this is immediate, this is what they are emptying warehouses now, but there another 11 billion to finance the policy of the united states in the region, that is, at the expense of the ukrainians...


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