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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  April 22, 2024 4:00pm-4:31pm MSK

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the program of ilham aliyev’s visit includes a discussion of trade and economic cooperation and regional issues, as the press secretary of the russian president dmitry peskov commented, our countries, quote, have very... many common interests, great potential for cooperation and, most importantly, rich traditions of bilateral relationships. well , speaking of traditions, today the two presidents will meet with veterans, builders and workers of the baikal-amur mainline. as part of the celebration of the 50th anniversary of this railway artery of our country. 23 on april 1974 , the seventeenth congress of the all-union leninist communist youth league opened in moscow. it is on this site that baikal is being built. straight from the congress
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, komsomol members went to the yaroslavl station and went by train to taiga, volunteers came to build the railway from the transsocialist camp, by the way, the father of the current president of azerbaijan, the former head of the republic heydar aliyev , directly supervised the construction of the bam in conjunction with the ussr. american military assistance to ukraine and other issues right now we will discuss it with the first deputy chairman.
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are these processes related to each other? well, as far as i know, the decision has so far been made by the house of representatives, there is still a discussion to be had in the senate, but i have no doubt about the outcome, given that, of course, the democrats have the majority in the senate, and as for the law on mobilization, then well, in accordance with publications that contain links to... informed sources, they say that this was almost a precondition, i fully admit that it was so, because that equipment, the weapons that the americans will provide, they need to fight for someone, and apparently, there is no one in particular to fight, especially... since in order to control
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fairly complex weapons systems, some other time to train ukrainian personnel, and therefore i noted those in the comments that were made this morning that the question of the implementation of this decision. will require weeks, and the supply of the corresponding weapon systems will take months, so, as they say, a hot spoon comes at dinnertime, like it is known, here, as it were, this did not turn out to cold feet, mr. zelensky, but, rather, it seems that lunch has already passed, that’s all...
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at those prices for these weapons items, specific ones, which everyone is talking about, this is not such a large amount, in america weapons are very expensive, and even more so if we talk about air defense systems, not to mention
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f16 combat aircraft, but well, but as for the context of the elections, yes, of course, if...
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republicans have one of the main ones, well, let's see, because the republican party, or rather the republican faction in the house representatives, it split approximately in half, so we’ll see how this will be reflected, but out of these 60 billion , ukraine will get a rather meager share. “the main thing will be to replenish those arsenals that the united states has, its own arsenals, which they exposed with previous deliveries to ukraine, accordingly it will be the renewal of these
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arsenals, plus additional orders to the american military industrial complex, well, little things will go wrong there, that is, a little there..." some money, they will probably go to kiev, but this is not enough to satisfy not only the needs of the armed forces of ukraine, but even the needs of those corrupt officials who are hovering around the kiev regime, we know what the needs of the ukrainian corrupt officials are, so he said, if we look at this bill according to parts, he also instructs biden that the us president must transfer to ukraine a long-range ms attack. can we expect the appearance of f-16 aircraft in kiev in the context of this assistance, these are the widely advertised ones that already seem to be they have delivered, or they seem to still be delivering, or
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they seem to want to, but are not delivering. well, you know, you can again ask the price of the competitor. for the ms attack, for the f-16, then it will be clear how many units of both, this amount can be written down, just as, for example, now germany is announcing with great fanfare that they will be ready to supply a third unit.
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far from the latest models have been signed, plus to train pilots, this task is not easy, in... in the current conditions there is a shortage of generally qualified personnel, especially personnel who speak at least english in order to undergo this training, but this is a very difficult task for the kiev generals, so let’s see, well, yes, but the kiev generals, and not only the kiev authorities, current and former, say that they have been studying with nato specialists for a long time.
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to give up, so, judging by public opinion issues, this is all superimposed on the growing dissatisfaction of american voters with the fact that money that they themselves do not have enough, but goes to the side for the sake of some great goals, the fight against authoritarianism, for democracy, in distant ukraine, the location of which on the globe not every american is able to find.
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well, vladimir alekseevich, an interesting topic is that the house of representatives is considering the issue of confiscation of russian assets. according to various estimates, we can talk about about 5 billion dollars, and at the same time, if the americans are already taking this step, then the europeans are holding off for now, but the consequences could be terrifying, so i would like to talk about. about the consequences for america if they do take such a step, and looking back at americans, will europeans follow the same path, do you think? i think as far as the united states is concerned, this is a cheap provocation, a provocation against their european allies, because in relation to the united states, as you correctly noted, we are talking about a fairly small amount, 5-6 billion. to use the interest that this frozen money brings, well
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, in general, well, i won’t say a penny, but quite a bit of money will be generated, but if we are talking about confiscation of the amount itself, then this is already a provocation. against the united states itself, i mean, against its financial system, financial stability, the role of the dollar as a reserve currency on a global scale. how will the europeans behave? well, the europeans are already within the european union, probably once, well, if not 10, then about that. this was discussed in various formats, including at the last one in
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the extraordinary summit that took place last week, which was initially conceived as a summit on purely economic issues; it was on the agenda that the issue of raising a competitor was actually on the agenda capabilities of the european union, including in confrontation with... the states, and where the policy of reindustrialization turns into deindustrialization, the european union. as a result, the leaders of the eec countries had to deal with both ukraine and the middle east last week. but again, nothing was decided. neither in relation to ukraine, i mean specifically the financial aspect of the use of frozen
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russian assets, and not in relation to the middle east, the issue was discussed there. not about helping israel, that’s sacred, but about imposing sanctions against israel, and even such a topic as the possible announcement of sanctions against one, one military unit of the israeli army, which has stained itself with crimes, was thrown in, but even this thought did not have time to be heard by the most monstrous military, as netanyahu harshly condemned the statement about the inadmissibility and even the threat of threats
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against the european union. so.
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ah, so to speak, uh, saying, uh, throwing up his hands, that they say, here we are calling for, uh, to look for an appropriate air defense system at home member countries, because, he says, we don’t have any in brussels, and indeed, uh, it’s still the european union, despite all its recent antics and attempts
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to pretend to be something significant in military terms. it has not yet turned into a military bloc, and any attempts in this direction are already met with a rather sharp, negative reaction from nato, where, not without reason, they fear the prospects of duplication of corresponding actions and, most importantly, duplications.
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countries, primarily the central countries and eastern europe, where there were many different types of weapons from the soviet period, some of russian production, they tried to send this matter to ukraine, counting on receiving new ones from the outside , primarily in the united states, but they sent it, to execution. well , if it does, it’s minimal, and while the americans are in no hurry to share with them, they need to replenish their own arsenals. therefore, the situation is quite tense in this direction. well, here’s another important topic
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that is being discussed in the media today, that polish president andrzej duda declares his readiness to place us nuclear weapons on the territory of his country, despite the fact that he also stipulates that this topic has been discussed for some time, how to react to this, what will possibly change in our defense policy in connection with these. thoughts and desires, well, of course, i will remind you that there was such a document, no one canceled it, no one announced the termination of its validity, a fundamental act on the foundations of relations between russia and nato, it was signed in paris in may 1997, and there and naturally, this was done as if to soften the effect of the then wave of nato expansion,
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then the nato russian council was created, and so on, but it contained specific obligations on the part of the alliance. the first commitment is unambiguous, and this is the renunciation of... nuclear weapons on the territory of the new member countries, and poland at that time had not yet joined nato, that is, it fits this category quite well. well, the second thing is not the deployment of significant combat forces on the territory of the new member countries. it was approximately, well, there was no specific figure recorded, but there was understanding. what are we talking about - we are talking about the maximum maximum figure of one brigade per country, but there are
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different brigades, here is the german brigade, as we now see, which is planned to be stationed in lithuania, it numbers quite a few 5,000 people - in the armed forces of other states, this more modest figures, but nevertheless for nuclear... weapons, so far, such plans have not yet reached the practical level, of course, we have been following this from the first day, and we will closely monitor it, drawing conclusions, unhurried, but thoughtful, conclusions of both a political and military-technical nature, yes, vladimir alekseevich, thank you very much for your comment, for... explaining some really very important, serious points for general understanding, let me remind you, directly first deputy chairman of the federation council committee on defense and security,
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vladimir chizhov, contacted us, thank you again, yes, thank you very much, uralsip is a bank for business, and we work on the principle of all or nothing. everything for entrepreneurs and nothing unnecessary. we offer free service for 3 months when opening a business account. bank ural siib - nothing superfluous.
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the russian hydromid center and the regions need to work together, including to prevent damage from natural disasters, this is a statement by mikhail mishustin. yes, the head of government took part in a meeting of the hydrometeorological service board. we now offer you the full version of his speech. good afternoon, dear friends, first of all. i want to congratulate all of your colleagues on the anniversary, this year the hydrometeorological russia's service is 190 years old, during
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these almost... two centuries its name has changed, but of course, not the essence of the activity itself, all these years you have been constantly monitoring the environment, providing information on actual and forecast weather, collecting and analyzing information about climate change, about its consequences, this is of course a very important function that is necessary for the work of almost every sector of the economy, agriculture, transport to the construction sector and energy. you are the first you see dangerous natural climate phenomena, warn about them, help prevent or reduce damage from emergency situations, ensuring the safety of residents throughout russia requires even greater coordination of work together with regional and local authorities, without waiting for the onset.
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critical phase. during a meeting on the flood situation, the president emphasized the importance of timely analysis and taking appropriate measures in russian regions where there is a threat of flooding. want pay special attention to this. today roshydromed is a developed structure with a powerful scientific and technical base, it allows it to carry out the most complex tasks facing the industry. in advance.
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a dozen domestic space satellites, the most important source of data, today we talked about this in detail, this group was recently supplemented by arctic em and meteor m, and of course a supercomputer that analyzes the array of received information and simulates all atmospheric processes based on it, the flagship project in antarctica, the new wintering complex vostok, which was implemented with the participation of private investments, is preparing for full-scale commissioning . of course, you need to update and expand your research fleet, a year ago the government allocated about 40 billion rubles for the construction of an expeditionary ice vessel ivan frolov , which has no analogues in its class in the world, but this work must, of course, be completed within the next four years. at the eastern economic forum
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, the president emphasized the importance of the study northern policy, noting that the arctic has a huge impact on the global climate, it is important to predict the processes occurring there, but for this we need accurate scientific data and it is necessary to continue to actively develop a national system for monitoring the state of permafrost. the head of state ordered to increase the number of stations as soon as possible. last year , 20 of them were created, this year. there should already be about 60, in total by the beginning of 2026 we will place 140 such stations, especially since they provide knowledge about greenhouse emissions gases, which is very important today. on the initiative of the president, an international expedition was organized to the high latitudes of the arctic on the northern polis platform, which is equipped with modern equipment, it will complete
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its two-year period... thanks to which scientists have the opportunity to conduct dozens of unique observations, which are very necessary for further geological, chemical, and gravitational research . they can also be fully used to ensure reliable navigation along the northern sea route, the safety of people who live in the arctic. despite sanctions pressure on our country, the service must continue to interact with others. government, joint research, exchange of experience and resources allow us to obtain more accurate and reliable results for the security of each country. our colleagues from belarus are participating in today’s meeting, you are closely cooperating within the framework of the union state committee on hydrometeorology, on monitoring environmental pollution, we have actually built a unified and effective service, it is operational
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