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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  April 22, 2024 6:30pm-7:01pm MSK

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cubic meters, a significant share of these reserves was previously formed through the supply of pipeline russian gas through ukraine, but the european commission made it clear that it was not interested in extending the transit agreement, which expires at the end of the year. thus, eu countries may lose supplies of about 15 billion cubic meters, which is exactly what came through the ukrainian route last year. austria, hungary and slovakia, which receive this gas, will be the first to be hit in the event. the european union is waiting for a refusal from russian lng fuel hunger. it will be problematic to replace all these volumes with supplies from other countries, experts say. this will definitely lead to a noticeable increase in prices, but we can expect an increase in prices, i think by 30-40% exactly, as in relation to the price of russian gas. if the winter is colder, this is very likely, otherwise it is not at all obvious that there will be enough gas, especially during the peak period. demand, so
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there may be problems with gas supply, and such risks are completely obvious, and uh, and this is primarily a problem also for the industrial production, for energy-intensive industries. exports of russian lng in the first quarter of this year increased by more than 4% and amounted to 8,700,000 tons. in addition to europe, the main buyers include asian countries - china, japan, south korea and thailand, so supplies are possible if necessary. reorient, especially since there is demand, and prices are only rising. in april , amid concerns about conflict in the middle east, they reached their highest levels since early january, bloomberg reports. if suddenly a complete ban is introduced on the supply of russian expegr to europe, then we will have to look for other markets. and today , japan ranks second after europe, china is second, south korea is third, the rest of the niches are quite small, that is, we are talking about...
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batches, and therefore, if the need suddenly arises to completely abandon the european market, look for an alternative, then firstly, we will have to look for and expand these new niches, that is, not rely only on china, but let’s say, expand supplies to that india, which so far only purchases individual batches. in the face of declining supplies of pipeline gas, russia intends to further develop lng production. by 2030, it is planned to increase this volume to 100 million tons, which will be equal to 1/5 of the world’s production.
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i understood correctly, the future, yes, yeah, twenty-four, 2124, this is the situation, now i can jump to a century in the future and back, i see everything, space pirates are hunting for us. they were already there when i
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came here, we need to find moms, what meeting, maybe we can put the children to bed and now is the time to somehow fix everything and it’s time to act somehow, questions, suggestions, objections, and nothing else, what you want, was given, the light for that ahead. hello, live broadcast of the legal program hosted by the duty officer. the police
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detained a gang of so-called cashers, they had to act harshly with some; in the operational footage, one of the suspects is desperately resisting, but of course, everything is clear. law enforcement officers, a team of criminal financiers laundered and transferred abroad money from criminal groups, and for this purpose they created such ghosts with the help of false documents, opened accounts for people who simply did not exist in reality, and then carried out all illegal transactions through these accounts. computer system units, external electronic storage media, bank cards, sim cards, documents with signs of falsification, migration card forms, were seized from their residence addresses. mobile phones containing computer programs intended for illegal implementation, reception, issuance, transfer of funds. 11 black bankers are accused of money fraud and forgery of documents. the most active members of the group have already been placed in cells
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in the pre-trial detention center. their accomplices were released on condition that they not leave. in cherkessia, security forces are looking for armed killers who dealt with police officers. two guards were killed. another one was seriously injured, the criminals opened fire on the official car of the law enforcement officers, at that moment they were patrolling the territory and drove into garage complex, they started shooting at them there. olga zhurenkova, more details. information on suspects in the attack on security forces in karachay-cherkessia has been sent to all police departments in the region. all personnel were alerted, a siren was introduced, and patrols on the roads on the border of the republic were strengthened. it is known that the raiders can travel in two lada cars, they are armed. the attack on police officers occurred in korachaevsk near the local nizhny market on monday night. there are few official details yet. according to some media reports that at the time of the attack, the ministry of internal affairs officers were in their official uaz. everything happened so quickly that the security forces did not even have time to unfasten the seat belts in the car. according to other information, the police were patrolling
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the area in the garage complex at that moment they opened fire. the deputy platoon commander and one of his subordinates died on the spot. another employee was hospitalized in serious condition. it is known that the attackers took the police’s service weapons, two makarov pistols, a kalashnikov assault rifle, and the ammunition fled. investigation department for the city of karachaevsk, the regional investigative department, opened a criminal case on the fact of an attack by police officers. in a criminal case , the necessary investigative and procedural actions are being carried out, as well as operational-search activities aimed at establishing all the circumstances of the crime committed, footage of investigative actions at the scene of the incident: a company car is riddled with bullets, the door is broken, there is a hole in the windshield. police service murat kalakhanov died on the spot, he was 36 years old, in the ministry of internal affairs he has been working since 2013, in his free time, the policeman was fond of mountain
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hiking, he left behind a wife and a four-year-old daughter, the police driver, roman gushchin, died from militant bullets , as journalists report, gushchin studied at the same school as one of the probable raiders .
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working group with colleagues from the united arab emirates. the initiative was voiced during today's negotiations with prosecutor general hamad saiv al-shamsi. the meeting took place in moscow, as krasnov noted, the new structure will help strengthen operational contacts between representatives of the competent authorities of the two countries. i would like to invite you to create
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a permanent joint working group to discuss solutions to current problems in the fight against crime and the protection of the rights and freedoms of our citizens. that this will give an additional impetus to the development of interaction between our departments. the antics of teenage groups lead to increasingly sad consequences. in pensions , doctors are fighting for the life of a young hooligan. a criminal case of attempted murder has been opened. and the main suspect himself not much older than his victim. but he will answer like an adult, he is 18. and the quarrel was just about the laces. a group of young hooligans, ordinary punks , accosted a student with long hair. they said they didn't like his shoelaces. in broad daylight in the city center they began to cut them off from shoes with a knife. only the student has it in his pocket. there was also a knife, he wounded one of the offenders and ran away. the suspect was quickly detained
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by police officers and handed over to an investigator for investigative actions. in the issue of bringing charges against him and choosing preventive measures is currently being decided. investigators will have to answer a difficult question: was this an attempted murder or unsuccessful self-defense, because the detainees did not harass anyone, they were alone against an aggressive crowd, and the minors were armed. i should have. cares about a disabled person, and not live on his savings in the stavropol territory, activists of the popular front, the police are looking into the scandal in which a social worker got caught, for receiving a power of attorney from a boarding school patient, she emptied his bank cards, but a criminal case has not yet been opened, which is why vladimir bazov was looking into it. vitaly korpuschenko, a patient of a psychoneurological boarding school, honestly paid savings from his pension for life within the walls of a mental health facility, only now the man has no savings, they were appropriated by who was supposed to take care of him. the man says, like other patients, he signed a power of attorney so that the social worker could do
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all the shopping for them, after that the cards were immediately lowered, it turns out i still owe the boarding school, since i didn’t pay with this money, i didn’t pay for the accommodation in the boarding school, not you, but the social worker for me, and the social worker didn’t pay for it, because she didn’t put me on the balance sheet, if you can’t reimburse, you can be kicked out here, well, i i don’t know, probably not, although... natalia kolchanova, after that the social worker was shown the door, all the information about what happened was passed on to the police, but no one detained the social worker, after that kolchanova allegedly went to the bank and withdrew more other people's money, without even hiding the fact that she was spending it herself, in the twenty-second year, this is in august, where she explained to us.
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verification is established, the possible range of victims currently being carried out on this fact, the amount of damage and other circumstances. based on the results of the inspection , a procedural decision will be made in accordance with the law. in total, for kolchanov’s own social needs, according to the employees of the thankee. and she embezzled at least 700,000 rubles. law enforcement officials have yet to find out the exact amount.
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but it is possible that there may be even more victims. vladimir bazov, lead, duty department. the head of the russian ministry of internal affairs, vladimir kolokoltsev , met with his cuban counterpart, the minister of internal affairs of the island of freedom of lasar , albert alvarez casas, and discussed joint work in the field of law enforcement, including the fight against organized crime and cyber attacks. in cuba, in turn , the russian country offered assistance in the development of canine, expert and forensic services, as well as in training. life itself forces us today work in very close contact with all interacting structures, because the west has never calmed down and will never calm down in its desire to somehow limit the development of our states. at the end of the meeting, the ministers signed an agreement. the document spells out plans to jointly combat crime for the next 2 years. the zamoskvaretsky court in moscow
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took the probable killer shahin abbasov into custody. according to investigators, the twenty- one-year-old accused stabbed a biker in the vlyubleno high-rise building last wednesday kirill kovalev. the conflict began after a motorcyclist reprimanded abbasov for parking his car incorrectly. immediately after the vile massacre , the accused, along with his two brothers, fled the crime scene. on the way, the accomplices changed vehicles in time. travel 900 km from moscow. they were detained in the rostov region. in addition to shahin abasov , his brothers, uncle, father and friend are involved in the case. the investigation considers all five to be accomplices, the alleged criminal and the intercessor. about their arrest. resonant murder case a businessman from balashikha near moscow was transferred for investigation to the main headquarters of the investigative committee of russia near moscow. according to media reports, the alleged killer and his accomplice fled to turkey, and the defendants were put on the wanted list. let me remind you that on saturday a stranger in a mask waylaid sixty-one-year-old businessman nazim akhmedov near his store. shooting rang out in broad daylight.
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at least five bullets were fired at the victim. the test came to mind. akhmedov died on the spot. meanwhile, the criminal rushed to bega. the gun... reprisals will be able to declare an international search.
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the large water is receding, residents. this is the kind of work mostovayu. residents of orenburg who survived the blow are now moving to other regions that suffered from the flood from orenburg alexander the elements are returning to their flooded houses and counting the damage. the ural river has finally calmed down. the large water that surrounded the area and washed away roads is leaving the city. actually, we are now in a house that has been flooded. water gradually. the wallpaper is peeling off in the rooms, there is fungus on the ceiling, the basement is still in water, in the orenburg region
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over 12 thousand houses remain flooded, this is what happened to this room, after the arrival of high water, the laminate completely peeled off. now there is just a concrete floor, there are small cracks in the ceiling, which are also problems, dark spots have appeared, and of course, repairs need to be done. the damage assessment commission inspects the destroyed apartments and houses. specialists are attentive to details. the head of the ministry of emergency situations, alexander kurenkov, is working in the city again. he monitored the progress of restoration work and personally communicated with residents whose houses suffered. they should change, they will change, maybe the heat guns are for you, what do you think, well , that would be good, of course, we will now talk about this topic, the rescuers’ resources have been deployed to eliminate the consequences of a powerful flood , provide assistance to residents, in the affected areas the water is pumped out using motor pumps and special equipment. in orenburg , a shkval pumping and hose complex was deployed, which is capable of pumping out up to 350 liters per second. with
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the arrival of the big water , the emerald city housing complex was almost transformed. into the archipelago, rescuers here were on duty around the clock fight against the elements, then people could not approach the houses, everyone was evicted, here there is about 2.0, even a little more, that is , repair work can already be started, the residents were protected by a group from ufa, which they told the minister in detail, thanking the employees of the ministry of emergency situations for their help , let them finish it to the end, they did it. the meeting of the government commission has already become traditional, in the house of councils of orenburg today they are talking about the flood situation in the regions. the development of flood conditions in the kurgan and tyumen regions continues, we are keeping this issue under special consideration control, however, work to eliminate the consequences of the spring half-year needs to be increased and the main priority
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remains assistance to the affected population. all decisions that were made in... during the meeting will be reflected in the final minutes, working more often in the territories is important, very important, and for the population you will still need to be familiar with this, why, because all this is located under the special control of the president of the russian federation, more and more territory is being freed from water as of 9 hours, today 12,302 residential buildings, 14 municipalities are in service. in addition to the orenburg region, the kurgan and tyumen regions were hit by the elements; work on strengthening the dam does not stop on the left bank of the kurgan; two stations have been deployed. and comprehensive water purification, and senior rescuers clear blockages in the river with the help of heavy equipment and watercraft.
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disinfection is being carried out in flood-affected areas; this is necessary to avoid the spread of infectious diseases; mass vaccination has been organized. population, about 90 thousand people in the orenburg region have been vaccinated against hepatitis a, the city is gradually returning to the duty unit from the orenburg region. his own king in the irkutsk region, a local businessman shot in cold blood, perhaps, the most famous dog in the city. the affectionate favorite and tens of thousands of people whom the owner left after the accident and began traveling with her around the world, became a victim of a cruel businessman. and when the story spread throughout the country, it turned out that his relationship with people was not much better. from irkutsk region darit kachuk. in the hands of antonina rodionova, all that was left of her pet, whom she affectionately called yosya,
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was shot by a neighbor in cold blood, despite the scammers' home address and phone numbers of the owners. the second shot, the temple is wild, i run to put on my pants, i run here, that is, i ran to this place, he came around the corner, i asked him: have you seen the black and white dog, and he says so calmly, no, and i turn around like this, and she turns out there, yosya was a little celebrity, along with as a mistress, she traveled a lot across the expanses of the country, tens of thousands of antanina’s subscribers followed her adventures, it all started with their touching acquaintance, a year and a half ago the girl saw how a puppy was hit by a car and was unable to pass. she picked it up and went out, and after that they went to the mountains together, in joy. on april 18, yosya sneaked out of
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the yard for a walk on her own, antonina went in search, but didn’t have time to save her, you saw for yourself, it’s always open here, and just in a residential area a man is shooting with a rifled rifle guns, how's that? antonina immediately called the police, but by the time they arrived... the neighbor seemed to have disappeared, then social network users began their own investigation, began publishing photographs of the person who allegedly dealt with the dog, this is a local businessman, viktor fedotov, he himself has already published his position, is trying convince everyone that i was defending myself, but when i tried to approach her, she began to throw herself, so i took measures to protect myself and my family. why was mr. fedotov so scared? neighbor's little dog, a big question, because he himself is the one... delo unceremoniously lets out his own hefty allabaevs for a walk along the street. the police have already found out that the businessman had a hunting rifle legally, so whether he had the right
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to shoot from it in the center of a populated area is still being investigated. responsibility for shooting in populated areas, as well as in places not designated for this purpose, is provided for in article 2013 of the code of the russian federation on administrative offenses. for this violation there is a fine of in the amount from 40 to 50,000 rubles. confiscation of weapons, too. supplies for him, hello, and viktor viktorovich, it’s you, no, it’s no, who i don’t know where you are, i’m a worker, as soon as our film crew appeared in the village, fedotov again disappeared without a trace, i can also reach him by phone and it didn’t work out, instead of the entrepreneur , his young relative came out to meet the journalists, let’s get out of here, you said, you know, that this is now an attack by the media, you are now, we are now leaving for private territory. with this stupid prank , the young brawler risks causing herself a lot of trouble. big troubles, it would be better for her to sit at home
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and read books, especially the criminal code, and yes, the residents of the village are not surprised at all by such an upbringing in the fedotov family, the reputation of the businessman himself is so tarnished here that people are ready to talk about him only on condition of anonymity, you see we are so afraid of this man that we are afraid to give him... some kind of interview, don’t forget, these are my lands, these are my roads, that is, this is my everything here, he behaves here like a king, whatever i want, that’s what i want. i do. according to the village residents, he he can easily block a highway for people he doesn’t want or turn off electricity in the middle of winter if a person doesn’t agree to pay his tariffs. by the way, as soon as the story with yosei leaked to social networks, antonini’s electricity was also turned off. the girl understands that no one will return her beloved dog, but she wants justice. also, so that on the streets where children walk, no one allows themselves to be sprayed with guns, even if they pretend to be a local king. the law is the same for everyone, and sooner or later you will have to remember this.
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knocked out teeth, concussions and many other injuries are the consequences of an ordinary saturday walk with friends, says yegor filippov. the conflict began with a small verbal altercation with the driver of the car, who cut off a group of people on foot, and resulted in this. what are you doing? get in the car, what are you talking about, these pictures show local businessman rauf gabdulin with his family. he screams, gives instructions on who to hit his retinue, and later hits yegor himself.
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however, yegor assures that rauf did not stop there. after the guy fell, he the crowd started beating him already on the ground, and his girlfriend, who was trying to film what was happening, also got it. as a result, rauf put yegor and the girl in his car and began making threats. he started showing some photos of us with some deputies, and he said: i have a lot of connections, he started hiding behind this, saying that i can’t live poiglin, i won’t be able to walk peacefully anymore after this. i ran into the wrong guy, started threatening him in all sorts of ways, then on the site with a local recreation center, one of rauf’s friends beat yegor again, while the serious businessman himself slapped him in the face girls, after which the two of us were put in front of the car, there was a large circle of people standing here, trying to humiliate us, beating us in front of everyone, and raul said that there would be no mercy for him, it was very scary to stand here in front of everyone, when there were...
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law enforcement agencies. the story not addressed to yegor and other victims as a joke alarmed local residents. rauf is a public and famous personality in the village of yaglino. even the head of the district administration last year praised the prime minister, family man rauf. the story of rauf gabdulin and his family inspires with its example. i am sure that people like raufilevich and his family will continue to write their bright inspiring story, together with their village and... rauf diligently created the image of a respectable citizen, philanthropist and family man. in interviews, he talked down to people about family values. how do you know evil if you haven't studied about it? in order to know that this is evil, you need to study it, then you will understand that this is actually evil. apparently, raov was too keen on studying evil, so he really attracted the attention of even law enforcement officers. excited a criminal case under the article of hooliganism following an attack on a group of young people in the village
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of yaglin. currently. all the circumstances of the incident are stopped in order to give a legal assessment of the actions of all participants in the conflict; persons who received bodily injuries were given directions to undergo a forensic medical examination. police are establishing the circumstances of the incident, as well as the persons who caused the injuries. for some reason, the entrepreneur himself did not want to discuss his actions with us. hello, rau, can you hear me? and this is this day. why were the teenagers beaten? in addition, local residents suspect that rauf, allegedly, together with some officials, may be involved in some land scams; perhaps this aspect of his activities will now also attract the attention of investigators. egor, for now, is moving away from what happened and hopes that rauf, despite his connections, will answer for everything. daniil sukharuchko, mikhail shirin, lead. duty department. you can find out about the latest legal news around the clock in the telegram channels of vesti dezhurnaya part and honest detective. maxim movchan was in the studio.
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see you at 21:30. in the kremlin, vladimir putin holds a meeting with the head of azerbaijan, ilham aliyev, what topics are the leaders of the countries discussing? expectedly long, for example, vladimir putin remembered the contribution that ilham aliyev’s father, heydar aliyev, made to the construction of bam. why is this especially important today? in europe , they are discussing assistance to ukraine and new anti-russian sanctions, all this immediately after the us decision to approve $60 billion in aid to kiev. meanwhile in ukraine they are celebrating essentially a loan approval, but is it worth rejoicing over a failed counter...


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