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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  April 22, 2024 10:30pm-11:00pm MSK

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technology, the image of a wunderwaffe, and, by the way, in contrast, interesting footage of another evacuation, which major western media are diligently hushing up, although it turned out to be unrealistic to hide it at the harrisburg airport in the american state of pennsylvania , the launch stop of the patriot anti-aircraft missile system was illuminated, and it was unloaded from the side of the ukrainian transport worker antonov, well, that is, it’s immediately clear where it was delivered from, why, obviously repairs were required, what conclusions arise here, we’ll figure it out with the help of boris and... shameful return to their homeland, the us patriot complex broken up in ukraine, was initially hidden. here are the shots from the harrisburg airport - this is the state of pennsylvania, they were filmed on april 5, and were published only now. a battered and partially burnt semi-trailer from a patriot launcher is being unloaded from a ukrainian an-124 transporter, and this is not the entire anti-aircraft missile system, but apparently only what was left after high-precision strikes by the russian army. the launcher itself, which
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was pulled, is essentially a semi-tractor - on which hydraulics were installed for lifting the launchers and wiring for connecting to the control system, that is, there is a tiny part of the value of this complex, we don’t know how many of them there were - directly at the moment of destruction, that is, perhaps there is just one of four or six remained so relatively acceptable, the rest are simply reduced to scrap metal, the most valuable thing in the pet complex... as military experts say, is a radar that allows you to track targets and a control station, it is the electronic filling inside that guides missiles, so there’s nothing of this in the footage from pennsylvania, yes, the trailer itself can be restored, it’s just a platform for containers where missiles and a radar are located, but replacing the rest is much more difficult, especially since in march three launchers were already destroyed on the territory of the dpr patriot and rls, the americans clearly don’t want to take risks, so they are being taken for...
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that is, rather, it is reluctance, reluctance to admit the quite obvious that their technology is not a miracle technology, in may twenty- third we already covered the patriot system, direct hit, since then these batteries have been destroyed several times and each time we were informed that they were being sent for repairs, but zelensky’s appetites are only growing, back in march he asked the united states for 5-7 batteries, supposedly to protect ukrainian enterprises, in april while the surviving trailer was being unloaded in pennsylvania. already 25, again 25,
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this, by the way, is a quarter of all world patriot reserves, and in total, almost half of the new package of us military assistance, even within its framework the kiev regime should not count on massive supplies of air defense systems,” notes irish journalist chey bowes. according to him, the united states and europe will never agree to defend ukraine to the detriment of themselves. now all weapons are sent from existing stocks, but russia is destroying petriots much faster than the united states produces them in order to compensate. losses will take years , the company's production is about three or four batteries per year, that is, this is a very small volume in fact, and we are now, well, according to various indirect estimates, up to batteries per week , that is, in any case, we are now exceeding their production capabilities , and in multiples, this actually leads to the fact that from the point of view of air defense for kiev in the near future it is already very...
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ukraine’s closest neighbors are also in no hurry to help it. polish prime minister donald tusk threw up his hands: warsaw has no extra patriots. and the one in rzeszow, not far from the ukrainian border, is needed by ourselves and in general, at the disposal of the americans it covers a military transport hub through which western weapons are supplied to kiev. here is a short answer to the threatening lamentation of the head of the ukrainian foreign ministry kuleba, who promised the west tough diplomacy. what did you get in the end? romania rejected kiev's request, and spain too. germany, having given up just one complex, stated that its resources had been exhausted, and the united states, taking its broken remains, was only exposing the ukrainian sky. while repairs are underway, it will be without cover for weeks, if not months. the ukrainians have a non-layered air defense system, focal, that is , they try to cover cities, specifically banking, there is the kiev region, if the shoulder is supply, logistics, then repair bases, it... is increasing, yes, which means,
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naturally, sections of the front are being exposed that require as many anti-aircraft missile systems as possible, this will mean that there will be practically no encounters. what is important is that american equipment was delivered to its homeland not by the air force, the usa, not nato aviation, the an-124 transport aircraft, antonov, our soviet development, this is like another proof whose weapon is stronger, so a broken patriot essentially symbolizes the broken american dream about one's own superiority. hungary will block allocation of 2 billion euros to ukraine from the eu. this statement was made by the country's minister of foreign affairs after a meeting of the heads of the eu defense ministry. the meeting took place in luxembourg. among the issues are new anti-russian sanctions and support for the kiev regime. and why the head of european diplomacy, after many hours of discussions, remained disappointed - evgeniy reshitnev will explain. judging by
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the persistence with which the leaders of the eu and nato are trying to push this primitive idea into the heads of voters, things are really bad with further support for kiev. we must convince that russia is getting ready. at the same time, you need to calm down and then cheer up. yes, kiev is stuffed with military advisers, but not with soldiers yet. there are no plans for nato combat forces to be present in ukraine, but of course a number of nato countries have uniformed men in their embassies in kiev who
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provide advice. we must remember supplying arms to ukraine for the us and nato is not charity, but an investment in our own security. the same narrative is being pushed. this may be the last us aid package for a very long time, or even the last at all. but for now in luxembourg, where the
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foreign ministers of the 27 european union countries have gathered for a scheduled meeting, there is enthusiasm. the americans are back in the game, but american billions will end up in the american defense industry, and the european union is desperate. we asked all countries to look for air defense systems and ammunition to strengthen ukraine's air defense. the main task is to find patriots, whom zelensky again does not ask, but demands, and he began to be rude immediately after the decision of the congress. title in american press. zelensky challenges the west. air defense systems can be called patriotic only if they work and save lives. they stand motionless somewhere on the bases. wounds, but the thing is that europe has very few of their patriots, according to the estimates of the eu's chief diplomat josep barel, all european armies have about 100 patriot batteries, according to bensek stoltenberg's estimates, there are much less than 100 of them in europe, they will still have to give it up, it was decided, that the eastern flank
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of poland and romania needs them more, let the southern flank, greece and spain, be given by the leader of the two countries, whose armed forces have more than a dozen patri systems, as well as other systems such as... it has been said that their needs are not as great as those of ukraine. in greece, a rally of thousands near the ministry of national defense, people are against the military plans of the us, nato and the eu. quote: give money for healthcare, education, and not for nato headquarters. returning to the patriots, according to the financial times, ukraine now has three such systems, one supplied by the united states and two from germany. that is, russian missiles have reached. tabloid build obtained a secret bundeswehr document, from which it follows that germany failed to fulfill its obligations to supply ukraine with 400 mrep wheeled armored vehicles. the supply of armored vehicles was supposed to amount to 315 million euros in batches of 20 pieces from january
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to october of the twenty-fourth year, but not a single vehicle has been delivered so far, the problem was not about money. in a secret document that was in possession. mine-resistant vehicle, and receives them from the usa. does not produce basic components to spite moscow, germany is renouncing its status as the industrial center of europe. at the same time, scholz thanks norway for the fact that they have now become the main supplier of lng to germany. but if we talk about the entire european union, in the first 2 months of this year, moscow became one of the main suppliers of liquefied gas to the countries of the union; only the states exported more. the largest shipments from moscow were purchased by france, the netherlands and spain.
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this is preparation for a new world war. as an illustration of warsaw's statement, which, it turns out that he has been negotiating with washington for a long time about the deployment of american nuclear weapons in poland. president duda said that the country is already ready for this. evgeny reshitnev and anna lvova, lead. a long piece of pipe, several plastic bottles, broken plywood slats, and a picture of bart simpson stuck crookedly to what looked like a closet door. all of this could easily be mistaken for random content. in some garbage dump or flea market, if it didn’t turn out to be a ukrainian drone. according to mash russian
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the military shot down such a unit in the zaporozhye direction. the special operations, of course, were pretty surprised when they examined the loot up close. true, it has still not been possible to establish the purpose of the homemade drone. on the one hand, there are several video cameras, but they seem to indicate a reconnaissance function; on the other hand, some kind of ammunition release system is attached to the body. but that’s not the point, because the main thing is the design itself, made from improvised means that are not at all similar. to the notorious nato standards, and even for the so -called expert ingenuity it turned out, perhaps too much, but what made the vsushniks collect and use uavs of such dubious quality - evgeniy tishkavets found out. what's next, paper airplanes? the ukrainian military industry is reaching new heights. the network is discussing another homemade product from the naughty kulibins. a drone made from a sewer pipe, bottles, wooden sticks and, apparently, glue. although who knows what kind of substance it is? i actually used
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a homemade tank from a sewer pipe made from sticks, it was a fuel tank made from five rubles. you can laugh at the device as much as you like, but seriously, this is some kind of aircraft-type uav. the length is one and a half meters, the wingspan is also about that, it was probably a kamikaze drone, which carried a couple of kilograms of explosives, the gasoline engine could supposedly provide an impressive flight range of about 500 km. however, calling this a weapon, much less a high-precision one, is hard to come by. its characteristics are disgusting, it cannot be used as a strike weapon or for any other purpose, the drone has poor aerodynamics, and due to poor aerodynamics it is very difficult to aim it at a target exactly, that is, it can hit, well, for example, about a building there, about a square, like a komikaze, it is extremely ineffective, this is far from the first such device that has fallen into the hands of someone. russian fighters, we have met such shocking primitive drones before, or as experts call them,
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pipe planes, they are created solely for quantity and the best they can do is force air defense systems to waste an extra missile. the only advantage of such a uav is that any fool can assemble it using a template. there is a serial pipe plane, if you didn’t know, firstly, there is an american pipe plane, we dismantled it, but more than a year ago, there is a pipe from the american company unies. there are servos made in the usa, all the stuffing inside is american, that is, it is clear that it was made in the usa, and then we also assumed that, in general , this concept of tube aircraft is being developed by the usa for its proxies, which these proxies can produce themselves. here, of course, the question immediately arises: is the state of ukraine itself capable of creating something better, and what about the highly promoted ukrainian leleki factory drones. and furies, where is all this, where a million drones were promised by the kiev authorities, why instead of them
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does garbage rise into the sky on wings? this may indicate a fairly serious financial crisis in the ssu. plus we also don’t forget that due to the fact that they have serious problems with air defense systems, and russia has now significantly intensified attacks, we are talking about attacks on factories that produce weapons, including a lot of them recently message time. they made ammunition on their knees, not so long ago we actually got our hands on a homemade tank, the creation of this vehicle, called azovts, but how could it be otherwise, the kiev craftsmen somehow managed to spend 5 million dollars, but it is quite obvious that these are just sheets of armor roughly welded to the t- chassis 64. the sub-tank turned out to be so useless that
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it was simply abandoned by the retreating unit. and it is quite obvious that such freaks. vysu’s arsenal does not appear because of a good life, ukraine is not capable of creating its own equipment, and the west is not able to feed the non-rapid parasite the west does not currently have a large amount of production capacity for the production of military drones, because the west is now, as it says, in the post-industrial era, and where the post-industrial era is, there is no industry, there is no production, so a.. . the enemy has to somehow maneuver, he has to literally create his own drones from sticks of leaves, well, throw the isis. and indeed, we kept thinking, what does the design of this strange drone resemble? it's almost one in one, like the drones used by syrian militants, and the terrorists there had even more imagination than their ukrainian colleagues.
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the housings were made not only from pipes, but also, for example, from fittings. no matter how hard you try, you won’t be able to make a lancet out of a sewer pipe. we'll be back after a short ad and we'll tell you what we'll talk about. and schools are immediately in the trenches. in ukraine it is proposed to send schoolchildren to general military training. there are already few of our own students. order a free alfabank credit card with a whole year without get a percentage of supercake in rubles every month, and also withdraw cash for free from any atms, it’s not just profitable, it’s alpha profitable, like this, don’t, you need it like this, like this, i understand, like this at the megamarket washing gel persil for only
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beating of her son on social networks, this story is true could have remained in the statistics of child bullying, if not for the reasons for the attack, it turned out that other children attacked the thirteen-year-old schoolboy because it seemed to them that he was watching a cartoon in russian, moreover, the management of the educational institution also intimidated the child so as not to favor my parents, they ended up learning about the serious injury by accident 10 days later. after the spying , the police got involved in the case, the topic is actively discussed in the ukrainian press, and some even began to think about what could lead to these are the inclinations of young monsters, because if now they attack in a crowd for an allegedly incorrect cartoon, then later they will be able to kill you just because a person speaks russian. well, however, this is exactly what the kiev regime needs; children fueled by hatred will willingly enroll in the ranks of the armed forces of ukraine. moreover, the training of student militants is no longer just ideological; anastasia ivanova took a closer look at how this process is implemented in practice.
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the kiev regime has been involved in the group since school benches, but of course, they won’t say this directly, so the committee on youth sports of ukraine begins with sacred formulations, saying that more time should be devoted to the military-patriotic education of youth, but in fact they ask the people’s deputies to send children to the field in bertsy and train them. .. where, in principle, they are taught just such farm nationalism, in principle, they have elements of military training. in the same ukrainian youth committee they ask
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students to realize their responsibility for the armed defense of ukraine, so they say, the school course should also be called, but it is unlikely that they will teach only defense. if georgian mercenaries are already giving demonstration lessons in kiev schools on how to hold a weapon correctly, how to aim, it’s not difficult to guess at whom, even if the machine guns are wooden. but let me remind you that the terrorist defense participants ran with the same people a couple of years ago, and then they began to be thrown into the thick of it at the front, to draw beautiful pictures, but in fact today zelensky once again stated that young people should take an active part in the military actions, since it is the young who are easiest to master new technologies, as many young people as possible need to be involved in the war, that is why.
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in ukraine, the reduction of the conscription age to 25 years old did not suit many in the rada, what then prevents schoolchildren from being sent to war? then it sounded like
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it was being discussed in passing until 18, then it was removed. wives will not mold children, just so as not to get up on friendship.
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democracy, glasnost, in general, in a word , perestroika, we went to visit these people, went out and in private said, wow, what are you doing?
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show that everyone is equal, the speed with which this reorganization took place showed that soviet society was, in principle, a capitalist society, democracy was a joke, that this is freedom, this is liberalism, i remember a great sense of freedom among the people, but many things about people didn’t know about the collapse of the soviet union, they were carried away by western ideas, we can be friends, the americans began to tell us how we need to democratize, they saw us as friends and partners, they sincerely wanted to help,
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modernization of bam, transib, the development of everything eastern railway range are of great importance for political and economic sovereignty. this was stated by vladimir putin. in the kremlin, the presidents of russia and azerbaijan met with veterans, builders and workers of bam. vladimir putin noted the important role of the father of the current head of azerbaijan, heydar aliyev, in the creation of the highway. anastasia efimova has all the details. one of the largest railway arteries in the world is a real road of the future.


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