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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  April 23, 2024 1:00am-1:30am MSK

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the modernization of bama, transib, and the development of the entire eastern railway range are of great importance for the political and economic sovereignty of russia. this was stated by vladimir putin. in the kremlin, the president
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of russia and azerbaijan met with veterans, builders and workers of bam. vladimir putin noted the important role of the father of the current head of azerbaijan, heydar aliyev, in the creation of the highway. anastasia efemova has all the details. one of the largest railway arteries in the world is a real road of the future. and also a symbol of dreams and romantic aspirations for several generations at once. baikal-amur mainline. construction which was given exactly half a century ago. this monday , the presidents of russia and azerbaijan met with veteran construction workers and workers of bam. i would like to say my warmest words to everyone who lives and works on bam today, continues the glorious traditions of the pioneers, and is engaged in the reconstruction, reconstruction, development and maintenance of this most important railway line. sincerely. i am glad to personally congratulate you on the half-century
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anniversary of the start of the construction of bama, president of azerbaijan ilham gedarovich aliyev, his father, all the builders of bama know this well, gedar aliyevich, played a special, huge role in the history of bama. as the first deputy chairman of the council of ministers of the ussr, gedar alievich oversaw the construction of the baikal amburg mainline and made everything possible. of a single soviet country today remains the most important project of interstate cooperation, including between russia and azerbaijan, because a significant area of ​​cooperation between moscow and baku is already the new millennium is a transport corridor, north-south. the scale and historical significance of bam also corresponds to... another area
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of ​​russian-azerbaijani cooperation, today we are talking about the development of the north-south transport corridor, in fact it connects the northern sea route with the persian gulf, or so to speak, it can and should connect, just as ibam, which became a truly all-union construction project, was called upon to serve the interests of all republics of the union, the north-south transport corridor should become an example of the most broad international cooperation, we are talking about... the formation of new logistics routes for the purpose of accelerated economic and social development from the countries of eurasia and the global south. i want to emphasize once again that we invite all interested states to participate in this project, we expect that it will definitely make use of the best, time-tested traditions of friendship and mutual assistance between the builders of bam and the people.
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from the work done, the joy of the goal achieved, and of course, pride in oneself, in the cause for the country. the russian army completely liberated the settlement of novomikhailovka in the dpr, the south, west and center groups improved
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the tactical position, repelled 16 attacks in su, zelensky’s formation lost about 900 more soldiers and mercenary officers. among other things, four self-propelled guns and a howitzer were destroyed. shot down 240 combat drones. north korea announced the first comprehensive nuclear counter-strike exercise in its history. 600 mm multiple launch rocket systems were also used. according to pyongyang, kimchen observed the launch of a missile with a dummy nuclear warhead. she successfully hit the target. north korea calls imitation. nuclear strike in response to large-scale military exercises by south korea and the united states. in sofia , a slab with an inscription from the grateful bulgarian people disappeared from the monument to the soviet liberating army. it was dismantled by the city authorities.
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the sofia court suspended the demolition of the monument in december, but the bronze figures and monuments had already been cut into pieces. now another court has allowed the dismantling to resume. monument. was established in the fifty-fourth year with public money, representatives of the opposition tried to protect the monument, they said that the authorities were waging war on history; moscow views the dismantling of the monument to the soviet army as a hostile step on the part of bulgaria. at the chisinau airport, the authorities actually staged a blockade of moldovan oppositionists who returned from russia. they closed the access control under the pretext of technical problems and demanded that i write explanatory notes. the leader of the renaissance party, natalia porasco , was sent for questioning by the special services, she was even threatened with criminal prosecution, while passengers on other flights were allowed to freely leave the arrival hall. the moldovan authorities do not hide that this is connected with the forum in moscow, where opponents of president mai sandu’s course
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announced the creation of the victory coalition bloc. anna voronina has all the details. we united into one bloc, which means it’s time to get rid of you, this is how chisinau reacted to... the creation of moldova’s position of a single political movement, victory. minister of infrastructure and regional development andrei spyna called representatives of the new bloc advocating the development of the moldovan economy traitors. the whole country saw traitors to the nation in moscow, but not everyone is on the scene. some are still hiding in chisinau behind various parties. we must get rid of them in the coming years. he was supported by the head of the national moldovan party, the same one that is ready to completely abandon everything. moldovan and subjugate the country to romania. the opposition is no stranger to such statements and provocations from the current government led by president maessandou. as the head of gagauzia, evgenia gutsul, noted, such a call for reprisals against the opposition will respond by contacting the prosecutor's office.
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all residents of the region, which refuses to be at enmity with russia on the orders of chisinau, are subject to pressure and financial repression. last year, in the fall of twenty-three, a... our international partners, philanthropists, transferred to the department of health and social protection, and about 17 million liters, that's about a million dollars to a special account that was opened in the department of health, and so that our pensioners have the opportunity to receive an increase in their pensions, the authorities of chisinau blocked this special account, thereby... not giving people the opportunity to receive bonuses, bonuses for pensioners are very important, because due to sandu’s anti-russian policy, payments for utility services have increased several times. you have to pay 2/3 of your pension for heating a two-room apartment. the authorities of gagauzia turned to russia for help. the first
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accounts for humanitarian payments to public sector employees and pensioners of gagauzia have already been opened. the first accounts have been opened, we will not delay. we will complete this work in in the near future, there is a complete understanding of the technology, everything is fine, so here i think that we are moving correctly, vesti. roshydromet forecasts are among the five
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most accurate in the world. allow the state to save tens of billions of rubles. mikhail mishustin noted this at the department’s board. olga armyakova knows what was in the spotlight. this is a liquid/solid precipitation sensor , this is a humidity temperature sensor. this mobile weather station is the first of its kind and is completely autonomous. data is transmitted via cellular communication every 10 minutes. such they will install on... the second one, he volunteered to go to the front, only a few months ago he returned to the civilian profession, thank you very much, you
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defended your homeland very worthy, we are proud of you, how things are going in general, good, our work is good, interesting in the fresh air, they work in the conditions of the far north and the southernmost pole of the earth, the premiere is shown a model of the wintering complex of the legendary vostok station in antarctica, they study the thickness of the ice there, here is a sample of its age. which is 700 years old, the most expensive in ice in the world, by the way, is pleasant, yes, yes, 3,600 m deep, well, roshydromet is in the top five world leaders in forecasting quality, accuracy is 96%, and this saves the country tens of billions of rubles every year, helps replenish the budget by developing, for example, the northern sea route , it is monitored by the newest satellite arktika m, which was launched from the cosmodrome last year. the northern sea route today is acquiring a completely new meaning; not only is it the fastest
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route from europe to asia, but today in fact, paying attention to it will allow us to significantly expand our interaction, including with other countries. the roshydromet service has existed for almost 2 centuries for 190 years, they celebrate this year, mishustin talks about the prospects for work for the next few years, the president set the task of uniting in general. legal, economic, educational and scientific space of the donetsk, lugansk people's republic, kherson and zaporozhye regions, the roshydromet administration has already been created there, it is necessary to equip them with the necessary equipment, train employees. the developments of fistekh help roshydromet warn the country about dangerous natural phenomena; here is just one of the joint projects: complexes for determining the concentration of greenhouse gases, made from russian components that are half the price abroad. analogues, and even with a record level of accuracy, the device was also
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equipped with microelectronics at mipt, at the institute of quantum technologies. the photonics laboratory here synthesizes nanoparticles, with their help they create microchips, and here they are tested, and this is the cutting edge of science, innovative development. well, for example, this chip, which is being analyzed right now, will be used in cameras whose sensitivity is higher than devices available on the market, and that’s completely. domestic development, from laboratory to production at mipt. the path is short, this is the heart of the future large festekh plant at the institute of electric propulsion. batteries for moscow electric buses, autonomous and manned spacecraft are created here . such batteries are 10% better in energy capacity than those of elon musk, which are flown on spacex, this is directly ours such an achievement. and this would have been impossible without the construction of a modern institute campus with production sites. teachers, quality education - this is
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the most important thing, but infrastructure is also important . the direction is scientific, wonderful for the children, by 2026 the area of ​​festekh will increase by one and a half times and it will be the scientific valley of mipt. olga armyakova, nikolai zakharov, rasul fitkulin, oleg makarov, yana streblyanskaya and mikhail altyrkop, lead. russian doctors will work in abkhazia during the tourist season, he spoke about this chapter. ministry of health mikhail murashko in the republic took part in a medical forum and met with the president of abkhazia. for organizing high-quality medical care in the republic, the president awarded murashk the order of honor and glory. according to the minister, russia is further ready to help this republic in training medical personnel and repairing medical facilities. a memorandum of cooperation was also signed with the ministry of emergency situations of abkhazia. the international exhibition innoprom central asia opened in tashkent. delegations from several dozen countries arrived, including
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from russia, belarus, china and turkey. about the prospects for cooperation - robert frantsov. familiar motifs from tashkent to central asia, this is already a tradition. the exhibition provides access to a market that is well known to russian manufacturers and whose potential is far from being exhausted. this is the sixth time we have come here to the exhibitions, there is great interest, that is, due to the great development of uzbekistan as a whole, there is a good enough scale for further cooperation. these are industrialists and... the regions supply equipment for the food industry industry, they say the demand is huge. at the exhibition, all the flagships of russian industry, the best machines and new materials, modern transport and information technology, a favorable environment for the emergence of ever new joint projects, are ensured by the growing mutual interest of moscow and tashkent.
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development institutions and support tools are being created, both from uzbekistan. on the part of russia, well, in total this ultimately influences the formation of new projects and added value in those products in which uzbekistan is interested in those directions where we see a further supply chain not only to the domestic market of uzbekistan, but as i said today... i already said for supply to the central asian market, well, to foreign countries. trade turnover between russia and uzbekistan this year for the first time exceeded 10 billion dollars, the volume of investments is 20 billion. behind these statistics are thousands of contracts, tens of thousands of jobs; in total , about 24 thousand companies with russian
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capital operate in the countries of the central asian region today. we are all participating in transforming our region into a single trade and investment hub. amounted to $370 million. we are ready to share not only technologies, but also competencies. novgorod has one of the best construction colleges in the country, if not the best. judging by the ratings, by the victories of the guys at the championships, they are professional. and colleagues from uzbekistan approached us with a proposal to open a branch of this technical school in uzbekistan. inoprom is a truly
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universal exhibition; truly all advanced industrial technologies are presented. our last one to work. in the area of ​​client technology you can see a convertible laptop, an already well -proven tablet and two phone models running the latest aurora 5 operating system, one of which was created, well, let’s say , for harsh operating conditions. the enormous interest in solutions in the field of artificial intelligence, its application in healthcare and education, and cooperation in this area also guarantees that in the future we will speak the same language. and quite clearly. demonstrates that russia remains one of the world's technological leaders, while not closing itself off from friends, on the contrary, invites you to work together to develop this potential. robert frantsov, armanbaiduletov, tatyana safarova, oksana serzhantova, uzbekistan, central asian news bureau. an exhibition of paintings from the staganrog art museum, which was attacked by kiev
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militants last summer, has opened in st. petersburg. restorers were able to restore the painting. dmitry akimov was one of the first to see them. in two halls of the marble castle there are 22 works, as if fresh from the artist’s brush. in fact, this is an exhibition of golden names of the silver age, from toganrog, and a year ago no one planned to bring it to st. petersburg. july 23, 2023 divided the life of our museum, successful, multifaceted, diverse, into before and after. the quiet life of the provincial town was then disrupted by vzo terrorists; a rocket fired from ukraine fell on the territory of the museum. they gave a work of painting and our buildings, and the building itself, and the museum equipment, the paintings were cut by fragments, they fell and
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were deformed, the nightmare of any museum employee became a reality, the head was broken off, the shells of the ears were damaged, well, there was soot and dust contamination, plus some construction dust as a result of the explosion. within a couple of days, the employees of the russian museum were in taganrog, and it immediately became clear that the damaged works needed to be brought to st. petersburg, followed by months of intense, painstaking work. it was decided that we would carry out complex restoration for each monument individually, research was carried out, programs were drawn up, they were approved, and in fact , we carried out the restoration according to these programs. the restorers did it, it seems. impossible, the damaged works were saved and can now be returned to the walls of their native museum. pyaterburg craftsmen even give a guarantee of at
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least 100 years. let us believe and hope that our restorers will never have to engage in what can be called military field surgery in the field of restoration art. you will be able to enjoy the works of korovin, reirikharov and... as well as the restorers of the russian museum for the next 3 weeks, and then the paintings will return to taganrok. dmitry akimov and sergey fodiev, news from st. petersburg. last friday at at the age of 72, the first syrian cosmonaut and hero of the soviet union, muhammad faris, passed away. alexander rogatkin will tell about the fate of the first foreign specialist who visited the soviet orbital station mir. previously to our colleague.
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a delegation from the soviet union arrived and chose four people from the best syrian pilots, i was one of them, then we flew to the soviet union and there...
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here, unfortunately, we don’t have, whether such training is needed or not, of course, as your proverb will say , once sees, better than having heard it 100 times, such training is very important, because without such training, we will not imagine how it is possible to rescue from water through a helicopter. muhammet was not an allawi, like most representatives of the authorities of the syrian arab republic and...
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it was somewhat difficult in the sense that for some time, for several days, one might say, he felt discomfort - within himself. the space program for the first syrian cosmonaut was not particularly difficult; it was necessary to photograph the territory of syria and historical ruins of palmyra on the gde camera mkf6. a multi-spectral photosystem mkf-6 is installed in a special photo compartment. six photographic lenses simultaneously photograph the planet; they see the earth differently, through their own filter. otherwise, it was political pr and a demonstration of the syrian
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flag. i took with me damascus steel, syrian soil, i took photographs of my family, my children, more children’s toys, a figurine of a little man, a cow and a small plush heart. paris, in addition to his children's toys, also took, of course, a portrait of his president, hafez al-assad, and we had him on board next to a portrait of gorbachev, our leader. while. in recent years, the hero of the soviet union and the first syrian cosmonaut mohammed faris has harshly criticized the russian authorities for supporting president bashar al-assad, with the portrait of whose father, hafez al-assad, faris flew into space. i would like to thank all my compatriots, first of all our leader, the president. hafez al-assad, for the care he shows
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towards us. former general with the beginning syrian conflict ended up on the other side of the barricades and eventually fled the country. it was a necessary measure and i left syria. the closest country where i could go was turkey. i feel like a stone that was pulled out of its native place and taken to a foreign land. in turkey, faris joined the government in exile and became the self-proclaimed minister of defense and repeatedly.
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and of course, after i had already moved from syria to turkey, and my views began to differ from the views of the government, the programs about me and my flight were removed from broadcasts and even canceled the holiday. faris regrets that after his escape he was no longer invited to russia to celebrate cosmonautics day. before this they always called me, there was no problem with it. but lately they haven’t called me, they haven’t invited me, i know the reason, of course, it’s politics, unfortunately. he hoped that in exile his experience would be useful in preparing the first turkish cosmonaut to fly on elon musk’s rocket, but in turkey they did without his help. i still remember every moment of my flight, how we docked at the space station, and
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there are moments. i have dreams that i am still in orbit and flying in zero gravity. alexander ogatkin, valentin rudkevich, and kharit khananov, especially for russia 24.
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