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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  April 23, 2024 10:00am-10:30am MSK

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it has come, spring, warm, sunny, bright, the russian exhibition has blossomed with all the colors of spring, you have been waiting for spring, now spring is waiting for you, at the russia exhibition. it's 10 in moscow, we continue to broadcast the morning news, here's what we've learned by this hour. more than 38 thousand people in russia have been evacuated from the flood zone since the beginning of the flood. in general , about 15,000 houses on almost 30,000 plots remain flooded across the regions. the most difficult situation is in the orenburg region and zaura. water level
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in tyumen rivers, evacuation has been announced in three more villages in the region. vladimir putin today will take part in celebrations marking the anniversary of the start of construction of bama. according to the kremlin press service, the president will present state awards to representatives of the transport industry who have made a significant contribution to the implementation of the project. the day before , the russian leader spoke with veteran construction workers in the kremlin. the united states is preparing a new package of military assistance to ukraine; today the bill will be considered in the senate. if approved by lawmakers, the document will be signed by joe biden. then washington will allocate $61 billion to kiev. most of the money will remain in usa. 20 billion will be spent on replenishing american reserves, another nine will be spent on issuing new loans to ukraine. almost 250 tremors were recorded in eastern taiwan. over the past 24 hours, the magnitude of the most
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powerful one reached 6.3. experts have registered over a thousand shocks since the beginning of the month, when the last strong earthquake occurred. at least twelve people died then. a citizen was detained in lugansk on suspicion of preparing an assassination attempt on ex-sbu lieutenant colonel vasily prozurovov ukraine. according to the public relations center, he directed his actions. sbu agent, whom the defendant met 3 years ago, after the start of the special operation, she went to warsaw; a car explosion, let me remind you, occurred in april on korovenskoye highway in moscow. former sbu officer prozurov, who moved to russia, was wounded. the detainee during interrogation told how he prepared the attack. in may of twenty-three, at yaroslav’s request, i went to the address korovinskoye highway and photographed it. the house and cars that are nearby there
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stood for a monetary reward of 4,000 rubles. in april of twenty-four, she asked, yaroslava asked me to transport 10,000 to the driver ivan, who was transporting a package from warsaw to moscow, later from the media i learned that at this address, where i went, there was a car explosion, in which suffered... an sbu officer, a former sbu officer. the period of high water in the tyumen region will last for 2-3 weeks. this was announced by the governor of the region, alexander moor. according to forecasts, more in total, the obass region may suffer. residents are being evacuated in several villages. with details, our special correspondent stanislav bernwald is in direct contact, he joins us. good morning. over the past 24 hours, water has arrived in ishim. sash, greetings. according to updated
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data, the gauging station in the city of ishim reports that the water in the area of ​​​​the city of ishim has dropped by 11 cm, but there is a rise just in the obatsky district, they really expect big water and either tomorrow or after tomorrow, that is, it is receding now water directly from tyshim, further downstream there is just this area, the federal highway r402 also runs there, and it is also being strengthened now.
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it is necessary to check the condition of the dump, well , almost every hour, patrols are organized, that’s what the head of the city of ishim said, the passage was designed...
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the passage takes about 40 minutes, it’s really not a very pleasant journey, because you have to go through the bed of the ishim river, there is quite serious current, but nevertheless , rescuers from the ministry of emergency situations make several such flights every day, take them out of the village and those whoever needs medical care is brought here directly with food, and gas generators, and this work also does not stop for a minute, well, except of course, and at night, and it’s worth saying, again, let’s return to the obad region, where they are waiting for a big water, there, just like in vyshim, dams are being strengthened now, the tail of the dam is being built up, this is also very important
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and all residents of the obadsky district, without exception, are taking part in this, volunteers, rescuers, builders, and so on, and there is another difficult situation in the area , in uporovsky area, this is another river, this is the tobol river, let's listen to what they say there about the approaching water, active guys, active guys, yes, they have arrived, please, and ask to stay for the second shift, now we will leave, now the second shift will arrive, today 45 people arrived, this is the first shift, the second shift will also be 45, 45-46 people, so well, in the total number we are already somewhere around 400 people. at the moment, this is all the information we have, we continue to monitor behind the situation. alexandra. thank you. stanislav bernwald spoke about the flood in the tyumen region. now about polovod in other regions
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of the country. the most difficult situation is still in the south of the urals in siberia in the far east. in the rivers of the kurgan region. the level is gradually decreasing. during the day it shrank by about 20 cm. dangerous. the further water spill near the regional center has passed; there are still five bridges in the water, more than a dozen road sections, plus housing and food. in the straight waters, the water cut off the village from the mainland, a section of the road there is still blocked, and the erosion is being eliminated. complex the situation in four regions, the level of the zeya river is rising. in orenburg and the region, the situation as a whole is stabilizing, but now we need to wait until residential buildings are cleared of water; over 12 thousand buildings are flooded. 1,800 local residents were evacuated. the flood season in the primorsky territory passed relatively calmly, and there were no major river floods. according to the ministry of emergency situations, all roads in the region are already open for travel. and now to trading on the moscow exchange. this morning the dollar
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is trading above 93 rubles. a euro actually costs 99.5 rubles. and for chinese currency give 12 rubles. 88 kop. i. smosbirzhi this morning 3.486 points and rts - 1173 points, the figure is slightly decreasing. and to other topics. russia's turn to the east at the current stage has become possible thanks to the baikal-amur mainline. the day before , vladimir putin announced this at events in honor of the anniversary of the start of construction of the bam. the president of azerbaijan was also at the meeting with construction veterans. his father heydar aliyev oversaw the implementation during the soviet years. project. anastasia efimova has all the details. one of the largest railway arteries in the world - the real road of the future. and also a symbol of dreams and romantic aspirations for several generations at once, the baikal-amur
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mainline, the construction of which began exactly half a century ago. this monday , the presidents of russia met with veteran builders and workers of bam. i would like to say my warmest words to everyone who lives and works on bama today, continues the glorious traditions of the pioneers, and is engaged in reconstruction and reconstruction. development and maintenance of this important railway line. i am sincerely pleased to personally congratulate you on half-century anniversary, the beginning of the construction of bam, the president of azerbaijan ilham gedarovich aliyev. his father, all the builders of oba know this well, gedar alievich, played a special, huge role in the history of bam. as first deputy chairman of the council of ministers of the ussr. interaction, including
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the most important project of the already interstate united soviet country today remains russia and azerbaijan, because a significant area of ​​cooperation between moscow and baku already in the new millennium is transport...
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the best, time-tested traditions of friendship and mutual assistance of the builders of bam, people of various nationalities, united by a common goal. participation in today’s meeting, as ilham aliyev himself admitted, is a great honor for him, because to be among those who laid the boom, dedicated their lives, their youth to the all-union construction project, is also an opportunity to congratulate all those involved in the implementation of the grandiose project. precisely vladimir vladimirovich putin and heydar alivi. aliyev laid the foundation for friendly, good neighborly relations between our
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countries in the early 2000s. vladimir vladimirovich visited azerbaijan in 2001, and this was the beginning of a long journey that we are going through together. today, it is gratifying that modern russian-azerbaijani relations are based on this solid foundation. on friendship, mutual understanding, mutual support and focus on results. today we are not only implementing large transport projects, as vladimir vladimirovich noted, we are actively participating in the creation of the international north-south transport corridor, but also actively we cooperate in economic, political, energy, humanitarian and many other spheres. the builders of bam are an example of courage, perseverance and heroism, because they had to face a harsh climate,
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off-road conditions, and difficult living conditions, but the pleasure that the president mentioned is an integral part of the memories of each of them, as well as everyone involved in the grandiose project they unite satisfaction from the work done, the joy of the goal achieved, and, of course, pride in themselves, in the cause, in the country. and now to news that is coming at these moments to the feeds of information agencies, moldavian law enforcement officers are conducting searches of representatives of the opposition, this was reported by member of the moldovan parliament marina tauber, i will remind you that on the eve of the congress here in moscow she also took part in other topics: a new charity project , whose goal is to help children with autism and so that as many people as possible learn about this feature, they launched the avita service and the naked heart foundation, and
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avita we decided that there is a good time, april is the time to raise awareness about autism, this is a problem, one of the problems that the naked heart foundation deals with, and thus we decided, spring, rain, raincoats, and as sergei said today, in the idea of ​​​​the name rain man, it caused a lot of controversy, but
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the avita team turned out to be more convincing in their arguments . in the arguments and we accepted this name, i am very glad that the cooperation took place under this name. let's take a break for commercials and then continue talking about the main topics of this tuesday. what is missing for construction can be easily found on the avito sale. hurry up to buy construction supplies at discounts , even. 60%. all that remains is to build avita, take it on sale and build it. sber is introducing a loan with 2% cashback to give you even more opportunities. opportunities to get everything you have long dreamed of without delay. opportunities to please those who may be difficult to please at first.
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all that remains is to build, avita, take it on sale and build! in the lugansk republic , a local resident was detained on suspicion of espionage; according to the region's fsb, he passed information about the russian military to the ukrainian special services. ibragim sugaipov has all the details of the case. in the footage, employees of the fsb in the lugansk republic are detaining native of svatov. he conveyed information to the ukrainian side about... the movements of the russian military. anton, we have changed his name, does not resist, was prepared for such an outcome of events, and is now waiting for the end of the investigation. i recorded it on video. for example , the movement of a convoy of russian equipment went onto the internet and passed it on to my curator. and they say they broke their fate. the only son in the family enrolled as
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a historian and showed promise. the guy was recruited by a friend named tatyana. a criminal case has already been initiated against her under article treason. the detained anton has not yet received a russian passport, so he faces an article on espionage, he could lose his freedom for a period of 10 to...
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the european union is trying to coordinate the use of profits from frozen russian assets. according to the european commission , due to this, already in july , about 3 billion euros could be transferred in favor of ukraine. meanwhile, the us is considering a bill to confiscate our assets. alexandra nazarova has all the details. the us senate is preparing to discuss the confiscation of frozen russian assets in favor of ukraine. it should start today. the house of representatives supported the bill on saturday. if the document passes congress and is signed by the president, this does not mean immediate confiscation, experts say. this will be a kind of right.
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financial institutions, including american banks, will have the right to challenge such a decision in court. according to american journalist tucker carlson, such confiscation is actually theft from the russians. the us government is simply stealing from russian citizens without trial. we don't like you, so we're taking it away from you. the funds are now in american bank accounts. i don’t want to sound like a cynic, but perhaps all this money is being directed to ukraine because it’s ours. there are only 5 or 6 billion dollars blocked around the world in the united states. for kiev
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, such an amount will not change the situation, but washington will face retaliatory measures from moscow, but most importantly, the decision to confiscate will cause irreparable damage to the image of the united states and may lead to an outflow of foreign capital. sovereign assets - they are respected by virtue of international law. this is customary international law, if one of the parties to legal relations, well as in this case the united states , violates it, then retaliatory measures can follow not only from the injured state, that is, the russian federation, but also from other states, they will consider this to be a kind of such practice , a new practice, they will also somehow prepare, that is , some kind of, you know, reshaping of the existing international legal order will begin. according to experts in washington... they hope that brussels will be the first to decide on confiscation, this way the united states could smooth out the negative effect on its own economy. it is in the european union countries that the bulk of frozen
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russian assets are located, more than $220 billion. however, as washington reports, the eu’s position on this issue does not follow the lead of the united states, it is afraid of undermining confidence in the euro and scaring off investors. such risks were, in particular , discussed in the largest securities depository , euroclear at the european central bank.
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blocked russian assets. one way or another, russia is ready to respond symmetrically to actions of unfriendly countries, and the decision to seize assets, as stated by presidential press secretary dmitry peskov, will be the subject of legal proceedings. residents of makhachkala complain about the garbage collapse. signals of overfilled containers are coming from all parts of the city. what is the reason for the interruptions in waste removal, sarkar magomedov found out. 25 schools per meeting. there’s such a trash can in front of the school, i don’t know, you can take it out at least once every 2 days, is that really trash in one day? a picture that has become typical for many areas makhachkala: this is fresh footage of citizens in a gearbox village, and this was already filmed by our film crew along the main water artery of the october revolution canal a week ago. at least they clean up the garbage, but in busy areas, like on akushinsky avenue, they simply don’t have time to do it. aesthetically, in
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the smell, and there are many residents around, but also in the fact that in windy weather, like now, this garbage spreads hundreds of meters around the area. the government does not call the interruptions in the removal of household waste a collapse and says that they have already found a solution to the problem. this the problem was practically only in makhachkala, in other cities, kaspiysk, in derbenite we have no problems, but now the city is working to attract workers, a vacancy has been announced. 50-60 thousand rubles salary for normal city services, a temporary regional operator works. the city administration acknowledges the problems, but believes that the situation is aggravated by the residents themselves, who throw bulky waste into ordinary bins. so that you understand, garbage cans are not intended for construction and household waste, here as we see now, yes, but this is really, this is generally chaos, what the residents of the nearest houses are doing.
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the minister of natural resources and ecology refused to work, including for failures in garbage collection; the department refused official comments, as did the city administration, which assured that additional equipment had already been brought into the work; it would definitely be needed by the beginning of may, when the tourist season. according to tour operators, there are almost no vacancies left in hotels, so garbage on the streets may become a new problem. attraction. sarkar magomedov, salekh salekhov and abdulla magomedov, lead
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