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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  April 23, 2024 12:00pm-12:30pm MSK

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but the great kant is asked what he would think about us, people of the 21st century. all-union shock construction and still one of the longest railway lines in the world. today marks 50 years since the construction of bama began. vladimir putin will take part in the ceremony. the peak of the flood has passed, but when will the water finally recede and how will the affected areas be restored? about 15 thousand houses remain sunk in russia, more than 38 thousand people were evacuated. blizzard in kusbas and
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the tomsk region, snow in mormonsk is the most cold day this week in moscow. when the tiplo comes, we'll ask our meteorologists. landfills within the city, filled containers with a suffocating smell, which became the cause of the garbage collapse in makhachkala - our correspondent found out. and let's start with news from the fsb. in bryansk. the terrorist attack, as reported by the public relations center, detained a russian citizen, a supporter of ukrainian nationalists. he was preparing sabotage, carrying out assignments from representatives of a terrorist organization banned in our country. during operational activities it was discovered and an improvised explosive device was seized. a criminal case has been opened under two articles, the detainee faces up to 20 years in prison. in april 2024, no order was received to raise the cache. act in one of
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the public places; after its seizure , a russian fsb officer was detained. and now about the situation with floods in the regions of the country. the most difficult situation is in the south of the urals in siberia in the far east. in the rivers of the kurgan region , the level is gradually decreasing; per day it has decreased by about 20 cm. there is no longer any danger of a water spill near the regional center. so far, five bridges have been sunk, more than a dozen sections of roads, plus housing and dachas. in pryamure , water cut off another village from the mainland, a section of the road had to be blocked, the situation is difficult in four regions, the level of the zeya river is rising. in orenburg and the region , the situation as a whole is stabilizing, but now we need to wait until residential buildings are cleared of water, more than 12 thousand buildings are flooded, almost 18,000 local residents have been evacuated. the flood in the primorsky territory passed relatively calmly, with a large spill rivers did not happen, according to information. all roads
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in the region are already open for travel. the active phase of the flood is now in the tyumen and kurgan regions, this is information from the ministry of emergency situations. the crest of the flood is moving downstream of the ishim and tabol rivers. evacuation was announced in the obat district. a regional emergency situation is in effect in tyumen . the peak is expected in the next 2 days. in ishim, 300,000 sandbags were prepared to strengthen the dam. in moscow they say goodbye. with our colleague, izvestia military correspondent semyon eremin, who died in the special operation zone. this happened on april 19, the ukrainian fpvid precisely dropped ammunition in the area where the film crew was working. today vladimir putin signed a decree awarding semyon eremin the posthumous order of courage. and now our correspondent egor grigoriev joins the broadcast. egor, tell us how the farewell ceremony is going? dari, hello,
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midsyzvestie, a sea of ​​flowers, relatives, friends, colleagues, military officers, comrades, a lot of photos, a lot of videos around on the screens on which a cheerful, inspired by work, enthusiastic, serious semyon eremin, unfortunately, on the 19th broadcast, on april 19 he went on air with his last report, here are the same footage.
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he walks calmly with this poker face, and you know, he was such a person for me, well , something like a personal psychotherapist, so... when it accumulates, something like that in my soul, somehow, something depressed , you talk to semyon, you know, he put his brains back into place, of course, i immediately remember the video from ugledar, 2022, a group of ukrainian fascists is looking at the display of a drone, they tracked down a group of journalists, after whom semyon was eremin, 2 years later, already in zaporozhye in... again in zaporozhye again, a drone hovered over a correspondent, dropped a shell, semyon was not saved, he worked a lot, including with cameraman dmitry klimenchenko, his words: some kind of energy,
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people were drawn to him, i knew how to somehow convey it to everyone, directly through the screen, through my texts, it’s hard, very hard to talk about the loss of family. there was exactly a theory of survival, a theory of luck, as he called it, yes, he had this theory about the limit of luck, and there were even business trips, when in a week or a week and a half you go, for example, on two difficult trips, you return from there with great difficulty,
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and you think that it’s not worth it, you already need to somehow work more calmly, not interfere with some things , where just now... he, too , knew how to deal with fear, today they came to say goodbye to semyon eremin and just spectators and those who watched his reports from all over russia, those with whom he grew up in stavopol came. region in alexandrovsky, they even took the initiative, his neighbors, to to rename the street in his honor, i came from him, on behalf of the entire yard, on behalf of the entire street, you can’t imagine what we have in alexandrovsky, alexandrovskaya -
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they said that he was born in prikumsky, yes he was born, but in 3 year he moved and lived in aleksandrovsky, now we have such things going on in aleksandrovsky that they are even thinking about renaming the street we lived on to zavodskaya. not just a professional, but also a man with a great soul , a creative person, and as if here, probably everyone today wanted to work with him more, to work longer, in the same trench, on the same set, he worked for his homeland, for his country, for his family, for his children, he was a real man, a real hero, yes. egor, thank you, egor grigoriev was in direct contact with the studio, a farewell ceremony is now taking place in moscow for our colleague, izvestia war correspondent semyon eremin. there is a short advertisement on air now, we will continue later, stay with us. at
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bigfest you definitely choose a double cheeseburger for 99 rubles and other offers at very favorable price. and also. more profitable with a 50% cashback from alfabank in a tasty way and the sber point presents a loan with a 2% cashback, so that you have even more opportunities, opportunities to get everything you’ve been dreaming of without delay, opportunities to please those who may be difficult to please the first time, opportunities to get new impressions, a flurry of new impressions, a storm of new impressions. this night our friend has already been forced to get up several times to admire the stars. my friend, if you get up more than twice at night, afalaza. at the first symptoms of the prostate,
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afalase. afalase is a modern drug for the early treatment of prostate adenoma. we take out loans, it’s easy to apply for, we do everything in the commercial bank. we take out loans, but we got them quickly, we are at sofcombank, loans that know everything that we bring from savita’s travels, a little? on easter, russian lotto unites people, when we are together, our help is greater, in the charity easter draw, from each ticket sold, 10 rubles will be transferred to charity, play. thousands of cash prizes, everyone wins second ticket, lotto, with yota your money will not
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fly away, we return rubles for the remaining minutes and gigs, you can use yota, what is missing for construction, easy to find on the avito sale, hurry up to buy goods for construction with discounts of up to 60%, all that remains is to build, avita, grab it on sale and build! these are the hands of masha petrova, they think that next spring they will introduce a new crop in a large agricultural complex and they think correctly, because masha is a graduate of a professional school, we will teach you to think with your own hands, leading employers. our graduates who can both think and do. professional, you're in good
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interest-free installments, we approve of everyone, come, emvideo eldorado, one hundred percent originals of famous brands, now more accessible on avita premium, to identify dangerous content on the network will be connected. artificial intelligence, the head of the safe internet league, ekaterina mizulina, spoke about such plans at a forum in moscow. most of the requests, according to her data, are related to unsafe information. in 20023 alone, we received 462 thousand requests from our citizens, most of them have recently come from teenagers, from young people, that is, from young people. associated with the spread of
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dangerous content on the network, particularly dangerous content, destructive content, were mentioned today, and roskomnadzor have been carrying out full-scale work for 12 years to suppress the dissemination of such materials on the network; according to our requirements, everything was either removed or blocked. about three and 3 million pieces of content, that is, these are websites or a website page, and there are more than 2000 child pornography, drug content, about 450 thousand, and almost 190 thousand suicidal content, the situation in the balkans in general in europe, as well as russian cooperation and republika srpska in all directions discussed with...
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moldovan police conducted searches this morning from representatives of the opposition, this was reported by member of the parliament of the republic marina tauber. the scale of the searches is still unknown. let me remind you, the day before, according to tauber at the airport. in chisinau, passengers who participated in the congress of moldovan politicians and social activists for moldova’s accession to the eurasian economic union were detained. some of them were released only 3 hours after arriving in chisinau. today, one of the leaders of the opposition renaissance party , natalya parasko, told renova that she was subjected to psychological pressure during interrogation. new
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a charity project whose goal is to help children with autism and tell people about this feature.
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so we decided, spring, rain, raincoats, and as sergey said today, in the idea of ​​​​the name rain man, it caused a lot of controversy, but the avita team turned out to be convincing in its arguments and arguments and we accepted this name, i’m very glad that the cooperation took place precisely under this name, jewelry, dishes, funeral urns and other material evidence. scientists discovered the lives of distant ancestors during excavations territory of the future khersanez-tavrichesky park in crimea. most of the finds will become exhibits in three new museums. my colleague oksana kolesnikova has already seen the artifacts. archaeologist daniil kostromechev monitors the work of builders who are laying communications across the territory of khersanes tauride. he recalls
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excavations in the southern suburb of hersanes and says that the current generation of archaeologists has never seen such a scale. find. number in the millions, there were a lot of finds related to the functioning, apparently, under the walls of the city, such, well, let's call it a garbage dump, the people who threw them out considered them broken and unnecessary, but we now consider them masterpieces of artistic production, ceramics. on my site there were also two burial complexes, very rich and interesting in their architecture, and apparently belonging to well, the rich people of their time. to the townspeople. daniil kostromechev discovered several lead funeral urns, along with ashes, the remains of personal belongings and jewelry . the urns date back to the first century ad. at that time, the burial ceremony, which today called cremation, only very rich people could afford it. the process required considerable costs, mainly for fuel. one of these finds has been studied and restored by ekaterina
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strukova for several months. it contained three bone blades - these are dice. and the fourth was a glass spear, it also contained two darts of an unusual shape and gold funeral jewelry that is placed on the face of the deceased. the reserve’s museum collections contain more than 90 thousand items from excavations in the southern suburbs, tens of thousands of coins, a variety of ceramics, rare bone glass items, more than 300 ancient and byzantine exhibits have already been selected for new exhibitions. terracotta figurines of gods... and heroes accompanied people in the ancient era; they were located both in temples and in homes. among the latest finds donated to the funds, scientists are especially delighted with a fragment of the goddess’s face and this cute lion. the latest addition is 10,000 items, they were donated by the funds just a week ago. processing and restoration work is still underway, which means that soon scientists will be presented with new exhibits.
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indeed, 20 thousand gascopes is a lot, it’s half a hersanes, and they really worked a lot. we are currently working on the material, so when this is done, then we can talk about numbers, but you understand that not all of these finds, they will end up in the museum, there is mass material that is being processed. and then does not enter museum collections. construction of the new khersonez park is proceeding at a rapid pace. museums of antiquity, byzantium and orthodoxy will correspond
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modern world requirements. the builders are running out of time. on july 28, the day of the baptism of russia, the first excursions are planned to be held here. oksana kolesnikova, anton tereshkin, inna lesenets, vesti sevastopol. sber is introducing a loan with 2% cashback to give you even more opportunities. opportunities to get everything you have long dreamed of without delay. opportunities to please those who may be difficult to please at first. opportunities to gain new experiences. a flurry of new impressions, a storm of new impressions. apply for a loan in sberbank and receive monthly cashback at a 2% rate, more profitable with sberai. you don’t need it like this, you need it like this, like this, like that, i understand, like this at the megamarket, a folding scooter for only 3,390 rubles. tabacquetta, start a new life without
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a little sea, delicious traditions and cashback bonuses for your next trip. the avito trip will go as planned. and with cashback. if you get up more than twice at night, afalase, at the first symptoms of the prostate, afalase, a modern drug for the early treatment of prostate adenoma. it’s not easy to catch a pyro firebird, but to get a fire rate on a deposit at gazprombank of up to 16.5% per annum everyone can. open a deposit on what is missing for construction? easy to find on avito sale. hurry up to buy construction supplies at discounts. up to 60%. all that remains is to build. avito. get it on sale and build it. now about the weather
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, winter has returned to the cities of siberia today; in northern russia, weather forecasters warn of freezing rain. we'll talk more about this with tatyana belova. tatyana, hello, it turns out that we don’t have a day without weather disasters. yes, spring is a transition period. therefore, the weather changes frequently, novokuznetsk in noon local time the snowstorms returned, visibility at times deteriorated to 400 m. snowy winds today also occurred in leninsk, kuznetsky, prokopyevsk, kemerovo and other cities of kuzbass. traffic inspectors recommended reducing speed as much as possible and avoiding sudden maneuvers. in the tomsk region , traffic police officers today briefly blocked sections of highways for speedy passage of snow removal equipment. after the snowfall, snow fell again in the region. snow cover reached 6 cm. tomsk, which experienced a transport collapse, for the first time in for a long time, the city streets were shackled by ten-point traffic jams. such congestion does not often
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appear even in the depths of winter after. heavy snowfalls, the situation was aggravated by the appearance of ice, some drivers had already changed the tires on their cars to summer ones, the cars were slipping even on small inclines. while winter reigns in western siberia, spring is coming in yakutia; at the noticeable, famous pole of cold in aymicon , a new maximum temperature record of +7.1 was set the day before. in the east of the central region in chernodemie, the middle lower volga in in the southern urals, not even spring, but summer. yesterday brought several heat records. pereslavl zaleskoye, in the yaroslavl region +22.6, in tambov - 26.4, in samara - 28, in orenburg - 28.5, in yashkul, in yashkul - the thermometer showed +30.3° in kalmykia. in the murmon region today, snowstorms closed the highway towards teriberka, however, against the backdrop of warming up, snow began to fall mixed with rain. at the same time
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in the west. it's been freezing rain and drivers are warning each other that the roads are very slippery. in the south and in the north-east of russia, lightning flashed and thunder rumbled at night. spectacular footage of the thunderstorm was posted on social networks by residents of the kirov and rostov regions. thunderstorm showers after snowfalls covered the leningrad region and st. petersburg, and in the city on the neva the thunderstorm was recorded by radio stations both on monday evening and tuesday morning. it was preceded by the appearance of the oshkval gate in the sky. day. ago it looks like a cloud roll in front of a load before a thunderstorm scared residents of the capital region. cold weather arrives in the north-west of russia in the upper part of the cyclone (southern ural), volga region, while in the warm sector of the vortex, a similar synoptic situation is observed in the east. yakutia is now on the path of southern flows, in the warm sector of another cyclone , at the same time an icy north wind is breaking through to western siberia in the rear. a zone of large temperature contrasts is always
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a zone. intense precipitation. in the ulgovyat region and the volga region it will rain and cargo will thunder. rains on the warm front will occur in the north-west, where it is warm, it is replaced by cold in the north of karelia and in the murmon region. conditions for freezing rain; precipitation in the form of snow may occur behind the cold front. tomsk will continue to remain in a bag of cold. the maximum temperature today is -5, tomorrow night the peak temperature will drop to -8. on wednesday. during the day -2 there will be light snow, and then warmth will gradually return to the city. on thursday afternoon it will already be +4, precipitation will be in a mixed phase, at the end of the week without significant precipitation and +9 +1. in moscow today it will be +13, partly cloudy without significant precipitation, wind and night will be cold, within the city in the morning the temperature will drop to +3°, tomorrow afternoon the air will warm up to +15, on thursday to +. and on
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friday it should be +20. what are the predictions? thank you, tatyana belova was with the weather forecast.
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