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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  April 23, 2024 10:00pm-10:30pm MSK

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the committee commented on the situation. on suspicion of committing a crime under part six of article 290 of the criminal code of the russian federation, this is taking a bribe, the deputy minister of defense of the russian federation, timur vadimovich ivanov, was detained. appropriate investigative actions are being carried out. let me remind you that we are talking about a bribe on an especially large scale, that is, its size is at least a million rubles. if the deputy minister's guilt is confirmed, we will make threats. up to 15 years in prison, according to tas, defense minister sergei shaigu was previously informed of the detention of his deputy. you can find out about the latest legal news around the clock in the telegram channels vesti dezhurnaya part and honest detective. maxim ovchan was in the studio. see you. this is a great information evening, we continue.
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and what dictates the attack of patriotism, who and how is trying to use the front to whiten the murky past. a video about a russian soldier in a lviv apartment was shot by ukrainian creatives. they wanted to either intimidate or inspire the zapodenians to fight, but they played against the square. how so happened? long-range stormshadow and more, london is collecting the largest package of military aid to ukraine. why did sunok wait for washington’s decision and why won’t he give anything new to ukraine? telethon is everything and not only that? what kind of critical equipment was on the kharkov tv tower and was it possible to use it to launch attacks on belgorod? gospel in ukrainian in the refectory.
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to unite in such a difficult time for our country, to become one and through joint efforts to overcome the external enemy, the words with which to the head of the investigative committee private alexey blinovsky, the husband of the so-called marathon queen, suddenly decided to remind the chairman. sk about the tasks facing all of russia. and all because the defendant in a criminal case for tax evasion recently went to the northern military district zone and is now seeking to carry out these very tasks in the ranks of the country’s armed forces. however, as blinovsky stated, his service is in jeopardy. actually, this is precisely what the public complaint is connected with. the husband, creator of the marathon of desires and her business partner assures that in fact he can be very useful in the country. but such an ardent sudden manifestation of patriotism raises natural questions. which ones exactly? voiced by anton potkovenko.
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blinovsky wants to stay at the front, the same one, alexey blinovsky, the husband of the one whose name and surname have become synonymous with infogypsyism, a fierce scam for money, elena blinovskaya. she is now in pre-trial detention on a tax evasion case involving a sum with nine zeros, and her husband is having a fit of patriotism. he signed an annual contract for service in the northern military district zone, and now he fears that this there will be an agreement. stornut, in this video he appears to be an ordinary person, emphasizes that the family’s entire account property has been seized, which is enough to fulfill obligations, that they are ready to pay the remaining amount of unpaid taxes, he has a direct request to alexander bastyrkin, i want to contact you so that you gave instructions to the head of the investigative committee for the city of moscow to suspend actions aimed at terminating my contract, which are illegal, that is, alexey. wants
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to serve in the northern military district zone further, but why? the man, he just wants to make sure that his wife and his entire business, as we have under the law, right, if you win, yes, your conviction is removed, that is, there is a criminal record there and a criminal record, well, everything is completely, if he goes there goes, then he should be completely his own, i think so, even if he decided to show us there, as it were, well, that he is a citizen of russia. blinovsky emphasizes that his skills, abilities and competencies are necessary to save the lives of our soldiers, while let me remind you that he is accused of aiding and abetting tax evasion in money laundering, so should we believe his patriotism, the svo zone is not a zone for working off one’s selfish and one’s own...
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after he started having problems in his interests, he also hypes because he addresses himself publicly, vastrikin , the army does not tolerate such publicity, if he says that he is such a necessary person, so why are the contractors terminating their relationship with you. blinovsky says that he is ready to prove the authenticity of his words, to demonstrate, for example, to the responsible persons from the investigative committee, what he did for during his stay in the nwo zone. what is there on social networks on this topic? here are the drones from blinovsky, or maybe he’s trying to rehabilitate himself, to avoid the final loss of business, and so that the fact of his service in the zone of a special military operation from a legal point of view will help to ensure that his wife, the queen of marathons, is released from the pre-trial detention center, say, under house arrest , there are
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rumors and they are very confident, of course, not paying taxes is bad, even worse from my point of view, this is what they did, they deceived people with a blue eye, they simply sold them something that really doesn’t exist, so in connection with this the question arises: isn’t mr. blinovsky now trying to sell us the same thing, he touched on very sensitive topics, that he saves the lives of our soldiers, he knows how to deceive, you know, he knows , what can i say, he knows what they say that appeals to people. blinovsky assures that he has not and will not resort to any legal tricks. his appeal was published on youtube. they are sitting at the same table with balinovsky, from some time in the northern military district, here is a video of how he might have advised him to leave in order to all sins were written off, maybe he too was there to
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clear his reputation, these people, i believe that they go there when their roast rooster pecked, then they went there, but of course, i don’t want this one... dmitry portnyagin, suspect, together with his wife, for tax evasion on an especially large scale, laundering money obtained by criminal means, he was recently detained in rostov-on-don, either on the way out of
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the northern military district zone, or behind a ribbon, or at the border, they write, he traveled with humanitarian mission, now under house arrest, portnyagin, according to according to media reports, literally in march he opened a fund to help participants. immediately after the initiation of a criminal case, the portnyagins’ spouses paid off 64 million rubles of debt, the same thing looks like an attempt to clear themselves through the svo, the investigation into his case continues, the blogging community asks not to call portnyagin a blogger, because they don’t believe him, look at the background in the photo on plays religion, well, in my opinion, he’s somewhere in kamenshakhtinsky, before reaching rostov-on-don, some kind of tent. took down and hung a banner there, a flag with a savior miraculous, you probably bought it from someone else, but this is instigated, but this is clowning, this is misleading people, some kind of circus show, but this show is actually based on people’s feelings, and blinovsky, if
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it plays, then on what, on our respect for the participants in the special military operation, it is too big to fall for attempts to turn the north military district zone into a laundry for dubious reputations. russia is ready to respond to new sources of military-political tension that have appeared near the borders of our country in connection with with the entry of two scandinavian states into nato, the alliance’s attempts to increase activity in the arctic do not go unnoticed. sergei shaigu spoke about this today at a meeting of his defense ministry colleague. in addition, the minister commented in detail on the situation in the northern military district zone, where the zone of control of the russian armed forces is systematically expanding. key statements in the material by andrey grigoriev. the theater of combat operations is shifting closer and closer to...
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air supremacy over the special military operation zone makes it possible to maintain domestic air defense systems, such as the shell, capable of simultaneously introducing strikes. four targets from drones to enemy fighters. deliveries of these systems to the troops are expected to double in 2024, and the newest ones, which have just been put into service, are also expected. s-500 prometheus is a unique installation. tests have shown that it can shoot down hypersonic missiles and even objects flying in low-earth orbit in space. now we have to test it in combat conditions. this year , the first samples of the anti-aircraft missile system will arrive to the troops. new generation s500 in two modifications, long-range missile systems and
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anti-cancer defense systems. unitary missile systems s-400, s300 v4, beech m3, tor m2, new generation radar stations. in general, in the field of air defense we have up to 82% modern technology, and this, of course, sharply contrasts with what is happening in the ukrainian arsenals. they call it cannibalization, collecting at least one serviceable artillery piece from the remains of many damaged ones. and even another package american aid of $60 billion is unlikely to help ukraine. kiev faces tough weeks in the fight to contain russian advances, despite the passage of long-awaited legislation in washington. pressures on russian security come from nato on other fronts.
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sweden and finland have just joined the alliance, where western military exercises are now ongoing. the grouping of troops in these countries has been strengthened to 33 thousand soldiers, more than a thousand armored vehicles. russia is obliged to react somehow. in 2022 the supreme the commander-in-chief decided to reorganize the western military district into the leningrad and moscow military district. on march 1 , they received all the appropriate instructions and began to complete the task. during the creation of the leningrad military district , more than 250 measures were carried out, including the formation of the forty-fourth army corps, three motorized rifle brigades will be reorganized into motorized rifle divisions. participants of a special operation in ukraine have been invited to train troops in the russian north-west. they have both tactical experience and practice of using the latest weapons. such as, for example, combat drones. andrey grigoriev, maxim shchepilov, lead. the investigative committee this
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evening announced the detention of russian deputy minister of defense timur ivanov, who became a suspect in a criminal case of receiving a bribe. as presidential press secretary dmitry peskov clarifies, vladimir putin is already aware of this news, and sergei shaiga was also informed in advance. they added ivanov is 49 years old, he received a higher education at moscow state university. on suspicion of committing a crime under part six article 290 of the criminal code of the russian federation - this is taking a bribe , the deputy minister of defense of the russian federation, timur vadimovich ivanov, was detained. appropriate investigative actions are being carried out. “ 100,000 people escaped from the ukrainian army, and we are not talking about conscripts, draft dodgers, but about
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those who were already caught, given weapons in their hands and sent to a military unit, the real number of deserters was announced on local tv by a specialized lawyer, and, as it turned out , there are so many crimes related to service in the armed forces of ukraine that the ukrainian security forces they simply can't handle it. this is not only awol, but also a failure to comply with orders, in order to somehow solve the problem, some leaders even propose to create a separate division of the police, which could systematically engage in catching draft dodgers and deserters, against the backdrop of such news, military officials are independent, with all their might they are trying to convince the population to go die for the kiev regime, the lvov trade center, for example, did not come up with anything better than to scare them in the year thirty-nine, when the city from poland became soviet, they say, it is necessary to defend ukraine, so that this story does not repeat itself, the local military registration and enlistment office writes this on social networks, and not only writes, but also shows it with creative efforts. met evgeniy nipot. this is what happens when creatives have hominy in
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their heads. propaganda content paid for by ukraine suddenly begins to play against ukraine. this video, filmed by order of the lviv authorities and local military commissars, was probably supposed to cause rage and encourage men to stand up with weapons carefully sent by the nato countries. after all, how can one endure such a thing in a sweet family nest, the kind that only appear in vanilla commercials, is wielded by a terrible russian soldier. dmitry androevich. already in the city, just arrived, look, don’t chill there, what are you, gennady segodovich, i know you, the refector, i didn’t even look in the refrigerator, so, give me the documents and then come to me. it wanders like the ghost of communism, past old pre-soviet photographs; the lvov tetskashniks focus on this pre-soviet past, saying that if you guys don’t go into the trenches, the lions will be taken away again, like in poland in 1939. this immediately causes question, since photographs from the era of the austro-hungarian empire at the very time
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when ukrainians in lviv were not even allowed on trams, that is... and not only private, but even multi-apartment ones, often using their own fellow citizens as a living count, these sushushniki, they are predators, after which only ruins remain, here the ukrainians show themselves a completely surviving city, with a hint that the defenders ticked.
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a window opens, and what do we see? this is the central square of lviv, market square, where, in general, ordinary citizens live practically they can’t due to the incredible prices of real estate in the center of lvov, that is , those same ukrainian elites who fled...
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inarticulate slurry, it’s unclear what all these creations are about, and all these creations appear against the backdrop of widespread desertion, there may not be enough prisons for those fleeing from the front, there are 100 special institutions in the country, more than half of the places are already occupied by prisoners, there are a little more than 30,000, let’s say, free, and given the scale of the problem, there really won’t be enough places, so the ukrainian
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media reported that in the vdeevsky direction one of the brigades simply left the position, without an order, and two deserters, father and son , stole weapons from the position, including grenades, shot the policemen who stopped them at one of the checkpoints, those caught are now being tried. this is not the first time that the lvov authorities are trying to bring them to their senses from deserters to draft dodgers. they have already released a video in which ukrainians tried their best to avoid conscription, and then allegedly marched on berlin as part of the russian army. the level of approval of the video among locals is evidenced by the fact that comments are disabled. yes and frankly speaking, there are not enough views, however, among the people, other videos, for example, about the account, are much more popular. this is translated into russian as unauthorized abandonment of positions. they will hit you with videos about draft dodgers and
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deserters, but even the authors are not sure whether lviv will be ukrainian, they write that it will be russian. were in the city will never happen, and they put a question mark, the authors wanted to inspire to fight, but they played against square, and they will play more than once, because already at the subcortical level they realize that there will be no losses for the ukrainians, within 24 hours units of the central, southern and eastern groupings of russian troops again improved the tactical position along the front line , occupied more advantageous positions in the battles for the liberation of the dpr, the total enemy losses in various... sectors exceeded 950 manpower, including three tanks among the destroyed equipment , although it is not so rare, even heavy armored vehicles can be captured in order to carefully study them in the rear, one of... one of the examples was the german leopard 2a5, which alexander kazzu took a closer look at. creaking with twisted armor,
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the heavy german tank leopard 2 a5, knocked out in the avdeevsky direction, shamefully leaves the front line. our soldiers are being taken to the rear for repairs. if we compare, this means that this model is much more powerful than some of our specific models of military equipment. it’s convenient both when boarding and when leaving the car; in some critical situation, you can leave faster and, well, save your life. the leopard of the ukrainian armed forces was destroyed by the fighters of the center group of troops, as soon as it rolled out onto the firing line, first it ran over an anti-tank mine with its right caterpillar, and then several of our attack drones completed the rout. this is a modified version of the german leopard, reinforced armor and huge dimensions, which, in fact, interfere in the conditions of modern warfare; the gromoz tank is terribly clumsy. the crew abandoned their combat vehicle as soon as the first explosion occurred. they are given equipment, but
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they do not, there is no specific standard for certain samples, that is , there is a lack, maybe experience or some other issues in terms of training, using technology directly purpose, and the sixty-five-ton leopard 2a5 is considered the main combat one. tank of the german armed forces, these combat vehicles, according to the command of the ukrainian armed forces, began arriving in ukraine about a year ago. there is very little space in the tank. now i’m going out to the commander’s place, through this hatch our fpv drone flew into the leopard, which led to a fire here in the turret cabin, but this is a 120-mm barrel. leopard gun, the gunner-operator’s place is right there, you can’t turn around, the tank was evacuated in two stages: first reconnaissance of the area, then
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a lightning-fast operation by the fighters of the repair regiment of the center group to transport it to the rear. the full ammunition load of the german leopard, caliber 120 mm, is already inferior to any of our tanks, ours is 125 mm. shells, armor-piercing, high-explosive fragmentation. a cumulative projectile, also a set of smoke bombs, 7.62 caliber cartridges for a heavy machine gun, and a set of dry rations. repairs will take 2-3 days, no more, our specialists assure. they will change the tracks and replace the electrical wiring of the tank, after which the group command will decide the fate of this leopard. alexander katsuba and alexander malyshev, host. now a short advertisement. will be further on our air, the telethon, everything, and not only that, what kind of critical equipment was on
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the kharkov tv tower, and whether it was possible to use it to launch attacks on belgorod. there are a lot of things that can be confused, but you can’t go wrong with the choice of thermal insulation. penoplex slabs provide protection from heat and cold. penoplex is an effective thermal insulation. well, credit card debts are hanging, interest is dripping, you need help. take it credit cards, you transfer debts to the bank, divide them into 24 months, conveniently repay, shopping or getting rid of debts on credit cards is easy with
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remembers how similar videos... were played before the failed summer counter-offensive, and others are sure that armored vehicles will be of no use at all, since the russians maintain air superiority. well, in general, assessments are, to put it mildly, skeptical and faith in the quality of donors from overseas after the well-known events has clearly diminished, but on the other hand, maybe there is still hope for london, because, following washington, it also promised kiev new supplies of weapons and equipment, and in almost record volumes amounting to about half a billion pounds. what exactly will they give and most importantly, will it help the junta? let's figure it out together with evgenia petrukhina. sunok has become generous, great britain will send what seems to be the largest of its own military aid supplies to ukraine. imagine, 1600 missiles from sunak, including the long-range storm shadow. this is what they look like, modern missiles, you can’t say anything, they are the newest of what sunok is going to transfer to ukraine, but these
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missiles are independent and london can do it. there is production of these missiles, but this is an assembly plant, components come from abroad, including from france, it seems canada is the supplier there, and something like the united states, plus there is electronics, here is the guidance system, it’s all south korean, these missiles are not produced... in such large quantities, so production, by the way, britain has not increased them, they use the capacities that they have there were them before, but in addition to stormshadow, london will supply kiev with air defense missiles, apparently for the patriot complexes, missiles for the sams and anti-tank man-portable anti-aircraft systems.


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