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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  April 23, 2024 10:30pm-11:01pm MSK

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london will be able to supply at most two, three dozen 1,600 pieces of storm shadow . britain itself does not have, in the uk there is production of these missiles, but this is an assembly plant, components come from abroad, including from france, it seems canada is the supplier there something like the united states and... plus there’s electronics, here’s the guidance system, it’s all south korean, these missiles are not produced in such large quantities, so production, by the way, britain hasn’t increased them, they use those capacities, which they had previously, well, in addition to stormshadow, london will supply kiev with air defense missiles, apparently for the patriot complexes, missiles for sams man-portable anti-aircraft systems and anti-tank missiles, and what else is the public sector site with...
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on the other hand, if we assume that the enemy is constantly working across the dnieper, well, for example, in the kherson region, and any number of watercraft strengthens the ukrainian armed forces’ ability to transport the dnieper to our side. well, if the vsushniki still risk using these boats, then they will cross straight to bandera, and kiev will receive almost 4 million rounds of small arms ammunition from foggy albion.
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london doesn’t have anything particularly new, except, perhaps, two aircraft carriers, queen elizabeth and prince of wales, so in london they know and think about the problems of their frozen defense industry, and that’s why they are working to restore their defense-industrial complex. sunok today in poland announced the strengthening of the national defense of great britain and noted that it will become the largest defense power in europe, they say long term plan? west -
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third challengers. voenkor izvestia semyon eremin was awarded the order of courage posthumously. the presidential decree notes his dedication in performing his professional duties. for a long time, the journalist died from an enemy drone strike in the zaporozhye direction, today in moscow, hundreds of people came to say goodbye to him, among them was our colleague grigory vdovin. for everyone who knew semyon personally, his departure is a very big loss, and of course, this is a completely irreparable loss for our entire journalistic community. they came with semyon representatives of most russian media structures saying goodbye is a kind of professional solidarity. there is a reward before the coffin.
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the best of us, he was collected, very professional, never looked for adventure, i just did my job, he told me many times, who knows, they remember him, he always said, i’m not a military correspondent, i’m
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a special correspondent, and he believed that he should be able to do any job equally well, he coped with the work of a war correspondent with honor, he met semyon long before the start of the special military operation, then we worked a lot in the donbass, and also crossed paths during long difficult syrian missions. he spoke about any event vividly, talentedly, exhaustively: humanity towards every hero, every person he met along the way, this was always felt in syoma, and this really distinguishes him from so many. semyon is a man of great courage and great talent. who managed to retain mercy within himself and who knew how to empathize, who knew how to love, is a huge loss. your journalistic path, semyon eremin began in one of
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the divisions of our company at the stavropol state television and radio broadcasting company. he covered the conflict in donbass as a correspondent for news holding, and here he has already earned great authority in the journalistic environment. semyon about clarity, rigor, intelligence, calculation, fearlessness, but fearlessness, he too, he knew how to deal with fear, that is, he even explained these things, how to behave, how to get used to danger, he was such a person for me, well, something like a personal psychotherapist, he had such a core internal, and he has this confidence... that everything is fine, that everything will be fine, he infected those around him, semyon filmed his last story about a unit fighting enemy drones in the zaporozhye direction near the village of priytnoe, one of the commanders considered it important and necessary to come from the donetsk direction to the farewell ceremony, and with a drone in hand. they knew each other personally. semyon
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spent a lot of effort and energy to ensure that this became an effective and formidable weapon in our units. what you can do now to see on my chest, this is his... a big contribution has also been made to this, therefore, brother, you will always be in our memory. at one time , a video appeared on social networks in which ukrainian drone operators saw journalists in characteristic blue bulletproof vests with the inscription “press” and began to deliberately target them with artillery strikes. this was precisely semyonamin’s film crew. i just kneel in front of my parents, in front of my loved ones. people who found the strength to let him go there every time, this is hard work for loved ones, for family and for friends, this guy, when he appeared on the screen, i just enjoyed it, he was the king of
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life to tape, he was the king of work on camera, you believe him. semyon is survived by two daughters. one of whom was born quite recently, semyon eremin is buried on the alley of journalists at the troekurovsky cemetery. grigory vdovin, mikhail al igor dolinsky, news. in the capital of the lugansk republic, a ukrainian citizen was detained, who, according to fsb information, is suspected of preparing an assassination attempt on ex-sbu officer vasily prozarov. how it is reported that the person involved acted under the direction of the special services of the kiev regime; meanwhile, prozorov himself was discharged from the hospital, where he was treated after his car was blown up. moreover, this murder attempt, according to him, was not the first. egor grigoriev will tell you more. fsb officers with the arrest interrupt the telephone conversation. it was clearly unexpected for the caller, he is ukrainian, he has lived in lugansk since 2021, and in the twenty-second he began preparing
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an assassination attempt. in may of the twenty-third year, at the request of yaroslav, i went to the address korovinskoe highway photographed the house and cars that were parked nearby for a monetary reward of 4,000 rubles. yaroslava, the girl with plump lips in the photo, an sbu agent after the outbreak of war, left for warsaw, from there. coordinated the recruit, the goal was to destroy vasily prozorov, a former lieutenant colonel of the security service of ukraine, who crossed over to the light side, the side of russia, he exposed the kiev authorities, spoke about the torture chamber in mariupol, about us biological weapons tests in ukraine, and much more, in april on twenty-fourth year she asked, yaroslava asked me to transfer 10,000 to the driver ivan, who was transporting a package from warsaw to moscow, yes. this package turned out to be secured under the poor black toyota that the detainee was tracking. it
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was vasily prozurov's car. as soon as he turned the ignition key, there was an explosion. prozurov was wounded and hospitalized, but survived. i feel great, the injuries turned out to be not serious, that is, i actually cut my arm a little and my leg a little. in fact, the ukrainian security service is behind the attempt on my life. can i can say, my former colleagues, these kinds of actions are sanctioned at the very top, i think they are sanctioned no lower than the chairman of the sbu, and maybe the report is also sent to the state leadership. vasily prozurov runs a telegram channel, where he has more than once published facts that are extremely unpleasant for the ukrainian junta, and now, after the assassination attempt, he promises to continue his work. i will even redouble my efforts so that these ukrainian customers cry bitter tears.
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well, of course, out of fear of the punitive
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censorship of the kiev regime, the author of the video could record only the sound, however, it is quite enough to understand what kind of objects were hit, well, either an ammunition storage facility, or parking lots of equipment with ammunition, and certainly not peaceful infrastructure, and sources of the local underground soon clarified that one of the targets was probably a tractor factory. artillery shells and mlrs were allegedly hidden there. for criminal shelling in the belgorod region, that is, there is yet another reason to congratulate our armed forces on their anniversary hits on legitimate targets; by the way, exactly the same applies the destroyed kharkov tv tower, which, according to ukrainian propaganda, played absolutely no military role, but in reality has long been asking for demilitarization, vadim zavodchenkov will explain why. forced digital detox for kharkov for more than a day now. digital tv does not work in the city - this is something that local gouleiters are not trying to hide, but what is much
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more important is what they have to keep secret: the ukrainian military machine in the region has plunged into radio silence. from the point of view of military personnel, really serious a loss for ukrainian militants, because they would have to find a second such point where they could install their specialized equipment. very difficult. the footage of the destruction of the tv tower is, of course, impressive. it is not reported how exactly the blow was struck, but the highest accuracy of russian weapons is striking. the 241 m high tower was cut off by more than a third, 110 m collapsed to the ground, and the ukrainian armed forces’ communications system collapsed along with them. in addition to the fact that the kharkov tv tower, by the way, is one of the tallest in ukraine, distributed to the entire city ​​television signal, it has also become the most important data transmission center for the armed forces of ukraine.
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here there were communication and target detection systems for independent air defense. most likely... there were optical surveillance equipment, repeaters that guided drones to the rear of the russian army, and also the infrastructure of cellular networks on which fraudulent call centers hung. the defeat of any of these objects separately would have been a great success for our soldiers; here they cut everything off with one blow. towers are used to cover as much area as possible... at the lowest cost, and you also need to understand that all communications are suitable for this tv tower, that is, there is no need to lay anything, i remembered an incident, precisely because of its significance, ukrainian militants blew up a tv tower in lesichansk during their retreat; from kharkov, the ukrainians closely monitored belgorodskaya region, almost certainly the attacks on belgorod
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were guided by instruments located on the kharkov tower. based on the fact that i say again that we know about the technical characteristics of this tower, we can do conclusions that it was very actively used , including possibly even for striking a begar, it was naturally used as the main repeater, as a means of coordination, as a means of early detection, because after all, the area that is provided from such a height is precisely the coverage, it is very large, but let’s not forget it about the most obvious consequence of a surgically precise... the propaganda dome over the kharkovites cracked and crumbled, the notorious telethon, the haven of the most rabid, shut down russophobes, where at the front there is only victory, where from the bank street there is only wisdom, and where geopolitical tarot cards are regularly, in all seriousness, scattered, so to all
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kharyaks from us, sincerely, please, now a hybrid warrior... everything and informational and psychological impact it certainly plays a role on the population, especially the zombification that the eastern part of ukraine is now exposed to. in fact , these are all our people, we understand that zombification is a factor of informational and psychological impact, it assumes the presence of a certain infrastructure to relay the signal from kiev or from other foreign sources, including those specifically working for... western intelligence agencies to polish troops and so on. jewelry flying over a tv tower has already become part of internet folklore, for example, a proposal to the ukrposhta: make a stamp like this, especially since there are preconditions that in the near future classic mail items will become popular in kharkov, and not at all among civilians,
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digital tv and cellular communications in the city, rather they will be able to somehow restart everything. what is a good car for you, mileage, condition, comfort, everyone has their own good car, find it on the author, start the path to your dream with sber, open a free account for business and connect to the
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there is the mother of god, archangel michael and st. nicholas, in the lower part there is a whole row of portraits that are usually printed in ukrainian history textbooks, a fake icon from the category of artistic fantasies that are now often found in ukrainian churches, but in this case we are talking about something real. a set of known saints was found during searches in the omsk greek catholic church. according to the investigation, local the clergyman put the pseudo-icons on public display in the refectory. it’s not hard to guess who he offered to pray to. here are mazepa, and petliura, and also the entire top ukrainian nazi collaborators, including bandera and shukhevych. so it is not surprising that a church minister who decided to share his own with others. perverted ideas about saints, became a defendant in a criminal trial, and under several articles at once, because it turned out that the bandera idol was just one of the episodes of this case, what else was offered to the omsk flock,
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did you take a closer look at anastasia ivanova? he showed almost no emotion when they came to search him. igor maksimov never admitted his guilt, but the literature found on him about the history of the ukrainian nazis and cut newspapers, with them, speaks for itself. maksimov stated. that he doesn’t know how he ended up with the book bandera, but he invited the investigators and operatives to read it themselves, right away, translating ukrainian words like sbroi, which means weapons, well, at least he didn’t deny that he doesn’t know who bandera is, yellowed clippings from a newspaper, book about the nazis, the detainee says, he left them as a souvenir, because they are beautiful, he didn’t delve into who specifically claims them, however, he also said about the pseudo-icon with hitler’s henchmen, which was found. in the parish where he served, parishioners noticed these idols, greek catholics, then they took it down, so that they would say that it’s not the things who hung it, let’s decide, you weren’t the one who hung it.
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it was a priest from ukraine who hanged said something, a suburbanite, uh-huh, it’s clear when he did it, i don’t remember, i’m a suspect, being a wine minister religious organization, posted this image for public viewing, expressing clear disrespect for society, a criminal case has been initiated against a fifty-year-old man suspected of committing crimes under part two: article 148 of the criminal code of the russian federation, violation of the right to freedom of conscience and religion and part one of article 354 accept one of the criminal code of the russian federation, rehabilitation of nazism. maksimov, it turns out, doesn’t remember who is listed in the parish of the ukrainian greek catholic church in omsk. it was just an employee who told investigators. but there is footage of this same worker, in the clothes of either a deacon or a priest, reading an excerpt from the gospel of mark about the healing of a possessed child, not
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in church slavonic. during the searches , maksimov said that he also worked as a watchman in karitos, this is a charitable organization, strange for a person with a higher education; they found maksimov with a diploma from the ukrainian catholic university. at the ukrainian catholic university they teach that homosexuality is normal, the teachers there teach who are completely. open homosexuals, pedophilia, legalization of drugs are simply preached in course papers, it exists, by the way, largely with money from soros, that is, this is a branch of global structures that whip up russophobia, the university’s graduate igor maksimov confirmed it, talmuds magazines with perverts were found in his umsk apartment on several shelves, to which
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he confusedly said, right? studies psychology, i looked because it was old, what the old press used to be, what people used to talk about, what people used to think about, what sins, what perversions, i read this, because well, you know, how a person’s thoughts are built about heretics and sex, these are the thoughts maksimov has in general that the investigators will still find out, why he had, for example, literature with the title of how moscow destroyed ukrainian orthodoxy, or why he equates? symbol of a special operation to nazi symbols, this was already in the detainee’s phone, in in the training centers for high school students, they are brainwashed not only by psychologists who were trained in america in the uk, but by uniad priests who are trying to explain that christ is with you, you are fighting for god, among them there really is a tendency towards various perversions of sadomy. it would seem, what are
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ukrainian greek catholics doing anyway? everything turns out, specifically in omsk, the uniates came back in 1947, the western regions are independent, so they are still there, despite the fact that they do not support russia they serve in the military, it is clear that one person has now been detained, but the problem is more global, that russia is quite loyal to these organizations, which do not help in any way, act against russia and, when they come to europe or ukraine, are in... investigators seized all the materials found from maksimovo; they will also check the activities of the head of the ukrainian greek catholic church in omsk, svetloslav shevchuk, from which the detainee, by the way, actually disowned.
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the russian army successfully repulsed all attacks in su, the south, west and east groupings occupied more advantageous positions, zelensky’s formation lost more than a thousand more soldiers and mercenary officers, three and four tanks were destroyed.


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