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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  April 23, 2024 11:30pm-12:01am MSK

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what techniques help you achieve your financial goals? option a, for example, waive treatment and education costs. option b is to correctly prioritize when accumulating funds. option c - calculate the time frame for achieving goals. option d) - exclude everything. expenses that are not essential. 15 questions in quiz format from the domf gas company and a few minutes to analyze each answer. in general, eliminating all expenses is not vital, but this is too vague a concept, as it seems to me, so they are afraid, as it seemed to me, more such suitable options. checking financial literacy is becoming as popular as health. in this case, the participants, students, all as one admit, received not only pleasure, but benefit.
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owl literacy, the demand for this is huge, in an interactive form it is much easier to understand and assimilate new information, but classical methods do not lose popularity, the house of the russian federation has accumulated a huge knowledge base in all areas that relate to the housing sector. since the twentieth year, we have been developing an information portal from the domrf, where all information has been collected, one way or another, related to housing issues, to improving the living conditions of citizens, people who apply there receive. information in different formats, it
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can be news, text articles, some videos, training programs, testing, and most importantly, the resource is in great demand, we conduct more than 2 million consultations monthly, and there is such interest to understand that the housing issue is one of most importantly, many are interested in what benefits can be taken advantage of, how to quickly save up for an apartment or their own house, the ability manage your finances correctly, the opportunity to achieve your goal faster, according to the analytical center on... and 82% of russians are interested in improving financial literacy, but how to do this, take courses or sign up for online training, play a financial game, and what if you combine all the best ways , specialists from the house of the russian federation, the ministry of finance and the autonomous non-profit organization russia land of opportunities, presented the second version of the game, we believe this year, a project where knowledge is given in an accessible and entertaining form, quite different.
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more than 76% who participated in the game showed a level of financial literacy above average in the final testing. the second version, we believe, launched this month on the social network vkontakte and has already attracted twice as many participants. the game was divided into three groups: schoolchildren, students, adults, the complexity of the questions and prizes depend on this. they exist too. for example, for children a trip to artek, for adults - a holiday at a resort, gifts, although an incentive, are not the main thing. we
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realized that very often just on knowledge and competence come to the fore, and prizes are just a good motivation for one’s development, but it is not always the main thing, young people are now generation z , they are very correctly oriented in this regard, they understand that there is work ahead, family ahead, yes, ahead there are very, very many processes that lie ahead for them in the future. oksana kozhevnikova lives in kazan, took part in the game last year, passed test tasks and you...
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all about mortgage programs, received advice and were able to save money. house of the russian federation helped me figure out how to get the most favorable conditions. house of the russian federation in this regard, they acted very wisely, they made a game that for all people who are on the path of acquiring, probably, the most important decision in their life, besides having children, or getting married, is to buy a roof, actually over their head, allows them to understand this issue in detail and come out. to solve this issue is very meaningful, while we are talking about an apartment as just an apartment, otherwise this is not our financial goal, it’s just a dream, like as soon as people begin to land this apartment - at a specific point on the map, they understand that it is located there in a multi-story, low-rise
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building, made of brick, concrete and then wood, as soon as they understand that there should be a lake, a rod, a river next to it and so on, this is an apartment. begins to acquire some price characteristics. this year , domf has many projects planned that are aimed at increasing financial knowledge; one of the largest is scheduled for the fall and is also being implemented jointly with the ministry of finance. we already have traditional event, mortgage marathon, all-russian mortgage marathon, just for understanding, only on the social network vkontakte, the live broadcast of the online marathon was watched by about 20 million people. this year we... will continue to implement these, in general, our colleagues from the house of the russian federation have very high expertise, so we are always pleased to work with them, and we actively cooperate with them. the roadmap for such cooperation has been laid out for many years to come; russia has already adopted a strategy for the development of financial literacy until 2030, and
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digital mechanics are an important part of it. domrf, as noted by the ministry of finance, has accumulated significant experience in this area. and such competencies can help not only russians. increase the level of knowledge, but also apply it to solve your housing problems. a real legend is immediately visible, it is almost impossible to touch it, but not for you, this is your legendary alfa bank credit card. order a free alfabank credit card with a whole year of interest-free benefits and receive a superke. every month, and also withdraw cash for free from any atms, not just profitable, alpha profitable! magnet - the price is what you need, cool cola fancy street 1049. what is missing for construction can be easily found on the avito sale.
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to gain new experiences, a rush of new impressions, a storm of new impressions, apply for a loan at sbery and receive a monthly cashback of 2% interest rate, more profitable with azber prime, what we bring from savita’s travels, a little sea, delicious traditions and cashback bonuses of the people... the hometown of the great philosopher of the era of enlightenment, immancanta. for the last 23 years
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of his life he lived near the port. one can imagine how a thin, straight -backed gentleman in a powdered coat walks along the banks of the pregel river, admiring the ships. in those days there were port warehouses, customs, life was in full swing, dockers and sea-stained skippers with clay pipes in their teeth scurried about, discussing their travels across the oceans. kant sat down... air and walks will improve your health. the route starts from here, this object is called
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kant's bench. today, here on this territory there is a ship, cosmonaut viktor potsayev, a space communications ship, probably for good reason, because one of kant’s most famous sayings: the starry sky above my head and the moral law in me. a complex and philosophical path runs here through the territory of the world ocean museum, but it is not just passed through here. you can name many places where the trail passed. reading qr codes. kant's bench, from here along the peter the great embankment, further to the building
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of the amber manufactory, ending at the friederichsburg gate on port street. the gate was built in the 19th century, but beyond it is the suburb of forstadt, where kant was born. the entire world of philosophical science does not ignore kant, and even more so in kaliningrad, philosophical scientists study his ideas. it is difficult to read kant, especially in the language of the 16th century. as a rule, people know. new ways of looking at this subject, it is because of this that he is considered a revolutionary
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of philosophical thought, it is because of this that he is one of the most cited philosophers in the world so far in russia, that is, everything that we are now talking about the nature of consciousness, neurophysiology, in many ways this begins from kant, well, before him from descartes, but kant here is certainly the most important milestone; to understand the world requires... something more than just seeing it, you need to know what exactly you are looking for in the distance, straighten his pigtail, straighten him...
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solar system from a gas cloud, proved about the existence of other galaxies, the formation of a slowdown in the daily rotation of the earth. this is the royal gate where the new exhibition opens. a large oval table is not just an interior detail. kant followed his diet, eating once a day, but with a generous taste. he gathered nine people at his table, believing that this was the ideal number for an intellectual company. svetlana sevkova could very well be in this wonderful society. and it was she who came up with the idea to translate and publish kant’s lectures on geography. these are the lectures of the professor, which were recorded by his students, they were translated into russian for the first time. for everyone, kant was a great philosopher,
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because he taught geography, much later, we imagined that he was one of the creators of the theory of kanthal. mass origin of the solar system, we talked about this in astronomy and the book, when it was prepared, we were looking for reviewers, and one of the reviewers was the dean of the faculty of geography of moscow state university, dobrolyubov, we sent him lectures to sergei anatolyevich, asked him make a review, amazingly, but the best reviews, he wrote amazingly that kant could do so deeply. it’s interesting to present geography, a wide variety of geography, physical geography, including issues of astronomy. during the seven years' war in 1758, russian troops entered the capital of prussia and the residents swore allegiance to empress elizabeth petrovna. there is no doubt that kant also swore the oath, but how could it be otherwise? he continued to give lectures on
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geography in albertina, including for russian students who arrived in kinexberg, because the city was until... 762 part of the russian empire. on july 28, 1794 , immanuel kant was elected a foreign honorary member of the imperial academy of sciences in st. petersburg. the university administration building was built in 1569 in the north-eastern part of the island of kneiphof, right next to the cathedral. it has not survived. the british air force bombing in august 1944 destroyed the buildings on... the cathedral remains in ruins; it was restored only in the late 1990s. after the restoration of the cathedral, the cathedral immediately became a secular institution, a concert hall, and a little later it was organized there immanuel kant museum, but the cathedral still has two chapels: one lutheran, the other orthodox, this is that smooth
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ideal world that probably should exist when all confessions are nearby under one roof. but at the same time , a magnificent organ is played in the cathedral and a concert is held. there is not just one organ, but the only organ complex in russia. today there is a concert in the cathedral by evgeniy avramenko, the titular organist. bach. of course, the cathedral was a university. there was even a transition from the albertina building to the temple. of course, professor kant often visited university cathedral, but there is also a legend that he gave public lectures here. for example, in 1755, after the devastating earthquake in lisbon, the residents of künnixberg were afraid that the same thing would happen here. and so kant gave
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a lecture on geography and reassured people that there would be no earthquake on prussian soil. kant died. on february 12, 1804, his last words were: this is good, he spoke about his life, which ended, it was good both what he left to his descendants and what he made himself, a boy from a poor family who found himself in an academic environment, he was buried next to the cathedral in the academic crypt, after kant no one was buried there anymore, there is something mystical in the fact that during the bombing of the british air force, all the buildings on the island that are now... .
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the town of veselovka, it is associated with the name of the great philosopher, here, in a preserved brick house, a kant museum was created, this house belonged to pastor anders in the 16th century, the windows overlook the cemetery, there was a church nearby, but it has not been preserved, like many students. from a poor family, emmanuel kant was forced to temporarily leave the university and earn money by giving private lessons. he received his first job as a home teacher in the family of a pastor in the village of yutshin. soon he... developed his own principles in pedagogy, he believed that it was very important to fight absent-mindedness by training the memory, we know what our memory retains, kant said. the exhibition introduces
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the life of prussia, the education system in the 16th century, you can get an idea of ​​the sciences that kant taught, compare his years life with the events that were happening in the world at that moment, and of course, they will talk about the era of enlightenment. and this is, so to speak, philosophical. the movement, yes, in which he participated, including, of course, it, led to the fact that we had an outstanding personality in the russian academy of sciences of those years, catherine ii, who happily corresponded with european philosophers, and often with voltaire, some that influence certainly was, how strong it was, i think that everyone contributed to the best of their ability, including kant. if you set question whether we now live in an enlightened age, the answer will be no. but we live in the age of enlightenment, kant proceeds from the givenness of scientific knowledge, that is, in other words, here we have such a way of knowing the world, yes, we have the reality of scientific
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knowledge, moreover, this reality of scientific knowledge is just good known to be understood by kant, kant’s question is further posed, what makes such knowledge possible, how is it in general? not in the elementary sense, not in terms of the methodology of individual procedures, but in the nature of human knowledge, what in the structure of human knowledge makes this way of knowing the world possible, what is its basis, what allows it to be reliable, this is a very interesting kantian point, because kant proceeds from the fact that reliable scientific knowledge, yes, it exists, it simply is.
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kant is celebrated by decree of the president of russia, the central event is the international kant congress, applications for participation were submitted by scientists from all over the world, some you can participate in, there is one in the museum of the world ocean. such a tradition every year on kant's birthday on april 22, everyone can come here to drop letters for the philosopher in the mailbox, then the museum
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selects the most interesting ones. basically, the great kant is asked what he would think about us, people of the 21st century.
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i understood correctly, the future, yes, yeah, twenty -four. the year is 2124, this is the situation, now i can jump to a century in the future and back, i see everything, space pirates are hunting us, well, they were already there when i came here, we need to find mothers, what a meeting, maybe we can put the children to bed now
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it's time to fix everything. it’s not the right time to act somehow, questions, proposals, objections, and nothing else, what you want was given, 100 years ago.
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i remember a great feeling of freedom among the people, but people didn’t know many things about the collapse of the soviet union, they were carried away by western ideas, we can be friends, the americans began to tell us how we need to democratize, they saw us as friends and partners, they sincerely wanted to help, why russia must completely copy all western ones, american democracy is now also shaky, this scale russia exists. there is something about you russians that europe does not understand.
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the russian army successfully repulsed all attacks in the ssu. the groups south, west and east occupied more advantageous positions. zelensky’s formation lost more than a thousand soldiers and mercenary officers. three tanks and four other armored vehicles, as well as 14 self-propelled guns and howitzers were destroyed. in addition, the american hawk missile system was eliminated. the strike was carried out on a warehouse with drones of the ukrainian armed forces. air defense systems shot down 104 combat drones. huge damage was caused. first, kyiv lost special operations almost half a million military, this was reported by sergei shaigun. well, in lugansk, a ukrainian citizen was detained, who is suspected of preparing an assassination attempt on former sbu officer vasily prozurov. reportedly, the defendant acted under the direction of the kiev special services. egor grigoriev will tell you more. fsb officers
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interrupt the telephone line with the arrest. conversation for the caller.


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