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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  April 24, 2024 3:30am-4:01am MSK

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this is what the west is protecting us, but the west is falling asleep now, sanctions were used, a weapon that many were afraid of, many were afraid of, that sanctions, this swift, they poured out just like that, leaked, in fact, we have already prepared for this, now they haven’t achieved anything with these sanctions, yes, and by the way, how we feel about the law, well, about copyright, how i feel about the law, you know, there is an official one, i’m not talking about that state. for example, the americans
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stole from us, but why do we respect their copyright? i actually think it's copyright is now in great doubt, in fact, they stole our property from us, we say, no, no, what are you saying, we must respect the law, but i believe that we should now just rivet everything, we don’t care about all the patents, of course , it’s just, no, they, they themselves have now violated all the rules that, by the way, they themselves established, so it becomes quiet on the podium, we tell them, goodbye.
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it is clear to everyone that russia is not a country of gas stations, russian digital solutions can be taken to new heights, there are prospects, even more brutal, yes, ours are more brutal, there will be more than exactly what the numbers help, you are incomparably original in your questions. and what about
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production, raw materials and exports in general, what kind of product is it? we will take on this case, it will be an honest detective story, please, yes, well, this is a very interesting, very curious situation.
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it’s impossible, this corresponds to some standards or some consequences, and so on, and this is very clearly visible, for example in asia, but based on this, this can be done, this is the chinese reaction to all those actions the united states, which is happening, because here we are not talking... not only about yelin and
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these demands, but what did they say about the excess? they said that this was coercion , intimidation, and that it was impossible to communicate with them, so to speak, that’s actually what happened. the chinese reaction, yes, that is, not a reaction like let’s produce ourselves, make cheaper things then we will compete, but the position is that you are intimidating us and putting pressure on us, this is basically the position of china is practically visible everywhere, and therefore this apparently gives these americans the opportunity to have this freedom in their policy, because they attack not only verbally, so to speak, not only demanding concessions from china there in the economic sphere. so to speak, restricting trade with us and so on, they are actually putting pressure on the entire front, and putting pressure on the front and military, military-political creation of new military blocs, look what they are doing there now in burma, and trying to create, so now we can clearly, if we still some time ago, they somehow hid
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their participation in this whole berman conflict, but now it’s completely clear in the state department and special people who send them special weapons there with special money, because the principle is the same... as they did during the vietnam war , here's the fullro, yes, this is a union of mountain peoples, they are gathering, they are going to create a single, so to speak, anti-government army, you see, that is, there is direct , actually very serious pressure on the chinese borders in the yunan province region, in parallel with this, they continue a very serious policy in the philippines, where they are going to install medium -range missiles there in the near future, i...
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they give the front and money, and weapons, so to speak, they give, and even information support, there they took some kind of then one city, yaavinda, is a city that controls the chinese triads, which means that these same chinese declared this a huge victory for these anti-government forces, in fact this is not entirely true, because this is a border city, this is a city where smuggling, where there are all sorts of electronic casinos and so on and all sorts of swindlers who fled from china, they control it in this city, and to the point that the local indigenous army is afraid to enter this city, because they said that the berman artillery will fire, our chinese friends, who may be very offended there, who actually finance them, you see, this is the most
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important point that we said, which is now, so to speak, clearly visible, they allow themselves to act freely, they allow themselves to act impudently, they allow themselves to act openly and... he comes with demands regarding excess production regarding banks, and these are not just demands, but threats, direct threats, that’s why it seems to us that we you said absolutely correctly, we need to move to a different policy, naturally, we also need to, so to speak, act first, we need to, so to speak, act in such a way that they, let me remind you of the words of our president, if cancer is inevitable, strike first, some our actions, that's what i'm saying.
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not as famous as some others, but a very famous writer, this is a period of post-romanticism that many people loved and love him, he lived a decent part of his life in switzerland, having left hitler’s germany, there is his museum in switzerland, this museum is like that, you can visit it virtually, it’s interesting there, just recently we discovered such a thing, there is...
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i very much doubt that anyone in germany today even remembers, well, they remember about gis, it’s also customary to say , how well, i’m there with kant, i’m with hesse, gese, gese, yes, i’m sorry, i’m all, i’m translating everything into my theme, yes, onto gesse, but the glass bead game is his, the glass bead game is his. yes, the glass bead game is precisely his most famous work, probably a very
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well-known one, uh, so this, as it were, is the recognition of a great man that the german people are what you were talking about, was not, was not able at that time to understand and realize what national socialism is, what hitler is and in general, what all this is all about, what all this will lead to, he, by the way, tried to fill out a questionnaire in...
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and it’s all determined, yes, it’s determined by culture, worldview, and so the historian ’s cultural code, in this sense, mowgle can be read the other way around.
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terrible, from a moral point of view, from a point of view, here are biden’s words that democracy or freedom, they definitely all fit into this outline, what kind of democracy is there, what freedom is there, we want democracy today, there will be democracy, tomorrow there will be freedom, but kante and scholz, who do not fit in with each other, fit in differently, it fits, for example, with the fact that today the special prosecutor in germany, who dealt with... the biggest tax scandal in germany in recent years, announced his resignation, well, the tax scandal, it has already been going on for about 10 years, for about 10 years headed this commission as a special prosecutor, this is very rare for germany, this is not america, and there they carried out various operations with securities, from those operations that they carried out, but did not
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pay money for it, they returned from tax, from the treasury, they returned the tax, this is billions of dollars. and scholz’s name also appears in all these cases, well, as if there is no evidence, but at least it was mentioned more than once, in today’s country of great democracy, germany, the prosecutor is resigning, and he is resigning for a reason, she is resigning resign from one of the non-profit organizations, in which she is going to explain the vicious system of today and fight against this system, because she says that the justice that we have today we have in germany,
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it was not the deployment of atomic weapons on the territory of the former gdr, then you can somehow argue with this and something else, but there is a basic main postulate: the threat of war should never come from the territory of a united germany, this does not fit in with the fact that today with the position that germany occupies today, this is a serious reason, of course, the denunciation of this treaty will not lead to anything, there is no trace of returning the gdr to its place, well, yes, this is your slogan, now . advertising, after that we will continue with a new lineup. democracy, glasnost, in general, perestroika in one word. they went to visit these people, they came out and they said to me: wow, why are you telling us that everyone is equal? the speed with which this restructuring took place showed that soviet society, in principle , was a capitalist society, democracy
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was a way out, that this was freedom, this was liberalism, i remember a great feeling of freedom. "war is scary, this is not an idle question, because the answer is not very simple,
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for whom? for those who experienced the horrors of war, who saw them, probably yes, they understand that this is an inevitable evil, and we were forced to defend the russians of donbass, who were simply destroyed for 8 years, the war actually became absolutely..." inevitable after two events, this is after the trade union house in odessa and the bombing of lugansk, but for the west there is no war, for the west there is a game, they are played for them, it is something absolutely abstract, it is such a monopoly, where they pour in chips and die, well, die others. the ukrainian already has it. half a million who will never return home, the americans, the british, don’t care,
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for them this is a cold calculation, which is what they directly say, the kiev regime is trying to cut off all escape routes for the ukrainians, mind you, no one is saying that the ukrainians are all as one, they dream of standing in nenka’s defense, everything about this is imperceptible, imperceptible. they stopped talking about it, there are no queues at the military registration and enlistment offices, there are no volunteers, the point is that people are fleeing a country that considered open borders without visas, and which completely closed the borders, abolished the visa-free regime, tomorrow, those who managed to escape from the country will no longer be provided with any consular services, except one and from... this means that several million ukrainians are turning into people without documents, they are turning into something incomprehensible,
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this is their status now, who they are are stateless people, with expired documents, how europe should react to this, well, of course, there is a second way, through prison to jail, or rather instead of...
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or for that, that he gave up drinking political with monsieur zelensky and will now quietly and calmly celebrate his boring old age in london? well, i see, i see. ukrainians rejoice, shells and missiles from the united states. the british also promised the largest package of military equipment in history. the russian ministry of defense, of course, is closely monitoring the upcoming deliveries. judging by today's statements by the leadership of army general, hero of russia sergei kozhegevich shaigu, russia will have something to answer. as a result of active hostilities, russian
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military personnel liberated populated areas pervomaiskaya, bogdanovka and novamikhailovka, donetsk people's republic. the control zone is being expanded in berdychi and georgievka. our high combat potential allows us to constantly provide. fire impact on the enemy does not allow him to hold the line of defense. to prevent the collapse of the armed forces of ukraine, washington intends to allocate almost $61 billion to the kiev regime, most of the allocations will go to finance the military-industrial complex of the united states. the american authorities cynically declare that dying is for their interests ukrainians will fight against russia. total losses since the beginning of the special military operation. the armed forces of ukraine consisted of almost half a million military personnel. the kiev regime was unable to achieve the set goals of the counter-offensives prepared by nato instructors.
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ours. equipment, we will increase the intensity of attacks on logistics centers and storage bases for western weapons, the russian armed forces will continue to solve the assigned tasks until the goals of the special operation are fully achieved.
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the current government, ukrainian, and today there is a spiritual battle. the united states and the west initially set the task of tearing the ukrainian people away from the russian people. the lord is with his saints. let's see what will happen next.
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such terrorist tactics, as regards the recognition of ukraine as a terrorist state, but this is impossible, because in international law there is no such concept as a terrorist state, but the state is not only the regime, it is people, it is ukrainians, who, many of them, introduced misconception, many of them, and most of them already say,
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sociological surveys are not ours, requires stop and sit down at the negotiating table, stop this war, but the kiev regime is a terrorist regime, of course, it has been involved in terror since the bloody coup d'etat, and this is the essence, the basis of this regime, written out by the collective west in this form, in this the form that exists, because all the terrorist acts there are already a large number of them on the territory of russia. this was all organized by the kiev regime , of course, while developing support for the western cia and other western intelligence services, whom i would also recognize as a terrorist structure - this is, of course, the sbu, the direct developers, the security service of ukraine, the security service of ukraine, the direct developers.


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