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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  April 24, 2024 5:30am-6:01am MSK

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why should russia completely copy all western ways? american democracy now is also on the scale of russia; there is something about you russians that europe does not understand. wait, who are they, new people, this is a passenger with me. i came for my brother. call sign trigger, everyone has call signs, i’m adam, why adam and not adam, i’m a chechen, an artist, a white rose , you can, i can, you sleep somehow, brusley, she’s alive, we don’t need names, don’t touch her, idicha, don’t touch her , not yours, well, you, chamomile, god's light, to the machine gun, what to do, commander, what do, that's it, that's it, shoot, call sign passenger, call sign passenger, i suggest changing it to...
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call sign rebina, no, that's my brother's call sign, you remain a passenger, that's for sure. hello, the correspondents of the program will talk about the main legal events of the day , the duty department and i, maxim movchan. in st. petersburg, security forces uncovered a fraudulent scheme to steal land and maternity capital worth 120 million rubles. this footage of the arrest of possible fraudsters was opened voluntarily, they had to refuse. entrance, it is noteworthy that
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according to investigators, the criminal scheme was carried out by a forty-five-year-old resident of st. petersburg; together with her accomplices, she fictitiously registered mothers of many children in st. petersburg so that they would receive social benefits. at the same time, the criminals purchased land plots in advance in remote regions of the country and effectively sold them to large families at an inflated price. investigators of the main investigation department of the main directorate of the ministry of internal affairs of russia for st. petersburg and the leningrad region have opened a criminal case. four criminal cases during during twenty searches, funds and documents of evidentiary value were seized. the preliminary investigation is ongoing. i note that detentions took place simultaneously in several regions of the country, in kurgan, langepas, st. petersburg and dagestan. investigators are now working with the detainees. deputy minister of defense of russia timur ivanov was detained on suspicion of receiving a bribe on an especially large scale. this was reported by the investigative committee of russia. on suspicion of committing
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a crime under part six article 290 of the criminal code of the russian federation, this is taking a bribe, the deputy minister of defense of the russian federation, timur vadimovich ivanov, was detained. appropriate investigative actions are being carried out. a particularly large size suggests that the bribe was more than a million rubles. how much more is not yet known. the criminal code prescribes punishment for such a crime in the form of imprisonment. up to 15 years. timur ivanov has served as deputy head of the russian ministry of defense since 2016. he was responsible in the department for organizing property management quartering of troops, as well as housing and medical support for the russian armed forces. the bet did not work; a large-scale special operation by security forces in blagoveshchensk eliminated a large network of underground casinos. every day they brought millions to their owners. meanwhile, in primorye , the organizer of such an illegal business is already preparing to appear in court. word to olga zhurenkova. it looks like we’ve finished the game, and
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there will be no more bets in this underground casino in blagoveshchensk. at the meeting with the security forces, the participants of the illegal gaming club were clearly not ready. i had to answer the police's questions in the dim light of neon. last name, first name and patronymic. according to preliminary information, gambling took place in several districts of blagoveshchensk at once. eight gaming establishments, each generating daily income of up to 300.00 rubles. open the door, we’ll break it now, we’ll come in anyway. the network of illegal casinos was managed by a previously convicted resident of the city; he carefully observed secrecy, did not even meet his subordinates personally, and kept in touch through instant messengers. i give it 3 seconds, the door doesn’t open, we break it down. by 10 people were detained in the criminal case; judging by the operational video footage, some found it physically difficult to quickly assume a horizontal position on the floor. 160 gaming terminals, orc equipment, money and coupons, everything that is of interest to the investigation were seized.
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the criminal case was in full swing, then in vladivostok the preliminary investigation was completed against two more participants and the mountain criminal community, the business was put on stream. investigators consider igor moskalenok to be the likely leader. questions appeared for lawyer denis postushenko, he allegedly obstructed the investigation of a criminal case and tried to bribe witnesses; police officer alexei gordienko provided patronage to illegal businesses. according to preliminary estimates, the community's income may be 375.
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trimanushev, conduct the duty department. in chelyabinsk, fsb fighters detained a young man who was preparing to set fire to a strategic facility. it is reported that the attacker is 26 years old, and he received instructions from certain curators on the internet. about how foreign recruiters are processing some particularly suggestible citizens in the region discussed during an interdepartmental meeting on counter-terrorism issues. the event was attended by employees of the information center of the national anti-terrorism committee, specialists from the regional department of the fsb, and the governor of chelyabin.
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work in the field of preventing terrorist threats, and, accordingly, information support for this work. in addition, after the meeting, representatives of the nag information center interacted with students and discussed the prevention of terrorism among youth. two of the five militants who attacked the krachava police officers of cherkissia were members of bioslan gachiyaev’s gang. he tried to seize power in the region 15 years ago. led the suicide bombers. we are talking about ruslan semenov and vladimir overyanov. previously, they were included in the register of extremists. it is known that overyanov worked part-time as a plumber. these details became known as security forces continue to search for the alleged killers. let me remind you that on monday night in the city of karachaevsky, a group of bandits opened fire on
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police officers. two police officers died at the scene, the third was hospitalized. the attackers took the law enforcement officers' service weapons. two makarov pistols, a kalashnikov assault rifle, and ammunition fled. in the criminal case , persons involved in the commission of these crimes have been identified. law enforcement officers carry out all necessary investigative actions, as well as operational search activities aimed at establishing the location of the defendants, as well as all the circumstances of the crimes they committed. the security forces are already looking for the second time for the alleged participants in the attack. day, a siren plan was introduced in the region, patrols on the roads were strengthened, the raiders can travel in a lada car, and are not armed. in veliky novgorod , a verdict was passed on a soul who killed himself , and then staged a real performance to hide the evidence. it seemed to him that he had foreseen everything, the killer, even managed to correspond with the girl’s parents for a long time. material by ekaterina lekhomanova. yawning, he waits for the verdict, no emotions, even
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when the relatives of his victim look into his eyes. in the hall of the novgorod district court alexander golubev, who killed his beloved so as not to be jealous. the victim strangled the defendant. i think there was a young couple living together, she's a concept artist, he's an avid comic book fan. the girl's disappearance was not immediately noticed. victoria often went within herself in search of inspiration. for some time, golubev even corresponded with her parents on her behalf, but he could not hide for long. it wasn’t really a conflict, i was afraid that a conflict
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would come, but i don’t know, but at that moment i simply didn’t understand anything. during interrogation by the investigator golubev admitted that his beloved cheated on him. i was afraid that she would find out about this, i even had panic attacks, i was afraid, but still cheated, and then killed me so as not to quarrel. the act defies logic, but golubev acted confidently and calmly. after the murder, i ordered that same barrel from an online store and bought several packs of baking soda to eliminate suspicious odors. the girl’s body was kept on the balcony for a month; all this time the pigeon himself led a normal life, read comics, and threw parties. i found friends, girlfriends, said that here the parents' fertilizer is in this barrel, so it stood here. after his arrest, golubev immediately realized that he couldn’t get away with it and began to actively cooperate with the investigation. and the defendant fully admitted his guilt. circumstances, that is, he
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assisted in the investigation, that is, in all checks, in all investigative actions that were proposed earlier during the preliminary investigation. alexander golubev was sentenced to 9 and a half years in a maximum security colony. vicky’s mom thinks that this is not enough, but she won’t appeal the verdict, too tired from everything i learned during the investigation. loans were taken out before death and after death. money could be the reason for reprisals; vikki’s mother never found an answer to this question. he hopes that the investigation will figure it out; if it is possible to prove fraud on golubev’s part, his prison term will be longer. ekaterina lekhomanova, news. duty department. the professional holiday was celebrated by employees of the press services of the russian penitentiary system. thanks to these specialists and the course that management has set in recent years vsin, the department is firmly among the most open government agencies to the media. it is noteworthy that in addition to.
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is to bring to the population, to the people and to the leaders, representatives of various types of services, federal bodies, the executive branch a real picture, an objective picture, this is your role, we... are grateful to you for this work , including in the work on objective coverage of the real state of affairs in our service, as in other federal executive authorities. arkady presented the guests employees of the federal media, departmental medals and valuable gifts, a personalized watch from the hands of the directors of the sim were received by journalist eduard petrov, and the producer of the documentary investigative project andrey skrobot petrov and the correspondent of the duty department andrey romanov were also awarded with departmental awards. communication with journalists, the head of the department raised the issue of the situation in the black dolphin colony,
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maniacs and hired killers are serving life sentences there; information has appeared in a number of media outlets that allegedly a number of hardened criminals are complaining of beatings bullying. arkady guest said that he had already sent a commission from the central office of the department to the black dolphin to study the situation on the spot. in the form of a publication, again, by your colleagues, including about such and such processes taking place in the territorial... bodies or in some colony, we react and responded the same way here, sent a commission there from the central parade, in order to objectively look on the spot, to make sure this is true or not, in order to simply evaluate and react as soon as we receive results, i assure you, you will be one of the first to receive this information. in orsk, the provision of humanitarian assistance to people affected by the flood continues, they are given everything they need, at the same time , houses and communications are being restored, well... where for some reason the utilities and administration cannot be reached, the ministry of emergency situations from the orenburg
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region alexander helps pavement. in a huge warehouse the size of a football field, hundreds of boxes that orsk residents will receive, dozens of packages of bottled water, food, all this is humanitarian aid, which is stored in a huge warehouse, it is delivered to all residents whose houses were damaged due to the arrival of high water. volunteers distribute goods into humanitarian packages. help for flood victims is a real salvation, here is cereal, stewed meat, clothing, personal hygiene items and even a blanket, how much have you already collected? well , 200 have already been collected, a lot of work, normal, enough, the head of the ministry of emergency situations alexander kurenkov works in orsk, the minister was told how humanitarian aid shipments are distributed, the number of food packages issued, and for how long is it intended? we calculate weekly, that is, you issue a kit that is designed for a week, but there is
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butter, kruta, buckwheat, rice, sugar, 5 kg of canned food, stewed meat, orsk suffered a large-scale blow from the elements, due to a dam break, large amounts of water poured into the street, one of the first to arrive in the flooding zone was the king on duty from fire and rescue unit number 10, whose personnel helped people get out of water captivity. our film crew in orsk is the head of the city for the fourth time. kozupica with for some time now he has been wary of journalists, not wanting to answer uncomfortable questions, but we still asked the mayor how the restoration work is going and what assistance the local authorities are providing to residents. you somehow established contact with the residents, you establish contact somehow, well, it’s just this scandalous video that honestly shocked everyone, that is, absolutely indifferently without reacting to the woman in any way, why do you think that i don’t care about such a problem, that supposedly people called and no one picked up, no one answered, did it really happen or
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i won’t call, we respond to these questions, which means we are expanding. was heard on time, at a meeting with the head of the ministry of emergency situations , the initiative group of orsk residents talks about the painful issue, we are with great pleasure meeting with you, why? because well, first of all, we draw on these questions, and accordingly, together with you, we find certain solutions, those uh episodes that i promised to answer, i will now try to answer about snt, pumping water, but the fact
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is that our snt, it there are four of us there , or well... a large area is flooded, we we are in a bowl, if we can release our water to another territory from where it came, everything is already dry there, there is nowhere to waste time, as for the western part of the orenburg region, the pumps that were freed there have now moved here and are definitely already marching those that are on a wheelbase, those that are available, they will be transferred here, the low-lying units will be. directed. before the meeting with residents , the minister held a meeting of the government commission, they talked about eliminating the consequences powerful flood. let's talk about all the issues that are boiling over today. there appears, as i already say, a backup truth. much water is leaving orsk, infrastructure restoration is ahead. kyrgyzstan provided humanitarian assistance to orenburg. a convoy of the ministry of emergency situations
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of kyrgyzstan, consisting of 20 vehicles, delivered 360 tons of humanitarian cargo. motor pumps have also been sent to the region to pump water out of residential buildings. alexander mostvaev, vladimir shabalin, khalimat kuchmezova and olga mazurak. news the duty unit from the orenburg region. in bryansk, fsb officers managed to prevent a major terrorist attack that was being prepared by a supporter of ukrainian nationalists. the alleged saboteur was detained by security forces. on instructions from representatives of a terrorist organization banned in russia, he planned to detonate an explosive device in a public place. during operational search activities, a homemade one was discovered in the cache.
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without hiding the smile on his face, the egyptian taxi driver walks into the courtroom, there are only a few minutes left before the verdict is announced, he is still he still speaks russian poorly, but from his lips the much-desired word sounds clearly: freedom. muhammad atia found himself in handcuffs last fall, a foreign student working part-time as a taxi driver. after the trip , the passenger's card payment failed. then the temperamental foreigner asked to pay in cash, but when he refused , he got angry. and sprayed an aerosol from a spirit can into the ufa man’s eyes, i don’t want it, i don’t want it either, go ahead, i don’t want it, atya didn’t stop there, he tried to take it away from the client, who then couldn’t even open his eyes mobile phone, and apparently hoped to hide, but the victim ran after him, as a result, a fight broke out, after getting behind the wheel, the driver was about to leave the yard, but
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it didn’t happen right away, with a man hanging on the door of the car, the taxi first crashed into the poultice... property, and the reason for committing the crime was a dispute about non-payment for the passenger transportation service provided, the actions of the defendant were qualified by the court under
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the second part of article 330 of the criminal code of the russian federation, namely as arbitrariness with the use of violence. considering that atiya spent 7 months in a pre-trial detention center, where one day is counted as two, he could have been released at the end of this summer, but prosecutors considered this sentence too lenient, so they intend to... appeal it. alena zinatulina, denis speredonov, vesti duty department. ufa. a record batch of so -called banned items was seized by employees of the nizhny novgorod headquarters of the federal penitentiary service. the attackers planned to turn one of the colonies into a real call center. they tried to bring objects into the regime territory. just imagine, 130 mobile phones, sim card, headset chargers at once. and along with them several liters of alcohol and potent medications. all this turned out to be hidden in several gas cylinders. in prison jargon this is called a scam. will fuel the will in a big way , participants in the organization of the channel of prohibited items were identified by employees of the operational department of ik6.
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an investigation is currently underway. the director of the vsin of russia, arkady gostiev, has already decided to reward the vigilant colony employees who found a cache of cell phones. a criminal case was opened in moscow after a swindler left an eighty- one-year-old muscovite homeless. under pressure from telephone scammers who pretended to be employees of the ministry of internal affairs, a pensioner. sold an apartment on donskaya street, and as a result , tens of millions of rubles became the spoils of the criminals. igor ogeenko understood the details of the criminal scheme. the same apartment that once was. the kupreev family can no longer get into their apartment. the new owners ask to pick it up quickly things and free up the living space. come out, come out. six months ago , eighty-one-year-old larisa viktorovna received an unknown video call on her phone, introducing herself as a colleague of her late husband. sergey kupriev once was. deputy minister of the ministry of internal affairs of the rsfsr. at the other end of the phone , the general offered to help a special operation to catch bank fraudsters, withdraw 3 million and send it through a courier to a special deposit.
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he arrived, i unfolded the documents, i look, indeed, there is a cooperation agreement, that the bank presents me with a cell, that’s what i can i can use it whenever i want. then they began to frighten larisa viktorovna more and more that her two-room apartment in the center of moscow was about to be taken over by unknown people, so the apartment needed to be sold, huh. put the money in the same cell, this money must be transferred, and i must withdraw it again from - send it to the central bank of russia, well, then, when 3 million were transferred, you already realized that this was a fraud, no, then it i didn’t understand, i didn’t understand later when i transferred almost all the money for the apartment there, it was such a game that, in general, my thoughts were clouded brains completely, in the end no money, an apartment. they sold their home for 29 million, after the stories i realized that they were enpeshniks who, without saying either the first or last name of my dad, in figurative french language, won her over,
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your husband served in the gvd, we remember him, we know him, realtor tatyana ruchkina had to make a deal on the part of larisa viktorovna, the fact that they were trying to deceive the pensioner, and it became clear at the discussion stage, when the elderly woman refused to talk to any of her relatives, and called her a confidant an unknown person who supposedly served his... he called her back via telegram, an incoming call was received with the coat of arms of the russian federation, and there was a young voice that in no way could correspond to a man who was 70 - 80 years old there. tatyana’s attempts to explain anything to larisa viktorovna led nowhere; she also refused help from the police; in the end, another realtor sold the apartment. there was a transaction using the auction method, the price was raised, that is, initially the price was there. agreed with her 25, in the end i raised it, i have the corresponding document, called the act of viewing sheet. dmitry refused to meet with us, as well as to answer
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the question about the commissions received; according to larisa viktorovna, they amounted to 15% of the transaction amount, no more, no less, 5 million rubles. the new owner of the apartment also does not want to answer questions from journalists. i will talk to the police officers and together with them, and you know what... the criminal code of the russian federation is fraud, the criminal investigation continues. the damage exceeds 33 million rubles. the object of the criminal attack is an apartment on donskaya street was arrested by investigators. those who pulled off this whole multi-million dollar thing. the nation is now being sought by igor yagienko, egor vozletsov, vladislav dubtsov, ilya kuzmin dobin, led by the duty unit. you can find out about the latest legal news around the clock in
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the telegram channels of vesti dezhurnaya part. and an honest detective, maxim ovchan was in the studio, see you, watch to explore the world, educational programs and documentaries, watch, watch, in the app or on the website.
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colon russian digital solutions to be brought to a new height, there are prospects, ours are more brutal, yes, ours are more brutal, there will be more than exactly what the numbers help, you are incomparably original in your questions, and what about production, raw materials and exports in general, what is our product?
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we will take on this case, it will be an honest detective story.
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let me tell you, briefly about the main thing. the crews of su-25 attack aircraft destroyed the positions of ukrainian militants in the southern donetsk direction. unguided missiles struck strongholds where ukrainian armed forces personnel were hiding. according to the aircraft controller's report the targets were successfully hit. all industrial
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enterprises in orenburg and the region. they are working normally, this region is stronger than others, it suffered from floods this year, according to the governor , more than a billion rubles have already been allocated for payments to residents. deputy minister...


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