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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  April 24, 2024 7:00am-7:30am MSK

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questions about what is happening with production, raw materials and exports in general, what kind of product it is. let me tell you, briefly about the main thing. crews of tsu-25 attack aircraft destroyed the positions of ukrainian militants in the southern donetsk direction. unguided missiles struck strongholds where ukrainian armed forces personnel were hiding. according to the aircraft controllers' report, the targets were successfully hit. all industrial enterprises in orenburg and the region are operating normally, this region is stronger. the rest
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were damaged by floods this year. according to the governor, payments to residents have already been sent more than a billion rubles. deputy defense minister timur ivanov was detained on suspicion of taking a bribe. investigations are underway. at the ministry, ivanov oversaw property management issues, and before that he worked at enterprises of the fuel and energy complex in the government of the moscow region. the ukraine aid bill received enough votes in the senate. within its framework is washington. is preparing to allocate about $1 billion to kiev, the money will be used for the purchase of weapons, it was confirmed. their situation with floods in russia: almost 15 thousand were drowned houses, this is data from operational services. in orenburg, in the areas that were hit hardest by the flood, river levels are gradually decreasing. more than 300 thousand cubic meters of water are pumped out of houses per day. so far 12 areas are flooded. the supply
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of utilities is gradually being restored. in the kurgan region, the flood retreats from the regional capital towards the beloozersky district. in the water, in addition to houses and gardens, there are 11 sections of roads and six bridges. truck traffic is limited on the irtysh highway. flooded in the sverdlovsk region outskirts of the city of arevda in a house. according to the ministry of emergency situations, there are six adjacent areas in the water. in the samara region there were no new floodings per day, but the level... the river continues to rise, in the tomsk region in buryat the flood is subsiding, the flood wave from kurgan is moving to the tyumen region, the water level in the rivers of several settlements continues to rise, residents are being evacuated, from the details on direct communication stanislav bernwald. stanislav, i greet you, tell me what the situation is? yes, hello, in the ishim region tyumen region, the peak of the flood has passed,
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the governor of the tyumen region alexander moor announced this, but the situation will remain tense until may 9, the fact is that ishim downstream is now starting to increase, but, for example, in the obatsky district, we were there yesterday we worked, and we will work there today, the peak of the flood is expected today, or tomorrow, but the rise of water there is quite sensitive, not to mention the city of ishimi, where the rivers in the city area gave -11 cm in the set, well, that is, the water is slowly starting to recede , but that too a very slow process, plus another river, the tobol river, it is now starting to take on water in the uporovsky district, there is +36 cm per day, the governor visited there, let’s listen to what he said, there is water in the tobol river. and when it arrives, we already see
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a dynamic rise in the settlement of korkino, this is the first settlement on the border with the kurugan region, and you can see how big water, floods, are just coming to this settlement, so there is not much time, i think 2-3 days large water will reach the regional center, all the way to the village of uporova, and today - a fundamentally important question is to once again walk along the streets where... there are households that may be flooded, and once again propose to evacuate and evacuate all people from the flood zone, a lot of work has been done, the dam has been strengthened, protective structures have been made, fresh ones have been poured , protected, if we talk about the obatsky district, which is where we are practically now, there is a federal highway p-402, there is a risk of flooding, so now... reverse
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traffic has been installed on the highway, the edges of the highway are being strengthened in order to prevent the water from entering and blocking the federal highway, this will be a big problem if... the water is still able to do this. we continue to monitor the situation here in the tyumen region. all the latest news on our air. stanislav, thank you, my colleague stanislav bernwald spoke about the situation with floods in the tyumen region. now let's talk about economics. alexandra, despite the sanctions, canada cannot refuse russian titanium. tell us, for whom did they make an exception? tatyana, in particular for the aircraft industry arbas company, for now i’ll start with another topic. from january 1, 2010, all systemically important banks will use a model approach when assessing credit risks. the corresponding law was signed by vladimir putin. the method involves assessing risks and capital based on internal ratings of borrowers, which are assigned by financial
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institutions themselves. while banks can choose whether to use this approach, currently only four banks use it: sberbank, vtb, alfabank and raiffeisenbank. the european union has developed. plan for using income from frozen assets of russia, said the head of eu diplomacy, josep borel, he noted that brussels expects to receive about 3 billion euros a year. this is uncharted territory for us, so we had to look for new approaches. to use these funds to support ukraine, we have several steps in place. the first one was implemented in february. we introduced rules for central securities depositories, which...
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the country imposed sanctions against the world's largest producer of this metal, our corporation in smpo ovisma. airbus knows about sanctions imposed by the canadian government against fsmpo and has received the necessary permits in order to carry out its activities in compliance with the relevant sanctions. sanctions against smpo avisma may make it difficult to import into canada aircraft that were assembled abroad using russian titanium. airbas has repeatedly warned that the restrictions could hit the western aircraft industry hard, and stressed that the russian economy would hardly feel the damage.
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the mts board of directors recommended paying dividends for last year at 35 rubles per share. in total, they plan to allocate more than 68.5 billion for these purposes. the final decision on this issue will be made by the shareholder. at the annual meeting on june 26, the company also approved a new dividend policy for the next 2 years, the target yield should be at least 35 rubles per ordinary share, payments will be made once a year with the possibility of changing the frequency, and when calculating dividends they will take into account factors such as cash flow from operating activities, capital costs and debt burden. at the end of the issue, let me remind you that the exchange rates for today are: the dollar is 93 rubles 29 kopecks, the euro is 99.56, that’s all i have for now.
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we will take on this matter, it will be... honest detective, and now about the progress of the special military operation in the kupinsky direction , the artillery of the west group of troops hit fortified positions, firing positions and manpower in the ssu. crews of msta sm2 self-propelled howitzers worked on the targets. the blows are delivered. high-precision ammunition both along the front line and behind enemy lines, destroy cover, armored vehicles and personnel of the ukrainian armed forces. soldiers are on duty at the 24-hour observation point to protect our artillery from attacks by enemy drones. there is enough work,
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we mainly work on the accumulation of enemy manpower, on lightly armored vehicles, and we also conduct counter-battery combat with the enemy. our main task is counter-battery. and dismantle the fortifications of the enemy area. about the navdeevsky direction , the artillery groups of troops at the center are calling on the militants to surrender. to do this, they sent shells with leaflets towards the enemy. propaganda materials were hidden in ammunition from the d-30 gun instead of submunitions. the shells had a red warhead for maximum distinction from other types of ammunition. in order to inform the soldiers of the armed forces of ukraine, their actions in the order of surrender, we... have developed special propaganda leaflets, the military personnel of the russian federation honor and remember the conduct
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of hostilities, the conduct of war, therefore they give the opportunity to the soldiers of the armed forces of ukraine, driven into the trenches, to make the right decision, to surrender in captivity, lay down arms, propaganda shell explodes in the air over the positions of the ukrainian armed forces, covering a large area. thus, a soldier, having picked up a leaflet, can make the right decision to surrender. and at the training ground in the belgorod region, our attack aircraft practice combat skills, cover, clearing trenches and suppressing the enemy. they work in conjunction with crews of reconnaissance drones; our military correspondent, igorkhanov, observed the training of fighters who defend the state border. race in the belgorod region there are elite units of the state border covering group, russian attack aircraft are honing
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their skills in clearing enemy fortifications, despite the fact that each military man has vast combat experience behind him, training does not stop for a single day. we got caught and stopped, waiting for commands from the reconnaissance group. at the beginning, grenade launchers are fired at enemy positions; the fire must be so dense as to suppress any resistance. then, under the cover of large-caliber machine guns , attack aircraft penetrate... the enemy's trenches, meter by meter they examine the trenches, the soldiers they walk, cover each other, all their actions must be coordinated and fast, training at the training ground does not stop for a single day, instructors say, thanks to the professionalism of the fighters in the ssu, even with the presence of foreign mercenaries, they cannot turn the tide at the front, there is nothing supernatural about that they are doing something there, i didn’t see it there, it’s the same thing, they ’re just not afraid, all people are afraid, wow. it’s just played on camera, or look, it’s just for show,
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there’s no such thing that they’re so super cast. our attack aircraft work with the support of aerial reconnaissance aircraft, drones are their eyes in the sky, squads of drone operators have been created in each unit, fighters with a technical education are recruited here, each specialist must be able not only to control the ipv, but equip it with combat charges and, if necessary, modernize it . but it’s not often like this, the difference is colossal, in civilian life everything works differently, control, well, satellites, everything is constant. in addition, uav operators teach attack aircraft how to counter enemy drones. in the troops are receiving anti-drone guns and scanners, while the enemy is trying to deceive our defenses and switches to other frequencies of the copters. therefore, equipment is regularly supplied to units of the ministry of defense. is being updated and reflashed, now the biggest danger at the front is enemy drones, they can carry combat charges,
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so soldiers go on missions with special scanners that detect drones, for example, such a scanner can detect a drone at a great distance, every fighter in the unit a true professional, many awarded departmental and state awards. igor pikhanov, mikhail vitkin, vesti belgorod region. and now let’s talk about sports alexander, today. tatyana, the score of the final series in the fight for the gagarin cup is already 3:0 in favor of magnitogorsk, and there is a chance that this final series will be one of the fastest in the history of the khl. big changes are coming to hockey cska. the day before, the club's president, igor iismantovich, announced that the club would part ways with its long-time leaders. at the press conference following the results of the season, the names of five were announced players who are tight.
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83:73. american unix defender eric green scored the most matches. 20 points. the second match of the series will take place there in kazan tomorrow. well, in another match yesterday, lokomotiv kuban won a crushing victory over parma. in the final series of the women's
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volleyball super league, kaliningrad lokomotiv took the lead in the confrontation with kazan dynamo akbars. lokomotiv won the third match of the series 3:0 in sets the day before. this is the first game of the finals that ended in a clean sheet. the most productive in the squad tatyana tolak and ebrard karakurt became the lokomotiv, each with 17 points. they play until three wins. the fourth match of the final series, potentially a championship match for lokomotiv , will also take place in kaliningrad this thursday. let me remind you that last year kaliningrad lokomotiv also played in the final, then they lost the championship to dynamo moscow. french media are reporting a record number of cases of dengue fever being imported into the european part of the country. in the first months of this year, the number of such cases increased by 10 compared to last year. once. french authorities are calling for stronger controls ahead of the paris olympics. it is reported that french health authorities will soon provide recommendations on vaccination against dengue fever. the disease
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is transmitted through mosquito bites. they write that the french committee for observation and forecasting... skov called imported cases of diseases the main danger associated with holding major events such as the olympic games. that's all about sports for now, see you next hour. slana petrovna, good afternoon, security service your bank. in just a moment, the fraudster would have had access to the money. but svetlana petrovna turned on the scout. whoever the scammers pretend to be in order to extract money from you, hang up without talking. the russian economy will grow by almost 3% by the end of the year. this forecast was given by the head of the ministry of economic development and trade , maxim reshetnikov, at a government meeting. how will this
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growth be ensured? dmitry maruk will talk about this. investment activity. high consumer demand remains the main growth factor for the russian economy. by last year, the country's gdp increased by 3.6%. in the first quarter of twenty-four, the positive dynamics continued. taking this into account, the ministry of development forecasts that by the end of the year gdp will grow by 2.8%, which is higher than earlier estimates. despite increasing pressure , the russian economy is confidently adapting to external challenges. is formed based on its own national objectives, is increasing domestic production, in february, let me remind you, the growth of the domestic volume of domestic product accelerated to 7.7%, our production expanded, mining in the manufacturing sector, consumer activity is strengthening, key
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industries are developing at a high pace, manufacturing, construction, trade, transport, tourism, the most important growth factor here is... investments at the end of last year saw a record growth of 9.8%, in this year the level is predicted to be 2.3. high consumer activity remains , primarily due to the growth of real disposable income of the population. this year they will increase by 5.3%, the ministry of economy believes. development. unemployment will remain at a level of no higher than three. consumer activity is a consequence of rising incomes of the population. in the twenty-fourth year, cash income will increase. by 5.3% in real terms and by 12.3% in nominal terms. the main factor in income growth is wages; we expect an increase of 6.5%. in real terms, unemployment will remain at no higher than 3%. by the end of the year, inflation should slow down from the current seven percent to about five percent; by the twenty-fifth
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year it is expected to reach the target indicator 4%. the basis for further development of the economy will be government support measures, including those aimed at encouraging investment activity, preferential lending to priority sectors, the use of mechanisms such as concessions, agreements on the protection of investment capital, and also measures.
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deputy head of the ministry of defense timur ivanov was detained for taking bribes. it is known that he held the post since 2016 in the ministry and oversaw the organization of property management, housing and medical support, as well as procurement within the framework of state defense order. and as the presidential press secretary reported, vladimir putin was informed of his detention. the head of the ministry of defense sergei shaiga was also notified. and here is the statement of the investigative committee. on suspicion of committing the crime provided for by part six of article 290 of the criminal code of the russian federation, this is taking a bribe, the deputy minister of defense of the russian
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federation, timur vadimovich ivanov, was detained. appropriate investigative actions are being carried out. the united states has stopped hiding the true the purpose of the restrictions is against russia, our us ambassador anatoriy antonov stated this. he noted that we are talking about opportunistic and predatory ambitions. america, in addition, antonov emphasized that if washington cannot withstand economic rivalry, then sanctions will be used. the diplomat made such statements against the backdrop of recent statements by the american administration. assistant secretary of state for energy resources jeffrey payet said that the united states expects to further limit russia's access to european energy markets. the us senate approved the consideration of a bill on an aid package to ukraine for... ukraine, israel and taiwan in the amount of $95 billion. meanwhile, the white house has already admitted that the fighting in ukraine is not developing in
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favor of kiev. skorodilka will tell maria what this means. they delayed the vote, cursed, complained, tried to bully the one who was taking money from the americans. the demonization of ukraine began with tucker carloson, who, in my opinion, did something harmful. for everyone thing, i came to moscow and interviewed president, and then told a huge audience about everything, convincing everyone that russia was right, but they still considered it, the american senate approved the aid budget for ukraine, washington plans to send $1 billion to kiev, the money will be used to solve the most pressing problems, the pentagon said. the united states, being a bankrupt country, sends billions to ukraine, and this money will certainly be stolen there, said journalist tucker carlson, commenting on the authorities’ decision. billions of dollars will go to purchase weapons, billions of dollars will go to training the military, billions of dollars they simply go to the ukrainian government,
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which has never defeated corruption, think about it, this money will simply be stolen, zelensky will laugh in the americans’ faces. the united states again promises ukraine to support it as long as it takes, in afghanistan it took 20 years, 3 trillion dollars and more than 70 thousand dead, civilians, and then they were killed in just one night, reporter chay balls aptly writes on social networks, the current state of the collective west best reflects the sixth volume of the history of the decline of the collapse of the roman empire, said elon musk. russia, as an example of an independent power, such a country cannot be defeated, he said in an interview with reporters. ukrainian defenses could collapse even before american aid arrives, writes the independent. in the ssu there are not enough air defense shells with people, it’s a disaster, the article says. russia simply does not want to be in need. i absolutely do not believe that russia wants to invade europe, russia intends to develop its industry, it is
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already excessive. developed, but they are on the path of over-industrialization and goal russia will have the opportunity to produce everything it needs. without european rearmament, nato is setting itself up for failure, with allies sticking to a practice of loud talk and relying on the us to shoulder the lion's share of the burden, analysts say. currently, only 18 of 32 nato countries promise to spend 2% of gdp on defense. nato continues to struggle with shortcomings in the field of integrated, air defense and...
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speaks on cameras, becomes an object of ridicule , prohibits russia from quoting in all seriousness kant due to the fact that moscow’s policy allegedly contradicts the basic tenets of his teachings, while all that the west can demand from ukraine now is to start paying off debts and total mobilization, but there is a problem with this, ukrainian volunteers are complaining about the meat grinder, even the elderly are being taken away, the policy of mobilizing living resources turns into slavery and bondage. the ministry of foreign affairs of ukraine has banned the issuance of documents to ukrainians conscripted. age abroad, exclusion of passport for returning home. maria skrodilka, news. do you dream of realizing yourself in a creative field? profession? what if you are just one step away from your dream, take part in large-scale competitions for backstage and digital art specialists artmas. declare yourself, get
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funding. bring your project to life, become in demand, the creative industries are waiting for you, i want it too, leave an application on the website of the national open championship of creative competencies artmasters.
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i understood correctly, the future, yes, yeah, twenty-four, 212. this is the situation, now i can jump to a century in the future and back, i see everything, they are hunting us space pirates, well, they were already there when i came here, we need to find mom, what a meeting, maybe we can put the children to bed and now is the time to sort everything out and it’s
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time to act like... questions, suggestions, objections, but not other things you want are worth it in advance. you don’t want to fight in the continuation of the topic of kiev’s decision to ban any.


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