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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  April 24, 2024 3:30pm-4:01pm MSK

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four calls completed the increase in the height of the existing dumps in the form of soil embankments, the length is 9 km. hydraulic structures are reinforced with film and bags and sand. this work was fully completed on april 21. now efforts are being directed to conduct round-the-clock monitoring of the functioning of the ladies, authorized by the representative of the president of the ural federal district, vladimir vladimirovich yakushev, and the governor of the temenskaya region, arisan viktorovich. and i held meetings with the population living in the expected area flooding, the highest officials of the region, employees of the ministry of emergency situations are providing comprehensive assistance in eliminating the consequences of the flood, we are provided with labor and technical resources, dear vladimirovich, thank you for your attention, the report is finished, yeah, thank you, thank you very much, there is a lot of work there and i hope so. you are doing everything in a timely manner,
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the governor and i spoke even before the water came, we discussed preventive measures, i see that you are working, god grant that all the work brings the results that people need, and i already said that we have connections of 18 people, chapters municipalities, i understand that in general those who spoke now formulated the main questions and problems, nevertheless i would like to appeal to all participants of our meeting and, first of all, of course, the heads of municipalities, is there anything you wanted would like to say what you would like to draw special attention to, if there is, then please, just say it loudly into the microphone, raise your hand, identify yourself so that the camera can pick you up, no, everything is said, okay, good, what i would like to draw attention to attention in the end of our meeting today means - well
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, first of all, our cost, the cost of major repairs of 1 m2 of housing, was determined earlier, by the relevant government decree, and was not indexed, but despite all our attempts to curb price increases. yes , inflation is already taking place, so you need to pay special attention to this, you need to look at the real cost of major repairs today, and if necessary, and i think there is such a need, change this norm, second, the very amount of payments. .. installed,
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established in 2008, now it is 2024, and this size was also not indexed, i ask the relevant federal departments, the ministry of emergency situations, the ministry of finance, the ministry of construction, and social departments to return to this. and solve the issue of indexing. let me remind you that today it is 10,000, 50,000 and 100,000 rubles. they need to be indexed. third, uh, the question is subtle, it is related to employers, but if a person is now forced to engage in restoration. their household and
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at the same time, of course, still have to go to work, difficulties arise for people additional, i ask governors with local employers, and if someone works in federal institutions or in companies with state participation, also discuss this with employers and resolve issues about additional leaves further. regarding this most sensitive problem, it is connected with a share in another residential building, here the head of the municipality said that our tools do not allow us to get something, these are not tools, this is not, maternity capital has nothing to do with it, we in order for everyone to understand, not in in one country in the world, such a support system... in the event of floods and
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other natural disasters does not exist at all, as a rule, it’s the same everywhere, insurance is everything, if you’re insured, then it works out.
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according to the norms, a person does not receive appropriate compensation, other compensation, even if the share is only a few meters, the heads of municipalities also spoke about this today, it is necessary to look at this issue carefully and solve it informally, informally, this formalism in this case has nothing to do with those measures which are aimed at... by state measures, to support people who find themselves in difficult life situations, aimed at maintaining social justice, this must definitely be resolved, now i will not talk about final decisions, but i ask you not to ignore this problem, then separately
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about to report this, now there is a list of property for the loss of which compensation is paid, well, accordingly there is lost property, everything needs to be paid appropriate compensation, well, what can we count, it ends up on this list washing machine or it doesn’t fit, well , it’s some kind of nonsense, we need to cancel this list, everything, and i ask you to proceed exactly from what
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i just said, but another question was not asked, i understand that it is so subtle, in the law not adjusted. and i would ask you to also work on this issue with colleagues in the regions, with regional leaders, to see, well, now it’s spring, the may holidays are long, so where people want, we need to organize
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children’s holidays and do this as quickly as possible. tatyana, can you hear me, yes, vladimirovich, hello, hello, colleagues,
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we can’t leave this situation in this situation, i’m not saying it now either and i don’t want to prejudge possible decisions, but i ask you not to pass by this category of citizens either, you can’t pretend that everything is fine there, anton gernovich, you heard, you and i discussed all these issues this morning, please, a few words, yeah, davich, all your instructions. will be fulfilled accordingly, indeed we are talking about the need to help large families,
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you just talked about this, those who have one housing and corresponding, that means housing, the so-called snt, gardening and non-profit partnerships, provided that there may be dnietrazh there, we need to look, indeed, if the mortgage is not unpaid, then we will... resolve these issues, i think that it is possible here it would be good to involve the constituent entities of the russian federation in this matter so that together we can close this topic, and here’s another consideration: after all, maybe we should tighten construction permits in places where there are risks of floods, landslides, and so on, because today we see uh, this means that these events took place, including where, uh, construction... in many ways, probably, should not have been carried out , so it seems to me that in such
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places we need to look again, permission and rights to , which means housing construction, so that there are no such risks, which, unfortunately, have materialized, so we will work at the federal level with the constituent entities, money and resources, i have already reported, we have reserved, assistance, assistance will be provided, okay, it is necessary these are the questions that i paid attention to: to work on, and all together, i agree with anton germanovich, some issues need to be resolved together with the constituent entities of the russian federation, of course, the issue of dacha plots there and so on, of course the responsibility will need to be shared, it will be necessary to divide, but - but nevertheless all the issues that i just pointed out, they must be worked out, and - the head of orsk, vasily nikolaevich, said in his conversation with
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a woman, with the mother of eight children, vasily nikolaevich, give the number and phone number to denis vladimirovich to pasler, okay, and in general, we need to once again, i want to say once again, we need to pay special attention to families with children, to large families, all the best, we will return to discussing all these... these were shots of the meeting on liquidation of the consequences and floods that i held
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vladimir putin. to other topics. captured western armored vehicles were brought to poklonnaya hill in moscow. the ministry of defense, together with the victory museum, is preparing an exhibition of weapons captured by the russian military in the northern military district zone. our correspondent, evgeniy nipot, was one of the first to see the car; he joins the broadcast. evgeniy, hello, tell us how many cars have already been delivered, when will the exhibition open? hello, there are currently six vehicles on poklonnaya hill, the exhibition is scheduled to open on may 1, this exhibition is organized by the ministry of defense and the victory museum, here we are near one of the trophies, this is an american bradly infantry fighting vehicle, it is clear that it is lost - a skating rink, by the way, pay attention, in order to preserve the paving stones and not damage them, there is a special coating here, so this one is lost, as i already did repeated, the skating rink, you can see... special factory designs for attaching
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additional dynamic protection, i would also like to show now, i’ll ask the operator to show the trace of the fragment, it’s located here, you can see it’s quite sharp, you can even cut it off, if you are not careful, you can also see marks on the combat module from most likely being hit by an fpv drone. and about 190 such infantry fighting vehicles were delivered to ukraine, it is already known for sure about the loss of 68 bradleys, well, as you can see, dynamic protection does not save them, that’s how it is... instructions for installing dynamic protection on the frontal part are also present here, let me remind you that in total about 30 units of captured equipment from twelve countries are expected at the exhibition, we are primarily talking about nato countries, this equipment will be from the uk, from the usa, as is already present,
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of course well, from germany, as well as from turkey , one of the samples, namely... we will now show the kirpi armored vehicle, here we are approaching it, in it, on it you can see traces of damage on the windshields, this is the hit, you can also see traces on the armor from bullets holes, that is, here we can say that this car - this car, of course , took part in the hostilities, it was captured by our soldiers, here you can see the inscription kirpi, such - here you can see traces of hits, right next to kirpi there is a dutch version of the modernized m113, modernized a long time ago, back in vietnam there were such fires, here you can see the inscription 10
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mod, a separate mechanized brigade, this is the same one. to the heroic efforts of our soldiers, and what’s interesting is that the audience is talking about the same thing, who are already coming to poklonnaya hill, see
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these pieces of equipment and they note, this is how we talked to them, that it is clear that this captured equipment must have been captured. seems to lead to the defeat of russia, but in the end everything went wrong, precisely thanks to the efforts of the russian military, i propose to listen to the comments of those who have already seen these six pieces of equipment, they belong here, there will probably be much more of them, and rather all this is over, i think that we are going to victory, there is knowledge that this is the work of our heroic guys.
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dozens, to be precise, this is 40 bmp marder, were delivered to the ukrainians and here is the result: here you can also see traces of shrapnel, from holes in the hull, this mardor, this mardor has an interesting story, it was found stuck in the mud, they tried in soushniki to evacuate the car, they tried to blow it up, it didn’t work, so in fact it went to our armed forces as a trophy. it should be noted that not only these trophies are important from the point of view of studying the characteristics of this nato equipment, in order to better destroy it, better to hit it, and in order to make it easier for our soldiers to carry out their combat missions while carrying out a special military operation, and what’s interesting is that we are now
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also approaching one of the armored vehicles, it is in the only example - this is azovets-1, it was made specifically ... for - the nazi formations of azov, it was also literally dug up by our - fighters, because the militants tried to hide it, but they failed, that is, you can observe design features, tracks, rollers, all this has been preserved, and of course, it is more of interest as a trophy, as an exhibition specimen, i repeat, there will be these... units of captured captured equipment are about 30, exactly 30 units of equipment will be exhibited at this exhibition , which is organized by the ministry of defense and the victory museum. and this exhibition will last until the end of may, and it will open on may 1st. colleagues, yuri, i give you the floor. yes, evgenia, thank you for such a detailed story.
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evgenia nipot spoke about the trophy exhibition technology, about the technology itself, yes, the exhibition will open in a week for everyone on poklonnaya hill. sergei shaigu came to the polesetsk cosmodrome to check the progress of construction and modernization of infrastructure facilities. the minister was shown the tangara missile launch preparation complex, as well as the missile assembly halls. soyuz launch vehicle launch complex, the cosmodrome’s capabilities to support spacecraft launches will double . work is underway to modernize
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the rokot light-class rocket and space complex, testing of which is planned to begin in december of this year. a credit card is beneficial in any situation. the 120 day period starts every month, and service notifications are free forever. this is why the credit card is the best in the country. apply for a credit card, everything will be the way you want. if inflammation is complicated by fibrosis and the organ stops working normally, the smart enzyme langidase can help. langidase breaks down fibrosis and helps restore the functions of the organ. langidase simply fights fibrosis. recommended ku. two packs. order free alfabank credit card with a whole year without interest. and receive a supercake in rubles every month, and also
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i don’t feel well, call an ambulance, i just don’t have a phone, an emergency phone, there are generally normal people here, where are you from 100 years ago. this is the russia 24 tv channel, right now the main
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facts of this day in the studio of georgy podgorny. instructions have been given, well, the greatest attention, as traditionally happens at all meetings, of course, is to the people, sufficient resources have been attracted, rescuers, together with colleagues on the ground, as well as volunteers , act in a professional manner, the assessment of the president, which he gave at the meeting on liquidation of the consequences of floods, however , despite the coherence of the work, it is obvious that there are systemic organizational and management problems, and as the head
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of state noted, it remains to be clarified how... regional and local authorities will continue to provide the victims with all the necessary support, including cash payments, and respond for every complaint and appeal from citizens, it is also important to constantly monitor the epidemiological and sanitary situation, and to prevent speculative price increases for goods
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first. necessary, provide timely medical and legal assistance to the victims, it doesn’t matter for citizens, it makes absolutely no difference what level of government there is, what problem they are responsible for, where whose powers are, the main thing is that the problems that people face, including those of an emergency nature, are effectively solved, that people are listened to their appeal was responded to in a timely manner and to the point, yes, so that the entire system of public power. countries worked smoothly and efficiently. the situation in the orenburg region remains the most difficult. the water level is falling slowly; a number of settlements are still flooded more than 600 people remain in temporary accommodation centers, including children. as the head of the ministry of emergency situations assured at the meeting, all efforts were directed to help the victims. water is being pumped out, garbage is being removed, the area is being decontaminated, and there are a lot of requests for payments from citizens. but
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not everything has been processed yet. to date, more than 400 thousand applications have been submitted, more than 46 thousand people have received financial assistance. it’s just that everywhere the picture is the same in terms of what, how many applications have been submitted, how many?


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