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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  April 25, 2024 12:00am-12:31am MSK

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meeting, maybe we can put the children to bed and now is the time to somehow fix everything and it ’s time to act somehow, questions, suggestions, objections, but there is nothing else, what do you want, let’s go, 100 years in the future. there are enough resources to eliminate the consequences of the flood, but the protection of populated areas and the effectiveness of targeted assistance to people is a concern.
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together with colleagues on the ground, as well as employees of other federal departments, security and law enforcement agencies, i will especially note: volunteers, volunteers, act professionally coordinated. i ask federal, regional, and local authorities to continue to provide victims with all necessary support, including cash payments, and to respond to every complaint and appeal from citizens. it is also important to constantly monitor. prevent speculative
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price increases for essential goods and provide timely medical and legal assistance to victims. for citizens it doesn’t matter, it doesn’t matter at all, what level of government there is, what problem they are responsible for, where whose powers are, the main thing is that the problems problems that people encounter, including those of an emergency nature, are effectively resolved in order to reach people.
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served by people who were not in the flood zone, or what? yes, yes, yes, no, well, it’s clear, but then it’s not clear why you are accepting these applications, it’s written in my certificate, more than 400,000 applications have been accepted, and 46 have been issued. based on these applications, well, let’s figure this out properly, that a person submitted an application, it was accepted, which means he is waiting for an appropriate reaction, well, this work needs to be organized.
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and so on, it should be canceled altogether list, lost property, everything needs to be paid appropriate compensation, so what? to consider whether a washing machine is included in this list or not, well, it’s some kind of nonsense, we need to cancel this whole list. the russian army repelled 16 attacks in so, the center, south, west and east groups occupied more advantageous positions. zelensky’s formations lost more than a thousand more soldiers and mercenary officers. among other things, tanks and two other armored vehicles were destroyed, as well as 17 self-propelled guns and howitzers, mostly western production. several missile systems were eliminated, including the american haymarc launcher. the drone production workshop was hit. air defense systems shot down 299 combat drones and six french hammer guided bombs. well,
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the united states has already transferred long-range atacoms missiles to ukraine. washington did this in advance, but officially confirmed it only now after the us congress approved funding for the new one. package of military assistance to kiev. i can confirm that in february the president gave instructions to his team provide ukraine with a significant number of atacoms missiles. deliveries began in march, and these missiles arrived in ukraine. until recently, we could not provide atacoms due to problems with combat readiness. but now a significant number of such missiles are coming off the production line and entering the us arsenal. the us authorities have given up. the fate of ukraine, this is how russian ambassador to the states anatoly antonov commented on the new arms package for kiev. america chose in favor of war, sided with evil and supported fascism. for the sake of its greedy, insatiable
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military-industrial complex, the administration sacrifices the lives of ordinary people. with their decision, local politicians actually put an end to the fate of the entire state, which is being used as a battering ram against russia. the cynicism of the us authorities is amazing. here they talk about the need to pump up the nazi regime in kiev, they are ready to kill as many ukrainians and russians as possible with the help of american weapons. warsaw is ready to help kiev return ukrainians of military age to fight russia. the minister of defense of poland stated this in an interview with reuters. according to him, many poles are outraged that young ukrainians, quote: chill in polish hotels and cafes. true,
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the minister did not specify how exactly warsaw will help kiev, and especially since polish business does not want to lose cheap labor. with details, anton dadekin. about 300 ukrainians, or 300 spartans, as they immediately began to be called on social networks, blocked the work of the ukrainian consular department in warsaw, demanding issue as international passports. i won’t leave here until you give me my documents, you have internet robbers here. the documents were not given to them; at first they referred to technical problems, and then they admitted it; kiev forbade it. any consular services are now unavailable to ukrainian citizens of military age. kiev has big problems with mobilization, the armed forces of ukraine have huge losses at the front, the number of deserters has exceeded 100. the zelensky regime hopes to recruit cannon fodder abroad, they want to put at least 250 thousand under bayonets. from
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may 18, all persons liable for military service must appear at military registration and enlistment offices or register in the conscript's electronic account, where they can immediately receive a summons.
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beza and moscow are calling on washington to abandon its biased line and return to the path of constructive interaction, taking into account all opinions. mass demonstrations took place in boinosaris against the policies of president melei. hundreds of thousands of people are against plans to destroy free education. sergei brilyov found out whether popular anger would help. today the whole of argentina is arguing about how many people came out the day before to march against the cuts funding for state universities, 40,000 were expected, the federal police conservatively
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estimated the march at 150, the organizers say there were 800, the laon newspaper gives a figure of 430,000, be that as it may, this is the most massive protest against the libertarian, that is, sort of freedom-loving government, which... because of how many people gathered, he did not dare to apply the new rules on dispersing the pickets by the federal police subordinate to him, he is protesting... i want to say that in march the public sector
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had a surplus of 275 billion pes, such is happening for the first time in 20 years, it is no coincidence that inflation is collapsing, every month it will be less, but firstly, on an annualized basis, inflation is still hundreds of percent, we still have to call the argentine people, quote, heroic, and secondly, the invasion from the national congress to the presidential palace... not only trade unionists, but also students came out, although it was believed that the youth were all nicer, but no, so among the adults , not only opponents, but also supporters came out to march, nicer, now in the right-wing newspaper laon today such a headline, a short circuit in the libertarian narrative, all because education in argentina is considered untouchable, and miley in his office , the ministry of education turned just something...
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iran denied them, but if the previous government of argentina tried to conduct a dialogue with iran, then mile on relation, and also about
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nato, this is the organization of the north atlantic treaty, and here is the atlantic.
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so, many countries are offering their help, this suggests that they are interested in terrorism as a phenomenon did not develop. the practice of our work shows that following the money, you can always find the criminal. the fact that this is an international organization, the participants, i can say unequivocally, are both controlled and regulated from abroad. russian cinema audiences doubled last year.
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if we talk about distribution, then 207 russian films were released, the box office receipts of domestic films amounted to 28 billion 100 million rubles, russian films were watched by almost 91 and a half million people, i want to say that the increase is relative to twenty the second year 97.7%. magnitogorsk metallurg won the third gagarin cup in history and won all matches of the khl playoff final series against yaroslavl lokomotiv. daniil makhanin watched the triumph. arena 2000 is the local hockey stadium of lokomotiv, the main draw for fans for many years. after its opening in 2001, the team
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became the champion of russia twice in a row, but since the founding of continental hockey. yaroslavl residents have never won the gagarin cup . loka was in the final only once, the first season of the khl 15 years ago, but to win the league now, it was necessary to perform a sports miracle, because none of the clubs won, losing in the final series even 0:2, lokomotiv completely lost to magnitogorsk metallurgist 0:3. until the final siren sounds, we are fighting for the cup, what doom, what are you guys saying? and how important is it for you to finish the series today, or for everything to happen at... home? we want to finish it today, because the wives won’t understand these trips anymore. on the main stand of lok fans such a bulky volumetric locomotive has been installed, it looks impressive, in order to impress both the opponent and to drive one’s own yaroslavl team forward. but
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the metallurgist decided that the final would be held according to the “wait a locomotive” scheme, even lokomotiv’s first goal on the puck didn’t help. the final siren sounds, this season of the continental hockey league ended with the victory of magnitogorsk metallurgical league , which left yaroslavl lokomotiv no chance, winning the series with a score of 4:0. lokomotiv fans are sad, there is only one sector where the fans are metaluga, there is a real...
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in your career, the first victory in the continental hockey league, how do you feel? well, first of all, joy and at the same time devastation, because it was very hard to get to this point, it was a very difficult path. a unique achievement was achieved by metal goalkeeper ilya nabokov, namesake of world champion and former goalkeeper of the russian national team evgeniy nabokov. ilya played for the first time in the khl playoffs immediately and triumphantly, simultaneously receiving the title of most valuable player. i don’t understand emotions yet, pinch me so that this isn’t in a dream, so for now i don’t
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i understand what’s happening, i’m very happy, i have a lot of emotions. this is what this trophy looks like in the hands of the entire magnitogorsk metallurgical team, which shows it to the fans who came to yaroslavl. who would have thought that the series would end with a score of 4:0, and the team would be able to win. this trophy on someone else’s court, the champagne flowed like a river in the victorious locker room, and it went to the equipment, which literally drowned in these splashes of real sports happiness. magnitogorsk metallurgist became the champion for the third time in history continental hockey league. daniil makhalin, egor dolinsky, konstantin mitin, alexander stalmashevsky, vesti yaroslavl. a credit sbercard is beneficial in any situation,
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the owner of the car, but now you need to register it with the traffic police. we will tell you how to do this in 5 minutes in the program. but first, a few words about what vehicles need to be registered: firstly, cars and motorcycles with an engine more powerful than 4 kw and more. cars and motorcycles that can drive faster than 50 km/h, don’t forget about trailers, cars that are registered in other countries, if they will be in russia for more than a year, they also need to be registered, the vehicle purchase and sale agreement service allows you to conclude an electronic purchase and sale agreement, data on the agreement will be sent to the traffic police, there is no need to present it additionally, but the procedure itself
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will require... showing the vehicle for inspection. the new owner will have 10 days to register the car if he does not do this, the previous owner will be able to apply to deregister the car, and the car will be deregistered remotely. an application for registration must be submitted 10 days after its purchase. if you delay, you can get a fine; if you stop on the street, it’s from 500 to 800 rubles. if you get caught like this a second time. sign up for 5,000 or even rights for another month, as the court decides. one more thing, you only need to submit a registration application 10 days in advance, but in fact you can go through the entire procedure in more than long term. if you did not have time to submit an application, then when you register, you will be fined from one and a half to two thousand. when driving a car , more than 10 days have passed since the date of acquisition of the owner's rights, including if
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information is available. on the acquisition of the owner's rights before the date specified in the contract provided to the traffic inspector, the driver is subject to administrative liability for driving a vehicle not registered in the prescribed manner, this is part one or part 1.1 of article 12.1 - koaprf. you can submit an application in person directly at the traffic police department, but it is more convenient to do it directly from home through the state services portal. this will take about half an hour, the form will need to be... filled in, firstly, the data from the previous owner’s pts and sts, and secondly, you will need a purchase and sale agreement or another document that confirms your ownership of the car, for example, a deed of gift or certificate of inheritance. thirdly, a car needs insurance, but it’s a saga. if the car is older than 4 years, then you will also have to worry about obtaining diagnostic card, that is, undergo a technical inspection. if the car is relatively new, then
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it can be registered even if. it’s not on the move, however, then you’ll have to bring it to the traffic police on a tow truck. when determining age, they do not look at a specific date, only at the year of manufacture. for example, this year a diagnostic card is needed to register a car manufactured in the twentieth year or earlier. when you fill out the application, you will be able to select your traffic police department, the date and time of the visit, and receive a receipt for payment state fees at a minimum, this is 500 rubles. if the numbers remain the same. you entered information about the owner into the pts yourself, but you don’t need to issue a new pts, since the old one still has columns for potential next owners. at the appointed time, come with a car that needs to be registered at the department; you must take with you the pts, if it is paper and not electronic, sts from the previous owner, a purchase and sale agreement or other document of ownership, but also a passport. at the department, the inspector will check the vin,
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brand and color... tires with what is written in the pts, and they will issue a new sts, updated pts, and , if necessary, new numbers. if you can't register your car, then...


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