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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  April 25, 2024 8:30am-9:01am MSK

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kiev has armored vehicles, missiles and shells, but american assistance in the ssu will no longer help, experts believe, as newspapers write because of... a visit to china, he explained, the united states wants to improve relations in the prc, they think differently. blinkin was met by a mid-ranking official, the head of shanghai.
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high-tech care was provided in our southern district medical center, a large number of the population of new regions which is located in rostov on don, that is , tens of thousands of people who received highly qualified specialized assistance, and approximately 10% of this amount is high-tech assistance, since the middle of last year from the fmba. became the only
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medical representative in the city of energodar, zaporozhye region, and the zaporozhye nuclear power plant, so high-tech methods and qualified specialized medical care came to energodar, over the past year, in record time, in 10 months, together with the ministry of defense, we built a multidisciplinary medical center in mariupol, donetsk people's republic. and watch the full version of the interview with the head of the fmba veronica skvortsova on our tv channel today after 10 am moscow time. vostok station is an analogue of a base on the moon. this is the name of a new exhibition at the museum of the arctic and antarctic in st. petersburg. guests will be told about the features of the new wintering complex. it was put into operation at the end of january. assembly in the harsh conditions of antarctica lasted 2 years. it is important to talk in our country
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about the fact that we are creating such incredible projects, there are no analogues in the world to what we do, and people should know and be proud of it, because how we extract ice, how the station is located on an under-ice lake, what kind of research is being carried out. few people know about this, now there is footage from the capital of kenya, nairobi, where about 60 thousand people were affected by a major flood, in addition, four deaths were reported. and now a short advertisement, then we will talk about the increase in natural gas production in the country. on... that credit card debts are hanging and interest
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it happens that you are waiting for a regular banking application, but you get the best one. alfabank is the best mobile bank, not just profitable. we still want to support our team in russia, it should be quiet in the laboratory, but we are at the international mendeleev olympiad in chemistry, milichenko foundation. guys, go ahead! these are the ivanovs, an average russian family. every year they throw away 664 plastic bottles, and if you sort the waste, this could result in: 21 backpacks for your son or 11
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sneakers for your daughter, 73 t-shirts for dad or 70 dresses for mom. sort waste and donate things. new life. sber is introducing a loan with 2% cashback so you have even more opportunities, opportunities to get everything you have long dreamed of without delay. opportunities to please those who may be difficult to please at first . opportunities to get new impressions, a flurry of new impressions, a storm of new impressions. apply for a loan at sbery and receive it. monthly cashback 2% rate is more profitable with sberim. this night our friend has already been forced to get up several times to admire the stars. my friend, if you get up more than twice at night, afalaza. at the first symptoms of the prostate -
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afalase. afalase is a modern drug for early treatment of prostate adenoma. and now let's talk about alexander's economy, in the first quarter russia increased natural gas production by more than 10.5%. tell us, how much did you get in the end? tatyana, 164 billion cubic meters, for now on to other topics. the ministry of finance will adhere to the budget balance that was planned earlier, and additional revenues will be used to solve priority problems. finance minister anton selanov spoke about this in an interview with maria kudryavtseva. he emphasized that this has already been the case this year. but some of the tasks set by the message will be implemented this year, these are increased payments to teachers, 5
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educational advisers, a number of others, they will already begin these payments this year, so the additional income that we receive today will be allocated. watch the full version of the interview with finance minister anton silunov on our channel today after 12 noon moscow time. quarters increased natural gas production by more than 10.5% compared to the same period a year earlier; according to rosstat, they received 164 billion cubic meters 9 million tons of liquefied natural gas were produced in january-march, which is 5.5% more than in the same months last year. russian fish exports expanded to 18 countries last year. this was announced by the head of rosrybolovstvo ilya shostakov. in that. china, japan, south korea. the netherlands,
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nigeria, and the african market also became one of the five largest for us. supplies to other countries, african and latin american, are now actively developing. in 2023 , about 18 countries were added to the geography our exports. the demand for mts bank shares, which will appear on the stock exchange tomorrow, was more than ... 10 times higher than the planned placement volume. as part of the ipo, investors submitted over 135,000 applications. such demand could become a site record. a source in the financial market informed the tas agency about this. price range of accommodation 2.350 2.500 rub. per share. this corresponds to a market capitalization of approximately rub 70.5 to 75 billion. without taking into account the funds that will be raised during the ipo. in terms of assets, mts bank is among the top 30 financial organizations countries. spending by russians on
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used cars has set a record. last month , a record of 607 billion rubles. this is a third more than in february. we calculated the opening of the auto agency autostat. the main reason for the record is the high market volume, which for the first time in six months exceeded 500,000 cars. demand also jumped in anticipation of a price increase from april 1 due to the new procedure for calculating the recycling fee. that's all the news for now. sber is introducing a loan with 2% cashback to give you even more opportunities. there are no opportunities putting off getting everything you have long dreamed of. opportunities to please those who may be difficult to please at first. possibilities. get new impressions, a flurry of new impressions, a storm of new impressions, get
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fuel in our in -app refueling service. order a free alpha card and. get a supercake, not just profitable, alpha profitable! and again about the progress of the special military operation, ivanovo paratroopers and the southern group of troops captured a large stronghold of the ukrainian armed forces on the outskirts of chasovoy yar. they were supported by artillery and attack aircraft. boris ivanin will talk about effective work in the air. russian su-25 attack aircraft created a real firestorm in the air and on the ground, leaving no chance for the enemy. here is footage from the donetsk people's republic: the combat work of crews against the ukrainian armed forces, they are firing at low altitudes. this requires high skill and heroism from pilots,
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but such maneuvers allow you to avoid entering the affected area of ​​the enemy air defense system. we've practically run out of funds. air defense, moreover, we destroyed most of the ammunition and we saw this virtually every day. and that is why now our aviation, our artillery is operating virtually without response. this , of course, contributes to the advancement of russian troops in the artyomovsky direction, in the kupyansky direction and in other directions. that is, ukraine is now actually left without the proper amount of ammunition and weapons. the su-25 is... a reliable machine capable of... open fire just 30 meters above the ground, and the combat radius is up to 700 km. at such a distance, attack aircraft can carry over 4 tons of ammunition, for this the aircraft has as many as 10 external hardpoints, here is a recent photo of how attack aircraft are equipped before takeoff, these are s-13 unguided aircraft missiles, which are designed to destroy mass
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accumulations of equipment and personnel. even if the enemy is holed up in particularly strong shelters. here is a modernized s13t missile with a reinforced warhead, it is capable of piercing concrete a meter thick and up to 6 m of soil or explode upon contact with a target, range up to 4 km, and this is an effective striking force, can be compared to hail, about the same caliber, why do aviation work, they work in hail if the calibers are equal, well, because the plane can end up at any target point - attack any target much faster and much... at a greater distance than any multiple. why are there only two blocks hanging on the plane, the combat suspension, the combat load of the aircraft is calculated based on the required amount of ammunition for defeat of one target or another. the bunks are designed to destroy area targets, these are forest belts, fortified areas, large- caliber bunks, their complete destruction reaches up to 30 m, naturally the fragments fly
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further. russian aviation dominates the skies. compare the remnants of the ukrainian air force, the same soviet attack aircraft. the su-25 becomes an easy target for our air defense systems, but where are the vaunted patriots on the other side? the kiev regime's desperate need for air defense systems is heart-rendingly hammered by the british financial times. but even in as part of the largest military aid package announced recently, london is not transferring them. calls on nato allies for help. the alliance is inclining spain and greece to supply supplies. as stated in the british press, they are a quote. make a donation from your arsenals, even if this leads to their depletion, but for now the ukrainian armed forces have a deficit on the line of combat contact, which allows our aviation to dictate its terms. this is exactly the method of attack through fire support of directly entering troops. on the one hand, it is very effective, on the other hand, it creates a great risk for pilots,
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due to the fact that the leading edge is very saturated with anti-aircraft traffic. in this case we are not talking about those systems that we really knocked out the data strength, but here we are talking about the military one, after all, there are quite a lot of enemy military equipment, so of course the pilots take risks, risks, because the old ones can pose a threat complexes such as strela and portable zaerka for the armed forces of the armed forces, but they are under such the heavy fire of russian attack aircraft is powerless, powerful air support allows our units to advance on the ground, this is how the heavy flamethrower system of the sun works on enemy positions after air strikes, in a word, it burns all around. russian troops actually prevail in terms of the amount of ammunition 1:10 on the line. collision, that is, in fact they are not resisting us, since we deliver 10 strikes per strike, in my opinion, now there has been an absolute turning point in the company in
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ukraine, there is a breakthrough of the front along all directions, we have actually knocked out both the petriot systems and most of the delivered leopard, abrams, challenger tanks, and i think that before the delivery of weapons that britain and the united states of america promise for... billions, i think we will fulfill most of the tasks so that , in principle, this equipment does not reach, as you know, our co-25 attack aircraft are often called rooks for their maneuverability and compactness, on the ukrainian side they already know very well what the landscape is like, when the rooks arrive, this picture is painted on the battlefield with powerful fire, let me tell you, briefly about the main thing, by this hour, the city’s crews had covered the position of ukrainian militants in the border area with the belgorod region on the territory of ukraine, they had destroyed several enemy strongholds, one such installation allows them to cover an area equal to several football
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fields. in the orenburg region , approximately 60% of households have been freed from water, and a commission is working to assess the damage. 74% of consumers are already receiving energy supplies, and gas and water supplies are being restored in villages. russia proposes to discuss the idea. the un is in gas, stated the russian permanent representative to the organization vasily nebendya. according to him, concrete measures are needed to ensure compliance with the ceasefire. in addition, the diplomat emphasized that it is impossible to adequately provide assistance to the population of the gaza strip in the conditions of shelling. captured nato equipment captured by our soldiers in the special military operation zone will be shown in moscow. more than thirty combat vehicles, including american infantry fighting vehicles and armored personnel carriers, and a german leopard tank. damaged exhibits. brought to poklonnaya hill, where the exhibition will open on may 1. a yellow weather alert level has been declared in the moscow region and a number of southern regions
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of the central federal district due to thunderstorms. and torrential rains are returning to the russian plain, and somewhere they will fall along with sand from the sahara desert. vadim zavodchenkov will tell you all the details. the new cyclone brings not only warming to the russian plain, where it has already passed. precipitation mixed with african sand, will the red rains reach the capital when the first +20 in moscow, current weather analytics on the channel russia 24, i’m vadim zavuchenkov, leading specialist of centrophobos, hello, the sand cloud continues to drift deep into our country, the day before a sharp change in weather made the residents of belgorod nervous, after lunch the sky over the city darkened ominously. and was painted in yellow tones, since the region borders on ukraine, there were very different versions of what happened, but the downpour that began soon confirmed that
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there was simply a lot of sand in the atmosphere, it was raining, it left red stains on clothes, cars, windows of houses, it began to dry out, in general tin, as if they had doused it with dirty dirty water... the rains occurred not only in the southwest of russia, also in ukraine, in odessa and nikolaev. cars in bucharest were covered in yellow coating on wednesday. the following pictures are from transnistria. it is not difficult to guess that the unusual precipitation is an echo of the sandstorm in northern africa, due to which, for example, schools and government offices were closed in libya. a day before the dusty suspension reached the borders of our country, in an orange haze. athens drowned, the local meteorological observatory recognized this release of sand from sahara the strongest since 2018. the characteristic plume from the aegean sea is clearly visible
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in the satellite image. the vast cyclone trapped millions of sand grains in its circulation and began to move northward. here yellowish clouds are already over donbass and moldova. now the russian plain is on the periphery of the disaster. eddies and southern currents will carry saharan sand further into our territory, so today african dust will cover the kuban, the don region, all black earth regions and even the north of the central federal districts. at the same time, in the southern part of european russia there will be partly cloudy weather, so here the sky, as two days earlier in athens, will turn orange, but to the north there will be masses of frontal clouds and precipitation on... far
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to the north the hot breath of the sahara will not break through will be able to, in the middle zone the temperature anomaly will be relatively small. in the afternoon, the thermometer will show may +17:22, so the southern part of russia will be in the zone of extreme overheating. in many areas it will be truly july heat, +30 and above. in such a situation, there will not be records of maximum temperatures, they... perhaps over a vast territory from the lower don and donbass to the spurs of the north caucasus, and in places, for example, in krasnodar and stavropol, the previous maximums will be exceeded by 3-4° at once, i must say that the period of unprecedented heat will continue until tomorrow. i repeat, in the rest of the russian plain the warming will not be so powerful. for example, in moscow, on thursday friday there will be showers and
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possible thunderstorms. and the daytime temperature is +19:21, so usually the air warms up at the end of may, then the warm anomaly will decrease slightly in the afternoon + 16-18, but the likelihood of precipitation will decrease. that's all for me, goodbye.
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today there is a congress of the russian communist party in moscow, vladimir putin is expected to speak, what topics will be in the spotlight? washington promises to supply kiev with armored vehicles, missiles and shells. all the details are in our material. large businesses in russia are moving to domestic jurisdiction. our economic editorial office has all the details. the capital region is expecting warming, but positive values ​​will come along with thunderstorms, our meteorologists will tell you all the details. and we begin
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the situation in the nwo zone. another american abrams tank was destroyed by our soldiers in the avdeevsky direction. the kamikaze lancet drone hit enemy equipment. as our servicemen said, they tracked abroms for 3 days. the enemy tried in every possible way to protect it, constantly changing positions, but it was not possible to escape the drone’s attack. losses were suffered, and the crew also use them less intensively, because they understand that here they are already being attacked targeted hunting, and that abrams tanks are the priority targets among other tanks, among other armored vehicles. anti-aircraft gunners from the southern group of troops destroyed a ukrainian drone and hit the target from the strela-10 complex. it is not
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intended for... hitting small objects in the air, but, as our military has found out, it is also very effective against a drone.


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