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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  April 25, 2024 12:00pm-12:31pm MSK

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another abrams, an american tank was shot down in a special operation zone, an armored vehicle was destroyed by a precise strike from a russian lancet drone. the world's first drug for ankylosing spondylitis, a drug developed and registered in russia. what are the results of the first tests and when will production begin? what the us is ready to do. in order to dissuade china from cooperating with russia, today the official part of blinkin’s visit to china in the russian media stated that the main goal of this trip is to undermine the moscow-beijing connection. the congress of the russian union is taking place in moscow industrialists and entrepreneurs. vladimir putin is expected to speak there. this was announced by presidential press secretary dmitry peskov. participants discuss. the key
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areas are the interaction between government and business, as well as the development of the russian economy until 2030, and as a result they will adopt a resolution that will set out business proposals to the authorities on socio-economic issues. to carry out the instructions of president vladimir putin, which were given in the message to the federal assembly, more than 1 trillion rubles will be required. the minister spoke about this finance. in an interview for our channel, anton seluanov told us what the forecast is for...
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you will already have a portfolio of shares, bonds, you will already look at the quotes of certain securities, you will see how companies are developing, you will become such an active participant in the financial market, yes this is great, the better it is, first, there are more incentives than weight2 and is1, that is, due to more preferential conditions for entering this program, investments in iis-3 will be deducted from the total tax base.
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but in order to create more motivation our people to participate in the financial market, went for it, agreed that participants in the financial market in the form of brokers would form.
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yes, we are also preparing proposals for resource support for the tasks set by the president, and we will discuss them with parliament in the spring. well, will you be laying the budget for the twenty-fifth year, or will you now also look for some sources in the budget in the twenty-fourth year? the main resources are from the twenty-fifth, but some of the tasks set by the message are being implemented this year, these are increased payments to teachers for 5,000 advisers. education, a number of others, they will already begin these payments this year, so the additional income that we receive today will be directed towards new tasks, today we talked about different methods of savings, now there are a lot of disputes and there is a discussion about whether
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long-term deposits should be removed from the dpl, this is your opinion, what should it look like , is this possible, the issue is being considered now, we won’t have personal income tax pay, as we told you, if you have... a loan with a 2% cashback, so that you have even more opportunities, opportunities to get everything you have long dreamed of without delay, opportunities to please those who may be difficult to please the first time, opportunities
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reduces the formation of deposits by 20%, rosneft magnum motor oil, we are sure you will buy him again. alfa friday, super cashback every week on alfa bank cards. on friday , april 26, we are giving 30% cashback on fuel in our in-app refueling service. order a free alpha card and receive a superkick. not just profitable, alpha profitable! what do we bring back from savito’s travels? a little sea, delicious traditions and cashback bonuses for your next trip. the avito trip will go as planned, with cashback and bonuses. rosatom set a record in nuclear engineering in 2023, stated the general
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director of the corporation alexey likhachev at a meeting with prime minister mikhail mishustin. five reactor vessels and 18 steam generators were built. as likhachev noted, this is a unique result. also at the meeting with the prime minister, they discussed the implementation of projects in new regions. the issues that arise there regarding the shutdown of the nuclear power plant are in the area of ​​constant, including attention. rusatom corporations and the government, and here i wanted you to tell me how things are there and what is being done in the new regions of your company? the enterprise was created in october last year, a single purchaser of electricity, last year more than 4 billion kw were purchased, this year more than 15 will be purchased, we purchase electricity, supply it to them, put the accounting system in order, in control systems, implement russian rules for the circulation of electricity, what about zaporozhye... nuclear the power plant has undergone a lot of work, primarily on the safety of the plant,
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we have no doubts about its stable condition, well, firstly, all units are in cold shutdown mode, and secondly, the systems have been completely restored physical protection, fortifications and defensive structures around the fuel storage facility were created, the required number of backup diesel generators and diesel fuel were delivered, and a station for a system for combating unmanned vehicles was equipped.
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the investigation into crimes in new regions of russia was discussed in mariupol at an operational meeting of the investigative committee, chaired by alexander bastrykin. he noted that hundreds of sentences were passed for crimes against civilians in donbass and novorussia. sent a criminal cases, one can cite the case against servicemen of the fifty-fifth separate artillery brigade of the armed forces of ukraine, igor moslyanka, ivan borisov and mikhail skorotik. it was established that on february 26, 2022, the crew of the fourth geantzin b artillery gun fired at least ten shots at a reinforced concrete road bridge across the kalka river, located on the slavyansk, donetsk-mariupol highway.
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obstacles have been created to evacuate civilians from the combat zone. in russia. the world's first drug for ankylosing spondylitis is a systemic disease that can lead to decreased mobility. according to the ministry of health, the innovative solution was developed by scientists from the pirogovo medical university, the institute of bioorganic chemistry, together with specialists from a biotechnology company. the results of the study were published in an international scientific journal. according to the developers, the medicine is not addictive and can completely stop the development of the disease. it is expected that industrial production will be carried out by a domestic company. the drug sineprutuk, which was developed by the biocad company together with scientists, russian scientists from the russian national research medical university named after nikolai ivanovich pirogo, is, of course, a drug of a new class, the world's first drug that acts on the cause,
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the etiology of ankylosing spondylosis of ankylosing spondylitis and therefore. we have high hopes. the new drug, sineprutuk, is based on a fundamentally new mechanism of action. it destroys precisely, specifically, those cells that cause disease, autoimmune lymphocytes. other drugs tend to suppress the immune system as a whole. and this action does not lead to a complete stop of the disease, and also has a number of... the us secretary of state is visiting beijing today, this is his second trip to china in less than a year. in words, washington is calling for a quote: to sort out differences; in fact, the main goal of this visit, as they write in china, is to force beijing to dance to washington’s tune. global times journalists say that the united states wants to suppress china's influence on the world
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arena. and the main topic of discussion is believed to be relations between china and russia and the assistance that, according to washington estimates , beijing is providing to moscow. as anthony blinken openly outlined at a press conference, washington intends to clearly explain to beijing the consequences of such cooperation. the wall street journal and financial times clarify that we are talking about sanctions for the supply of dual-use products to russia, and are considering restrictions on chinese banks. in the russian foreign ministry on the eve of negotiations in they said in beijing that washington is trying to undermine the russia-china connection , quote. sorry and reckless pressure on china. in turn, both moscow and beijing have already made it clear that they will not sacrifice bilateral cooperation and will not act to the detriment of their interests. it is extremely hypocritical for the united states to irresponsibly introduce a massive relief bill for ukraine while simultaneously making
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baseless accusations about normal economic and trade exchanges between china and russia. china. decisively opposes this, china's right to carry out normal economic and trade exchanges with all countries of the world, including russia, on the basis of equality of mutual benefit does not allow any disruption or sabotage, and we will not tolerate our legitimate rights and interests being infringed upon, we call on the united states to recognize, that neither inciting conflict nor avoiding responsibility is the right way to resolve the ukrainian issue, the only way out is to take into account legitimate security interests. no harm done, this is reported by the bfm tv channel with reference to the capital's firefighters. the structure fell onto the roadway, hitting a sign with the name of the establishment. specialists have unhooked the perimeter and have already
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removed the debris from the scene of the emergency. the reasons for the incident are still unknown. sber is introducing a loan with 2% cashback to give you even more opportunities. possibilities. without delay getting everything you have long dreamed of, opportunities to please those who may be difficult to please the first time, opportunities to get new impressions, a flurry of new impressions, a storm of new impressions, formalize loan in sberbank get a monthly cashback at a 2% rate, it’s more profitable with sber prime, you don’t need it like this, you need it like this, like this, like that, i understand, with a discount of up to 99% for elect bonuses , thank you. well, are the credit card debts still hanging and accruing interest? need a holwa. you take out credit cards, transfer your debts, divide them into
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east. we'll talk more about this with meteorologist ekaterina grigorova, she's joining the broadcast. ekaterina, hello, where does the wind blow from for how long? do we need a dust storm? in the west the wind is from the sahara, in the east from the gobi desert. in both cases , the flow is so powerful that it managed to transport sand thousands of kilometers. such. today over vladivostok, local residents say that the sand literally creaks in their teeth, some note that it is hard to breathe. earlier, coastal weather forecasters warned of warnings about the edge of a dust storm; doctors recommended, if possible, not to leave the room and close the windows. the regional department of rospotrebnadzor reported that department specialists are monitoring pollutants substances in the atmosphere. the first measurements have already been made; no excesses have been recorded at the moment. the plume is clearly visible on the satellite image. approximately. from the southwest to the northeast, and well , we’ll look at the satellite image a little later, now there’s more footage from the west of the country,
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the sky over kuban has acquired a yellowish sandy hue, such videos were posted on social networks this morning and the night before by residents of sochi, as well as the west krasnodar region. at the same time , the inhabitants of chernozem region in the morning were unpleasantly surprised by the appearance after a light rain, sand deposits on their cars, dirty for the second day in a row. rains are observed in the belgorod region, friends, good morning everyone, who knows what kind of precipitation fell overnight, the whole car is covered in some kind of rolls, i heard from the sahara desert, some kind of sand brought us, dusty rains reached the capital region, some drivers in the north of the moscow region also noticed the appearance. light rain, sand-colored streaks on their cars. the powerful air flow brought not only desert dust, but warmth. today the south wind will return
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most of the russian plain experiences may weather. the july heat will bring to the russian south, the krasnodar territory is at the epicenter of overheating, it will become noticeably warmer in the center of the country in the urals, a less intense, but essentially identical process is observed in the east of the country, there, too, the southern wind drives tropical heat to the seaside, along with this heat and dust from the gobi desert, in the west of the country in the east, the cause is the influence of the warm sector of the cyclone. in krasnodar it is already +30, the air today will warm up to +34°. there will most likely be significant the daily record for maximum air temperature was exceeded; it now belongs to 1939 and is +31.4. it will be almost as hot tomorrow, in the afternoon +32, but by the weekend the wind will change direction and become cooler. in moscow now it’s almost +17, the temperature will still rise to 20°, today partly cloudy with no precipitation. tomorrow will be just as warm, but
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the chance of rain will increase. short thunderstorms cannot be ruled out. precipitation will clear the atmosphere of dust, and on saturday the wind will change direction to a fresher one. northwest weather will return to the climate framework.
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