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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  April 26, 2024 6:30am-7:01am MSK

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and now about the weather, meteorologists continue to monitor the drift of the sand cloud, which brought sugar directly from the desert to russia, where rusty rains may fall today, vadim zavodchenkov knows about this. it’s hot as in the sahara, dusty as in the sahara, african weather has reigned in the south of the country, how long will the thirty-degree heat last in the region, and is it true that rusty rains can even reach today. to pomorie, current weather analytics on the russia 24 channel, i’m vadim zabuchenkov, leading specialist at centrofobs, hello, today on the russian plain the likelihood of showers and thunderstorms will increase, which means red precipitation may fall again. in these photographs, it is not cairo or benghazi, our krasnodar, clouds of sand covered the sky over kuban all thursday, and so that the weather became just like in africa, the atmosphere also turned on the heating. in
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sochi the temperature the day before rose to +32. in the hot spring it was almost +35. needless to say, these are all new daily records. african dust also reached the voronezh and kursk regions. residents of these regions actively shared photos of cars with yellowish stains on social networks. and so yesterday from satellite. the north of the central region looked in the partly cloudy window of the moscow region, certain areas of the tver and yaroslavl regions, it was clear that the air here was also dusty. today the sahara dust plume will continue to stretch further north. the fact is that the siberian anticyclone has a decisive influence on the distribution of suspended matter, and the southern flows observed on its periphery will carry cloudy air during the day. all the way to the white sea coast.
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by the way, in the middle and northern latitudes, the sand of the sahara will fall into the zone of frontal clouds, so on the one hand, in some places the rains will take on a rusty tint, on the other, the precipitation will work to cleanse the atmosphere. another array of rain clouds will break through today in the black sea region and although it will bring little moisture, this invasion will weaken the flow of air from... which zone, as a result, in the middle and northern latitudes of the russian plain, warming will continue, for example, in central russia and the middle volga at noon the air will warm up to +18.23, in the south of the country the heat will begin to subside, here the prevailing daytime temperature is +28-33, in the crimea it is still 4-5° cooler, however, it will not do without records again if on... the day before in the zone
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of extreme overheating there was a huge territory: donbass, nezovya don, stavropol region, kuban, then today the geography will be reduced. the highest chances of updating meteorological statistics are in the krasnodar territory and the lower volga. in krasnodar yesterday the record stood, but today the thermometer can still rise to +32, which is 12° warmer ordinary. by evening there will be thunderstorms in the city. signifying the arrival of fresher air, in the following days the daytime temperature will begin to drop, first to +29-30, on the last day of april and to +25. over the central regions, as already mentioned, the atmosphere on the contrary will continue to warm up. the day before, thermometers in moscow showed +20, and this is how much of a dust devil was captured near the capital. it is known that such vortices form... only in hot weather;
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a powerful upward flow from the hot earth helps them spin. today, despite for thunderstorms, afternoon in moscow +21. on saturday the precipitation will intensify, about a third of the monthly norm will fall in one day, so the temperature will drop to +17, but then the weather will improve and the air will warm up well again. april 30 afternoon around +20. that's all for me, goodbye.
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significant events of this day in history in a selection by ekaterina burlakova. let’s tell you what this day is memorable for in history right now. hello. on april 26, 1792 , one of the most famous revolutionary songs in the whole world, the marseillaise, was published in france. its author was one night from april 25 to 26, so he entered into history as the genius of one night. at first this
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song was called the march of the reyin army, but when the marseille volunteer battalion entered paris with it, it became the marseillaise and thundered throughout france. it was made the national anthem of the republic, then it was banned and restored to this status more than once; revolutionaries from many countries fought with it on the barricades, and russia is no exception. but with us more often. today is the anniversary of the russian hydrometeorological service, it appeared exactly 190 years ago, on april 26 , 1834, on that day the decree of nicholas i was issued... about organization in st. petersburg at the corps of mining engineers, a normal magnetic-meteorological observatory, this
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was the beginning of regular geophysical observations. the first director was academician adolf kupfer, he began to create a network of weather stations. at the beginning of the 20th century there were already more than 3 of them. kupfer developed a system of telegraph weather reports and published a russian meteorological bulletin. russia was ahead of other countries in this, and thanks to it. in 1873 an international meteorological organization was formed, today it is called global and unites about 200 states. our national meteorological service has changed its name more than once; now it is the federal service for hydrometeorology and environmental monitoring or roshydromet. it has research institutes, modern technologies and equipment at its disposal, including satellites and ground-based radars. since april 26, 1921, he has been
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reporting on the history of the academy of the fsb of russia. on this day, courses were opened by the cheka of the all-russian extraordinary commission for combating counter-revolution and sabotage. professionals was sorely lacking. the former specialists were abandoned and workers, peasants, soldiers and sailors were recruited, ideologically committed, but often not even literate. the first courses were organized back in 1918, but now... they were put on a regular basis. felix derzhinsky, founder of the cheka, emphasized the quote. gone are the days when we countered the counter-revolution only with selfless courage and bolshevik devotion. now to these valuable qualities it is necessary to add good training, education, and excellent knowledge of one’s business. they mastered human intelligence, counterintelligence, investigative work, cryptography, acquired military skills, courses became higher, then from... the central school of the ogpu and the nkvd. today , the fsb academy is a unique educational institution,
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a school of counterintelligence mastery of operational art. on the night of april 26 , 1986, the worst accident in the history of nuclear energy occurred. the explosion and fire at the fourth power unit of the chernobyl nuclear power plant led to dire consequences. the reactor core was completely destroyed. a fire broke out. lasting 10 days, a huge amount of radioactive materials were released into the environment on the territory of ukraine, belarus, and russia, covering an area of ​​more than 200,000 km. pollution has even been noted in the arctic. the liquidators showed dedication and heroism. many died and at the cost of their lives they saved tens of thousands of people. the damaged power unit was covered first with a reinforced concrete sarcophagus, and then with a steel one. the operation of the nuclear power plant was stopped. back in 2000, the lessons of chernobyl were taken into account in the development of the russian nuclear industry,
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modernization, outdated technological solutions have been revised, high reliability and safety of new facilities have been ensured. this is what this day in history was like. let me tell you, briefly about the main thing. the crew of the osa air defense missile system of the group of forces at the center ensured the advance of the assault groups in the avdeevka direction. the air defense system allows you to detect and eliminate even small enemy drones at a distance of more than 10 km. a. the water in the tabol river near kurgan has dropped by 22 cm over the past 24 hours. the damage is being assessed. the wave is moving towards the belozersky district. residents were offered leave the area in advance. greece refused to supply ukraine with its patriot anti-aircraft missile systems. greek prime minister mitsataki said his country would not send weapons at the request of its allies.
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us secretary of state antony blinken met with chinese foreign minister wang yi. beijing said: washington should not cross red lines regarding the sovereignty and security of the chinese republic. in addition, the diplomat noted that despite the stabilization of chinese-american relations, negative factors are growing. and a frame with telegram channels - this is california, where the wooden ocean side burned down. its length was about 500 m, and the attraction was built at the end of the 19th century. kiev is rapidly losing its sovereignty, this opinion was expressed by russian presidential assistant vladimir midinsky in an interview with my colleague natalya litovka. he believes that this is largely the reason for the failure of peace negotiations on ukraine in 2022. i’ll say something that i’ve never said before,
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the ukrainian delegation said the following: it’s easy for you, you have one boss. maybe someone even wants to, but cannot make a decision, and at the same time is a party to a serious conflict. watch the full interview after 10 am moscow time.
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we’ll talk about history lessons and modern parallels with one of the most influential historians of our country. we are waiting for vladimir medinsky. and now news economics the federal antimonopoly service will eliminate the discrepancy between the cost of fuel at gas stations in small wholesale, such an order has already been given by deputy prime minister alexander novak, tell us what is happening with production now. rates fuel supplies to the domestic market have increased, i’ll tell you more about this a little later, but for now let’s move on to other topics. the bank of russia will make a decision on the key rate today; most analysts and market participants expect the regulator to keep it at the current level. 16% is already a signal for further monetary policy. we do not expect that at this meeting the central bank will somehow
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change the existing key rate of 16%. but at the same time, we consider the main intrigues of this meeting. significant upward revision of forecasts for gdp dynamics, for loan portfolio, legal entities and individuals, and most importantly, according to the forecast range - the key rate for the twenty-fourth to twenty-fifth year, we believe that the rate of gdp growth, the rate of lending growth, overheating of the labor market, can force the central the bank will tighten its communication regarding the fact that with the sixteenth rate we may live longer than before... russia in april managed not only to stabilize fuel production, but to increase supplies to the domestic market. about this is stated in a government report following a meeting between deputy prime minister alexander
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novak and oil workers. according to the ministry of energy. supplies to the domestic market exceed last year’s volumes, exports are reduced, and the dynamics of retail fuel prices for the current period are below inflation. the deputy prime minister instructed oil companies to submit to the ministry of energy plans for shipments for domestic and foreign markets in may, this will help quickly draw up fuel transportation schedules, he also asked the federal antimonopoly service deal with the case. delivered a record volume of gas to the russian market , 5% more than a year earlier. also in november-february, the company renewed the historical maximum of daily supplies to
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china via the siberian power gas pipeline 11 times. the holding reported this. the record was largely due to the frosty winter; december and january were especially notable, when the average temperature was below the climate norm. the peak of abnormal cold weather occurred in the first half of january, when gasprom twice set an absolute historical maximum daily supplies. the company plans to accumulate record gas reserves in russia, more than 73 billion cubic meters, a year earlier it was 72 billion 842 million cubic meters. the company plans to successfully cope with the frosts, including underground storage facilities. and that’s all for now, more news in the next hour. uralsip is a bank for business and we work on the principle of all or nothing. everything for entrepreneurs and
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nothing more. we offer free service for 3 months when opening a business account. bank ural sip - nothing extra. out of sale seizures. books from ast publishing house that contained lgbt propaganda. the inspection was carried out by a new authority. this is an expert council created on the basis of the russian book union. my colleague kurbatova will tell you about his work. printed and electronic books can now be checked for compliance with legislation by an expert council specially created at the russian book union. it appeared in december last year. most are publishers, and there are about four of them in russia. thousands of booksellers, as we see, have learned about it now, after this a new body checked three books by the publishing house about st, their authors, sorokin, cunningham and baldwin,
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saw in them passages that were subject to the laws of other regulatory legal acts, ast decided to withdraw these books from sale, and now the publishing community is in tension that this is a new body and what are its powers, each publishing house selects for itself...
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how to do something or something, to sit and read the mountains of published books, mountains, it requires a huge staff of people who
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will... do this, if they will people do it on a regular basis, like work and get money for it, otherwise i don’t understand how this can be done, well then this money has to be taken from somewhere, accordingly, it’s either paid by the publisher or paid by the author, but this is no longer some very public advice, but in the case of electronic or digital publishing houses, the situation is a little simpler, here it is possible.
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union, the cost of printed publications will increase, because it will include the cost of expert services, and a paper book is already inferior to an electronic one. the current ukrainian government acts smoothly like the bolshevik government.
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to talk to you, briefly about the main thing.
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armored personnel carrier of the ukrainian armed forces. destroyed in the southern donetsk direction, it was hit by a crew of the msta s artillery mount.


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