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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  April 26, 2024 12:30pm-1:00pm MSK

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this is how the president of belarus noted his contribution to the development of the information space of the union state and his friendly position towards the republic. russian foreign minister sergei lavrov also congratulated the hero of the day. the minister noted that kiselyov, being the head of one of the largest media holdings in the country, continues, further quote: with an unsurpassed creative approach, to make a great personal contribution to strengthening the position of our country in the global information space. end. quotes: today dmitry kiselev was awarded the order of st. sergius radonishsky first degree. this was announced by patriarch of moscow all russia kirill. in his congratulations, he noted kiselyov’s contribution to the establishment of traditional spiritual and moral values. we were once joking in the studio, the director of photography said: my grandmother thinks that you live in the gomlyovo star. he is a man of pushkin and dostoevsk, from the pushkin tradition in him... this
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elegance, this aristocracy, and from dostoevsky, of course, passion, let's go, bad form, dragging a weakened tiger by the mustache, dilute it with water, add sugar and they’ll put us on the pool to poison people, we’ll waste it, then we’ll regret it, life will become more interesting, i don’t think dima won’t say anything in vain, believe me, his phrases, they’re verified, come on, they gave for my body on the maidan.
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start the path to your dream with sber, open a free account for business and connect to the sberbusiness loyalty program, thank you, receive 10% cashback bonuses for purchases with a sberbusiness card and bonuses for transactions on a sberbusiness account, i see how you look at it, i see how he looks at you, how he looks, and damn it, we look like this, without the movement of the pupils, even 100 years ago, already in the cinema. hunting is your thirst for the main trophy from 20 million, your chance to take yours in 15 minutes, for only 100 rubles. hunt, come out to win, we take out loans, it’s easy to apply for, we are at sovcombank, we take out loans, and good and fast, we are at sovcombank, loans that everyone knows, what do we bring from our travels savita? a little sea, delicious
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traditions and cashback bonuses for your next trip. the avito trip will go as planned, with cashback and bonuses. tabacquette - start a new life without cigarettes. alpha friday, supercake every week on alfabank cards. on friday, april 26, we are offering a 30.
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double cheeseburger for 99 rubles and other offers at a very competitive price. sber is introducing a loan with 2% cashback to give you even more opportunities. opportunities to get everything you have long dreamed of without delay. opportunities to please those who may be difficult to please at first. opportunities to gain new experiences. a flurry of new impressions, a storm of new impressions. apply for a loan at sbery receive monthly cashback at a 2% rate, more profitable with sber prime. you can perform in single skating, but play with a team in football. you can put out fires at work and burn in the field, dress stylishly in the right colors. you may be tired after training, but you will never be tired of football. you can be a blogger. but ready
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to score goals, because you have a real t-shirt, a real cup. russian football cup. the literary community of russia is discussing the withdrawal from sale of some books by the ast publishing house. gave recommendations expert council, which was recently created on the basis of the russian book union. it consists of specialists from the historical and military historical societies, lawyers, literary scholars, and representatives of religious organizations. zinaida kurbatova will tell you how the work is organized. print and e-books now. can check for compliance with legislation by an expert council specially created at the russian book union. it appeared in december last year. most publishers, there are about 4,000 booksellers in russia, like us apparently, we found out about it now after
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this new body checked three books from the ast publishing house. their authors are sorokin, cunningham and baldwin. and i saw in them passages that were subject to other laws. regulations. ast decided to withdraw these books from sale. and now the publishing community is in suspense: what is this new body and what are its powers? each publishing house selects new authors, young authors, looking for new interesting topics for books and translations. and if every book is approved, in some council, artistic or publishing, it will take a very large amount of time.
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the publisher spent money on fees for the author, artist, designer, layout designer on paper, bunvenile, color separation and printing, that is , printing services, and after that, having spent the money, he doubted whether the product he released was the right one, business will not go this way, it’s better to pay a good expert, and after checking him, start publishing, especially since the decision of the new expert council is advisory in nature, some kind of expert advice - it probably has every right to exist, the only thing is, i’m not sure that it should be such a social structure, because here the question immediately arises, do people have nothing better to do than to sit and
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read the mountains of published books, mountains, it requires a huge staff of people who will do this, if they do this. people on a permanent basis, like working and getting money for it, otherwise i don’t understand how this can be done, well then this money has to be taken from somewhere, accordingly, this either the publisher pays, or the author pays, but this is not exactly some kind of public advice, but in the case of electronic or digital publishing houses, the situation is a little simpler, here you can make a decision, inform the author that there are such and such violations in his... , and he can literally eliminate these violations online in a couple of clicks, we understand that the book is risky, the author says: well, this is my favorite, everything i was capable of, for example, let’s publish, and now, of course, with such an organ we have a way out of
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the situation. while book publishers are confident, if the expert council will work exactly as the russian book union said, the cost of printed publications will increase. after all , it will include the cost of expert services, and a paper book is already inferior to an electronic one. and after the suspension of sales of three books, the ast publishing house decided to act. warning: robert korner’s book “pozolini to die for ideas” was recently published in russian. this is a biography of the famous italian director. however, some of the text on the pages turned out to be painted black. the publisher explained that the information had to be closed due to the law on lgbt propaganda in force in russia. ast stated that they agreed on the changes with the author and called their choice to paint over fragments of the text more honest than simply cutting out paragraphs. but now the situation with floods in russia in most regions, the spring flood is already ending. in the amur region
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, several sections of roads were washed out after the water receded. according to information from the local civil protection center, travel is impossible near two settlements; a boat crossing has been organized at one. there are no sunken houses. in the flood is receding. the level near kurgan dropped by about another 20 cm within 24 hours. the day before, the head of the ministry of construction visited the region. now he works there. a special commission that assesses the damage from the flood, and the crest of the flood has shifted towards the belozersk district, the dam there is now being built up, the authorities asked local residents to temporarily leave the territory. meanwhile, in orenburg and the region they began general cleaning. over the course of a day , more than 700 houses and 2.0 plots were freed from water. these figures are provided by local authorities. all buildings are now will need to be cleaned of debris and dirt and dried. local residents are paid. compensation in yakutia are only just preparing for the flood, the lena river is still frozen, according to
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forecasts it will begin to move at the usual time, after may 6, the water could flood 15 settlements. a difficult situation remains in the tyument region; more than 500 people were evacuated from the area of ​​possible flooding. the ishim river overflowed the most in the obad district. according to local authorities, the water level has exceeded its historical maximum. points were cut off by floods. ksenia usoltseva has the latest information from the region. the water is rising rapidly. and this is the road that connects the obbat district and vikulovsky. just yesterday it was dry, it was possible to drive through without hindrance. today , only highly capable vehicles are allowed through. so, according to measurements during the day, the water increased by another half meter at 8 a.m. local time. the water reached 11 m 75 cm. let me remind you that it was a flood. in 2017, the water rose to a maximum of 11 m 48 cm. evacuation continues, of course.
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population from areas of probable flooding. thus, according to the russian ministry of emergency situations , more than 5,100 people have already been evacuated in the region. it is also noted that due to the flood, 180 residential buildings, more than 523 country houses, as well as 2,844 household plots, as well as 19 sections of highways were drowned, and several settlements are actually still in progress. be cut off from road traffic, and a regular boat crossing is organized there for the delivery of people and products, as for the situation in other municipalities of the tyumen region, according to the head in the kazan region , the water of the second wave of flood begins to approach the populated areas there, the water level is rising, in addition, according to the regional authorities, the water level is also expected to increase in the city of ishimi on the river of the same name until may 3, regarding the highway with... coping with
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guarding under special control, it was this flood wave that, of course, organized the object. ksenia usoltseva, maxim marchenko, lead tyumen. the ministry of internal affairs warned about a new scam scheme; veterans could become its victims. the scammers promise to pay them a large sum of money, supposedly for the holiday. the goal is to take possession of veterans' savings. just the other day, my colleagues told me that resources had been identified that were created by attackers specifically for victory day, where veterans were promised one-time payments ranging from 50 to 300,000 rubles. at the same time , the decision must be made very quickly, so as not to give you time to come to your senses; the websites indicate the final date, before which it is supposedly possible to receive funds. a prerequisite is to pay the commission and enter your bank card details. this is another fraudulent scheme. criminals are coming up
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with new tricks to take over citizens' savings. it is especially painful that their attacks are aimed at veterans of the great patriotic war. the exhibition of captured weapons and equipment, which is being prepared for opening on poklonnaya hill in moscow, has been replenished with 13 more vehicles. among them is a towed howitzer of an american british armored car. it will be opened to everyone on may 1st. trade between russia and china should not be subject to interference from third countries, this was stated today by the official representative of the ministry of china, wang wen bin. he was asked what beijing was going to respond to the claims of washington, which accuses the chinese
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side of supplying russia with various dual-use goods, including such. which are allegedly used during a special military operation. the diplomat replied that he considered the american claims inappropriate. the united states itself provides military assistance to ukraine, but at the same time continues to point the finger at china. this is irresponsible behavior. the road to solution crisis lies through building a sustainable european security system. china is not a party to the conflict in ukraine and has nothing to do with the problems that have arisen in the region, it accuses. china cannot solve these problems; accusations that china is playing some other role are baseless: china is not part of the crisis and has always advocated peace negotiations. more than 60% of weapons components and dual-use items that russia imports come from the united states and western countries. nato carries an irremovable responsibility for the crisis. the alliance must reflect on its role, stop
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shifting blame and effectively take practical action to politically resolve the crisis. the new york supreme court overturned the conviction of hollywood producer harvey weinstein. let me remind you that 4 years ago he was found guilty of sexual assault and rape and was sentenced to prison. but it turned out that the trial judge made a critical mistake, and now everything is heading towards the fact that the weinstein case will be returned to re-examination, and the producer himself could, in theory, be released. denis davidov will tell you more about everything. breaking news from new york. the appeals court overturned harvey weinstein's conviction. breaking news: the court of appeals has overturned the conviction in the harvey wenstein rape case. you can see how shocked the presenters are by the breaking news from new york. just a few years ago, hundreds of women called weinstein almost a beast.
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some said he was raped, others said he was molested. and so the appellate court found how said. in conclusion there were blatant violations, testimony was given by those who were not involved in the case, the verdict was overturned. today's court decision is a great day for america because it gives us confidence that the justice system exists. the appeals court said: you can't have more witnesses testify against a defendant than he actually has been charged with. in 2020, the producer was sentenced to 23 years in prison and imprisoned. for two episodes, rape in 2013 and forced sex in 2006, a high-profile trial in during which dozens of stars gave frank confessions: angelina jali, ashley judd, uma thurman, weinstein did not miss a single skirt in hollywood. this then progressed to persistent requests to watch him shower and other acts of sexual
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harassment and aggression. i was lucky i was able to get out of that hotel room. personnel. she was convened as soon as the court decided to overturn the verdict. you can't deny their organizational skills. at one time, they launched the mitu movement, when women , one after another, accused men of harassment. weinstein became the main antihero. our stories have not changed, our truth has not changed, no matter what the court decided. many then called the weinstein trial a miracle; the producer of pulp fiction was in love.
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relations between russia and bolivia are discussed in moscow by the foreign ministers of the two countries. sergei lavrov, opening the negotiations, said that russia highly appreciates bolivia’s course in defending sovereignty.
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in moscow, after a large-scale renovation , the emergency department of hospital number 24 opened. it was reconstructed in accordance with the new emergency standards. in addition , updated emergency departments of five more city hospitals, three adult and two children's hospitals opened. thanks a lot. we have adopted a new standard of emergency care. and this year they started it en masse.
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year they played a goalless draw. the moscow derby took place as part of the postponed twenty- first round. my colleague danil makhalin also attended the match. spartak and cska approached the head-to-head confrontation with different moods. red-white defeated rostov away 5:1, the army team lost to akhmat at home, losing key defenders deveev, roshsha, as well as attacking player feyzulaev. it would seem that it was beautiful, warm weather, the most important derby.
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i made a mistake, confusing him with chernov, now the paraguayan risks missing the next match due to card sorting, on both sides everyone is unhappy, well, i don’t know, on both sides, on three sides, they have a start. let them evaluate. ivan oblikov had a killer moment, watching for khluseevich's mistake, but shooting wide from close range. there were a couple of good ones moments, one simply gorgeous, when we
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had to implement it. well, it was a very game, a real derby, many, many combats, uh, no one wanted to concede, maybe there was a little lack of cool blood in the final stage of the attack. in six matches, spartak is led by an acting head coach. explains vladimir slishkovich, the team never lost and conceded only once. in general, it may even be that somewhere we don’t discuss defense like that, it’s just that the guys themselves understand that they need to play compactly, reliably, and this is probably the reason for this result. sochi arrived in grozny, according to the head coach of the guests roberto moreno, 14 football players , five members of his team’s staff were poisoned before the match, the sochi bus was late to the stadium, the game began with a delay of several minutes, ending... with the score 1:0 after the only sadulayev's goal. in other matches of the tour, it is worth highlighting the defeat of zenit, which lost 0:2 at home to rubin, krasnodar and baltika did not lose points, dynamo
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and lokomotiv beat orenburg and paris n, approaching the current leader of this season. daniil makhalin, konstantin morozov, andrey greshnev, umar tuskaev, news. wait, who are they? new guys, this is a passenger, a reporter, a director with me, i forgot. i propose to change the passenger’s call sign to rebin’s call sign, no, my brother’s call sign, you remain a passenger, that’s right, a
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special buzu. hands of arms to fight this nazism, now nazism is raising its head again, so if anyone doubts, doubts are all gone, join our ranks, take up arms, defend our homeland, victory will always be only ours until we destroy this nazi hydra, we will not rest. serve under contract.
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a meeting of the council of legislators will be held today by senior members in st. petersburg, at which vladimir putin is expected to speak. what topics are in focus?
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a meeting of defense ministers of the sco member countries was held in astana to discuss current issues of international and regional security. what decisions have been made? testing historical literacy throughout russia and abroad today they are writing a dictation of victory. how do international actions take place and what are they assessed? three settlements were cut off by flood water, adjacent areas. tyumyan region from the zone of possible flooding. children's ombudsman maria lvova belova for the first time held face-to-face negotiations with the ukrainian country on the return of children through the mediation of qatar. now we are in direct contact with the studio.


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